Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 352 Qingze: How do I know about super powers?

Chapter 352 Qingze: How do I know about super powers?
  It was late, and Qingze ended his trip to the United States in order to avoid delaying his class time.

This trip made Qingze fully realize how abnormal his ability to travel around the world is.

Not only can he teleport himself to various countries and be proficient in the local language, but he can also teleport objects to the body of a certain person in that country.

Just know the name and approximate address.

He can send stones to people's stomachs, and he can also send stones to people's hearts and brains.

Tiger is no problem either.

Even people can teleport into the body of another person.

But in that case, both people will have physical problems. The person being teleported will suddenly burst the other person, causing the broken bones to penetrate into his own body, and thus die.

Unfortunately, anything too big cannot be teleported.

Qingze's attempt to teleport a mountain to another location in the world ended in failure.

Qingze planned to test the specific size of objects that could be transported at night. He returned to the school, picked up his mobile phone from the deserted grove, and walked towards the teaching building.

The trees are green, and unlike the night in New York, the bright sunshine shines on the campus, the cicadas chirp from high places, and the laughter of students playing in the corridor floats from the teaching building.

There were also people chasing and fighting on the playground.

Qingze's heart was filled with tranquility and warmth little by little.

Humans are really greedy creatures. They want both magnificent adventures and a warm and peaceful daily life.

If you hold both at the same time, other desires will arise, which will be difficult to satisfy.

Qingze walked into the teaching building, changed into indoor shoes in the shoe cabinet area, and walked into the classroom.

Before entering the back door, I could already hear Peter's voice talking about his adventure in the Amazon jungle.

The students around him were stunned.

Thanks to this person, every time Qingze enters the back door, it is not as spacious as before and becomes a bit crowded.

Some students crowded at the door.

He walked around slightly, walked to his seat, pulled out the chair and sat down.

Hojo Tetsuji fell asleep early, ignoring the noise of the students around him.

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy who was sitting in front turned around, occupied his private desktop, and said dissatisfied: "I sent you a message, why didn't you reply?"

"I took a nap and didn't pay attention to my phone."

Qingze spread his hands.

Phoenix Academy Meiji snorted, today is Monday, she said she was taking a nap, she might be doing something behind her back.

"Just now my mother suddenly initiated a video call with me and talked about some things."

"what's up?"

Qingze asked curiously.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji glared and said, "Why should I tell you the secret topic between our mother and daughter?"

Qingze was speechless and said: "Mei Ji, if you don't tell me, what's the use of talking about this topic?"

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji said confidently: "I just want to say that my mother's situation is not quite right. She usually never makes a video call with me at this time.

Then we talked about some family matters, cared about my studies, school situation, etc., and were extremely considerate.

I asked her what happened and she said it was fine. I suspected there was some problem in the negotiation. "

"It doesn't matter, my aunt is so good, she will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties."


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji sighed softly, and could only think like this: "Oh, I also want to have super powers, so that I can do many things that I cannot do at this age.

Tell me, why does Dio have super powers? "

Upon hearing this question, Qingze shrugged and said, "I don't know."

"Can't you take a guess?"

"Mei Ji, you overestimate my imagination."

Qingze shook his head. He was afraid that Meiji would really want to do what he said, so he simply said nothing.

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji thought about it and thought that Qingze's first words were probably the truth.

This person doesn’t understand why he awakened his super power.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji waved and turned around.

The sweet tinkling bell rang, drowning out the chirping of cicadas outside the window.

Qingze took out a modern Chinese textbook.


Two-thirty in the afternoon, Metropolitan Police Department, top floor.

In the police chief's office.

Chiyo Morimoto crossed her legs and was looking through the email sent by Jack, which contained various photos.

The level of gore is something you can't see on the website.

Text description is included below.

"This is an organization in New York that specializes in serving those who are attracted to children. Its name is Snake Stick. There are twenty members in the gang. Apart from the fact that two people are missing, the remaining eighteen people died in a very strange way.

It was initially concluded that it was the work of a person with super powers, probably related to Dio. "

Chiyo Morimoto slid the mouse and looked at the text below, which also stated the death of Yade and the information told by Hu Die of the Phoenix Academy.

There was contemplation on her face, and it seemed that Emily's worries were not false.

She is not the only one of Dior's friends.

By the way, are there any conditions for choosing this friend?

She thought, Dior used to appear in Tokyo, but now he suddenly went to New York.

In addition, something strange happened at Buckingham Palace. Someone fell from the sky and landed at the door.

Judging from the time, a few minutes after Yade disappeared, after testing, it was confirmed that it was Yade. There is also the sudden appearance of white heads at Cheong Wa Dae.

Although Dior's superpowers are amazing, the CIA's control of the information also makes Morimoto Chiyo feel too terrifying.

This is not a superpower, but the ability to collect intelligence, explaining what it means to monitor the world.

Chiyo Morimoto thought to herself and flipped to the bottom of the email.

The CIA has issued a request to transfer the most elite and knowledgeable people from the task force to the United States to provide guidance and help establish a task force in the United States.

Who should be sent?

Chiyo Morimoto rested her chin on her hand, and Sosuke Iwaki couldn't move. The task force must retain that person's network capabilities.

Miyaji Yosuke didn't speak English, and he had very low academic qualifications.

There is no need to think about Kitanotake. He has strong limbs and a simple mind. If you expect him to go to the United States for guidance, you will only make a fool of yourself.

Ito Otome's autopsy ability is very important.

The remaining three newcomers' participation in the case was too short to provide any guidance.

The only remaining candidate is Okayama Taketa.

Proficient in English and very knowledgeable about Dior.

But looking at the words of the person who was the most elite and the most knowledgeable about Dior, Chiyo Morimoto had a bad feeling in her heart.

She thought about it and dialed Jack's number.



The other party answered the call.

"Ms. Morimoto, you must have read the case. Do you have any thoughts?"

"Minister Jack, we cannot conclude that it is related to Dio for the time being.

According to what we know about Dio, he wants to collect the souls of evil people, often when they are doing evil. You haven't found the missing two people, so I can't tell whether they are Dio or not. "

"Ms. Morimoto is indeed the most elite member of the task force and the one who knows Dior best!"

Jack immediately flattered him.

Chiyo Morimoto was immediately alert and said quickly: "No, no, these are Okayama's inferences. He is the most elite talent in our task force.

I want to send him on a guidance mission to the CIA. "

"Miss Morimoto, you don't need to be modest. If you talk about your understanding of Dior, leave aside Emili.

There is no one in the entire task force who is more suitable than you. You are excellent and outstanding, and you are simply the perfect woman carefully crafted by God. "

Jack continued to tout.

From the time he sent the email, he had already wanted to ask Morimoto Chiyo to go to the United States to serve as a mentor.

After all, it was the CIA's order. It was impossible for Jack to choose other members of the task force. He had to choose the team leader to go to New York in person to show how much he valued the CIA's order.

Jack didn't know clearly, but he chose to remind him in this tactful way because he was trying to respect Chiyo Morimoto's choice and believed that Chiyo Morimoto was a smart person and should be able to understand the implications of his words.

"The General Administration will definitely welcome Miss Morimoto's guidance."

This request made Chiyo Morimoto feel quite depressed, and asked: "Can I arrange things at home?"

"The CIA will help you arrange everything if necessary."

Jack replied confidently, “Your family can eat and buy whatever they want in any restaurant or clothing store in Tokyo.

All expenses will be reimbursed by the CIA.

The White House is eager to find out who killed Snake Stick, whether it was the new superpower or Dio. "


Morimoto Chiyo nodded.

Speaking of which, if she didn't go, she would look inhumane.

Jack smiled and said: "Then you go to the apron on the rooftop of the Metropolitan Police Department and wait. The F-15 fighter plane will pick you up soon and fly directly to New York."

"I'm really honored."

Chiyo Morimoto complained.

She never thought that one day she would be able to fly on a fighter plane.

Jack smiled and said: "The bosses are also very scared. This is the first time Dio has committed a crime in the United States.

He also took away the four-star general Yade, who had a high status in the military. "

"It doesn't matter whether they are nervous or not. If Dio really wants to kill someone, the president can only sit in a chair and wait for death."

"That's it, the people above always want to give themselves an extra layer of protection."

Jack actually believed that transferring Chiyo Morimoto to the United States would not have much effect. It could only be said to comfort him psychologically.

It's like a student who hasn't finished his homework yet, but likes to do things that have nothing to do with his homework.

For example, sweeping the floor, dazing, sleeping, etc. It seems that as long as you get busy, you can solve the problem.

This illusion can only comfort myself.

"Okay, you don't need to send someone to take care of my family affairs. The discount will be credited to my bank card."

"no problem."

After receiving Jack's assurance, Morimoto Chiyo hung up the phone and decided to send a message to Qingze, telling him that he was going to the United States for an emergency business trip for a while.

At this time, school should be over.

The message was quickly read, "Well, have a nice trip."

"Do not worry."

Chiyo Morimoto replied, got up and walked outside.

She also needs to explain who will take over her job after leaving the task force. It's not difficult to say, it's just a matter of one sentence.

This is the convenience of fishing leaders.

(End of this chapter)

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