Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 324 Morimoto’s rapid promotion

Chapter 324 Morimoto’s rapid promotion

The next day, Okubo.

Chiyo Morimoto yawned and walked off the tram lazily.

She wasn't drunk last night, but she drank a lot of wine, which made her brain a little dizzy.

She doesn't like this feeling.

The thought of repeating mornings like this for several days.

Chiyo Morimoto sighed slightly in her heart and walked to the station door. It was raining heavily in the sky.

The streets covered with rain were slightly hazy.

She opened her umbrella and stepped into the rain.

Raindrops as big as soybeans pounded on the umbrellas, and some places on the road had turned into streams.

Luckily her legs were long enough to take her in one step.

She paid attention to the condition of the ground to avoid getting her shoes wet, and she also found some fun on the way to work.

Chiyo Morimoto came to Hisamatsu Apartment, put away her umbrella at the door, shook out the rainwater, walked up to the second floor, raised her hand and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door handle turned.

Okayama Taketa said with a smile on his face: "Good morning, Morimoto."

"Good morning, Okayama."

Chiyo Morimoto replied and walked into the house casually.

Sitting in the living room were Ito Otome, Kitano Takeshi, Iwaki Sosuke, and Miyaji Yosuke.

She glanced at him and said with a rather surprised expression: "Is Dr. Dicky actually late today?

What a surprise, I thought he had the kind of character that would never be late unless he died. "

"he died."

Okayama Taketa behind the scenes answered truthfully.


Chiyo Morimoto turned around with a look of astonishment on her face.

Taketa Okayama said with a wry smile: "Dr. Dicky was killed by Dio in the archives last night. Even his cell phone was shattered into pieces. It was the same as Pavao's death. The time of death was [-]:[-] pm."

Chiyo Morimoto frowned slightly when she heard this time. If she remembered correctly, at [-]:[-] in the evening, she was pretending to be drunk and getting Qingze to dance.

That brat often took advantage of him.

"Why did Dio kill Dr. Dickey?"

"It should be related to Ponte."

Okayama Taketa explained aloud: "Before Dr. Dicky died, Ponte and his team were killed by Dio first.

The case we encountered at noon yesterday was committed by Ponte deliberately. Dio may have learned the cause of the matter through Pavao, and then regarded Dicky as a member of Ponte's group.

Ruan Long, who was in charge of the live broadcast in Shinjuku that night, died in front of Dr. Dicky before the live broadcast. "

Having said this, Okayama Buta turned on the computer and played a picture.

That's satellite footage from outer space.

The shots include the blue earth, the dark space, and satellites in space.

The whole body is silvery white, cylindrical in shape, with an outward ring of metal at the end, which looks full of science fiction vision.

The satellite suddenly rotated, opened one side, and dropped a long tungsten rod outward from the center. It rushed into the atmosphere, and flames quickly burned around it.

Then, a diamond-shaped multicolored light shield suddenly appeared in the sky.

It was broken silently.

The tungsten rod continued to fall downwards, and the second layer of light shield appeared again, and was broken again.

Next is the third level.

This time the tungsten rod failed to break the light shield, and instead the light shield bounced the tungsten rod into space at a faster speed.

The satellite suspended in outer space was attacked by a tungsten rod and exploded.

After the fire, a scattered pile of garbage floated in outer space, without any aesthetic appeal.

The screen ends here.

Chiyo Morimoto said with a wry smile: "I really hope this is the opening CG of a game."

"What a pity. This is what happened last night. Ponte used space-based weapons before his death, and as you saw, he was defeated by Dio."

Okayama Taketa's tone was a little complicated. The original Dio was strong, but his lethality was limited to single-player combat.

In their understanding, as long as they use weapons of mass destruction, it is still possible to solve Dio.

Now it seems that they are overthinking everything.

Dio's power is so powerful that even weapons of mass destruction may not be able to solve it, far beyond human imagination.


Chiyo Morimoto suddenly laughed.

Ito Otome, who was sitting on the sofa, said angrily: "Are you crazy?"

"Of course not." Chiyo Morimoto was in a good mood and didn't care about anything with her.

It was successfully confirmed that Qingze has nothing to do with Dior.

In other words, it doesn't matter even if Qingze is Dio, with such strength, humans can't be beaten to death.

"I laugh, just because we finally got rid of Dicky's fanatical imperialist leadership. Will the higher ups consider bringing Emily back?"

When talking about this topic, Iwaki Sosuke scratched his head and said: "Why is it unclear from above? Emily may not come back. I found out that she was actually collecting Yakuza criminal information last night.

I suspect that she has received other tasks and gave up tracking Dio. "

"Maybe she's complaining that we didn't contact her and she's losing her temper."

Chiyo Morimoto smiled, she was very aware of Emily's awkward temper. Even if she knew it was inappropriate for the task force to continue contacting her, she would still be sulky because they didn't contact her.

Okayama Taketa couldn't help but smile when he thought of that angry man's expression, and said seriously: "According to the information I got, the cabinet is holding an emergency meeting to discuss the next police director of the Metropolitan Police Department. .”

"Whoever it is, I hope things continue as usual so that we can have good black tea."

Chiyo Morimoto sat down, missing the black tea made by Catalina.


Prime Minister's Residence, Conference Room.

An Daoxiong San watched the ministers discuss the fruitless matters last night.

After all, they are elderly people and cannot talk all night long like young people. The discussion ended at around eleven o'clock last night.

We have been talking about it since [-] o'clock this morning, but we still haven't come up with any results.

Unlike last time when they kept recommending their own people to serve as police chiefs, the ministers now appear to be particularly humble.

They like to actively recommend each other's people to serve as police chiefs and pass the blame on each other.

The new police chief was fired within two days, which shows that promoting a capable person to the position of police chief is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing.

But if an incompetent person is placed on top, it will return to the previous embarrassing situation.

The cabinet cannot remove the previous Matsunaga and then appoint someone similar to Matsunaga as police chief.

They still want to save face.

The problem is that even capable people don’t want to be on stage.

While everyone was talking to each other in official terms, the Minister of State said: "I have an idea, everyone. Why not select one person from the task force to serve as the police chief.

Let him, like Director Ponte, only be responsible for handling the affairs of the task force, and leave other matters to the people below.

What do you think? "

"That's a good idea."

An Daoxiong San immediately stood up for the Minister of State and appointed someone from the task force as the police director, which could also prevent the news about Dior from spreading further.

The ministers who were originally prepared to object quickly changed their minds when they heard that even the Prime Minister had spoken.

Someone suggested: "Then let Okayama Taketa take over as the police chief. The Okayama family has been a policeman maintaining public order since the Meiji period."

"That's why it's inappropriate. The outside world always says that we have bureaucracy and that one official is passed down to four generations. It would be better for the new police chief to choose someone with no background."

"Then let Sosuke Iwaki come to power. He is a very experienced policeman and capable."

"Since we want to promote our openness, he is obviously not suitable. The topic of discussion is too low."

The ministers present were very clear about the members of the task force.

The Minister of State said: "Then let Chiyo Morimoto serve as police director. She has an excellent resume and is a graduate of the University of Tokyo.

She ranks first in all subjects, and she is a young woman.

With a once-in-a-million beauty as the police director, this title is very impactful and can quickly make netizens not care about why Ponte died. "

"Do you have any comments?"

An Daoxiong glanced at the other ministers three times, wanting to see what objections they had.

The Chief Cabinet Secretary was the first to speak: "I have no objection."

The other ministers had no objections. It was undoubtedly in the interests of the people behind the scenes to select a person with no background.

It's easier to stand up and control things without a background.

It is in the interests of An Daoxiong San and Minister of State to have a capable person lead the task force.

For the masses, the youngest and most beautiful police chief in history can become a topic of conversation.

Everyone wins.


Chiyo Morimoto, who was drinking tea in Hisamatsu Apartment, was invited to the Prime Minister's official residence.

This is the first time in her life that she has set foot in the center of power of the country.

With her character, it was inevitable that she would be a little nervous. She glanced at the scenery inside the official residence. Apart from the filter of power, she saw that this place was no different from those of large companies. It was even not as high-end as some multinational companies.

Chiyo Morimoto quickly relaxed herself and sat on the sofa waiting for the Prime Minister to receive her.

About 15 minutes later, someone informed her, “You can go in and see the Prime Minister.

Remember, don't be too rude. "

Chiyo Morimoto nodded and entered the Prime Minister's office.

The space inside was spacious and the layout was no different from those of the bosses. She stepped forward and bowed: "Prime Minister Adao, good morning. What do you want to see me for?"

An Daoxiong San looked at the tall, straight, black woman in front of him. She was even more beautiful than the photo submitted below.

He showed a gentle expression on his face and waved: "Don't be nervous, sit down first.

The reason why I came to you this time is to inform you that after the cabinet decision, it is deemed that your performance is excellent enough to serve as the police chief. "


Chiyo Morimoto was shocked by the news and immediately said: "I have little talent and knowledge. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to be qualified for this position."

An Daoxiong smiled and said: "The No. 1 graduate of the University of Tokyo has little talent and little knowledge. Who in the Metropolitan Police Department can be called erudite?

I think it is most appropriate for you to serve as the police chief and lead the task force's investigation of Dior. "

"No, no, I don't even have a three-story detached villa in Tokyo, and I don't have a Lamborghini to drive around. How can I be qualified to be the police chief?"

Chiyo Morimoto pretended to shake her head and politely asked for benefits.

She understood that if it weren't for the right person above, a woman with no background like her would not be approached at all.

An Daoxiong smiled three times.

He is not afraid of Chiyo Morimoto being greedy, but he is afraid that this person is not greedy.

(End of this chapter)
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