Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 483 Don’t be nervous, I’ll get my own things

Chapter 483 Don’t be nervous, I’ll get my things back

In the conference hall of Air Force One, cold lights shone on the table. Nate was wearing a suit and tie. He was discussing with the Secretary of State, staff and others on how to force Braulio to return to New York.

It is not easy to do this.

As the head of Bloomberg News, he lives in the red-necked home base of Florida.

Braulio felt like a hedgehog's back to Nate, and he seemed to be easily pricked no matter where he started.

After much thought, he decided to launch a criminal investigation against senior executives at Bloomberg News.

Arrest them in the name of investigation and coerce Braulio to come forward.

Or for his family. His son has a bad record. He drove drunk, hit people, abused drugs, and was suspected of groping an old man in his sixties.

These are not charges placed randomly by Nate, but things recorded in the FBI about Braulio's second son.

Even against Braulio himself, some judicial charges can be taken.

Nate discussed with them how to set up a trap, then suddenly put down the pen in his hand, turned around and walked elsewhere.

The Secretary of State and his staff were not surprised by this. They just motioned to a staff member to follow him and watch to prevent him from accidentally falling into the toilet and drowning.

"Just do it."

Without Nate at the scene, the Secretary of State still finalized this plan.

Ding ding, the landline phone on the table rang.

In view of Nate's current state, the Secretary of State directly picked up the phone and said: "Hello."

The person on the other end wasn't too surprised that someone other than the president answered the phone.

Out of ten calls made to Air Force One, Mr. President answered the phone four times, which is already a good probability.

The other six times were mostly picked up by others.

It can be said that in terms of allowing his subordinates to express themselves freely, Nate was tolerant that no previous president could do.

Even if he is absent from work for a few days, this person will not be able to notice it.

"Mr. Secretary, we just monitored a phone call in Florida, which came from Braulio's estate, saying that there were shadow soldiers with red eyes dragging Braulio and a group of bodyguards into the ground.

After that, Braulio never came out again, about half an hour from now. "


The Secretary of State's expression was a bit solemn, and they were just about to force Braulio to return to New York.

The man had been abducted by people from another world in his estate in Florida. How did those people know the whereabouts of Braulio?

If you search online, the estate in Florida should be outside of the properties listed online.

Is there anyone inside? Or through some special means?

Between the two conclusions, the Secretary of State preferred that someone inside revealed Braulio's whereabouts.

If it is the latter, then there should be no online search scene. This also shows that those shadow soldiers are indeed a race or country with distinct classes.

This is a very serious situation. Different from the previous single person, this is a group.

What was their purpose in kidnapping Braulio?

Are you interested in the media capabilities of Bloomberg News and want to promote yourself, or do you want to use Braulio to gain access to some private information among high-level Americans?

If that were the case, it would be safer to go to them directly.

The Secretary of State frowned, still unable to understand the other party's intentions, but he knew what he should do.

If the enemy emerges from the shadow, the layout of Air Force One must be changed to make the shadow as light as possible, as light as that of a large stadium or even a shadowless light.

Troops also need to be equipped with weapons related to strong light.

It's unclear whether it would be useful, but from Shadow's perspective, this was the best solution he could think of.

He thought for a long time, exhaled and said: "You continue to monitor."

"Yes." After receiving the other party's answer, the Secretary of State hung up the phone, rubbed his temples and said: "Don't think about that, Braulio has been arrested. You have arranged for people to change the lighting layout of Air Force One so that no shadows appear.

Half an hour later, we gathered to discuss matters related to the Middle East. "

When it comes to this issue, the Secretary of State feels a headache again. At this time when they want stability, some people want to choose a radical approach and start a war.

The nation that was founded on the Bible wanted to launch a complete war of extermination and seize the Promised Land by force.

But the Secretary of State is not optimistic about their ideas. Fighting that war will not do any good for the United States.

They need to invest more money and energy into Noah's Ark, and even the current war is already looking for a peaceful solution.

But for some military-industrial complexes, they are extremely eager for war.

In the past, the relationship was based on interests and the desire to settle accounts.

The military's bad debts are not settled in a day or two, and cannot be settled without a war.

Now aside from interests and peace accounts, there is also an additional layer of strong religious factors.

They want to gain so-called salvation through the Doomsday War.

If in the era just after the Cold War, the Secretary of State might indeed choose to support them and launch an apocalyptic war.

At that time, the United States had a powerful force that was superior to all others, and the Doomsday War became an opportunity.

But today is different from the past. The United States does not have 100% confidence. It boasts that it can defeat any country on the earth and launches a doomsday war by force. It is very likely to face a failure.

The risk is so great that the Secretary of State does not want to take that risk and only wants to adopt the Noah's Ark plan. Therefore, he must suppress the Bible countries and must not let them cause any trouble in the Middle East.

The Secretary of State felt that his brain cells were not enough when he thought about those things. Major events in the world, between countries, and things in other worlds.

All kinds of things were mixed together, making him occasionally feel powerless.

After all, this body is no longer that of a young man, and he cannot cope with any challenges with infinite energy.

Now, even if he has such fighting spirit and heart, his body will stop in time and he must rely on those young staff to come up with ideas.

The so-called rest time is also the time that the Secretary of State leaves for himself. He cannot continue to devote himself to one major event after another and must take a short rest.

Drink a cup of coffee and eat cakes and desserts to relax your brain and body.

While the Secretary of State was chewing the cake, he couldn't help but think about what happened to the large-scale organization that appeared for the first time in another world?

How huge is the scale?

He was worried, fearing that he would not be able to withstand the enemy's invasion from the shadows.

The Secretary of State thought again that this easily guessable information must be disclosed to other countries.

He rang the secretary's bell.


Adachi Ward, Ayase.

In the shadow of the living room of the villa, Qingze emerged from inside without summoning any shadow soldiers. The shadow under his feet was like running water enveloping fallen leaves, causing Qingze to flow into the bedroom.

He picked up his phone, unlocked it and looked at the messages. There were only messages from the eldest lady and Iroha.

Qingze clicked on the eldest lady's message first, "It's Monday again~"

This sentence was followed by a meaningful fox smile emoticon.


Qingze replied and asked: "Are you studying?"

The moment he sent it, he jumped to the message sent by Iroha.

"Qingze, good morning~"

Attached to the bottom is a photo taken in a mirror. Inside the mirror, Akizuki Iroha raised her thumb with her left hand, squeezing her natural chest without any silicone added.

The shape makes people very energetic.

Qingze sighed in his heart.

Across the screen of his mobile phone, Iroha becomes extra bold and can always take photos that make his blood boil. Unlike face to face, it is not easy for Iroha to do such a thing. Unless it's a game of kings.

Or a roller coaster ride.

I really want to ride a roller coaster again.

A pair of warm little hands flashed through Qingze's mind, and he quickly replied: "Good morning, Caiyu, thanks to you, I'm full of energy today, are you free to go out and play?"

He put the phone down.

There was no reply after waiting for a while, which meant that both of them were busy and unavailable.

Qingze did not wait any longer. He gathered dozens of shadow soldiers and wanted to see if he could give the intelligence orders he knew to the shadow soldiers. Will these people go straight to the target, or do they need to look for it?

"Bring me the meteorite that flattened Mount Fuji back to the Shadow World."

Qingze issued this order.

Dozens of shadow soldiers quickly sank to the ground, not in the surface world, but directly into the deepest shadow world, undetectable from the surface.

Seeing this scene, Qingze quickly sneaked into the shadow world and tracked the whereabouts of the shadow soldiers.

He found that as long as he knew something, he could tell the shadow soldiers to go directly to the place where the incident occurred.

It seems that where he knows, these shadow soldiers don't need to ask others.

Qingze thought so.

Shadow soldiers came to the military base in Mount Fuji.

The last war made the security here even tighter.

Not only are there internal defenses, there are also armored vehicles on the outside that circulate around the clock to prevent the enemy from attacking the base from happening again.

Roadblocks, surveillance, and drone defenses are also deployed around the area.

Such a tight defense is useless in front of the shadow soldiers.

Because no technology in this world can protect against attacks from the shadows.

The shadow soldiers sneaked into the base and quickly rose from the shadow cast by the meteorite on the ground. They grabbed the meteorite and tried to drag it down.

Obviously, the area of ​​​​the meteorite is too large for dozens of shadow soldiers to drag in, and the shadow entrance they can expand is too small.

The patrolling soldiers noticed something was wrong and quickly shouted: "Hey, who are you?"

When Qingze saw this scene, he directly helped in the dark.

The shadow of the meteorite suddenly spread, and it was like a plastic wrap lifted from the ground, accurately covering the surface of the meteorite, isolating the experts and researchers above from the meteorite.

Then, the meteorite slowly sank to the ground, and the soldiers were stunned to see such a large meteorite being completely swallowed up by the shadows.

Experts and researchers let the curtain cover their heads and stood on the ground, dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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