Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 230 The divine chapters are all made up

Chapter 230 Myths are all made up

The wind suddenly picked up.

The lion-bull monster's membrane wings flapped vigorously, and its huge body flew up.

Morimoto Chiyo reacted, quickly drew his gun, aimed at the membrane wing on the right side of the Gydon, and pulled the trigger with his slender index finger.

The bullet accurately tore a large piece of the lion-bull monster's membrane wing into pieces, and blood spattered out.

The lion-bull monster in the air fell directly to the right due to imbalance and fell to the ground. Seeing this scene, Morimoto Chiyo breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the gun can have an effect on the grydon.

The next second, a scene that shocked her appeared. The Gydon stood up on the spot again, and the broken membrane wings were rapidly regenerating.


It roared even more angrily, and every muscle on the lion's cheek seemed to be mobilized.

Both feet kicked the ground.

Chiyo Morimoto could see obvious cracks in the hard mountain ground at the feet of the Gylon.


She immediately shouted.

There are twenty members in the first class of SAT.

The moment she shouted, these people all raised their submachine guns and pulled the triggers with their index fingers.

Da da da!
A series of crisp bullets sounded.

A stream of blood exploded from the chest of the lion-Bull monster. Compared to the huge body that was nearly five meters tall, the wounds made by the submachine gun were so small.


The lion bull monster was enraged and thrust its chest forward suddenly, and all the bullets that landed on its body were bounced away.

The original bleeding wound healed quickly.


When it roared triumphantly, Chiyo Morimoto aimed at its right eye and pulled the trigger.

boom!Even the closed eyelids could not stop the bullet, and the right eye was directly blown out. Under the violent impact, one could even see the skull inside.

With such a serious injury, if it were a human, he would have died long ago, but the lion-niu monster still had no intention of dying.

Morimoto Chiyo did not dare to hesitate and quickly fired another shot, hitting the same position.

This blow caused the horn on the right side of the Gydon to tilt, causing it to take a step backwards.

Bullets fell like a hailstorm of bullets on the body of the lion-bull monster.


The lion-bull monster flapped the membrane wings on its back, trying to fly up from the ground.

Catalina saw the right moment, pulled out the safety pin, and threw the high-explosive grenade forward.

The grenade exploded, producing an extremely powerful impact. Hundreds of shrapnel shot into the lion-bull monster's membrane wings and body like sharp swords.

Its huge body shook, but it still didn't fall.

Chiyo Morimoto pulled the trigger again, blowing out its left eye.

With its eyes completely blinded, the Gydon roared angrily, and another bullet hit its upper jaw and penetrated its cerebellum.

The lion-bull monster took two steps back, but still did not fall.

Chiyo Morimoto discovered that its body was still trying to regenerate.

"Go on, don't stop!"

Emily shouted: "There is no way the monster will not die!"

"I threw the grenade into it."

Katarina leaned forward, like a sprinting cheetah, quickly approaching the front.

"Cover Katarina."

Chiyo Morimoto shouted.

The SAT members subconsciously raised the muzzle of the gun and hit the upper part.

Morimoto Chiyo also fired again, still from the mouth, penetrating the cerebellum behind the palate.

She couldn't imagine what kind of biological structure could still stand strong despite the destruction of the cerebellum.

Is it possible that the cerebellum is not the key to the creatures in this world?

Doubts flashed through her mind, she lowered the muzzle of the gun, and shot the graffon's lower body with one shot.

Blood flowed down.

"Roar!" The lion-bull monster roared in pain.

Katarina had already approached the Gemon, and she felt the strong pressure from the Gemon's huge body, just like a human facing a fighter plane flying in the sky.

She took a deep breath, jumped up suddenly, stepped on the lion bull monster's thigh, jumped up again, pulled out the safety pin, and threw the high-explosive grenade directly from its open mouth.

She put her foot on the side of the lion-Bull monster and turned back.

With a loud bang, the grenade exploded inside the body of the Gylon, and shrapnel shot out.

Catalina could see that under the black fur there were traces of shrapnel protruding into the flesh.

Such a horrific injury still did not make the lion-niu monster fall down, "Roar!"

Amidst the angry roars, the injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Is this guy immortal?
Katarina pursed her lips. The ammunition would eventually run out, but the regeneration ability of this lion-meat monster should also have its limit.

The question is, can their ammunition push the gracon's regeneration capabilities to their limit?

If not, they will be helpless, like a ghost hanging on a tree branch, and become a lamb to be slaughtered.

Chiyo Morimoto is also aware of this problem, but the current task force can no longer stop the attack.

The submachine gun magazine was quickly depleted. The SAT members quickly took out spare magazines to fill up.

Chiyo Morimoto shot the Gydon's upper jaw open, preventing the regeneration of the cerebellum.

As long as the cerebellum has not been regenerated, it will be unable to coordinate its body movements and can only stand there passively and bear their attacks.

If the lion and the bull monster were allowed to slow down, they would be in a very dangerous situation.

It must remain in this mindless state.

After changing the magazine, the submachine gun made a clicking sound.The bullets hit the huge body like a downpour, splashing blood.

The black fur was stained red with blood.

The gigantic body of the Lion-Bull Monster stood on the mountainside, not looking like it would fall down at all.

"Why isn't this monster dead?!"

One SAT member couldn't help roaring.

Suddenly I came to this kind of ghost place and encountered a monster that couldn't be killed by a submachine gun or exploded by a grenade.

It put him under great mental pressure.

"Hold on, as long as we continue to attack, we will definitely be able to reach the limit of its regeneration ability!"

Emily cheered beside her.


After 10 minutes, the bullets were about to run out.

This reality put heavy pressure on the hearts of everyone present.

Chiyo Morimoto also felt that her right arm was shaking. The recoil of the M500 was very strong.

She kept firing.

Even her arms could no longer bear the powerful recoil.

"How many more grenades are there?"

"It's used up."

When Catalina heard this answer, she looked ugly. All the grenades exploded in the body of the grenadier.

But that's it, that huge body riddled with holes just won't fall.

She knew very well in her heart that the Geronton was about to reach the limit of its regeneration ability. The evidence was that unlike before, every injury was regenerated, and now the Geronan had begun to choose the regeneration site.

It only regenerates important parts and ignores minor injuries.

But they don't have much ammunition. If they continue to persevere, I'm afraid the regenerative ability of the grydon will reach its limit.

Their bullets will run out, and the worst will happen.

Emily's mind was running wildly, but she couldn't find a suitable solution.

Wisdom can no longer solve current problems.

They attacked every possible key point.

But it's of no use!
The vitality of this lion-beau monster is terrifyingly tenacious.

Am I going to die here?

This thought flashed through Emily's mind, and her eyes scanned the surroundings. There was no place for people to hide in the desolate land.

Wait, what is that?
Emily suddenly noticed that a group of people appeared on the ground on the right side. Judging from their attire, they clearly did not look like prisoners or reinforcements from the outside world.

That group of people used horses as means of transportation, and their clothes were similar to those in medieval Europe, with a waving flag.

The pattern above is a blue shield with a white sword inside, with wings extending from the hilt to both sides.

And under the flag is an extremely handsome man.

His long silver hair was fluttering, his eyes were as blue as the sky, his armor was also silver-white, and his snow-white cloak was flying in the wind.

For some reason, when Emily saw this man, an inexplicable sense of security suddenly emerged.

Even she thought it was ridiculous, but that was the truth.

She actually trusted the man she met for the first time.

That handsome man is like a beam of light, pure and flawless, able to dispel the haze in people's hearts.

What makes Emily feel even more strange is that the opponent is riding a white horse, and its speed is almost as fast as a high-speed rail.

Just blinking a few times, the horse was already approaching here.

"Stop attacking!"

Emily yelled.

Out of trust in her, Morimoto Chiyo and others stopped shooting. At this moment, the white horse jumped over their heads.


Chiyo Morimoto exclaimed, unable to hold back. Is this a horse or a helicopter?

The horse actually made a beautiful arc in the air and landed directly on the mountainside dozens of meters away.

The half-crippled lion-bull monster was split open by a man on horseback with a sword.

The gigantic body of the Gryphon was split into two, but no flesh and blood spilled out. The two halves of the body quickly turned into pitch black, disintegrated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and dissipated in the air.

Clatter, the horse's hooves hit the ground.

The man who killed the lion-bull monster turned around and drove the white horse down. The slender sword was put back into its sheath.

The wind blew over the man's handsome face, which was holy, beautiful, and possessed a grace that did not exist in the world.

Chiyo Morimoto's eyes flashed with wonder. This was the first time she saw a man who was more beautiful than a woman.

"Who is he?"

"They must be aborigines. You stand here and don't show any intention of attacking. I will come up to see if we can communicate."

Emily took a deep breath and stepped forward cautiously.

Among everyone, she is the only one who understands the most languages ​​and is the one most likely to communicate with the other person.

The white horse walked up to Emily. The handsome man sat upright on the horse, stared at her, and let out a long sigh: "The moment has finally come."

Emily breathed a sigh of relief. If she heard correctly, this should be in Danish.

“Sir, you don’t seem surprised by our arrival.

I am from the Black Nest Prison in Tokyo, and my name is Maria Sergeyevich Imili.

May I have your name? "


Qingze controlled the character and said this.

The sky outside the window was gray, and Qingze had already decided how to fool Emily.

(End of this chapter)

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