Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 244 Defeat the old witch

Chapter 244 Defeat the Chiyo Old Witch

At noon, the sky was gray, and a light rain fell on Tokyo.

Qingze stayed in the classroom and looked out the window to see the rain falling on the osmanthus trees and the lawn in the atrium, which was very poetic.

But he was not a poet. He looked away and opened the lunch box prepared by Shinoko. The internal configuration of the lunch box would change more or less every day.

The only thing that remains the same is pouring the sauce into a heart shape in the middle of the rice, and then pairing it with a blessing.

Let Qingze understand how much Shinoko put into making the bento.

"I really can't understand. A man like you, you actually like this kind of bento. Don't you think it's too fancy?"

Hearing Hojo Tetsuji's complaints, Aozawa shook his head and said: "Tetsuji, you eat so casually, do you have the nerve to call yourself a romance manga cartoonist?"

"It's convenient to keep me fed. I don't want to eat cute-looking food at home and outside."

When Tetsuji Hojo mentioned this matter, a painful expression appeared on his mature face, as if he was remembering some unbearable past event.

Such an expression aroused curiosity in Qingze's heart and asked: "Tell me honestly, do you hate cute bento boxes so much? Is there some dark history that cannot be mentioned?"

"It's impossible for me to talk to you about that kind of thing."

"Zheji, I want to share interesting things with my brother. I promise not to tell the other person!"

Qingze discovered that he actually had a story, so he couldn't help but be curious and wanted to know that story.

Hojo Tetsuji shook his head, having decided to keep that memory in his mind forever.

He couldn't tell Qingze.

When he was in kindergarten, with the encouragement of Shinoko and his mother, he wore women's clothes and went out to play on weekends.

I also received lovely comments from my neighbors.

At that time, Tetsuji Hojo was very happy, thinking that it was a good thing worth showing off, but he soon discovered that it was not a good thing for boys to wear women's clothes.

He was bumped into by his classmates in kindergarten and won the title of Little Prince in Pink Skirt.

From then on, Tetsuji Hojo decided that he would embark on a manly path and never allow anyone to call him cute.

He wants to be a man among men.

"Zheji, don't be so stingy."

"Lusuo, shut your mouth and eat your lunch."

Hojo Tetsuji yelled impatiently, took a big bite of bread, and took another sip of Coke.

The past is like smoke and should be dispersed by the wind.

Qingze rolled his eyes, picked up the meatballs with a smiling face, and noticed Qiuyue Caiyu approaching, so he changed his words: "Caiyu, what can I do for you?"

Qiuyue Caiyu stopped. She originally wanted to pull out the chair of Phoenix Academy Princess and sit down, but she was afraid of being seen by Phoenix Academy.

She chose to stand there and asked: "Qingze, how many years have you known Chiyo Morimoto?"

"Ten years."

Qingze answered truthfully, a trace of curiosity flashed across his face: "Why do you ask this?"

"Haha, it's okay."

Qiuyue Caiyu waved her hand and turned around, the expression on her face was full of shock.

ten years? !
Qingze is now 16 years old. In other words, that woman actually harbors such dirty thoughts towards a six-year-old boy. She is simply a pervert!
Akizuki Iroha clenched her fists, feeling that the anger in her heart was like the eruption of a volcano on Mount Fuji.

If the woman named Chiyo Morimoto were standing in front of her, she would not hesitate to clench her fist and give that woman a hard punch in the abdomen.


"That damn pervert!"

Qiuyue Caiyu let out a dragon's roar and punched the wall of the corridor hard.

Seeing how angry she was, Saeko Takahashi asked in confusion, "Why are you so angry all of a sudden?"

Mihara Kaoru grabbed her hand and asked with concern: "Does it hurt?"

This question interrupted the anger in Qiuyue Caiyu's heart and made her aware of the pain in her fingers. She wanted to show her teeth and grin, but she felt that such an expression would destroy her current mood and momentum.

Qiuyue Caiyu suppressed the thought of screaming in pain and glared viciously: "Do you know?

Chiyo Morimoto and Qingze have known each other for ten years, which means that when Qingze was six years old, the woman had already been eyeing his body.

This is criminal behavior, that pervert! "

Takahashi Saeko was also a little surprised and said: "How old is Chiyo Morimoto?"

"Ah, I didn't ask about this. I just know that if she is older than Qingze, she must be an old witch!"

Qiuyue Caiyu's face was full of anger. She rarely used such insulting names. Only those who made her feel heinous would use insulting names.

In her eyes, Morimoto Chiyo's behavior has seriously violated people's moral bottom line.

Having thoughts about a six-year-old boy is totally perverted!

Takahashi Saeko touched her chin and said thoughtfully: "It's not easy to handle. It will be very difficult to cure Qingze in ten and a half years.

Iroha, if you ask me, just give up. "

"What are you talking about? If I give up, that means Qingze will fall into the clutches of the old witch. I will never allow that kind of thing!"

Qiuyue Caiyu's face was full of anger. She must save Qingze from the old witch.

"Qingze is obviously such a good person, he must not be harmed by the old witch for the rest of his life."

"The problem is difficult to solve."

Madoka Tsuchima spoke from the side, folding her hands across her chest and said: "Mental illness is the most difficult thing to cure.

To put it bluntly, the possibility that it will not be cured in a lifetime is not small.

Are you willing to bet on the one in [-] possibility? "

"I do." Qiuyue Caiyu replied with a serious face, and then quickly turned to dependence: "Zezi, Madoka, please help me think of a solution."

She still knew very well that it was impossible to cure Qingze's mental illness by herself.

In this regard, she could only ask them humbly for advice.

In her opinion, Madoka and Saeko are the all-powerful hot girl kings.

Mihara Kaoru is a little envious, she also wants Caiyu to be so dependent on her, but the character she originally created was to rely on Qiuzuki Caoyu.

Making rash changes now will only be counterproductive.

Takahashi Saeko and Tsuchima Madoka looked at each other.

The two of them didn't dislike Akizuki Iroha being so dependent on them, and even liked the feeling of Iroha relying on them.

"Since you say so, let Yuan and I help you deal with Qingze."

Saeko Takahashi agreed immediately and said in a deep voice: "Sun Tzu said that if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in every battle.

We must understand the situation of Chiyo Morimoto, and then we can create means to make Aozawa hate Morimoto and gradually become disgusted with Morimoto.

Finally let him choose to be with you. "

"I see, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can win every battle. As expected, women understand women's hearts."

Qiuyue Caiyu nodded repeatedly, feeling that her grandson was really a master of love.

Takahashi Saeko looked helpless, raised her hand and knocked her empty head, complaining: "My grandson is a man, a military strategist, not a modern love master."

"Hey, you obviously have the name Youzi, but is he a male?"

"Sun Tzu was a military strategist in the late Spring and Autumn Period of China, and "Sun Tzu's Art of War" is widely circulated around the world.

He is a very powerful man. Zi is an honorific in ancient China. His real name is Sun Wu, and his courtesy name is Changqing. "

Saeko Takahashi explained.

"Zezi is so knowledgeable!"

With an expression of admiration on her face, Iroha Akizuki quickly ignored the topic of her grandson and asked, "How should I search for information about Morimoto?"

"give it to me."

Takahashi Saeko took this matter into her own hands and decided to do something for Akizuki Iroha for free.

"Thank you, Saeko. I'll buy you a drink afterwards."

Akizuki Iroha smiled and hugged Takahashi Saeko's right arm with a look on her face.

Takahashi Saeko pinched her nose and complained: "This is the cheapest payment I have ever received."

In the past, when asking her to do things, she didn't even bother to open her mouth without tens of millions of yen.

"Hey, when I become a big blogger with millions of subscribers, I will treat the three of you to a good meal."

Akizuki Iroha began to draw the pie.

Tsuchima Yuan smiled and said: "That's really looking forward to. I hope we can have a meal before we die."

"Yuan, don't underestimate me. I'll let you eat it in three years."

Qiuyue Caiyu replied angrily, "I am a blogger with [-] subscribers now, be respectful and be careful if I let them blast you online."

At this point, she couldn't hold back her laughter and burst into laughter, causing the three of them to laugh as well.

They pushed and fought with each other, and then sneaked to the vending machine to buy drinks.


The rain stopped in the afternoon.

It was time for Chiyo Morimoto to get off work. She was sitting on the train on the way back, thinking about the relevant information she had investigated today.

According to their investigation, it was initially suspected that the girl was a resident of Fukushima, where a female high school student was indeed missing.

Her name is Kodaka Hayakawa, she has black hair and likes to wear white dresses. She disappeared on Wednesday last week.

After the grandfather reported the case, the police, based on the principle of not filing a case if they could, concluded that the girl had run away from home, and nothing further happened.

Is this what Hayakawa Kodaka did?

But on-site surveillance showed that the girl was different from Hayakawa Kodaka.

However, if you gain superpowers, it is possible to change your appearance, maybe.

That thing is inherently a mystery.

Chiyo Morimoto, including the members of the task force, the question they most want to solve now is tritium death?

Or escape to somewhere else?

There was no scene showing Tritium reappearing downstairs, but there was no Tritium body left at the scene.

This makes it impossible for the task force to confirm whether Tritium is alive or dead.

Tritium can arbitrarily release intense nuclear radiation that can kill people in just a few seconds. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a human-shaped nuclear reactor.

The most terrifying thing about nuclear bombs is not the destruction caused by the explosion, but the nuclear radiation.

In addition, unlike Dior, Tritium has an obvious desire for revenge. If nuclear radiation is released in a crowded place, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chiyo Morimoto sighed secretly as she thought of the terrifying scenes that might happen.

Shinjuku Station will have people staying there recently.

If tritium is fired there, the death toll can easily exceed tens of thousands.

Chiyo Morimoto was thinking in her mind, but was interrupted by the arrival prompt. She stood up and decided not to think about those things, but to think about what to cook for Qingze in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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