Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 354 Let’s do something big

Chapter 354 Let’s do something big
  Sam exposed?
  This thought flashed through Bruno's mind, and he quickly left the group and chatted privately with another KGB agent. In order to plan the Flame Plan, they could be said to mobilize all their forces in the United States.

Bruno is the KGB's top commander on the front line, and he assigns all agent tasks.

When he was unavailable, Leonin directed KGB operations.

If neither of them is available, the No. [-] person will take command.

There is no room for failure in Lieyan's plan this time. They must get all the information on Dio and dedicate it to that adult.

"Is Sam at risk of exposure?"

He sent messages in code words to contact KGB agents.

The other party quickly replied in code, "Sam is still a trustworthy person."

After receiving this answer, he returned to the group and asked, "What kind of person is the other person?"

"Vincent Hancock, you should know him very well. He is a good friend of Lieutenant General Jida. Lieutenant General Jida strongly recommended that Vincent join the plan and said that Vincent would help."

Looking at the message sent by Sam, relevant information quickly emerged in Bruno's mind, which was the interpersonal relationship obtained by Jida during the investigation.

Vincent and Gilda are alumni of the same class at West Point.

Vincent has excellent grades and serves as a brigadier general in the Pentagon, responsible for inspecting the maintenance of fighter aircraft. He is 32 years old and unmarried.

Even in the Pentagon, he still maintained a disciplined life.

No smoking, drug taking, tattoos and a series of other bad habits.

Winning first place in every test.

That's good talent, and they're the beneficiaries of the Pentagon's streamlining program.

So Bruno never thought about pulling Vincent into his camp.

Is that guy's sudden approach because of his friendship with Gilda?
  Bruno thought for a moment and did not rule out this possibility.

According to his investigation, Vincent has no connections or background, and has repeatedly rejected the olive branches offered by others. He is a very strange type of person in the Pentagon.

This kind of person who is not interested in money and power is prone to value feelings and may not be easy to control, but Bruno's purpose is to make things worse, not to really make the Lieyan Plan succeed.

Bruno hesitated for a moment, then typed a reply: "Then let him join."

"Okay, I think so too. With such talents, they have a greater chance of success."

Looking at Sam's reply, Bruno sneered. He had no intention of creating a ruling platform for Sam and the others.

Worried about pressure from the front, he wants to support the Republican Party in power and stop helping Ukraine.

It's just a lie he concocted carefully, all to get information about Dio.

When the plan is executed, that's when both parties part ways.

Bruno ended the conversation.

If nothing happens, it is better not to have too much contact with each other to increase the risk of exposure.

He turned to the KGB and asked how the preparations for the kidnapping were going.


Arlington County, inside the Pentagon is a city with excellent entertainment facilities and living facilities in all aspects.

The difference between soldiers and civilians working here and working in cities is that they control their mobile phones at all times and all information is strictly controlled.

This is a military base, and internal information must never be leaked to the outside world.

Unless you add money.

In the United States, which pursues a free market, the internal structure of the Pentagon can also be sold to the outside world.

The premise is not to be caught by people from the Ministry of Defense.

Vincent finished his work for the day and had to attend a party of some officers in the evening.

He usually doesn't like boring parties, but something strange happened recently that made him change his mind.

"Brigadier General Vincent, are the rumors inside the Pentagon about downsizing personnel true?"

the young female assistant asked quietly.

Vincent said with an indifferent expression: "You don't need to ask too much about these things."

"it is good."

The female assistant sighed softly. She had known that her boss had such a personality, but she still couldn't help asking, thinking that this person was the legendary cold-faced and warm-hearted person.

Facts have proved that the plot of the TV series will never happen in reality, or in other words, she is not the heroine in the story, but is simply a supporting role used to set off the heroine.

The female assistant felt desolate in her heart, feeling that she could not escape the list of downsizing staff.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a background, no matter how talented you are, it’s useless.

Vincent strode out of the office and went straight to Jida.

Unlike his indifference, Jida appears to be very sunny and cheerful, the kind of person who can talk to anyone.

"Yo, Vincent~" Guida hooked his shoulder and said with a smile: "Let me tell you a good thing, the higher-ups passed it."

"I know."

Vincent's answer surprised Jida: "How do you know you can pass?"

"The people above are not idiots. The people who contacted you have probably investigated my background in advance. It is normal for them to agree."

Vincent calmly expressed his suspicions.

"Okay, okay, you are awesome."

Jida curled her lips.

He is a playboy through and through. He used his connections to get into the Pentagon and assumed the position of lieutenant general.

But even though he is a playboy, he still has some wisdom in the world.

He is aware of his own shortcomings, so he likes to make friends with those who are capable and hopes that they can help him.

Among the people he knew, Vincent was definitely the weirdest and most capable person.

When nothing happens, this kind of person is a weirdo that makes people want to stay away, but in times of crisis, this kind of person is a savior. Unswerving will, outstanding ability, and long-term vision are the reasons why Jida wants to bring him into the plan.

The Blaze Plan was never a transition for Jida. He wanted to truly realize the Blaze Plan.

Jida did not want to give up the power in his hands, and the life in Jiuchiroulin was not comparable to commanding tens of thousands of people.

Especially conducting military exercises.

Although Jida loses miserably every time, he has a lot of fun.

The White House was having a seizure, and the generals at the Pentagon actually had a seizure and agreed to downsize the staff.

He didn't know what external reasons made the military-industrial complex choose to change itself.

But he is determined not to retreat. If you want to deprive him of his power, you will have to meet his gun.

Guida led Vincent to the meeting place of the officers.


open the door.

There were many people in the room. Looking at the military ranks, there were lieutenant generals, major generals, brigadier generals, and colonels.

They gather here with each other, complaining about the decisions made by the superiors, and firmly express their attitude that they want to teach the superiors a lesson.

Vincent listened briefly and understood that it was impossible for these people to succeed.

They just treated the mutiny as a house parade.

"Jeda, is this person next to you the newcomer?"

"Yes, he is Vincent Hancock."

Guida introduced with a smile.

Vincent glanced around and asked, "Who is leading this plan?"

"That's Admiral Issam."

Vincent set his sights on the only four-star general present. He was fat and big-headed. Judging from his face and physique, he looked like a businessman.

No wonder he's the Pentagon's only lean four-star general.

That military uniform can barely accommodate that fat body.

Vincent stepped forward and said: "Admiral Issam, please hand over the command of the operation to me."

As soon as these words came out, with the two people as the center, silence radiated little by little to the surroundings, making the noisy atmosphere disappear.

Isam glanced at him, shook the champagne in the glass, and said with a smile: "Jida, you really found someone who can tell jokes."

"haha, yes!"

Jida hurriedly echoed, hoping to make the people around her laugh.

Vincent said with a serious expression: "I'm not joking. If you continue to let you lead, this plan will definitely fail. Only I can lead everyone to victory."

Issam's face was already a little ugly.

As the only four-star general decided by the Pentagon and the White House to downsize.

Does it mean that his talent is insufficient?

  In his opinion, these are all political struggles and their persecution of themselves, and they are definitely not due to lack of talents.

"Young people, don't be too arrogant."

Vincent pulled out his gun.

Issam was so frightened that he quickly drew his gun, and the surrounding officers also drew their guns, "Vincent, what do you want to do?"

"Don't be nervous. This is a revolver. Let's take a gamble. I'll put four bullets in it. If I don't die after two consecutive shots, how about you let me be the commander?"

Vincent opened the revolver, showed it around, stuffed four bullets into it, and turned it hard.

The rattling sound made the officers on the scene take a breath.

Isam stared at him.

Vincent pointed the gun at his temple and asked, "Want to bet?"

Issam was silent for a while and said: "Bet."

Bang, the first shot was empty.

Everyone who saw this scene exhaled and raised their hands to wipe their sweat. They felt their hearts beating wildly, as if they were gambling with their lives.

Four bullets, but the first shot was fine.

"You are really crazy. Stop shooting. I recognize your courage."

Issam stopped him and asked, "What's your plan?"

Bang, Vincent shot and smashed the wine bottle on the table, and the champagne poured out. "Don't let me fire a second shot. It seems that fate is on my side."

Of course it was a lie. The strength of his circle and the position of the bullet determined that the first shot would miss. He also predicted that his courage would overwhelm Issam and he would not fire the second shot.

Destiny will not favor the pure fool.

"General Issam, I know your plan from Jeddah. You can't force the higher-ups to compromise by making trouble in the Pentagon. If you want to do it, go bigger.

In half an hour, let us capture Washington! "

When Vincent was a child, he always felt a strong excitement when he saw so-called anti-war movies and the sad images of death caused by war.

This idea did not weaken with age, but became firmer.

He wanted to start a war on a larger scale than World War II.

Until that day comes, he has been quietly strengthening his abilities.

Now, he thinks it's time to fulfill his childhood dream and drag the entire world into war.

The first step is to capture Washington.

(End of this chapter)

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