Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 241 Godzilla is not as good as Tritium Girl

Chapter 241 Godzilla is not as good as Tritium Girl
"Ah sneeze."

Chiyo Morimoto sneezed heavily, rubbed her nose with her hands, and asked suspiciously: "Who is saying bad things about me behind my back?"

On the sofa opposite, a straight black woman in a white coat said bluntly: "If speaking ill of someone behind their back will make people sneeze, I think you won't be able to say a word, but will keep sneezing."

"Haha, those are all fake, there is no need to be more real."

Okayama Buta smiled and smoothed things over, not wanting to make the atmosphere between the two too stiff and ruin the leisurely atmosphere of the scene.

"This is a rare break, so don't argue about those annoying things."

Emily held a cup of milk tea in both hands and lowered her head to take a sip. She was not wearing formal clothes, but was wearing home pajamas, a pink bunny suit, and a hood with bunny ears.

The furry clothes look a bit like they would be worn in the winter.

Thanks to the air conditioning, Emily is able to wear such comfortable outfits in summer.

Because yesterday she discovered that Dio came from another world, her speculations about the superpowers of local residents who believed in various strange religions were ground to zero.

In other words, the task force does not need to interrogate those involved in religion, which greatly reduces the task force's original workload.

In addition, Dior did not commit any crimes worth discussing on Monday.

They can sit around in the living room of Jiusong Apartment 201, drink milk tea and eat snacks. If they have nothing to do, the old people gathered under the big trees in the countryside and chat casually.

There is no need for a specific topic, just say whatever comes to mind. If taxpayers see such a leisurely scene, they will probably reprimand the tax thief loudly.

But in Emily's eyes, this was helpless.

She'd like to keep busy if she could, but the reality was they couldn't find much to do.

The more we understand and investigate Dior, the more we understand what the world is facing.

The prophesied end of the world, heaven, savior…

Instead of flying around like a headless fly, it is better to sit down calmly and see if you can discover something in the chat that you have not noticed before.

"Speaking of which, Dio usually commits crimes on Mondays, but suddenly there was no action yesterday. Did he notice the overlap between the other world and reality?"

"It may also be that Dio has committed a crime, but our attention was focused on what happened in the prison and did not notice Dio."

"Indeed, that explosive ability can make a person disappear without being noticed. It may take several days or half a month for us to receive relevant reports."

"If you think about it this way, Dior is like a washed-up star, haha."

Chiyo Morimoto chuckled, grabbed the milk tea, bit the straw and took a sip, the sweet taste spreading on the tip of her tongue.

The computer on the desk suddenly made a ding sound.

The leisurely look on Emily's face immediately disappeared, and she stood up and said, "Morimoto, please read the email for me, and I'll go change clothes."

The email was from Jack, and it was obviously information about Dior.

Not wanting to waste time, Emily went directly into the house to change out of her clothes.


Chiyo Morimoto turned on the computer and used the CIA APP to convert the email, converting those strange characters and words into normal text.

"what happened?"

Emily's voice floated through the crack of the unclosed door.

Chiyo Morimoto glanced at it, with obvious consternation on her face, and replied: "Jack sent a message saying that the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant suddenly stopped operating, and there was no trace of radiation leaking out from the site, just like there was no nuclear reactor explosion there."


Emily responded in shock. She quickly put on a gothic dress, arranged her messy blond hair at will, and strode out of the door.

She still has some understanding of the problems that occurred in Fukushima.

Because Tokyo Electric Power Company considered cost-saving issues and cut corners on the protection of the nuclear power plant when it encountered a crisis, coupled with the inaction of the management after the incident, the problems at the nuclear power plant became more and more serious.

No one knows what is going on inside a nuclear power plant. The intense nuclear radiation makes the so-called protective clothing look like nothing.

But now the nuclear power plant suddenly stopped operating, and there is no radiation going out.

This cannot be achieved with the current technology of mankind, and it can only be related to Dior, or to another world.

Before the truth of the matter is determined, anything unusual will be blamed on Dio.

It will also be handed over to the task force.

"Let's go!"

Emily walked out the door with high spirits.

Rather than staying in her room, drinking sweet milk tea and chatting about Dior-related things, Emily prefers to run on the road chasing Dior.

The feeling of having a clear goal and needing to work hard and fight for it is really great.

Emily knew so many things, but her goal had not changed. Even the end of the world could not shake her desire to capture Dio.

This has become her obsession.

Emily's eyes were full of determination. She believed that as long as she could get close to Dio, she would be able to use her beauty trap and then do something evil against him.

As for whether backstabbing is moral or not, Emily doesn't care about that. Being able to backstab Dio is her ability. Others who want to backstab don't have that ability yet.


The grass in the school courtyard is green.Qingze leaned in front of the window and looked out the window, seemingly watching the scenery outside.

In fact, I am trying out the new gameplay of Mirror Flowers and Water Moon. The strongest state of this super power is this week.

If you want to develop gameplay, this is the best week.

He hypnotized the world to create monsters that did not exist in reality. He originally wanted to create Godzilla, and by the way, he would absorb the nuclear reactors and nuclear sewage from the nuclear power plant to avoid polluting the oceans of people on earth.

But Godzilla is too huge, and it is obviously inappropriate to appear in Japan. That kind of scene can easily cause widespread panic around the world.

After much thought, he decided that he should stay hidden. The reality was not a virtual illusion he created, and he could do whatever he wanted.

Qingze hopes that the domestic environment will remain stable instead of degenerating into a disorderly society.

So he chose to hypnotize the world, and a petite girl was born from the nuclear reactor, who could absorb all nuclear sewage and preserve nuclear radiation in the body without leaking.

Tritium Girl has two forms, one is a self-explosion form that releases nuclear radiation, and the other is a girl form that is no different from a normal person, but has a speed comparable to that of a fighter plane.

In addition, unlike different spaces, the creatures created by Qingze's hypnotic world will not be controlled by him. This is probably because the main body stays in this world.

He can only implant the corresponding instinct.

This is the conclusion reached after several failures.

The latest tritium girl is not controlled by Qingze, but the instinct he designed for the tritium girl is to find the management of TEPCO and then switch to self-destruction state in front of them.

Take yourself with those people.

This behavioral setting makes the tritium girl completely different from the group of people created by hypnosis in another space, more like self-destructing robots with low intelligence.

This is Qingze's limitation.

Reality is not a different space, and it is impossible for him to create the kind of creature that does not obey his orders at all and moves at will.

He wants to ensure that the monsters born have the ability to strike accurately.

The tritium girl is rushing at an alarming speed to Chiyoda District in Tokyo, where the headquarters building of Tokyo Electric Power Company is located.

Qingze always paid attention to prevent the possible failure of Mirror Flowers and Water Moon, lest the tritium girl turn into a pile of nuclear sewage and appear on the streets of Tokyo before she blew herself up.

If there was a possibility that he could not maintain it, he would let others see the Tritium Girl to extend the existence of the Tritium Girl.

He looked outside.

Dong Dong, the sound of knocking on the table came. Phoenix Academy Meiji returned, sat directly on her seat, and asked curiously: "Is there any good scenery outside?"

"It's nothing."

Qingze looked away and said with a smile, "You're back from going to the toilet."

Mei Ji of the Phoenix Academy rolled her eyes at him and did not answer this sentence.

It was originally a physiological habit that normal human beings should have, but when Qingze said it, Meiji of the Phoenix Academy felt an inexplicable sense of shame, as if what she had just done was an impermissible crime.

She casually changed the subject and said: "Four leaders of the six major consortiums hurriedly returned to Tokyo. What do you think the reason is?"

"To go to heaven?"

Qingze casually replied that Phoenix Academy Princess did not hide things about heaven from him, so there was no need for him to pretend not to know.

Phoenix Academy Meiji shook her head and lowered her tone: "Of course not, they had no choice but to return here.

Mitsui Takashi of the Mitsui Group died in a British manor, and several maids and housekeepers were also shot.

British police concluded it was a home invasion.

Because the property of the manor was looted.

But we know that this is definitely not a robbery. Mitsui Manor is equipped with forty security personnel, equipped with MP5 submachine guns.

They wouldn't be able to kill ordinary robbers, but there were no bodies at the scene. I'm afraid some large organization was behind the scenes.

They want to get information about Dio. "

A hint of surprise appeared on Qingze's face as he said: "Shouldn't the information about Dior be obtained in Japan?"

"Europeans and Americans are too conspicuous in Japan. I can guarantee that the KGB's power in the UK is definitely stronger than in Japan.

Mitsui Takashi would probably reveal all his secrets before his death, such as the alien world and Dior. I am afraid that these things cannot be kept hidden any longer. "

Phoenix Academy Meiji sighed with a hint of sigh on her face: "Tokyo will become more chaotic in the future, and a large-scale war may even break out."


"Qingze, don't think I'm talking nonsense. There are many branches of American Protestantism, including the extreme evangelicals.

They are a group of complete lunatics who not only believe in the end of the world, but also always want to promote the end of the world war so that the prophecies of the Bible can be fulfilled.

They firmly believe that they are God's chosen people, and with their devout faith, they will be saved in the last days, while others will be destroyed.

The U.S. military used to stay away from those lunatics, but now, some people are shaken. "

"That's really dangerous."

Qingze answered casually.

The Tritium Girl has arrived at the gate of Tokyo Electric Power Company.

(End of this chapter)

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