Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 323 Let’s enter the wartime state

Chapter 323 Let’s enter the wartime state
In the apartment, the food is fragrant and the wine is strong, and there is a warm scene of love between a man and his concubine.

Outside the apartment, every country that has launched satellites into space has captured the scene of the destruction of space-based weapons.

No matter what time or place, the country's highest authority receives urgent news.

The Kremlin, Buckingham Palace, the White House, etc. all held emergency meetings.

Capitalists who knew the details also began to get busy.

At this moment, Ponte's life and death on the ground had become unimportant, and no one cared.

Including the Morgan family.

In everyone's eyes, that person was already dead.


Ponte raised his head and looked at the gathering clouds eating away at the stars. All the madness and pride in his heart seemed to have been stripped away from his body by an invisible hand, leaving only an empty and soulless body.

He broke down.

Superpowers are things that transcend cognition, but people like Ponte always like to include things that they do not understand into the scope of their understanding, and then think that they understand superpowers.

But the scene that happened before him was mocking his ignorance.

"Diqi, how can we win with such a guy?"

Ponte murmured, already able to feel something covering his body.

He also quickly pulled back his collapsed mentality and shouted: "No, don't, I don't want to die!"

The defensive force field expanded inward and instantly crushed him into a pulp, scattering him on the ground like a goddess scattering flowers.


Shinjuku, Okubo Police Station.

The lights in the archive room were not turned off. Dicky was wearing reading glasses and sitting on a square stool with a desk in front of him with various files on it.

There is a pot of tea brewing next to you to refresh yourself.

When he was young, he liked to drink coffee to refresh himself. Now that he is old, he is no longer suitable to continue drinking coffee that is too sweet, so he can only drink tea instead.

He was reluctant at first, but after taking a sip, he completely fell in love with drinking tea.

Especially Longjing tea.

Dicky scanned the file with his mobile phone, and the text quickly appeared in the detective's APP. He picked up the tea and took a sip, savoring the sweetness blooming among the bitterness.

The faint scent of tea poured into the nose, smelling better than women's perfume.

He put down the tea cup and began to read the words on it one by one to avoid typos or omissions that would affect the detective's accuracy.

This is what he is most proud of, and it is also the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world today.

A loud sound suddenly echoed in the archives room, and it was obvious that the door was not opened normally.

Dicky pushed the frame, quickly stood up and walked to the side without asking who it was.

He wanted to use the bookshelves here to cover up his figure, calculating in his mind the route between the door and here, and how he should go around to avoid the people who entered the door.

Dicky was unfazed and kept his steps very light. He tried to imitate the steps of a cat and did not cause any noise to ensure his own safety.

He didn't stop the movement of his hands and exited the Detective APP directly. He planned to call the people on the task force not to monitor the Yakuza and come over quickly for support.

Being able to sneak into the police station, the other party is definitely not an ordinary prisoner.

Before Dicky's message was sent, the phone suddenly exploded, and all the parts exploded, but the explosion did not affect his palm.

Because before the explosion, his hand was forced open by an invisible object.


Dicky reacted. He didn't expect that Dio would come to the door, but in this way, he also proved his guess.

"You are not an apostle at all, you are a human being. Are you killing me because you are afraid of the detective?"

Dicky shouted.

The invisible thing covered the body surface, allowing him to clearly feel the pressure.

There was no trace of fear on his old face, and he said with a smile: "You can't hide it for too long, don't underestimate the elite of the empire."


Outside the archives room, someone quickly came over and said, "Dr. Dicky, what happened? It was so loud."

The speaker casually walked past several bookshelves and saw flesh and blood on the ground.


Screams rang out, and the policeman in charge of managing the files quickly turned and ran away, shouting: "Killing!"

For a police officer who was only responsible for managing files, such a scene was obviously a bit too bloody and beyond his tolerance.


What happened at the police station can be regarded as a small episode in the night. In this dark night, senior officials will not pay too much attention to such "little things".

An Daoxiong San was sitting in the study at home, watching the video sent by the CIA.

After watching the whole process, he looked complicated and said, "Is this also Dio's ability?"

"According to the midday report, among Dior's latest superpowers, a multicolored diamond-shaped light shield will appear when attacked."

The Minister of State stood nearby and spoke out to explain to the Prime Minister.

With his status, he can only stand here and do this kind of explanation work for the people here.

The leaders of the five major consortiums and the Phoenix Family gathered in this study.

No one speaks.

They are all thinking. Faced with such a terrifying existence, what can humans do?
The answer is obvious.

Izo Iwasaki let out the worries in his heart heavily from his chest, and took a long breath to break the eerie silence of the scene.

"Now, it's time for us to change."

He murmured, his eyes changed from hesitant to determined, and he could see more clearly than ever before that the wave of the times was rushing towards the world.

"Yes, it is better to seek peaceful exchanges."

"Hu Die, it's not that we don't want peace, the key is that Dio won't give us peace!"

"Sumitomo is right. No one knows what Dio will do to this world after he goes to heaven. He may erase us."

"Even if he is kind-hearted and spares our lives, what's the point of losing our power, status, and wealth?"

Voices of opposition quickly emerged, and their current situation is that they are on a different stand than Dior.

According to that person's behavior, it is obvious that he looks down upon capitalists like them.

Dior has not responded to everything they promised before, which is the best proof.

Iwasaki Izo said: "The change I am talking about does not mean surrendering like Dio, but in addition to superpowers, we must also increase the research on technology and weapons.

Put aside the current class solidification, let all those incompetent idiots go away, and seek those who are capable.

Regardless of life experience or status, as long as he has talent, give him money and let him study it. "

"Is this going to be a wartime situation?"

Hu Die revealed Iwasaki Izo's intention.

Humanity's technology develops fastest in wars. Only in the kind of war that threatens one's own survival will those in power ignore everything and only seek those who win the war.

"Yes, this is a war, and there is no channel for peaceful communication between us and Dio.

Either be destroyed or survive! "

Iwasaki Izo's tone was tougher than steel, and his sharp eyes swept across the people present, trying to suppress all objections.

An Daoxiong thought for a moment and said, "It is true that we and Dior are not the same people, but the development of military science and technology needs the nod from the United States."

"I think that at this time, the United States will not refuse to lift restrictions, provided that our data must be shared with the United States at all times and under the surveillance of the US military."

Hu Die answered what An Daoxiong San said, she knew very well that when people in power are forced into desperate situations, they can indeed give up some rights, but there are some rights that they will not give up even in desperate situations.

It is impossible for the United States to allow Japan to develop military weapons that it cannot master. It must be under the leadership of the United States before it can let go of Japan's research in that area.

"It doesn't matter."

Izo Iwasaki answered on behalf of the Prime Minister.

In front of outsiders, Ada Kumazo can show off his qualifications, but in front of Iwasaki Izo, he can only be a junior. He nodded and said: "Being able to lift the restrictions is already the best result.

As for data, it naturally needs to be shared. We only need the right to use the results of research and development. "

"In that case, it's up to me to lobby the White House."

Among the families present, only the Phoenix Family has the best relationship with the United States.

It is most appropriate for Hu Die to take the initiative to go to the United States.

"Then it's decided."

Izo Iwasaki nodded, thought for a while and said: "First invest 3000 billion US dollars in start-up capital, and the plan is called Gao Tianyuan.

The government contributes [-]%, and each family contributes a little of the remaining [-]%.

We must do our best to attract talents in various cutting-edge fields at home and abroad to participate in the two projects of military weapons and superpowers. "

"it is good."

Everyone present nodded in agreement.

An Daoxiong San also nodded. The government's money is not his money, he only cares how to use it.

The sincerity paid by the consortium is his money.

Seeing them all nodding, Hu Die could only nod in agreement.

"Please discuss the specific matters. I need to convene a cabinet meeting to discuss who should be the next police director, so as to minimize the news of Ponte's death within two days of taking office."

An Daoxiong stood up, glanced at the six people present, and asked, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"This is an internal matter of the government. It's not for us to interfere. I'll leave it to you to decide."

Izo Iwasaki shook his head, not interested in recommending the police director.

He doesn't want to waste energy on such trivial matters. He must ensure that all US$3000 billion is implemented as planned by Gao Tian, ​​and there is no trace of corruption in the process.

At this time, instead of profit, he just wants to come up with technology that is enough to protect himself in front of superpowers as soon as possible, or to awaken his own superpowers.

Izo Iwasaki thinks there should be a lot of people who think like him.

He does not think that he is the smartest person in the world. There are always people in the world who are smarter and farsighted than him.

Japan is by no means the first country to tear up past common sense.

War will test whether a country is good or bad.

Weak countries will be destroyed without any mercy.

A country that does not want to be destroyed can only do its best to improve itself.

After tonight, Izo Iwasaki could foresee that in the history of mankind, an arms race that would exceed the scale of the Cold War would begin.

If the prophecies about the Messiah and the end of seven years are true, then which country will the kingdom of God on earth that only exists in this world be?
Izo Iwasaki didn't care, but he had to fight for a seat of influence in the only country.

(End of this chapter)
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