Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 231 The joy of writing scripts

Chapter 231 The joy of writing scripts

In the different space, Emily was excited to be able to communicate with the indigenous people.

She didn't rush to ask a lot of questions, which would have seemed rude to her.

There was no obligation for anyone to drop what they were doing and answer her doubts.

Qingze is not in a hurry to let Griffith serve as the commentary NPC.

He chose to let the Eagle Group make a fire and cook.

That large group of people was not under Qingze's control.

Qingze just hypnotized the different space and made the different space think that there should be a group of ideal people in this space, including a black-haired warrior named Gus, a female warrior named Casca, etc.

They have distinct personalities, their hearts beat, and they have the body temperature that normal people should have under their skin.

Even if they perceive themselves as human beings.

But they are definitely not human.

The difference between reality and fiction is past and future, and obviously they have no past and future.

When Jing Hua Shui Yue expires, they will disappear together with the alien space and cannot be called real people.

The Eagle Group started to have breakfast, and in the eyes of Emily, Chiyo Morimoto and others, everything was full of life.

Every action is worth watching, like going to the zoo to see gorillas making a fire to cook.

On the other hand, Emily could also see from the glances that the members of the Eagle Group glanced over from time to time that she and others had become gorillas in their eyes.

"Griffith said that they usually make a fire to cook and fill their stomachs after hunting the first monster.

This is the rule of the Eagles. "

Emily briefly explained to everyone.

Chiyo Morimoto asked curiously: "What language do you use to communicate with him?"


Emily spread her hands and said: "Don't ask me why they use Danish, I don't know the specific reason.

It may take a while before we have a concrete answer. "

"Remember to ask Dio about it."

Chiyo Morimoto only cares about this.

"rest assured."

Emily replied with a smile.


After seemingly arranging everything, Qingze controlled Griffith and walked forward, with the fried eggs and steak still steaming in the bowl.

The sheen on the surface can whet your appetite.

"Miss Emily, I hope you don't mind. We have to rush on our way later, and some problems will be solved during dinner."

"I'm glad you took the time to answer our questions, Mr. Griffith."

"Just call me Griffith."

Emily looked at the handsome man in front of her. He was sitting on the floor with such an elegant posture. Even eating steak revealed an indescribable nobility.

She did not speak in a hurry, but waited for the man to swallow the meat in his mouth before speaking: "Griffith, you don't seem to be surprised at all by our arrival."

“According to the ancient records of Mirante, when the light fades, monsters breed, the boundaries set by the gods will be broken by the underworld, and wanderers in strange clothes will appear in this land.

That was the beginning of disaster.

It also means the end of all disasters.

The Wings of Light will appear in the world, build Falconia, the paradise of mankind, on the ruins of Yoda, and save people in suffering. "

From that gentle voice, Emily got a glimpse of the truth of the world.

God really exists!
The prophecy really works!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain that the man in front of him could know their arrival.

Emily was extremely excited and couldn't help but confirm: "Griffith, does God really exist?"

"It's not clear. It's just that in recent years, more and more inhuman creatures have appeared in the world. They attack villages and countries. As you can see, the land is desolate."

Qingze controlled Griffith to fork a piece of steak, and said with a hint of deepness on his face: "Before I met you, I also doubted whether the words in the Mirante Scripture were true.

Seeing your costumes and those strange weapons, I am convinced that the records in the ancient Mirante Book are correct. "

Chiyo Morimoto watched the two people talking, speaking in an incomprehensible language, and felt a little anxious in her heart.

She desperately wanted to know what the two said, but she also knew that urging Emily now was not a good thing, so she could only hold down the restlessness in her heart and wait quietly.

Emily took a deep breath and asked the question that concerned her most: "Griffith, do you know the name Dio?"

Qingze made Griffith show a hint of surprise, and then nodded and said: "He and I were old acquaintances thousands of years ago."

"Hey! Thousands of years ago?! You, you look so young."

Emily was stunned and couldn't believe that the man in front of her had lived for a thousand years.

With her extremely handsome appearance and skin, some people think she is old even if she is 20 years old.

"Dior and I are both apostles, and we cannot judge our true age by our appearance.

According to the records of the ancient Mirant Scripture, apostles like us will become the right-hand man of the Wings of Light when our destiny comes.

In other words, the Wings of Light are hidden among the apostles, waiting to awaken at the moment destiny arrives. "

Qingze picked up the omelette and babbled with a calm expression: "It's just that Dio never believed in the Mirante Sutra. He just wanted to go to heaven on his own strength."

Emily took a deep breath and finally accepted this fact. Thinking about it carefully, Griffith killed the griffon with just one blow. That was obviously not a power possessed by normal people.

She recalled the first time she met Dior. At that time, she felt that Dior was young and beautiful, but he exuded an aura that seemed to have been alive for hundreds of years.Now combined with what Griffith said, Dio is an old monster who has lived for such a long time.

"Griffith, what is an apostle?"

"The Chosen One empowered by God."

Qingze raised his hand, and a soft white light gradually appeared on his palm, then quickly disappeared, and asked: "How did you meet Dio?"

After hearing this, Emily had to suppress her doubts and began to talk about what Dio did in Tokyo, and then brought the topic back to the topic, "Griffith, what exactly is the paradise that Dio talks about?"

“Dior and I have different perceptions of heaven.

I believe in the ancient records of Mirante and believe that heaven is the place where God lives.

It was an island drifting in the long river of time. God was born on the island, created a man, regarded him as his eldest son, and named him Leon.

The eldest son was worried that no one would accompany him after his death, so he created humans and established the first human kingdom, Yoda, on that island.

Leon was revered as the King of Wisdom.

God gave him the authority of the wise king to rule over mankind.

However, only the king could see the majestic face of God.

The king's past worries still could not be alleviated. He used his own essence and blood to create three sons, hoping that they would serve God after his death.

As a result, the three sons had a dispute over who should own the Crown of Wisdom, and eventually a rebellion broke out.

The King of Wisdom quelled the rebellion, but was also severely hit and fell into a deep sleep.

The angry god expelled all humans from the island and predicted that only when the eldest son wakes up can humans redeem their sins and return to the island of origin. "

Gudong, Emily swallowed, experiencing the shock and excitement of archaeologists discovering unknown history.

She knew that what was recorded in the ancient book of Mirante was very likely to be true.

Their arrival has proved that the compilers of the Mirante scriptures had certain prophetic abilities.

Predicting the future is indeed very unscientific in modern society if we think about it scientifically.

But in such a world, predicting the future seems normal and not unacceptable.

"Does Dio want to replace God?"

"No, Dio believed that God did not exist at all, but heaven did exist.

He once invited me to join him, saying that he was ready to go to heaven. "

"What conditions?"

Emily asked subconsciously.

Qingze shook his head and said: "I don't know. Dio never told me because I rejected him. He only mentioned in the communication that the souls of sinners have extraordinarily powerful power."

"The soul of a sinner...wait a minute, if Dio lives for a thousand years, why does his ability increase all the time?"

Emily discovers a blind spot.

Qingze's face showed an appropriate sigh, and he seemed to think for a while before replying: "Are you talking about power?

The number of apostles' powers is fixed from the beginning and will not increase or decrease.

I don't know what Dio's power is or how much, but I don't think he can break the apostle's law. "

"Yes, but why does he use different powers to commit crimes every week?"

"It's probably some kind of ritual. I don't know much about the specifics."

Qingze fooled around casually.

He was not afraid that Emily would not believe it.

Because of the difference in status.

Griffith is a person living in another world and has no reason to lie for Dio.

It was this knowledge that made it impossible for Emily to doubt what Griffith said.

"So it is."

While Emily was shocked, she felt that this explanation was indeed correct.

Dior's activity time probably did not come from work or spare time, but from the necessary rituals to go to heaven.

The same goes for killing those sinners.

"Did Dio go to heaven to dominate the world?"

“According to him it’s for ideals.

He wants to make everyone happy, but in my opinion, Dio doesn't love real people at all.

The person he loves is just an abstract person, someone who fits his imagination. I think such a person does not exist in this world. "

Qingze appropriately expressed his denial of Dio, so that Emily could understand that Griffith and Dio were not the same kind of people.

"Real people have various advantages and disadvantages, but Dio cannot tolerate people's shortcomings. He wants to go to heaven and make everyone happy, which is just a vague concept."


Emily nodded, thinking that such a motive was very Dior.

Qingze swallowed the last piece of fried egg, stood up and said, "It's not appropriate for you to continue to stay here. Let's return to Windham, the royal capital of Mirante, and let the princess use her power to send you back."

"Can we go back?"

Emily was surprised.

Qingze nodded and said: "Of course, the princess is also an apostle. She can blur the boundaries set by God and send you back to your original position."

(End of this chapter)

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