Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 318 You can’t break my shield

Chapter 318 You can’t break my shield

Qingze did not specify which Yakuza organization.

He believed that with Emily's ability, she could easily detect a heinous Yakuza organization and then annihilate it.

Those Yakuza organizations can show off their power in front of ordinary people.

For a humanoid tank like Katarina, it is simply a pendant in a [-]-yen shop, which you can use as you like.

He still needs to create some trouble secretly to test the strength of the defensive force field.

"Do not let me down."

Qingze used Schrödinger's cat power to turn his body into a translucent state and became a "ghost" that they could not see.

With a thought in his mind, he quickly came outside.

Tokyo is covered with clouds and heavy or light rain is falling in Tokyo 23 wards.

Qingze stood at the top of Tokyo Tower and looked at Tokyo in the rain. From this angle, it was poetic and picturesque. No wonder poets in ancient times often praised the beautiful scenery in the rain.

As long as you don't go down to the mortal world, overlooking the rain scene from a high place is indeed beautiful.

He spread his arms and stretched the defensive force field outward, rapidly expanding from one meter around to all directions. The speed was very fast. In less than a second, Tokyo District 23 was covered by the defensive force field, and then Tokyo.

It quickly spread forward, and two seconds later, the entire Honshu Island was covered, and he realized that the defensive force field had reached its limit.

After testing the specific distance, he quickly retracted to his side and tried to change the shape of the defensive force field, from a circle to a palm shape, and then quickly to a triangle, hexagon, and star shape.

There's nothing wrong with the range of changes.

He knew in his heart how to use it for attack, and he was also curious about what would be the consequences of a person's attack falling on the defensive force field?
Aozawa quickly disappeared from Tokyo Tower and appeared in the streets of Shinjuku, ready to start the search from here, and then picked the lucky one to test the strength of his defensive stance.


Shinjuku, Kabukicho.

The time is ten past one in the afternoon.

In my rental house, there is a stand for live broadcasting with a mobile phone on it.

Souma Kinko was tied to the chair, and the black cloth in front of her eyes had been torn off and fell to the ground.

The strip of cloth in his mouth and the ropes around his limbs were still there.

She didn't need to lower her head, she could judge her current state from the cool air covering her skin.

Aside from her words, she didn't even have a piece of cloth on her body.

Xiangma Xinzi has been in this industry for five years. She has heard that some perverts specifically target young ladies like them, but she never thought that one day she would become an unfortunate case in others' mouths.

Why is she so unlucky to meet such a pervert!

And he’s still a foreigner!

The man who was playing with the live broadcast machine in front of her was more than two meters tall and ran away from the fire scene, which definitely made the onlookers run away in fear.

Everyone was burned to charcoal.

He wore messy shoulder-length dreadlocks and only wore board shorts that reached his knees, revealing a very strong upper body, and his back muscles vaguely resembled the outline of a Christmas tree.

Thinking of the talents of this kind of person, Xiangma Xinzi felt like crying. She just hoped that the other party would not torture her too hard and at least spare her a life.

"Hello~Dear viewers, I am your old friend Pavao~"

He waved inside. There were thousands of fake fans in the live broadcast room, and there were only a few real fans, but they were not there to watch this cruel live broadcast on the dark web. They just wanted to see if he had met Dior.

Monday, Shinjuku, around one o'clock in the afternoon, crime, the four key factors add up, and the chance of encountering Dio is very high.

This was Ponte's bait plan, and the executors were naturally the four wild dogs around him.

Pavao is a wild dog who actively seizes tasks.

He never thought there was anything wrong with being a wild dog. As long as he had money, women, and a life of plenty, he would have no problem doing anything.

Conscience is the cheapest thing in the slums.

Unlike Armaniaz, he believes that there is no redemption for wild dogs. Once a wild dog, always a wild dog.

Instead of thinking about those moral and human issues, it is better to have the attitude of living one day at a time, so that you can live a wonderful and nourishing life every day.

So when Ponte proposed this bait plan, Pavao rushed to agree.

He likes the feeling of ignoring the law and doing violence to people at will, and is also curious about what a person with super powers looks like.

Pavao has killed many people for Ponte in his life, but he has never fought with a person with super powers.

If you can bite off the ear or finger of a person with superpowers and escape with injuries, that would be a very dazzling achievement.

In his mind, fighting came before wine and women.

Pavao's greatest wish in life is to die gorgeously during battle.


"Please take a look at our guest today, the lady who comes to serve you, Souma Kinko.

As you can see, her figure has a very rare F.

There is a little fat on the waist, but it does not look fat, but just right.

It can be seen that she takes good care of herself.

Shaving is a good service, it's a little dark, but that's okay.

A woman who has been in this industry for a long time can still maintain this color, which can be said to be good. "

Pavao introduced here that his mission was to lure Dio out without Dio noticing anything strange. To do this, he needed to pretend to be ignorant and torture this woman with the most brutal methods.

He had a very unique interest in torturing people.

The blood, the woman's wailing, and the white and tender skin gradually turning bruised and even bloodless under his hands all made him feel very excited.

He is a wild dog, and when he feels hungry, he will naturally bite any prey in front of him. "Woo!"

Souma Kinko shook her head in horror, trying to inspire some compassion from the other party.

She is a woman.

"First, let's try this lady's basic skill of applying oil to a wooden stick full of iron nails.

Don't worry, the sharp part is all inside the wood. "

The smile on Pavao's face was more terrifying than a devil. Souma Kinko didn't expect that this guy was so perverted, and that he would play such a life-threatening thing as soon as he came on stage.

There is no intention of letting her leave here alive.


She shook her head desperately.

Seeing the approaching weapons, Souma Kinko cried and was so frightened that she lost control of her urine.

Pavao looked at the water flowing down the foot of the chair and laughed: "Haha, I didn't even exert any strength, but you were so scared."

At this point, Pavao took out the cloth from her mouth and said with a evil smile: "You can shout as much as you want, it will be more fun this way."

"No, please don't do this, I will die, help!"

"Haha, no one will come to save you."

Pavao laughed loudly.

"Really? I don't think so."

A very magnetic voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Pavao's pupils suddenly dilated, the doors and windows were locked, and there was only one person who could sneak into the house without making any noise!
He turned around quickly and saw the tall figure on the other side of the stand.

The blond hair, fair complexion and facial features disgusted Pavao so much that he wanted to dismantle the opponent's limbs and stain them with blood.

"who are you?"


Qingze spit out the name, spread the defensive force field forward in a circle, wrapped the mobile phone and the holder half a meter away, and then expanded the defensive force field inward.

In Pavao's eyes, the bracket and mobile phone suddenly became shattered, as if they had been crushed by a hydraulic press.

This is Qingze's attack application of the defensive force field. Surrounding an object, then expanding the defensive force field, directly crushing the mobile phone and bracket, the effect is better than he imagined.

"This power..."

Pavao took a breath, his tone showing a hint of shock. He knew the existence of superpowers and actually witnessed superpowers were completely different things.

Qingze looked at the expression on his face and said slowly, "You don't seem to be surprised at all by my arrival."

The words contained hypnotic power, causing Pavao to reply truthfully: "Of course, I'm here to lure you out."

As soon as the words came out, Pavao's pupils shrank, and he actually told the truth.

This is also a kind of super power of the other party!

So that people could obey his commands.

Pavao suddenly slapped his ears with both hands, shattering the eardrums and causing blood to flow from them.

The silent world did not frighten him.

Pavao let out a sharp roar, his instep tensed, and the floor beneath his feet shattered, even shaking the chair where Souma Kinko was sitting.

He threw away the wooden stick with iron nails and threw himself forward, tearing it off with his hands like eagle talons.

Ponte collected those talented people from the slums, brought them to the base, and taught them fighting skills like raising gu.

In the end, among the 500 people, Pavao stood out because of his eagle claw skill.

Flesh and steel are as soft as soil under these claws.

Qingze crossed his chest with his hands and quickly transformed the defensive force field into a wall in front of him.

Colorful rhombus-shaped brilliance emerged, and Pavao felt his hands hit the ground full of iron thorns. The terrifying backlash caused his fingers to bend in an inhuman shape, and then his forearm slapped him in the face.

Several teeth flew out of the mouth.


Pavao burst out screaming in agony.

Qingze thought thoughtfully. It seems that when the defensive force field is attacked, a colorful diamond-shaped shield will appear. It looks very cool.

He raised his hand, and several hands suddenly stretched out from the left and right sides of the wall-shaped defensive force field. They lifted Pavao from the ground, then grabbed his arm and hit him in the defensive force field.

"Ah!" Pavao screamed again, pain spreading from his fingertips to his brain.

But the backlash he encountered was less terrifying than before.

Qingze deduced that the force of the rebound depends on how strong the opponent is.


His open right hand was clenched into a fist, and the defensive force field was squeezed inwards.

Bang, Pavao's entire body turned into a ball of blood mist.

Qingze did not ask who instigated Pavao. From what Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy said in the morning, he could guess that this person was one of the four wild dogs kept in Ponte's pen.

He glanced at Souma Kinko, who was so scared that he peed again.

"..." Qingze didn't want to step forward, so he used his defensive force field hand to untie the rope from the woman's body, and then he disappeared into the house.

(End of this chapter)
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