Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 317 Six Conditions for Going to Heaven

Chapter 317 Six Conditions for Going to Heaven
In laziness, she ushered in the afternoon.

It was raining outside the window, and the blowing wind knocked raindrops on the surface of the window.

Emily covered her head with the quilt. She had no intention of getting up. She usually woke up very early when she was in the task force.

But now she has been kicked out.

All the busy work seemed to be withdrawn from her world in an instant, and only the [-] million US dollars lying in her bank account proved her hard work.

This $[-] million is equivalent to buying out all news about Dior.

If she tried to reveal it to outsiders, she couldn't blame the Morgan consortium for not practicing martial ethics.

Of course, according to Emily's opinion, Morgan's eldest son should really want her to break the rules.

In that case, Ponte could justifiably eliminate her and recoup the payment.

Capitalists are profit-seeking.

Three hundred million U.S. dollars seems like a lot, but if she sells the information she holds to any country, the reward and even her position will be far greater than three hundred million U.S. dollars.

This transaction can only be said to have made money for the Morgan consortium.

There was a knock on the door, and Catalina's voice came from outside the door, "Emily, it's time for you to get up, lunch is ready."

The messy little head emerged from the quilt, and Emily wrapped her neck in the quilt, like a silkworm chrysalis on the bed, and like a salted fish basking in the sun, "I don't want to get out of bed, bring lunch."

At this time, the air conditioner was turned on to [-] degrees.

Catalina opened the door, and the cool air that was completely different from the outside blew on her body.

She didn't show any fear of the cold. Martial arts masters exercise all the year round, and their Qi and blood are stronger than ordinary people. In the middle of winter in Siberia, she could rub the snow and take a bath.

Catalina was carrying today's lunch, which was a steaming roast leg of lamb and a bottle of freshly squeezed juice.

According to Emily's appetite, the whole leg of lamb is enough for her to eat, and she doesn't need extra rice.

"Don't be disappointed. Didn't we get another [-] million US dollars? Jack also said that if there is a chance, he will let us participate in the Dior investigation as his personal staff."

"I lost the task force."

Emily pouted, almost with a soy sauce bottle hanging from the corner of her mouth, and complained: “It’s still because of my identity as a Russian.

That damn Angsa guy, what are you so proud of?

It's just that during the Cold War, luck happened to win.

After all, it’s all the fault of the guy who calls the Pope how many teachers he has. Why don’t you pay attention to the power of faith?

Just by strengthening military force, has he forgotten why that huge country was able to be established and why it frightened the West?

It’s all faith!
Even if we lose our faith and arm our country to the teeth, it is impossible to stop the United States. Internal collapse is inevitable. "

"Okay, don't complain about those old things, eating meat."

Catalina placed the food in front of her bedside table, and Emily opened her mouth and said, "Feed me, it's too cold outside, I don't want to reach out."

"If you're afraid of the cold, don't turn on such a low temperature."

Catalina complained, but she also knew that Emily was severely hit this time.

For a long time in the past, Emily worked with Catalina to solve crimes.

She rarely communicates with outsiders. It's not that Emily has a cold personality. On the contrary, anyone who has gotten along with Emily knows that she is a very emotional person.

Emily values ​​relationships too much, so in order to avoid the pain of separation, she often chooses not to get too close to others.

Usually, Emily can always solve the case as quickly as possible without having any contact with the people related to the case.

This task force is different.

Because Dior's case delayed Emily too much time, she established a deep friendship with Chiyo Morimoto, Taketa Okayama and others.

At least that's the case on Emily's side.

According to Chiyo Morimoto's words, Catalina could not grasp the woman's thoughts.

"They are a bunch of ruthless guys. From yesterday to now, no one has contacted me."

Emily's little face was full of sadness and anger.

"Okay, they should also consider the attitude above, I will cut the meat for you to eat."

Catalina used a knife to cut off a piece of meat from the roasted lamb leg, then picked it up and carried it forward.

Emily, who was lying on the bed, opened her little mouth.

The air suddenly fluctuated.


A tall blond man stood silently behind Catalina. His outfit was still so weird but somehow good-looking, and his eyes exuded charming depth.


Emily screamed and sat up.

Catalina quickly turned around and entered a defensive posture.

"Don't be so nervous, the meat is about to fall to the ground."

A magnetic voice sounded. Qingze reminded them and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I shouldn't have disturbed you."

Emily was wrapped in a quilt and shouted: "Of course, you are a guy who breaks into a girl's boudoir at will.

In the eyes of the world, this is perverted behavior! "

Qingze did not expect that Emily's perspective on thinking about the problem was so unique. It may be that leaving the task force allowed her to let herself go a little bit.But he didn't talk about this topic, just looked at the two people.

The light on Katarina's forehead was even brighter than Chiyo Morimoto's, and there was a big ball there.

Looking at Emily again, her forehead is also brighter than normal people, but not as bright as Chiyo Morimoto's.

"I came to you because I wanted to ask you for help. You should have said that if there is anything I want you to do, you will help me as long as it does not violate morality."

Upon hearing his words, Emily was slightly startled, shook her head and said, "I am not the leader of the task force now. If you want me to cover up any news for you, that is impossible."

"I'm not talking about that kind of thing. It doesn't matter to me whether the news is concealed or not."

Qingze shook his head and tried to magnify the shining light on Catalina's forehead.

The light that was originally limited to his forehead quickly spread downwards and disappeared under his thoughts, turning into a defensive force field that was invisible to the naked eye.

But Qingze could feel that there was a defensive force field on Catalina's body, just like the clothes she wore, close to her skin.

And he peeked at Catalina's face, and found that her expression was very solemn, and she was completely unaware of the spread of the defensive force field. It should be impossible for her to clearly feel the defensive force field like him.

Qingze thought in his mind that even a martial artist like Katarina couldn't detect it, so it should be impossible for Chiyo Morimoto to detect it.

In terms of perception, this person is sharper than Chiyo Morimoto.

"What do you want us to do?"

Emily asked curiously. She didn't know if there was anything else about her that was worthy of the other party's attention. Could it be her condensed body?

"I need you to be my friend."

Dio's words stunned Emily. She didn't expect that when she was in the task force, she tried so hard to get the opportunity to use her honey trap, but there was no progress.

But after leaving the task force, such an opportunity suddenly fell in front of me. It was really a twist of fate.

She asked curiously: "Is it related to going to heaven?"

"Yes, there are six conditions that need to be met to go to heaven. One of them is that I must have a trustworthy friend. This friend must have no interest in power or reputation and strictly abide by his own rules."

After Qingze said this, he sat on the end of the bed, crossed his legs and said, "In my opinion, you have such qualifications."

If she didn't make it clear, it would be convenient for Qingze to veto her qualifications at any time.

"You are quite discerning."

Emily replied, unable to hide the curiosity on her face, and asked: "What are the other conditions?"

"The second is the soul of a person who has done the most evil, the third is the fourteen secret words, and the fourth is the courage to give up one's own power.

The fifth one is a specific location.

sixth. "

Emily's breathing became heavier, and her blue eyes stared at Qingze, full of expectation, hoping to learn all the conditions for going to heaven from him.

"I will tell you later when you become my trustworthy friend."

This sentence almost made Emily want to jump up and bite him.

Can't you finish speaking in one breath?
It has to be this way to whet one's appetite.

But she wanted to think about it, but she was thinking crazily in her mind. Are the fourteen secret words classic words related to religion?
How much does it take for a sinner’s soul to reach the mark?

The specific location should be Tokyo. To be more specific, Shinjuku is very likely.

Because Dior is most active in Shinjuku.

Then there is the courage required to give up one's own power. Perhaps then is the best time to defeat Dio.

Because at that time, Dio gave up his power.

Many thoughts flashed through Emily's mind, then she calmed down and said, "Then how can I become your trustworthy friend?"

"Please do one thing for me first and let me see if you are worthy of my trust."

Qingze decided to test the strength of Katarina's defensive force field and under what circumstances it would be defended.

In this case, Aozawa can make a judgment on whether it is necessary to secretly provide defensive force fields to Chiyo Morimoto, Miki Phoenix, and Akizuki.

Emily frowned and said, "You won't let me help you kill people, right?"

"If a heinous guy dies, will it do any harm to the world?

The answer is no, there are only benefits. "

Qingze stood up and said with a smile: "You are no longer a member of the task force. According to the rules you set, is it not allowed to harm those extreme people?"

Emily fell silent.

She usually never digs into the evil deeds of the Yakuza, and treats them as if they don't exist if she doesn't see them.

The reason is simple. It has nothing to do with her. There is no direct conflict of interest between the two parties, and she won't care about that.

Because she is so smart. Smart people always think far ahead when thinking about problems.

Once a Yakuza organization is eliminated, a new Yakuza will replace it. As long as the politicians above need it and as long as Japan does not change this decadent system, the Yakuza will not disappear.

It is very difficult to completely remove those.

Just to win Dio's trust, it seems that it is not unacceptable to kill Ji Dao.


She nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)
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