Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 242 Today is another day of nuclear leveling

Chapter 242 Today is another day of nuclear peace

Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo Electric Power Company headquarters building.

A meeting about Fukushima is taking place in the top-floor conference room.

The executives on both sides of the long table are all old people.

They are either senior officials who have reached the legal retirement age, or they are officials who resigned to take the blame for their superiors and were assigned to serve as senior executives at Tokyo Electric Power Company.

From the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to the Environmental Protection Agency and so on.

Relying on their complex network of relationships, Tokyo Electric Power Company was able to avoid annual safety inspections. Even after the nuclear power plant accident, they continued to make false reports to the government to ensure that the sea discharge plan was completely feasible.

The person presiding over this meeting is a young man with blond hair and blue eyes, and he is also the only young man in the meeting room.

"Mr. Kony, according to the information obtained by the employees at the site, there is no nuclear radiation at the nuclear power plant. This is a photo taken at the site.

There is a hole in the nuclear reactor and the tanks that store nuclear sewage. "

Taro Kobayashi, the president of Tokyo Electric Power Company in the eyes of the world, stood aside to introduce the specific situation and gushed: "The strange thing is that there was not a drop of water at the scene, and only the fingerprints of an underage child were left on the ground."

"Wait a minute, you said there was an underage fingerprint inside the nuclear power plant. Wasn't that a joke?"

The old man with white hair and beard questioned.

Although they have repeatedly assured the public that nothing will happen, they know what the actual situation is. The radiation there is so severe that even wearing protective clothing will be affected.

How could an underage child appear inside? Even adults can't get close.

"There can't be underage children in a nuclear power plant. Are the employees there dissatisfied with their wages and deliberately posting photos?"

"Maybe a tritium cartoon will appear and take away the troublesome nuclear sewage!"


This sentence instantly made the executives present burst into laughter.

Although they are cleaning up the aftermath for them, they still don't hesitate to laugh when it's time to laugh.

The Reconstruction Agency, which is in charge of post-disaster reconstruction and nuclear accident management, is really ugly.

I don’t know how much of the 7000 million yuan in publicity funds they were allowed to consume, but they actually drew such a thing.

Kony didn't laugh.

Unlike these old guys who are out of the center of power, he is still within the scope of power and knows that some unusual things are happening in Tokyo.

My father was not told the details of the situation, but he understood that any strange things happening in Tokyo could be linked to a man named Dio.

Is this what Dior did?

Coney was thinking in his mind, but he didn't know exactly how Dio did what his father said.

When the Chernobyl incident occurred, hundreds of thousands of people were mobilized to resolve the disaster at the minimum cost.

Dior is just one person, how can he solve the nuclear sewage and nuclear reactors in nuclear power plants?

How to avoid such strong nuclear radiation?
Can't figure it out.

Kony originally came here for the meeting to find out what happened, but the news he got made him even more confused.

Taro Kobayashi said with a serious face: "I want to tell you that this is not a prank or a joke, it is definitely a real incident!

Please see photos taken on site.

A minor child did appear inside the nuclear power plant and left this handprint at the site. "

A photo is projected onto a curtain on the wall.

The old man present looked at the handprints on the ground and frowned.

"We don't know the specific details of what happened, but we must make good use of this incident to restore our reputation."

Kobayashi Taro's words made everyone present understand clearly.

Tokyo Electric Power Company has been criticized for the nuclear power plant incident, and its recently proposed sea discharge plan has been blocked by some countries internationally.

Now that the nuclear sewage has suddenly disappeared, it can obviously be revealed how much effort the Tokyo Electric Power Company has put into solving the nuclear power plant problem, and how hard it has worked to fix those nuclear reactors.

Only the Japanese's rigorousness and etiquette of not causing trouble to others can achieve such a miracle.

"Mr. Kony, in this incident, we hope that BlackRock Group can mobilize the Western media to fully assist us."

"Yes, with BlackRock's help, our heroic efforts to deal with nuclear power plants will quickly become hot news."

"Why not take the opportunity to launch a movie about the measures we take to extinguish nuclear power plants."

"Well, you discuss it and I'll make a call."

Something bad arose in Kony's heart, how dare these old guys think about it.

The situation is obviously weird, and he actually wants to take credit.

He believes that it is better for him to avoid it and control it remotely.


Kony stood up and walked towards the door of the conference room. No one suspected that he wanted to run away. Instead, they felt that Mr. Kony was courageous and worthy of being the second son of the boss of BlackRock Group.

He opened the conference room door.

There was an unknown girl standing in the corridor outside.

He has shoulder-length black hair and a fair face.

"Dad, I finally found you."

Hearing what the young girl said, a gentle smile appeared on the faces of the executives present.

"As expected of Mr. Kony's thousand..."

At this point, Taro Kobayashi realized something was wrong. Kony was 26 years old and the girl in front of him was 16 years old.

No matter how awesome foreigners are, they can't get pregnant and give birth to children at the age of ten.

Kony stayed at the door, with a trace of cold sweat on his face, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger.

The broken nuclear reactor and tanks for storing sewage, the handprints of underage children left at the scene, and the girl who appeared in front of the conference room ignoring the security guard.

A series of events connected in his mind, leading him to make bold and terrifying guesses.

"You, don't come here!"

Kony stepped back in panic, and once again lost his composure, he said: "Who ordered the service?!"

"Dad, I finally found you." The tritium girl didn't feel sad at all. Instead, she walked happily into the room and took off her dress.

The executives present were speechless. In a serious meeting, who calls for service?
It's no wonder Kony is so angry.

They looked at each other, and they could see the surprise on each other's faces, and then their eyes fell on the girl's body.

The snow-white jade skin made their aging hearts feel ready to move, as if dead trees had ushered in spring.

"Dad, do I look good?"

The tritium girl said with a smile, and her fair body suddenly began to bulge, and her skin burst, revealing the flesh and blood inside.

This horrifying scene left everyone present stunned.


Kony shouted, and quickly found that he was becoming very tired, and endless fatigue emerged from his body.

He lowered his head, and strands of silver-white hair fell on his palms. His withered hands did not look like those of a young man, but more like those of an 80-year-old man.

"Ah! Ah!"

Kony found that his voice had become hoarse, his teeth fell out of his mouth and fell to the ground, and his waist gradually bent.

Such a reaction made Kony understand that this was caused by nuclear radiation!

He growled, he was still young and had unlimited future, he couldn't just fall down like this.

Even a young man like Kony is like this, not to mention the rest of the elderly, who are losing their hair and teeth collectively, and their bodies seem to have been drained of moisture.

"I am Tritium, do you like it?"

A girl's voice sounded from inside the huge piece of meat, murmuring: "I want to be with you all forever."


Kony tried his best but could not utter a word or shed tears, his heart filled with regret.

If we had known that if the problems of nuclear power plants were not solved, monsters like this would be born, and those should have been solved in advance.

With his ability, it is not difficult to solve the problem, but he just doesn't want to lift a finger for those civilians.


Clear laughter rang out, and the swollen tumors exploded. Strong light filled Kony's eyes, making him clearly feel that his body was withering and drying up.

Even the soul seems to be burning out.

A loud voice spread from the top floor.

"what happened?"

Someone heard the noise, opened the door and took a look. Strong radiation hit him instantly. At that moment, his body rapidly aged, jumping directly from a person in his early thirties to 50 years old.


The people nearby saw this scene and hurriedly stepped back.

After retreating, I found that I could no longer retreat.

His eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and he fell to the ground weakly.

Radiation spreads in the highest levels.


Beep, beep.

The phone rang, and Emily answered the call and said, "Hey, Minister Jack, what's the matter?"

“You don’t need to go to Fukushima, go to Chiyoda Ward quickly, a strange incident happened at Tokyo Electric Power Company.

The company's top executives, including President Taro Kobayashi and Coney Fink of BlackRock Group, all died from nuclear radiation.

According to the front desk staff, a girl who called herself Tritium ran towards the fire escape after asking where the senior executives were.

It seemed that he ran to the top floor in one breath, and soon after, people below heard a loud noise.

You rush to the scene to check the situation. The girl may be the second person with super powers. "

Jack said it smoothly and didn't care about the name of the other world.

In his opinion, it's just a title anyway.

There is actually no difference between a superpower or an apostle. He can be called whatever he likes.

"it is good."

Emily hung up the phone, frowned slightly and said: "Okayama, the situation has changed, quickly turn the car around and go to Chiyoda District.

TEPCO discovered something unexpected. "

"it is good."

Okayama Taketa made a U-turn at the next intersection, heading towards Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward.


When the task force arrived at the scene, the entrance of Tokyo Electric Power Company had been cordoned off in advance.

It was not the people from the Metropolitan Police Department, but the people from the Public Security Section [-] who arrived at the scene first because they were the closest.

"We have taken over this place, and no one can enter without permission."

The person at the door blocked their way and behaved more like an enemy than a colleague.

Chiyo Morimoto chuckled and said: “We came here on behalf of the CIA to check the situation.

Do you even dare to stop people from the CIA? "

The man's expression changed slightly and he wanted to say something else.

Catalina was too lazy to talk nonsense, grabbed his shoulder with one hand, and then lifted the man to the side as easily as lifting a chicken.

Her strength obviously shocked those around her.


Under the protection of the guardians on the left and right, Emily walked into the building proudly.

 PS: Thank you Hei Ya, I am happy to see you reward me.
(End of this chapter)

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