Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 484 Emily gives you a task

Chapter 484 Emily gives you a task

"Brigadier, something serious has happened!"

Anxious, panting voices shouted loudly outside the door, accompanied by bang bang knocking on the door.

Just for a moment, the hand knocking on the door fell on the lush, sweaty chest hair. Tolu stood there, wearing only a pair of large pants, and said with a cold expression: "Are there any enemies coming again?"

Those eyes were as bright as torches.

The last sneak attack was not a good thing for the people above. As for Tolu, he still enjoyed the feeling of fighting and fighting. He wished that there would be another large-scale attack so that he could show his skills.

The soldier retracted his hand, stood up straight and said: "Report, report to the brigade commander, that meteorite was swallowed by the shadow!"

"What did you say?"

Tolu was confused. He quickly went outside the building and looked sideways. He really didn't see the familiar green curtain covering the huge meteorite.

He directly saw the blue sky, "What is going on?"

"Brigade commander, this is the picture from the scene."

A soldier took out his mobile phone and showed the scene of the meteorite sinking downwards. Due to the curtain, the shadow covering the surface could not be seen, and he could only see the meteorite sinking into the shadow.

The process takes three and a half minutes.

When Toru saw Shi Chang, he slapped the soldier in the face and yelled: "Asshole, it's taken so long, why did you notify me now?"

The beaten soldier felt aggrieved and said: "Brigadier Commander, the brothers were all dumbfounded by the situation at that time. How could they react in time?"

"We only have time to shoot videos, right?"

Toru glared, there should be no problem in explaining such ridiculous things to the superiors.

He scratched his head and walked to the headquarters, choosing to call the Seventh Fleet headquarters from there, and then relay it to the White House to ask what to do next.

The target they need to protect disappears. Is it necessary to leave the military base on Mount Fuji?


The gloomy night enveloped Washington. In the office inside Air Force One, the Secretary of State was chewing pastries, adding sugar on the tip of his tongue, and thinking about various issues in his mind.

Before he could figure out the answer, a secretary hurriedly broke into the tea room, came to him, and said respectfully: "Mr. Secretary of State, a report came from the Mount Fuji military base in Tokyo, saying that a shadow swallowed the meteorite from the ground.

This is a video of the scene. "

The secretary took out his mobile phone and played the video.

The Secretary of State frowned as he watched the meteorite sink toward the shadows.

Unlike others, he knew that this meteorite was actually the altar on which Dio ascended to heaven.

Now that the shadow has taken away the altar to the sky, is it Dio's instruction, or is Dio unaware of this matter?

Various thoughts ran through the Secretary of State's mind, thinking that the possibility of the two being a team was very small.

Dio's character just likes to keep to himself, so there's no reason why he needs the help of Shadow to do such a thing.

If he wants to take away the altar, he will take it away.

It's entirely possible with his power to do that.

Now that the altar has been taken away, is it unexpected?

The Secretary of State knows very well that Dio is not the only apostle from another world, and it is normal for them to have hostile and competitive relationships with each other.

Even in a group of three, there will always be situations where someone has a better relationship with someone.

Not to mention, in such a huge foreign world, if all countries are in harmony, the Secretary of State will not believe it to his death.

"What happened again?"

I don't know when, Nate, who had wandered here in his mind, asked. His eyes were not as blank as before. It seemed that after turning around in a circle, his brain returned to normal.

The Secretary of State stood up quickly and said: "Mr. President, it's located on Mount Fuji."

The words came to my lips.

Nate's eyes became sharp.

The Secretary of State immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly raised his hand and said: "You all get out."

It was natural for him to say this kind of thing about driving people away, not Nate.

The president always trusts those below him.

The only person who can be suspicious and jealous is the Secretary of State.

As the rest of the crowd left the tea room, Nate nodded and said, "Go on."

"The altar in the Mount Fuji military base was taken away by the shadow. I don't know if it is related to Dior or Dio's opponent."

The Secretary of State truthfully reported the information he received and raised the matter of Braulio's kidnapping.

After hearing what he said, Nate frowned slightly, then suddenly relaxed, and smiled: "This is not necessarily a bad thing.

We have already printed a copy of the altar runes, so it’s okay to lose them.

But if there is a conflict between them, then we can manipulate it and wait for opportunities to gain benefits.

You should always pay attention to the news from the CIA in the future and tell them that they can put more undercover agents around Dior.

You cannot rely on just one undercover agent to deliver information. "


The Secretary of State nodded.

Nate continued: "Since it's the shadows that are the problem, the lighting on Air Force One should change."

"Mr. President, I have already prepared people and equipped them with flash bombs and strong light weapons to protect the area around Air Force One."

"Very good, then let's start discussing matters related to the Middle East." "Okay."

The Secretary of State stood up, intending to finalize the general framework while he was awake, and they could fill in the details.


The meteorite disappeared at the Mount Fuji military base, and the news quickly spread on the Internet.

Jack didn't want to hide the news, but wished that the Internet was full of news and videos like that.

In this way, Emily was naturally able to successfully view the video of the meteorite disappearing.

She leaned lazily on the sofa, trying to straighten her two short legs and resting them on the table. The bare soles of her feet were whiter than the Haagen-Dazs in her hands.

Emily looked at the sinking meteorite, scooped up a piece of snow-white ice cream, and showed a trace of thought on her delicate little face.

Such important news was not covered up, but was released with great fanfare, which was obviously a signal.

Do you want her to get the news about the missing meteorite?

Emily thought about it and did not rule out the possibility. The biggest doubt above is probably whether the disappearance of the altar has something to do with Dio?

Or was it the work of Dior’s rivals?

If it's the former, then there's nothing wrong with it. The altar originally belongs to Dio, and if he wants to recycle it, no one can stop him.

The latter is different and allows people room to operate.

In the history of mankind, the most feared thing is a dominant family.

If all heroes come together, there will be more choices for those below.

Combine vertically and horizontally.

Four words run through most of human history.

Emily was thinking about those things when she suddenly felt a breeze blowing across her face and neck, rolling back a strand of hair.

She subconsciously glanced in the direction where the wind left. Behind the sofa, a tall man with blond hair stood silently, expressionless.

His brown eyes were so cold that there was an inexplicable heavy atmosphere hanging over the living room.

Catalina, who was making black tea, had pores all over her body, feeling a bit chilly as she was being targeted by a wild beast.

Emily swallowed the ice cream in her mouth and smiled: "You don't look very happy."

"Something bad happened."

Qingze let out a breath and calmed down the murderous intention in his heart. When it comes to acting, it is naturally better to be more involved.

A flash of light flashed in Emily's eyes. From this sentence, she could tell that the shadow taking away the altar was beyond Dio's expectation.

She sat up quickly and asked, "Is it related to the disappearance of the Mount Fuji altar?"


Qingze nodded and said, "That guy actually did that kind of thing while I was away.

this is for you. "

Emily looked at the blue jewelry in his hand. From the appearance, it looked a bit like a jade pendant, but she had never seen jade with such a color in the world. It seemed to have a little bit of starry white inside.

It's a bit like glass.

"What is this?"

Emily took the ornament with her little hand, and it felt a bit cold, not like it belonged to this world.

This is a beautiful jewelry with a special material created by Qingze using his destiny weaving ability. Even he can't figure out the specific material.

"This is a pass. If you take this, the creatures from the shadow world will come to you and take you to see the emperor."

When she heard the word emperor, Emily instantly became interested, which meant that she would be in contact with the first alien country to arrive in this world.

Griffith's time was when she took the initiative to go to another world, and she did not see the king. She only knew indirectly through Griffith that the king allowed the princess to send them back.

To be honest, Emily has always been curious about the king from another world.

In a world where one person's force overwhelms others, what on earth does the king rely on to make those people willing to serve him?

More power? Or is it a strange bloodline?

These doubts were slowly remembered after Emily left the other world. When she was in the other world, her mind was full of other issues.

In other words, there were so many mysteries in the other world that whatever she said at the time would be found wanting afterwards.

"The Shadow Emperor...what should I say when I see him?"

Emily suppressed the joy in her heart and asked cautiously.

Qingze said with a serious face: "Ask him about his conditions, the altar is of no use to him."

Emily asked curiously: "Why don't you meet him in person?"

"Because I was rejected by the Shadow World, I can only ask you to go see him on my behalf. That guy suddenly made a move on the altar, indicating that he has what he wants in my hands. Don't agree yet, come back and discuss it with me."

"Ok, I know."

Emily nodded, understanding that her task was to act as a human microphone, "Is there any etiquette that needs to be observed when meeting the emperor?

I don't want to be told that I'm rude as soon as I go up, and then my head falls on the ground. "

Considering that the other world prefers a medieval lifestyle, Emily still wanted to ask about the specific etiquette.

"You are my messenger, you can straighten your back and enter."

After Qingze said that, his body quickly used element replacement and turned into a breeze, "You can take care of other things."


Emily's face was filled with confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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