Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 325 Intelligentization of the defensive force field

Chapter 325 Intelligentization of the defensive force field
Ding dong.

The pleasant bell rang and the teacher left the classroom.

The rain outside the window also stopped, and a touch of sunshine shone in the atrium.

Qingze stuffed the textbook back into the drawer. The blond girl sitting in front of him quickly turned around. Without any courtesy at all, she occupied most of his desk and even the pencil case was squeezed into the corner.

"Qingze, Ponte and the others were all killed by Dio last night."

"Hey, I remember that Ponte died in the line of duty just two days after taking office as police chief?"

"That's right, he is currently the police chief with the shortest tenure in the Metropolitan Police Department. He died in the line of duty within two days."

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy paused, a sly look flashed in her eyes, and she smiled: "Tell me, how did Dio find his whereabouts?

Ponte is well-known in the business world, but he is the kind of person who rarely appears in public.

His appearance has never been published in major news media, most of them are photos of his father.

Even I didn't know what Ponte looked like before I met him.

You said, why can Dior know exactly what Ponte looks like? "

Phoenix Academy Meiji's words were full of curiosity, and she stared at Qingze with a pair of bright eyes, not wanting to let go of any change in expression on his face.

"Hey~ What do you think the reason is?"

She urged, like a little girl who had eaten candy, even her smile showed a hint of pride.

Qingze spread his hands and said: "How can I know about such superpowers?"

"Eh~~" Phoenix Academy Meiji said in a long voice. Instead of crossing her chest with her right hand, she quickly punched forward several times and accurately hit Qingze's shoulder.

"It hurts. Why did you hit me suddenly when you were fine?"

Qingze rubbed his shoulders with his hands.

Meiji from the Phoenix Academy said with a serious face: "I want to see if I can shine."

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Qingze rolled his eyes.

He is indeed using a defensive force field now, but the defense of the defensive force field is an intelligent defense.

In other words, the defensive force field can identify whether it is a joke or a truly fatal attack.

According to Qingze's tests, things like kendo training will not trigger a counterattack in the defensive force field. Only attacks that can truly threaten his life will activate the defensive force field.

The rest of the time, he often needs to make his own judgment.

When he wasn't aware of it, the baseball that suddenly flew over could hit him accurately.

Unless the baseball has the power to blow his head off at once, the defensive force field will not automatically defend.

In addition, the defensive force field can last for a long time and can most likely be left on all the time.

Even the defensive force field he gave can be left on all the time.

From yesterday noon to now, Katarina's defensive force field has been turned off, and the defensive force field given to Chiyo Morimoto last night has also not been turned off.

In the morning, he gave defensive force fields to Akizuki Iroha, Phoenix-in Miki, squad leader, and Hojo Shinoko.

As for Tetsuji Hojo, Aosawa feels that he has reached the upper limit. If he does not remove Katarina's defensive force field, there will be no quota.

But in that case, he had no way of knowing how much force Catalina's defensive force field could withstand.

Emily is still collecting evidence of Yakuza crimes, probably because she wants to select a Yakuza organization who has stolen stolen goods.

This also fits the detective style.

Even if you know who the criminal is, you still have to find evidence to prove the other party's crime.


Phoenix Academy Mei Ji muttered, feeling that this guy was really tough, she retracted her hand, hugged her chest and said: "By the way, before class, I was chatting with Manami.

She complained about the sudden thunder last night that made her feet slip and fall to the bathroom floor. The pain was so painful that her tailbone seemed to have cracked.

This reminds me of something. When you were sick, you seemed to knock me down completely.

I didn't feel any pain at that time. Do you think this is amazing?

Although I fell to the ground, I couldn't feel any pain in my head or butt. Is this a super power? "

"Is there such a thing?"

Qingze had a blank expression on his face.

Phoenix Academy Meiji stared at him without saying anything.

He shrugged and said: "I don't remember clearly, maybe it was too exciting at the time, how about we try again?
Find a place where no one is around, I'll knock you down and see if it hurts. "

"You think beautiful."

Phoenix Academy Mei Ji raised her hand and patted his arm, giving him a look.

She did not continue to mention this matter. She was too shocked at the time and forgot whether she felt any pain.

When it rang in my mind afterwards, I could only think of the touch on my chest, but I couldn't remember whether there was any pain in the back of my head.

Qingze smiled, stood up and patted Hojo Tetsuji on the shoulder and said: "Tetsuji, don't sleep anymore and go to the toilet."


Hojo Tetsuji stood up suddenly, with a trace of cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Qingze was startled and said, "Do you need to react so loudly?"

"I just dreamed that I was on deadline and couldn't turn in the comic manuscript. The editor suddenly turned into a big monster and wanted to eat me."

Hojo Tetsuji wiped the sweat from his forehead and woke up from his dream, still feeling a slight palpitation.

This is a pressure he has never experienced before, but since drawing comics, Hojo Tetsuji gradually understands how hard it is for parents who come home late every day to work in society. The work I dare not lose is too tiring.

Hojo Tetsuji was afraid that if he was not careful, the manga would be cut in half and he would lose the opportunity to go shopping with Yoshikawa Sayuri to collect materials.

Now that he has experienced the beauty of drawing comics, Tetsuji Hojo definitely does not want to lose his job as a cartoonist.

"Calm down, dreams are reverses. Let's go to the toilet."

"I see."

Hojo Tetsuji suddenly understood, no longer anxious, and walked out of the classroom.

Phoenix Academy Meiji did not stay in her seat, she stood up and walked towards Nomura and the others.


In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

The sky outside the teaching building became gloomy again, and it seemed that a heavy rain was brewing.

As Qingze walked towards the club building, his cell phone vibrated in his trouser pocket, alerting him to new news.

He unlocked it and found that it was a message from Chiyo Morimoto.

"After school today, don't go back to Ayase Apartment. Use this address to go to our new home."

After the message showed that it had been read, Chiyo Morimoto quickly attached an address, "23-3 Ayase [-]-chome, Adachi-ku, Tokyo."

Looking at this address, Qingze showed a hint of surprise on his face. If he remembered correctly, it should be considered a wealthy area in Adachi Ward.

It's just a street away from the high-end apartment where they are located. Most of them are two to three-story houses.

"Why did we suddenly move?"

Qingze sent a message asking, which quickly became read, and he quickly saw a photo.

It was a light blue sports car with smooth curves. It was the kind of luxury car that civilians would not dare to touch and would shed tears whenever it was repaired.

Even Qingze, who doesn't know much about cars, knows that this car is very expensive.

"Did you win the lottery?"

"Of course not, starting from today, I will be promoted, all the way to the police chief.

You should be able to search for relevant videos in the afternoon. A once-in-a-million beauty serves as the police director, or she is the youngest female police director in history.

Ignoring sectarian opinions and only focusing on abilities, the Andao cabinet made an exception and promoted the strongest female police officer. "

Because this paragraph was too long, Chiyo Morimoto did not type it, but directly sent a voice message to explain the reasons.

Qingze was a little confused. He didn't know what kind of discussion took place before the position of police director was given to Chiyo Morimoto.

Is it possible that the higher-ups already know that Dio is his identity?

Doubts flashed through Qingze's mind, but were quickly rejected.

He believed that the higher-ups were probably frightened by Ponte's death and did not dare to serve as police director. They probably pushed him back and forth before blaming Chiyo Morimoto.

Qingze responded with a smile and said, "Congratulations on the promotion."

"Your reaction is too bland. Hurry up and call me Police Chief Morimoto respectfully."

Chiyo Morimoto sent this voice message, but her face did not look so happy.

She is not stupid, and the superiors can even agree to such outrageous requests, which shows that in their hearts, being the police director is definitely not a good thing, so they introduced her as a puppet as the police director.

This 370-square-meter villa and a Lamborghini, as well as the salary and retirement benefits of the police chief, were all used to buy her life.

Of course, Chiyo Morimoto would not be as stupid as Ponte and wanted to provoke Dio. She planned to adopt the task force's original strategy, which was to fight with words instead of using force.

The first thing she did when she took office was to abolish the Shentan APP. The reason was simple: that kind of workload was too heavy and was not in line with her fishing strategy.

But she did not report the truth to her superiors. She just completely rejected the possibility proposed by Dicky, thinking that the person did not understand Dior at all.

Dio is the apostle. Using that method will only waste their time. It is better to seize the time to study Dio's way to heaven.

This excuse was obviously very popular, and they also wanted to get to heaven before Dio.

"Okay, Police Chief Morimoto, remember to wear your uniform and cook for me tonight."

After sending this sentence, Qingze also added a squinting emoticon. The old man’s Police Director’s uniform is nothing, but Chiyo Morimoto’s Police Director’s uniform is quite eye-catching.

"I'll think about it~"

Morimoto Chiyo made this speech and said: "No more chatting, I still have things to do. I will cook a big meal for you tonight."

After the message was sent, Chiyo Morimoto did not quit and waited until Qingze sent an OK emoticon.

She just exited the chat software, looked up at the mansion with a yard in front of her, and raised her hand to ring the doorbell.

Jingle bell, the doorbell rings.

Soon, a familiar voice came from above.

"What? It turns out to be Morimoto. What do you want from me?"

Emily's eyes flashed with joy, and she quickly said with a straight face: "Be careful of Dicky scolding you."

"Actually, I resigned. Without the task force led by you, I don't want to stay for a second."

Chiyo Morimoto stood in front of the video doorbell with an affectionate look on her face.


Emily was stunned and complained: "You are a brat, you can resign so casually."

Chiyo Morimoto said with a serious face: "I came to you because I believe in your ability. I hope to accompany you as a detective."

"You're lying to me, forget it, come in and tell me something."

(End of this chapter)
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