Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 353 American custom of emptying the magazine

Chapter 353 American custom of emptying the magazine
  New York, five o'clock in the morning.

Bruno went to Langley Air Force Base on orders from above, where he will meet the leader and police director of the Tokyo Dior Task Force to jointly handle the snake stick case that occurred in Brooklyn.

He didn't like to look too deeply into the case.

Before Bruno contacted David, he researched all of David's information in advance to know what the person liked to do and which organization he was associated with, and then judged whether it was worth contacting based on the person's preferences.

His choice of David was not accidental but inevitable.

Being selected as the agent to deal with visitors from Tokyo was not an accident, it was also the result of his hard work.

He has excellent personal abilities and knows how to flatter his boss. He is ambitious, but his ambition is within the control of his boss.

This is the image Bruno creates in front of his bosses, and he is also an excellent subordinate that all bosses like.

Any difficult tasks above will be given priority to him.

Six years of patience will come to an end with the most gorgeous performance.

Bruno didn't want to make any mistakes at this critical moment.

He hoped that the people from Tokyo would be stupid so that he could delay the launch of the Flame Project.

That was an event worthy of being recorded in history.

Boom, a sonic boom sounded from the sky. He looked up and saw that the F-15 was landing towards the airport.

This big guy looks a bit bulky from the pictures.

Only by standing in front of the F-15 in person can you experience the unique charm of the fighter jet. In photos, the fuselage appears bloated, but in reality, it has flowing industrial curves.

Bruno stepped forward.

The F-15 landed at the airport, the cockpit opened, and a tall figure jumped down from above and landed on the ground.

Bruno's temperament couldn't help but take another look. The woman in front of him was the only beauty he had ever seen in his life. The scent of perfume in the air proved the woman's maturity and intelligence.

Bruno lamented in his heart that this person was obviously not the kind of fool he expected, "Hello, my name is Bruno Bondi. Nice to meet you, Miss Morimoto."

Chiyo Morimoto took off the blindfold on her forehead. She stared at the tall white man in front of her. He had short hair, a chiseled face, and sharp eyes blocked by glasses.

This is a very scheming man.

She thought about it, with a smile on her face and said: "It's a pleasure to cooperate. The higher-ups assigned you to come here. I guess they don't think much of me."

"No, it's simply that this matter is too weird. Due to confidentiality reasons, it is not convenient for too many people to get involved."

"Okay, your explanation makes me feel better."

Chiyo Morimoto smiled, stuffed the eye mask into his trouser pocket and said, "Should we drive to the scene next, or take a helicopter?"

Bruno smiled and said: "Of course I'll take a helicopter to New York."


New York, Brooklyn.

In the past, Chiyo Morimoto's impression of New York still came from movies, books and what some people said on the Internet.

There are a lot of beautiful people in Japan.

An experience like that of working in the United States can be boasted repeatedly by some people.

In their mouths, the United States is always so free and democratic, and even the air smells sweet.

Chiyo Morimoto stayed on the helicopter, looking down, and found that they were not bragging, but they were just too one-sided.

Exquisite restaurants, luxurious apartments, bright offices, and atmospheric bars are part of New York.

Homeless people on the subway, tents on the streets, crimes in dark alleys, and overstuffed trash cans are also part of New York.

Those people often only talk about the former, and it is obviously unfair to expel the latter from the United States.

She looked out the window and saw a police car chasing a car on the street. She couldn't tell what make it was.

Chiyo Morimoto's knowledge of cars was limited to sports cars. He thought those cars were beautiful and ignored other cars.

The two sides are engaged in a fierce exchange of fire, which is very similar to the plot of a movie. Such scenes will hardly appear in Tokyo.

The United States is really full of martial virtue.

This thought flashed through Morimoto Chiyo's mind.

Bruno next to him smiled and said: "I heard that Tokyo is a very peaceful city, and gunshots are rarely heard."

"Well, that was peace in the past. Today's Tokyo is far from peaceful."

"Haha, that's true. If my boss hadn't told me about superpowers, I would have thought someone was joking."

Bruno said.

The driver in front turned his head and shouted: "We're here, lower the position so you can use the machine rope to jump down."


Bruno opened the cabin door, and the sound of the propeller became louder, "Ladies first."

"it is good."

Chiyo Morimoto was the first to use the machine rope to fall out of the apartment.

Heavily armed CIA agents guarded the door.

They watched everyone in the dark or passing by with vigilant eyes. Anyone who had his hands in his pockets would be greeted by a burst of gunfire.

The six corpses lying on the street proved how vigilant they were.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced around and found that some people didn't have anything in their hands. They might have been beaten to death just passing by.

There was such a strong sense of vigilance that no onlookers could be found at the scene.

Bruno came down and explained: "Miss Morimoto, I hope you can get used to the rules here. When you see a suspicious African-American, it is best not to hesitate and empty the magazine to save your life."

"Okay, I will try to get used to the rules here."

Chiyo Morimoto shrugged and did not say that the principle he followed in Tokyo was to fire directly when something went wrong, regardless of skin color.

"The base of Snake Stick is on the third floor."

Bruno introduced the situation, walked in front, and led Chiyo Morimoto through the stairs full of needles.

Go to the third floor.

The thick smell of blood has dissipated, but the blood stains on the ground have not been cleaned up. The fixed lines on the scene depict the strange posture of the deceased.

Combining the photos sent by Jack, Chiyo Morimoto could determine what was going on at the scene.

Some people had their heads pierced by boulders, and some had a sycamore tree emerge directly from their stomachs.

From the corridor to the room, the distance of about six meters is filled with paintings of strange and dead figures.

Chiyo Morimoto entered Snake Stick's room and looked at more paintings in the living room, enough to imagine how bloody and messy the scene was at that time.

"I remember there was a person in the photo who looked like he had been torn apart by sharp teeth."

"Well, after we examined the body, we found the tiger's blood from the broken ribs, but we found no trace of the tiger at the scene. The other party should have taken the tiger away, leaving only stones, trees, etc."

Bruno told the information he knew.

Chiyo Morimoto touched her chin with her hand and asked with a puzzled expression: "During this period, did no one else report something strange?"

"There are as many as three to four hundred cases. You know that after a person takes drugs, his speech will become incoherent."

Bruno shrugged: "We didn't find anything related to this case from those phone calls.

If I had to say it, it would be the death of General Yade. "

Chiyo Morimoto said thoughtfully: "Do you think this case is related to Dior?"

"It's not clear. We just can't confirm it, so we asked you, an expert, to come and judge."

Bruno answered with a smile, hoping in his heart that the other party would conclude that Dio did it.

Chiyo Morimoto scanned the scene, thought for a moment and said, "Have you received any relevant reports in the future?
  Or finding two missing gang members?
  I read your report earlier. There was no child in the snake stick, and there was no notification that the child was sent home.

Under such circumstances, how do you judge that they are a trafficking organization? "

Bruno answered truthfully: “The CIA learned about the snake stick business through an informant.

As for children, they generally abduct girls and boys from Venezuela.

You know, local people rely on beauty pageants to change their destiny. Suddenly someone says they are interested in their children, and they pretend to be a company and leave the children for training. Most people will be fooled.

In our short time, it was difficult to tell whether any children had returned home. "

"That's it. I don't dare to jump to conclusions before I get specific information."

Chiyo Morimoto did not immediately express her thoughts.

Even though she wanted to go home right away, she knew that fishing didn't mean doing things half-heartedly.

Her success is based on not affecting the way she does things.

Bruno hated her rigor, but because of her beautiful appearance, he decided to resist the thought of killing her and said, "I'll take you to the hotel to rest."

"it is good."

Chiyo Morimoto did not refuse this proposal. Without detailed information, she could not do anything while awake, so she might as well rest.


After arranging Chiyo Morimoto's hotel room, Bruno did not give up this free time. He was selected as Chiyo Morimoto's partner, which meant he had more freedom.

He went to the hotel room next door, went straight to the bedroom, and found a tablet under the mattress.

Bruno cannot wander around at will. CIA employees' mobile phones are equipped with locators to ensure that they can always keep track of the movements of agents performing missions outside.

Bruno didn't dare use this phone to contact anyone.

He used his tablet to connect to the hotel's network, logged into the Twitter account prepared for him by the KGB, and entered Wednesday's group.

Plan Flame was implemented on Wednesday of this week. They chose this day because they knew that the White House document on streamlining the Pentagon would be released on Thursday.

Before official appointments are made, they need to take advantage of the streamlined officer powers to carry out operations.

He entered the chat group and sent a message: "How are things?"

"I'm fine."

"Now the person who executes the plan is called a pigeon."

Seeing the intelligence provided by MI[-], Bruno fell into deep thought. The pigeon represented the four-star general Joseph in charge of this downsizing plan.

In terms of qualifications, this person is indeed suitable, but his methods are slightly inferior to those of Yade.

Bruno wasn't worried.

"I have something unexpected going on here."

Bruno frowned slightly when he saw the message sent by the masked avatar. This person was not an agent from another country, but a Republican congressman and an extremist.

He is responsible for liaising with military officials at the Pentagon.

"What happened?"

"There is someone who wants to join our program, but he is not in the directory. Should we accept him?"

(End of this chapter)

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