Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 243 The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage

Chapter 243 The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage
TEPCO’s top-level radiation has long since dissipated.

Obayashi Chunyi couldn't understand.

Normally, such intense nuclear radiation would take at least ten or even decades to dissipate.

In terms of scope, it will not be limited to the top level.

The entire Chiyoda City may be enveloped by nuclear radiation.

According to the instrument detection, there are no signs of nuclear radiation in the air on the top floor. Only on the mummies that have aged to the point of dehydration can some residual nuclear radiation be detected, which is low enough to not be harmful to the human body.

Obayashi Chunyi remembers that the nuclear power plant has six nuclear reactors and 130 million tons of nuclear sewage. The combined amount of nuclear radiation is just dissipated?

It goes against what he has learned in the past and subverts his common sense of the world.

Obayashi Chunyi stood in the conference room, looking at the corpses that seemed to fall apart immediately if he poked them with his fingers.

He frowned, did not stay here any longer, turned around and walked out.

There was a soft ding and the elevator door opened.

Obayashi Chunyi glanced there, and several people walked out of the elevator.

The leader was petite, with long blond slightly curly hair shawl. She was wearing a gothic dress, black and red, and looked like a large doll walking on the road.

Emily from the task force.

Obayashi Chunyi sighed inwardly. He had already said that he could not stop the task force, but there were still people who wanted to try.

"Long time no see, Morimoto, Okayama."

Dalin Chunyi stepped forward to greet him.

He is a graduate of Tokyo University. He was good friends with Taketa Okayama when they were at Tokyo University, and he also knew Chiyo Morimoto.

"Da Lin, it's been a long time no see."

Chiyo Morimoto showed a hint of surprise on her face and smiled: "So you joined the Public Security Class [-], how have you been recently?"


Obayashi Chunyi smiled.

"Let's go aside and catch up on old times."

Okayama Taketa stepped forward with a smile on his face, put his arm around Obayashi Chunyi's shoulders and said, "Morimoto, go in and take a look, don't delay your work."

"no problem."

Chiyo Morimoto took advantage of this conversation. She was not in the mood to reminisce with Junichi Obayashi.

But if you just ignore Obayashi Junichi and enter the scene to investigate, but he seems a bit indifferent, after all he is an acquaintance from his student days, you can't give him no face at all.

With Taketa Okayama's excuse, she could get away from basic social activities.

Okayama Taketa took Obayashi Junichi to the end of the corridor, where floor-to-ceiling windows were installed, allowing one to see the scenery of Chiyoda District outside.

No one else was around.

Obayashi Chunyi did not pretend to be pretentious and complained: "Why do you need to come up? Isn't it easier to wait for the report there.

Unlike us, the task force is favored by the CIA and the police chief, so it must be able to get more intelligence. "

There was a hint of sourness in his words.

Compared with the task force, the public security class is like a stepchild. Every day, it is to face various accountability from the National Public Security Commission.

Why there is no progress in urging and comparing them with the task force, without considering the limited resources and intelligence they have.

"That's what I say, but Emily's personality is that she likes to go to the scene to investigate. She doesn't like to wait for reports at home."

A wry smile appeared on Okayama Taketa's face.

Dalin Chunyi smiled and said, "It's not easy either."

As he spoke, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled one out and handed it over.

Okayama Taketa doesn't usually smoke, but in the process of communication, cigarettes are indispensable.

He didn't refuse, took a cigarette and lit it.

A conversation opened up between the two men.

Dalin Chun exhaled smoke from his nose and sighed with a face full of emotion: "It's incredible that the nuclear radiation that can cause human body to age and die actually dissipated in such a short period of time without any impact.

Millions of tons of nuclear sewage disappeared, there was no sign of a drop of water at the site, and six nuclear reactors stopped, or disappeared.

This is superpower.

Completely beyond scientific common sense, this tritium girl is like this, and Dior is like that too.

What is the use of chasing such a monster? "

Dalin Chun's eyes showed a trace of confusion, and the smoke exhaled from his nose and slowly dissipated in the air.

But the doubts in my heart could not be dispelled.

The previous Dior was outrageous enough, but the current Tritium Girl is even more outrageous.

What he did has subverted common sense that people can understand.

Six nuclear reactors and millions of tons of nuclear sewage are gone.

Is this horse riding done by humans?

"I do not know."

Okayama Taketa shook his head and sighed: "At first, I just regarded Dio as an ideal and highly intelligent criminal.

After checking, I found out that he is actually a person with super powers, and then I found out..."

After a pause, Okayama Taketa did not continue. Things about other worlds are confidential matters required by the superiors and cannot be told to outsiders.

Even people from the Public Security Section [-] are the same.

"In short, if you ask me to describe my current mood, it is that the original world view and common sense about the world have become fragmented."

"It sounds really desperate." "It's so desperate. We are just ordinary people. The technology we could rely on in the past has become unreliable. Things beyond our imagination will continue to happen in the future."

Okayama Taketa doesn't have any good hopes for the future.

If anything, it is that the world can continue to exist.

When he wakes up in the afternoon, he can drink a cup of hand-brewed coffee from Hoshino Coffee Shop and look out the window at the crowded people going to and from work.

Based on the current development, he was really afraid that when he woke up one day, he would see no people going to and from work outside the window, and there would be alien demons hunting humans everywhere.

The streets were full of wailing and screaming, and the world was coming to an end.

Will a savior appear by then?

Okayama Taketa didn't know, but he hoped he would never see such a scene.

Dalin Chun glanced at him and asked curiously: "If you are so depressed, why do you still persist?
I don't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but I don't have a strong enough background to leave.

You should be able to escape from this troublesome matter. "

“Chunyi, someone must walk in front.

There is nothing we can do now, but a hundred or a thousand years from now, our efforts may be able to illuminate the way forward for the world. "

Okayama Taketa raised his head, and the cigarette in his hand slowly floated: "Isn't this how human beings make little progress?
The people who first proposed science were regarded as heretics and devils by the church, and were also rejected by the world.

At that time, people who pursued scientific truth were in so much pain and despair. I don’t know how many people fell on the road without hope.

If no one takes over the torch, barbarism will defeat the truth. It is their persistence that makes us live today. "

"The fact that you still have such romantic thoughts in your mind shows that you are not desperate enough."

Obayashi Chun complained and then said, "I'm getting married on the [-]th of next month."

"Congratulations, I will still be alive by then. I will definitely come to your house for a wedding banquet when I have time."

The topic suddenly changed from depressing events to life events.

Neither Obayashi Junichi nor Okayama Taketa felt that this change was sudden.

After talking about heavy topics, it’s time to talk about some light topics to lighten the atmosphere.

Dalin Chunyi smiled and said: "It doesn't matter whether you come or not, as long as you have a lot of money.

when are you getting married? "

"I don't want that anymore."

Okayama Taketa shook his head.

A strange look flashed in Dalin Chun's eyes and he said: "Do you still like Morimoto?

Speaking of which, when we were studying at Tokyo University, we did some stupid things to compete for Morimoto. "


Speaking of that time, Okayama Taketa also showed a smile and said: "The most stupid thing is that we did so many things but never showed our feelings in front of Morimoto."

"It's impossible to tell."

When Jun Obayashi mentioned his youthful years at that time, the corner of his mouth curled up and he said: "Whether it was studying, sports or appearance, Morimoto stood out at Tokyo University, and the number of boys chasing her in total was probably from several classes.

We were able to communicate with Morimoto, but we didn’t express our feelings. "

At this point, Obayashi Chunyi suddenly remembered and said: "I remember that I even had a fight for Morimoto. You boy showed no mercy."

"You said it as if you were merciful. My right eye was blue at the time, and I didn't dare to meet Morimoto for three days, for fear that she would ask why.

When we met again, she didn't even notice that I disappeared for three days. "

"Haha, what was the reason for us fighting at that time?"

"I don't know, I've forgotten it."

Okayama Taketa shook his head.

Obayashi Chunyi thought hard for a while and gave up thinking. Although he remembered the fight, he could not remember the specific reason and date of the fight at all.

All I know is that the fight had to be fought at that time.

“It’s so nostalgic.

When I was in school, I wanted to graduate crazily, and then I wanted to go back after graduation. Maybe this was proof of my failure in life. "

"Don't rub salt in my wounds."

Okayama Taketa took a long puff of cigarette.

When he was on campus, he thought his ability could change everything. After entering the Metropolitan Police Department, he realized that his ability could not change anything, he could only be changed.

The reason why he got to where he is today is because of the Okayama family, not him.

Obayashi Chunyi patted him on the shoulder and said: "If you think about it carefully, Dio's appearance is not a bad thing.

At least I will give you and Morimoto a chance to meet. If you work hard now, maybe you will still have a chance. "

"A toad like me would be satisfied just looking up at the swans."

A wry smile appeared on Okayama Taketa's face. He was not a superpower and could not turn himself into a high school student.

Junichi Obayashi looked at Chiyo Morimoto who was walking out of the conference room in front of him, and chuckled: "I don't know who this flower from Dongda will benefit from in the future."

"This was something that was decided a long time ago."

"Okayama, do you know anything?"

"Next time we're still alive to meet, we'll talk."

Okayama Taketa deliberately did not explain clearly and walked towards the task force.

Obayashi Chunyi complained: "The badness in your bones has not changed yet."

After saying that, he smiled. Nothing makes people happier than seeing that the bad friends they knew during their school days have not changed.

(End of this chapter)

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