Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 351 Fred just wants a peaceful life

Chapter 351 Fred just wants a peaceful life
  Bruno Arndt.

He is [-] meters tall and has been working for the CIA for six years. During these six years, he was a spy placed by the KGB in the CIA.

Although during last year's incident, the KGB's myth was shattered by the devastating military operation, which once made people think that they were incompetent waste, this was just because the KGB invested too little power in that country.

The top KGB officials believed that once the heavenly troops arrived, the Uzbek president would be so frightened that he would pee and escape by plane, leaving him as an overseas government.

The Uzbek army is also a vulnerable piece of trash.

Due to this strategic misjudgment, all the funds that should have been used for Ukraine fell into the pockets of senior officials.

But for the United States, the KGB will always be on the highest level of vigilance.

No one dares to underestimate the world's only superpower after the Cold War.

Bruno took the report about David, left the control room, and walked down the long corridor.

There is no monitoring here.

The CIA is full of surveillance outside, but there is no surveillance inside. This is their confidence in themselves.

He pulled out his colleague's report, casually folded it into a square and dropped it in his pocket.

David is a Republican congressman and one of the supporters of the KGB operation.

That person is in the Republican Party and can be said to be an extremist.

It was impossible for Bruno to let the CIA investigate the matter there, and he even had to suppress the news of David's death as much as possible and spend it in a stable manner to avoid affecting the subsequent Lieyan plan.

Thanks to the White House's plan to streamline the Pentagon, the KGB saw the beginning of a ignition and formulated a series of operations.

The ultimate goal is to get all the intelligence about Dio from the White House.

They never believed that a single internal action could collapse the United States. That was too naive.

In this operation, Bruno's target is the Secretary of State, the President or the Director of the CIA. In the chaos, catching any one of the three targets can bring the KGB operation to a successful conclusion.

Bruno walked to the leader's office. Before that, he had to pass through the rooms of two assistants. He took the lead in opening his arms to the female assistant on the right and said enthusiastically: "Diana, you really miss me."

Diana, a blond white woman, was suddenly hugged by him, with a smile on her face and said: "My dear, I miss you too."

His right hand quietly took out the folded document in his pocket.

This is a pre-arranged action. As long as Bruno hugs in advance, it means that there are documents in his pocket that need to be communicated to the outside world.

The female assistant opposite said with a smile: "Your relationship is really good."

"If Diana doesn't mind, I can also have a very good relationship with you."

Bruno replied with a smile.

The female assistant opposite chuckled and said: "What a pity, I don't want Diana to strangle my neck while sleeping."

"Okay, hurry in."

Diana pinched Bruno's nose, then opened the note under the table and quickly read the contents.

Only she can use her assistant's authority to log into the KGB's secret channels, avoid CIA surveillance, and contact people outside.


Jingle Bell.

Fred was disturbed by the police call. Since he rushed to the police station late at night, he didn't want to go back to sleep. He simply bought wine and pizza and stayed in the office to have a few drinks with his subordinates.

They were chatting happily when suddenly a call came from the police.

Fred was angered by the violent spray from above, grabbed the phone and yelled: "Fake, what's the matter?"

This powerful yell obviously frightened the person who called the police. After a short silence, the person shouted in a crying voice: "Chief Fred, my husband was sleeping fine in bed. Suddenly, A big stone popped out of his stomach, splitting his whole body into two pieces.

Come and take a look! "


Fred's first reaction was that this woman must have taken too many drugs.

Immediately, he heard a painful roar coming from the phone.

The scream was worse than the sound of killing a pig, and it was obviously not a sound that humans could perform.

"Okay, Mrs. Jenny, we'll be there soon!"

Fred hung up the phone and shouted: "Stop drinking and go to Henry's house quickly. Mrs. Jenny said that a big stone suddenly appeared in Henry's stomach and split his body in two."

"Chief, isn't Henry the teacher who tricked Draco into transgendering?"

After hearing his subordinate's answer, Fred sobered up and slapped his forehead. He couldn't work while drinking.

This kind of thing is not done by gunmen, so what's the use of running there by yourself?

Is it possible for a stone to appear in my stomach?
  Fred touched his fat belly and suddenly felt scared. He sat down silently and chose to drink a few more drinks to calm down the shock. What happened tonight was beyond his imagination.

It's like the plot in a thriller movie is reflected in reality.

Fred has been a police officer for so many years, and he has always kept in mind the teachings of his predecessors in the industry, and he must protect his own life.

This is number one.

As for other people's affairs, even if the gangster is shooting at the students crazily in the classroom, he still has to hide. He must wait until he is [-]% safe from injury before he can enter and subdue the gangster.

Fred drank for a while longer, looked at the time, and thought that the murderer should have left long ago, so he and his two subordinates set off for Henry's house.

...     The Henry family's house in the county is a two-story house with a courtyard, green lawn, and a parking garage. The standard of living can be said to be affluent.

This is related to Henry's efforts to complete the above indicators.

Although he is clearly not a transgender person, he is vigorously promoting the spread of transgenderism in the school, saying that there is no interest behind it.

Fred didn't believe it even to death. He and his men arrived here in a police car. It was already [-]:[-] on Monday.

He saw the lights on inside the house, the sound of a woman crying inside, and the comfort of a group of people, so he stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Mrs. Jenny, this is Fred."

The door was quickly opened, and Fred was greeted by a man complaining: "Chief Fred, you are too late. My brother-in-law is the holder of the courtesy card of your police station. This is what happened to him." Speed?"

"We're very busy."

When Fred said this, the smell of alcohol in his mouth spat out.

The man rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Chief Fred, what my sister said is true. If you don't believe me, go to the bedroom and have a look.

Henry looked like that, oh my God, it was so miserable. "

"It must be the work of the devil."

"My poor Henry!"

Listening to the voices of this big family, Fred felt upset. No one in the county knew what Henry was, and only his family would say pitiful words about Henry.

"Okay, let me see the scene."

Fred pushed open the bedroom door, but the light inside was not turned off.

"Omaiga!" Fred exclaimed. He originally thought that he was mentally prepared and should be fine, but when he looked at the stones on the bed, he still couldn't hold back his surprise.

The shape of the stone is not rugged. If it were dropped by the river, it would probably look like a stone that could be used as a stool.

At this time, the stone was full of flesh, blood, internal organs, and yellow and white things accumulated in the human body.

Henry's lower body was under the stone, and his upper body fell to the ground. His hands were firmly pressed on the floor, leaving conspicuous claw marks. The expression on his face made it clear how painful he was before he died.

A pair of eyes were not closed at all, they were wide open and seemed to be staring at Fred.

This gave the battle-hardened police chief a chilling feeling.

No wonder Henry's father said it was the devil, the scene was so scary.

"Chief, with this case, the superiors will not scold us anymore. This is a real case."

The reminder from his subordinate made Fred suddenly realize that, yes, with this case, the bastard above would probably withdraw his statement that he took drugs and hit his head to the point of hallucination.

You know, that bastard caught him and scolded him for ten minutes.

Even my mother never scolded him like that.

Fred lifted his belt and turned around and said: "Seal the bedroom. How to deal with it specifically? We will send professionals to conduct an autopsy."

"Mrs. Jenny, please come back to the police station with us. There are some things we need you to describe."

Fred couldn't rule out that the wife had some conflict with her husband, and then cut the woman in half, spilled the entrails on the stone, and disguised herself like this.

Fred had never seen a similar case with his own eyes, but he knew from the information that someone had pretended to be a demon and killed his wife in an attempt to evade legal punishment.

"it is good."

Jenny’s eyes were already red from crying and she nodded.

The group of them left Henry's house and returned to the police station.

There was a black car parked outside the door.

Fred got out of the car, wondering, who came to the police station in the middle of the night?

He stepped into the door. The lights inside were bright. The man in a suit stood up and strode forward: "Hello, Chief Fred, I am Leonine Sara from the FBI. Regarding the information you submitted to the above, case.

Now that it is taken over by us, I hope you can elaborate on the situation at that time. "

Fred was surprised that the superiors scolded him so harshly, but in the end, they still listened to his suggestions. Is this the character of a arrogant boss?
  Damn bastard.

Fred cursed in his heart and nodded: "Okay, let me handle this case first."

"How is this going?"

Leonen glanced at Jenny, who was crying with red eyes, and Fred had to explain the situation he encountered.

"That's it. I believe what Mrs. Jenny said. This is a confidential matter."

Leonen took out the confidentiality agreement that he had already prepared. It was the right thing to prepare an extra copy in advance. He said solemnly: "You must sign this confidentiality agreement and promise not to disclose this incident to anyone in the future."


Fred turned around and slapped his subordinate on the head, shouting: "I'll sign! Shut up if you tell me to!"

Regarding troublesome matters, Fred is no longer a passionate young man and will not want to find out the truth.

Having a family, he just wants a stable life.

"very good."

Leonen smiled, finally solving the source, and the next step was to erase the traces of David's house.

(End of this chapter)

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