Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 350 You don’t understand the great commander’s painstaking efforts

Chapter 350 You don’t understand the great commander’s painstaking efforts

David sat on the sofa, his hands and feet cold.

He never imagined that when he bought a girl as usual, he would encounter such a strange thing.

As a Republican congressman, he should be known by the world to be anti-abortion and anti-transgender.

But politicians just shout slogans and never think about actually implementing them.

Even if it is implemented, it will only be to win votes instead of being loyal to the slogans one shouts.

So it is normal for him to be obsessed with transgender girls.

The pressure of being a parliamentarian is so great that you always have to find a place to relax.

"You can't kill me. I'm a Republican congressman. I've had dinner with the governor of New York. The police chief of New York City is my brother-in-law's good brother!"

David quickly revealed his background and added: "Look, you and I are both white people, and we should be partners.

As long as you don't kill me, I can listen to you in anything! "

His hurried begging for mercy fell into Draco's eyes, and he no longer had the gentle, elegant, or even terrifying aura he had before.

Just now, he felt that this man was a demon in human skin, and even the corners of his raised mouth contained murderous poison.

However, today's men are like dogs whose backbone has been ripped out, and they no longer look scary at all.

Draco glanced at the approaching blond man, without any disturbance in his heart, and calmly accepted his fate.

It's just a little regretful. He really still wants to be a boy and shouldn't listen to the teacher.

Qingze grabbed David's head.

"no, do not want!"

David cried out as loud as he could, but was so frightened that he lost the strength to raise his hands to resist.

Qingze thought for a while, but did not take action immediately. He grabbed Draco with his other hand.

The ability to travel around the world is activated.

The two of them suddenly disappeared from the house together with him.

The next second, they appeared in the Scottish Highlands, with green plains going all the way forward, and two high mountains not far away.

It would probably take quite some time to actually get there.

At this time, the sky was gray, with a faint ray of light shining through the clouds.

"where is your home?"

Qingze patted Draco on the head.

Draco subconsciously said: "Appomattox County, Virginia."

"How did you end up here?"

Draco answered truthfully, from a teacher to a gullible netizen to falling into the hands of a gang.

"How do your parents treat you?"

Draco was stunned, and suddenly couldn't help crying: "Very good, I miss them very much."

"Then go back to them."

Qingze used his ability to travel around the world and sent him back to his hometown.

There is no problem with fixed-point transmission like this, and it can [-]% be transmitted to the destination.

However, Qingze was curious about one thing, and that was that he wanted to teleport a person to a place he roughly knew, but didn't know the specific location.

Can traveling around the world help him deliver his target to that person?
  To test this, he turned his attention to David, who was standing there.

"Forgive me."

David immediately burst into tears, hoping to gain mercy.

Qingze reached out and grabbed the top of his head, activated his ability to travel around the world, and confirmed the location and target in his mind.


South Korea, Blue House.

[-]:[-] p.m.

The sun was shining brightly, and the regular chirping of cicadas came from the trees outside the house.

Park Zhengbo sat tiredly in his seat and sighed, "Those guys are really inconsiderate. Why do they think I work until late at night every day?"

"Okay, don't be angry. We all know that you worked really hard."

The wife who had undergone plastic surgery was sitting there, like a solidified statue. At first glance, she might look a little pretty, but if you look closely, you will feel horrified. That face does not look like a human being.

The chopsticks picked up the kimchi and dropped it into his bowl.

"As long as we continue the previously formulated diplomatic strategy and achieve results in applying for the World Expo, people will know your achievements and our strategy will never fail."


Park Zhengbo nodded. It can be said that he has exhausted all his efforts for the next bid for the World Expo. Every time he goes to a country for the highest-level meeting, he must talk about this matter.

The kimchi is delivered jar by jar.

Coupled with the fact that the competing countries are very good, this is a glorious achievement of God’s blessing on the Republic of Korea!
  "By the way, how about compensation?"

"There is no progress yet."

"Those guys, why don't you give them money?"

When Park Zhengbo thought about the things he was worrying about, even kimchi, which he had always found delicious, felt unpalatable.

"Okay, don't think about those things while eating."

The woman's eyes showed reproach, but the expression on her face remained unchanged, looking a bit strange.

Park Zhengbo felt very depressed. He originally thought that he would be able to win over the people by paying compensation to those workers who his predecessor could not make.

It can also ease relations between South Korea and Japan and please the United States.

This wave is a win-win. As a result, those guys were completely ungrateful and didn’t even want the money they got. There was no history to talk about.

That thing sounds like they care about it.

He did not think that he had made a wrong decision, but believed that those who opposed everything were fanning the flames behind his back.

Otherwise, his wise decision will be implemented and implemented.

Bang, a sound broke his thoughts, the pickle plate was knocked over on the table, and a head fell on the table.

The expression of crying and crying proves the state of mind of this person before his death.


Park Zhengbo was so frightened that he cursed. His wife overturned the table in front of her and shouted outside: "Guard! Guard!"

"Sir, what happened?!"

The guards outside quickly rushed into the house. When they saw the heads on the ground, they all became nervous and quickly fired their guns at the surroundings.

Someone quickly protected the two of them and sent them outside.

Surrounded by guards, Park Zhengbo finally felt safe. He glanced sideways at his wife and fell into deep thought.

The human head just appeared on the desktop out of thin air. Obviously, it has something to do with the super powers that have been rumored recently.

If so, Park Zhengbo suddenly thought of a clever plan to restore his image.

Qingze, who turned into the breeze, watched their panic movements and used his ability to travel around the world to leave the Blue House.

He is basically certain in his heart that traveling around the world can be done by visiting a certain person or place.

Even if he doesn't know where the person is specifically, as long as he knows the name and general location, he can teleport the person he wants to teleport there.

If people can teleport, can objects also teleport?
  Qingze thought for a while and decided to try it from stones.


Appomattox County, Virginia, United States.

Draco stayed at the local police station, waiting for his parents to arrive.

Before that, he needs to tell the Sheriff what happened to him.

The local police chief Fred was a white man over forty years old with a big belly. When he heard what he said, he raised his hands to rub his temples, feeling that Draco had a brain problem to say such things.

"You called me here urgently in the middle of the night just to let me listen to Draco telling fairy tales?"

"Sergeant, Draco is telling the truth, can you imagine?
  When I was draining water on a deserted street, a girl dressed in a wedding dress suddenly appeared out of thin air. She was also the transgender girl who had been reported missing earlier. I was so scared that I stopped peeing. "

"Asshole, haven't I told you many times not to relieve yourself in the street!"

Fred roared and noticed the fearful expression on Draco's face. He coughed quickly, sat down again and said, "In other words, Congressman David of Brooklyn Heights, New York, purchased you from the organization that kidnapped you.

Then an electric man appears who can ignore bullets and has the ability to make hands and heads disappear inexplicably.

That man took you to a very beautiful plain, and then you returned here, leaving Senator David behind? "

Draco nodded.


Fred slapped his forehead. He might not believe Draco, but he believed in his subordinates. "Please tell me, this is a Halloween prank you did in advance!"

"Chief, these are all true. If you don't believe it, you can call New York City and ask."

"Do you think I'm the governor?"

Fred complained, but still picked up the phone, ready to report such outrageous things to the superiors.

Whether he believes it or not is none of his business.

"I shouldn't be accused of taking too many drugs and be scolded by the superiors, right?"

"Chief, don't worry, we are all willing to testify for you."


Fred cursed. He felt that if he reported such a fantasy to his superiors, he would most likely be scolded.

But failure to report will allow an organization that violates human rights to continue committing crimes outside.

From then on, every child who was harmed by the organization was affected by this person who knew but did not report it.


Frank cursed angrily and dialed the number above.


Langley, Virginia.

The famous CIA headquarters is located here.

Fred's report contained keywords set by the CIA and was quickly captured by them.

Whether abroad or domestic.

In the eyes of the CIA, they are all targets that need to be monitored, and there is no privacy at all.

"Appomattox County, Virginia, Sheriff Fred reporting to the top, Draco..."

CIA agents who overheard this recorded the situation and prepared reports.

“Congressman David of Brooklyn Heights.”

The agent murmured, not noticing a slight change in the expression of his colleague next to him. The pair of blue eyes glanced at his report, and chuckled: "I happen to have a report here, let me hand it over to the top for you."

"Yes, Bruno, then please do it."

The agent who recorded it had a smile on his face. Similar reports were intercepted by the CIA every day. Those guys who were high dared to say that they had videos in their hands that showed that Park Zhengbo was an alien.

However, the above requires that every phone call, short video, or post that matches the keyword must be reported, which increases their workload.

Bruno pushed the frame of the mirror with his hand and said with a smile on his face: "It doesn't matter, we are friends, it only takes a little effort."

 PS: The commander-in-chief is not at the Blue House, but there must be fiction in the novel. Besides, I have no idea of ​​starting a group, and I don’t have time to take care of it every day.
  (End of this chapter)

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