Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 319 Wherever there is a different world, it’s all Dio

Chapter 319 Wherever there is a different world, it’s all Dio

On July 24, at 302:[-] and [-] seconds in the afternoon, Pavao was killed by Dio in Fukuhara Apartment [-], Kabukicho [-]-chome, Shinjuku.

After inputting this piece of data into the artificial intelligence detective, Dicky did not feel a bit sad about Pavao's death, but instead seemed very excited.

As long as he continues to input the cases that Dio has done into the detective, the detective will be able to use these cases to check whether there are similar cases among the massive previous cases and find traces of Dio.

Different from the perceptions of those politicians, including Ponte, in Dicky's eyes, he believed that the so-called alien world and Griffith were probably caused by the same person.

He is more inclined to the speculation of the early task force, believing that Dior will refresh a super power every week. It just so happens that that week, Dio's super power is to build a different world.

Such superpowers undoubtedly feel too exaggerated.

But think about it carefully, which of Dior's superpowers is not exaggerated to the point of exceeding common sense?
As for what benefit Dio gained from deceiving everyone, he guessed it was pleasure.

Although most crimes in this world are based on various interests, there are a very small number of people who commit crimes just for pleasure.

The pursuit of pleasure is their motivation.

Those plutocrats and politicians cannot understand that kind of people.

Dickey could understand that he had one thing in common with those who liked to commit crimes for pleasure. It couldn't be said to be a common ground, only a similarity.

Pleasure offenders are capable of doing anything to please themselves.

In his words, for the hegemony of U.S. imperialism in the world, he can do anything and does not pursue money, material and other enjoyments at all.

The only thing I care about is probably fame.

The reputation of a scholar is important.

Whether the fame brought good intentions or bad intentions, he didn't care, as long as he was famous.

This is why he is not liked by those big investors, but he is still able to rely on his own abilities to win corresponding awards many times without being blown away by them.

Because those people know that dirty water can be poured out casually, but if they really want to operate secretly and take away the award that belongs to him, then they will really anger him.

Capitalists would not do that kind of thing just to be able to take advantage of him one day.


The gloomy sky gradually turned white, and the rain became very light, so light that people did not need to hold umbrellas when going out.

The task force's car was parked on the side of the road.

The door of the back seat opened, and the gray-haired Dicky got out first. He looked up at the six-story apartment in front of him and quickly walked towards the door.

Chiyo Morimoto unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the passenger seat, with a lazy expression on her face.

Chasing Dior should have been something worth pursuing.

But at this moment, Morimoto Chiyo lost her usual excitement, probably because the little guy who was always full of fighting spirit was transferred away.

She quite likes little people with humane feelings, but hates such fanatical and pure pawns of imperialism.

"Morimoto, cheer up."

Okayama Taketa reminded him that he didn't want to see Chiyo Morimoto get kicked out of the task force because of such a fishy expression.

Although Ponte seems to be easy-going on the outside, he is actually very ruthless in his heart. He is a capital machine that pays attention to high efficiency.

"Don't be so nervous. It's impossible for Dio to stay here anyway. If we probe, we won't find anything."

Morimoto Chiyo shrugged, whispered back, and walked into the apartment with long legs.

This apartment is an old-fashioned apartment and does not have an elevator. The crime occurred in 302.

When the two entered the apartment, they didn't speak anymore and only made eye contact to prevent their voices from being heard by Dicky above.

The old man took over Emily's identity and was now the actual leader of the task force.

Dicky's way of doing things is very different from Emily's, but one thing is the same, that is, he is full of enthusiasm for Dior's affairs.

At this age, he walked faster than most young people today. He climbed to the third floor without taking a breath.

Standing at the door of 302 was a woman with a panicked face, dressed in a customary style.

Wearing a leather black top and hip-hugging short skirt, with a leather whip rolled around the waist, black fishnet stockings, and a pair of high boots, it looks like a special service within a special service.

"Hello, we are from the Metropolitan Police Department, Miss Soma. Please tell us what happened."

Dicky took out his ID.

Souma Kinko looked at the gray-haired old man in front of her with some shock on her face. She had known that the aging population in the country was very serious, but she did not expect that even such a weird murder would require a white-haired old man to take part.

This country really needs to play.

Souma Kinko complained in her heart and began to tell her own experience. She did not hide the in-home massage, which was legal under Japanese law.

As long as Souma Kinko herself isn't stupid enough to say that she wants a guest to get to home plate, it's not illegal.

Japanese law clearly stipulates that as long as you don't go in, it's not considered prostitution.

“…As soon as I entered, he forced me onto a chair, took off my clothes, tied me up, and wanted to live stream the video.

At the critical moment, the blond man appeared, and then the stand and mobile phone suddenly became shattered. "

Dicky listened to the woman's words, squatted down, reached out and picked up the debris on the ground.

From the material, you can vaguely see that it is a stand and a mobile phone. A little bit of broken glass from the mobile phone screen shines like gold falling into the sand.

"The man frantically dropped the stick with iron nails and jumped forward. Before he could touch the blond man, there was a banging sound, a colorful diamond-shaped light flashed in the air, and the man's hands were completely useless.

The next second, I saw the blond man raise his hand and shake the big black man like this. "

Souma Shinko pointed at the mixture of flesh and blood on the ground. Bones, internal organs, and yellow and white things were all piled up in the pool of flesh and blood.

Chiyo Morimoto watched this scene and smelled the unpleasant smell of blood and stench in the air.

She frowned and said, "Rhombus-shaped colored light shield?"

"Yeah, you guys have to believe me!

What I just said was all the truth, and that person’s death had nothing to do with me! "

Souma Kinko thought she didn't believe her words, so her expression became excited and she loudly clarified her relationship with this matter.

She wanted to call the police because she didn't want to get involved in this weird murder case.

"By the way, I remember he called himself Dior, which is the name in the prank video!"

Chiyo Morimoto patted her shoulder and said: "Okay, don't get excited, we will investigate the specific situation.

You should not leave Tokyo recently and wait for our phone call. Regarding the details of the case, you should not talk nonsense until the truth is obtained, so as not to interfere with our investigation. "


Xiangma Xinzi nodded quickly, knowing that this kind of thing was too outrageous. If word spread, he would probably be regarded as mentally ill.

"Okayama, take her back."


Okayama Taketa sent Xiangma Xinzi back home.


After watching the two people leave, Chiyo Morimoto swept away the remaining liquid on the chair, turned his gaze to the old man in the room, and asked: "Dr. Dickey, what should we do next?"

Dicky withdrew his gaze from the mass of flesh and blood and said calmly: "Input the newly added super power into the detective."

"New addition...didn't you read the report on exploring other worlds?"

"Of course I have seen it, but I don't think that other world is a real other world. Messiah and Satan are all nonsense.

I trust your task force's early investigation. "

"Anyone who has been to another world will never have any doubt that it is false. The people, air, and creatures living there are all so real."

Chiyo Morimoto recounts her experiences in another world. Every time the doubts that arise in her mind are dispelled by the real experiences there.

If that is false, then this reality is probably also false.

"For those who have that kind of thinking, one more person is not more than me, and one less person is not less than me."

Dicky was not persuaded by Chiyo Morimoto. He still insisted on his own ideas and said calmly: "Whether it is true or not, we only need to wait for the detective to get the results to know.

If Dio was an apostle, he should have taken action before.

If Dio is not, but a person who suddenly awakens to super powers, then according to your previous speculation, he will add one super power every week.

So the first time he awakened his superpower and committed a crime was his biggest flaw.

As long as the crimes he committed are recorded, the detective will be able to find the similarities. "

After a pause, Dicky took a breath and said, "Then we can pinpoint the place where Dio first committed the crime, and then based on the time of the crime, the detective will deduce what occupation he is engaged in."

"Do you even deny that Dio is going to heaven?"

Chiyo Morimoto was a little surprised.

The task force's previous investigation plans all regarded Dior's going to heaven as a top priority, and capital and politicians all believed in that statement.

Dicky sneered: "I never believe in heaven. Those who believe in heaven just want eternal happiness after death."

Dickey is a staunch atheist and materialist who only believes in what already exists.

He treats things that do not exist, and things that have no evidence to prove their existence, as if they do not exist.

Some of the information provided by the task force was accepted by him, while some was rejected by him.

"You don't believe in heaven either, do you?"

"Then you are wrong. I actually still believe in the existence of heaven."

"Yeah, what a pity. I thought a smart person like you wouldn't believe in such illusory things."

Dicky glanced at her, turned and walked towards the door and said, "Don't worry, time will prove who of us is right and who is wrong."

Morimoto Chiyo caught up with him, his expression did not change at all, and he was already shaken in his heart.

"Do I need to write the report to be submitted to Director Ponte?"

"No, I'm not that lazy Russian. I'll write the report."

Dicky shook his head. He didn't agree with Ponte's plan in his heart, but he wouldn't bother him and everyone would do their own thing.

(End of this chapter)
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