Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 229 Humans cannot defeat monsters

Chapter 229 Humans cannot defeat monsters
"Help, help!"

A scream sounded out, and a man dressed as a prisoner emerged from behind a thatched house.

He had a simple face and a shaved head, and said with a look of fear on his face: "Are you prison guards?
Help me, there's a monster here! "

the man yelled, running toward them.

Chiyo Morimoto's eyes turned cold and he shouted: "Stop! Open your hands, slowly raise them, hold your head and squat down!"

She had no sympathy for this man or any desire to save him.

You could clearly see the prisoners being torn into pieces at the scene, and the footprints remaining on the ground proved that the man was right.

But under such circumstances, the man dared to hide in place. Such boldness and carefulness would never be as full of fear as he showed on the outside.

This is a dangerous man who is very good at disguise. If you let him get close to you rashly, you may cause unnecessary sacrifices.

"Cuff yourself with these handcuffs!"

Morimoto Chiyo took the handcuffs from Okayama Buta and threw them forward.


The man looked respectful, picked up the handcuffs on the ground, and sneered in his heart, she was indeed a difficult woman.

It's a pity that he underestimated his ability.

This type of handcuffs can handle most people, but for him who was born with soft bones and acquired training, this type of handcuffs can't lock him at all.

The man was handcuffed with the clear goal of seizing the gun.

In this dangerous world, only a gun can give him a sense of security.

"Let me ask you a question now, what was the monster you just saw?"

Chiyo Morimoto took back the M500 revolver and began to ask him some information about the scene.

The man quickly replied: "It was a monster that looked like a combination of a lion and a cow. It was covered in black hair and had huge membrane wings like a bat.

Its sharp claws can easily tear apart a human body, and it was it that caused the fragments on the ground.

Everyone was frightened by the monster and ran away. My legs were weak and I escaped by hiding in the thatched hut.

As long as you guys are here, take me out of here! "

The man prayed loudly, silently counting the distance in his mind.

If he gets closer, within an effective distance, he will hold the woman hostage, seize the M500 revolver, and ensure that he retreats to a safe place.

The man thought to himself.

Morimoto Chiyo asked: "Where did the Lion-Bull Monster go?"

"To the north."

The man pointed in the direction.

Chiyo Morimoto drew her gun and pulled the trigger.

boom!There was a loud gunshot, and a big hole appeared in the man's chest, with a frozen expression on his face.

"Hey, Morimoto, don't use the M500 suddenly."

Emily complained.

The sudden attack just now made her eardrums numb.

"Sorry," Chiyo Morimoto put away the M500 and murmured: "It seems that the power of the gun has not weakened, which is good news for us."

"The Lion-Bull Monster is in the north, should we catch up and take a look?"

Miyaji Yosuke no longer remained silent and wanted to hear other people's thoughts.

Okayama Taketa smiled bitterly and said: "We have no way back, we can only keep going forward and see if we can find a way back."

"Think of it as a trip."

Chiyo Morimoto looked unconcerned on the outside, but there was a hint of irritation in her heart.

If this has nothing to do with Dior, or if Dior is not Qingze, then it will not be easy for him to step into this space and get out.

"Fortunately, we are not in the Dragon Palace, and we won't be like Urashima Taro. Once we go out, hundreds of years will pass in the outside world."

Judging from the corpses on the ground, there should be no difference in the time flow rate between the two worlds.

"Okay, let's not talk about that. Let's go. There must be a way to go back."

Emily replied optimistically, and she also knew that this time things were a bit serious.

It is inevitable that everyone has some fear in their hearts.

She also had it in her heart, but she couldn't express it. She had to have an optimistic attitude in order to find a way out in the difficult situation.



Another prisoner is torn to pieces by the graffon.

The grydon was like a messenger from hell, or a gatekeeper.

Chasing after these people, Akuma kept observing and found that dozens of people were already dead.

But there is no life ahead.

This desolate land seems to have no end, allowing people to run forever. The occasional mountains are all stone mountains with no water and almost no vegetation.

The scattered grass was covered by the stones.

If you want to discover it, you still need to spend some time looking for it.

Akuma knew very well that he could not continue running.

If he continued to run, the shackles on his body combined with the hunger in his abdomen caused by not eating breakfast in the morning would easily make him lose his fighting ability.

He needs additional food.

Akuma glanced at the lion-bull monster chasing the prisoner, then turned around and returned to a cave.

This is a naturally formed cave with four prisoners hidden inside.

Seeing him coming in, the four people's eyes showed a hint of caution.

They fell into this place and had no idea of ​​working together.

Akuma didn't care and said with a cruel smile: "I'm hungry."

"Who isn't hungry?"

Another man opened his mouth to spit out his words.

There was a booming sound, and Akuma directly used the thick chain as his weapon and swung it towards the head of the nearest person.

The man's head was opened.When the other three people saw this, they immediately showed expressions of shock and anger.

"Do you want to die?!"

"Don't panic," Akuma walked forward with a calm expression. He lowered his head and began to suck the man's brain. The warm blood had a fishy smell.

But Akuma didn't care.

The round-up process in Hokkaido lasted ten days and ten nights. He ran through the mountains and forests, relying on eating while fighting to replenish his physical strength.

He knew which part of the human body was the most delicious and which part was the most unpalatable. He stabbed down from the neck with his shackled right hand and took out the man's heart from inside.

Chew it.

Akuma chewed it big and didn't care much about the taste of raw food. He had to fill his stomach to be able to compete with the lion and the bull monster.

After eating, he glanced at the three of them, then turned and left.

The three of them looked at the corpse on the ground and looked at each other, all aware of the greed contained in it.

They quickly pounced on it and started eating.

In this desolate land, there is nothing wrong with filling your stomach first.

Akuma heard the sound of chewing inside and felt disapproving.

In his eyes, those three people were also spare ingredients.

He raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling vaguely excited in his heart. Now was the time to compete with the Lion-Bull Monster.

Let that monster see what human skills are!

The task force headed all the way north.

There are conspicuous footprints on the ground, and from time to time you can see corpses on the roadside, all of which are escaped prisoners.

Their faces were terrified.

Some heads are separated from their bodies by long distances.

Such discoveries made them increasingly vigilant.

Chiyo Morimoto didn't like the fishy smell in the air. He looked back and saw that the outline of the thatched house could not be seen here.

"It's so far away. Is it really another world?"

she whispered.

The air she breathed, the ground, the feeling of her body, everything told her that this was the real world.

But this reality seems too exaggerated. There is another world outside the world she lives in.

Although some people did mention the theory of a world beyond the world, in the past, Chiyo Morimoto read that theory as a fairy tale and never thought about the possibility of its real existence.

"Probably so. I hope to find the indigenous people and understand the situation here."

Emily answered casually, wiping the sweat from her forehead with her little hand.

She was so tired. As a detective, she was very weak.

Catalina paused slightly, looked up to the right, and said with a solemn expression: "There is a sound coming from there."

Emily cheered up and said, "Everyone, be careful."

Chiyo Morimoto complained: "Emily, the person who should be careful most is you. You are the weakest among the people present."

Emily looked around at the people around her and realized that this sentence was indeed correct.

She was not equipped with any weapons, and with her skills, even holding a gun was useless.

Gun recoil is no joke.

"You have to protect me."

"At this time, please tell us to protect you."

Chiyo Morimoto joked casually and filled up the magazine of the M500.

Next, you are likely to face that unimaginable lion-bull monster, and you must ensure that you have enough ammunition.

They trotted towards the source of the sound.

It was a small rocky mountain.

The sound came from the side, and they went around to the side and saw the lion-bull monster standing on the mountainside.

"It's exactly what that person said!"

Emily looked shocked.

That lion-bull monster was obviously not a creature that should exist in the normal world.

Jet black hair covers the whole body, the two buffalo horns look so huge, and the membrane wings on the back are more like the wings of a devil than a bat.

"Is that a demon?"


The roaring voice of the lion and bull monster is more shocking than the roar of tigers in the mountains. It is as loud as putting your ears next to firecrackers.

Emily's heart jumped in fright and her shoulders shrank.

Chiyo Morimoto showed no fear on her face and calmly observed the scene. There was obvious blood dripping down from the fingertips of the Gylon.

It means it just killed a person.

She quickly scanned the mountain and found a dead tree not far from the monster. Someone's upper body was hanging there, and his arms were wearing thick shackles and chains that were as long as the floor.

His blood-red hair was as messy as weeds, and his face was as rough as a beast. He was still breathing, and he glanced sideways at the approaching task force.

Akuma laughed maniacally and said: "Hahaha, this kind of monster cannot be defeated by human skills at all.

You will also die in its hands! "

The distance between the two sides is a bit far.

Chiyo Morimoto relied on lip reading to relay his words.

"That guy seems to have lost a hand-to-hand fight with that monster. He seems to be a powerful martial artist."

"Well, that red hair, I have some impression of him, Akuma from Hokkaido."

Katarina looked at the shackles on Akuma's body. The heavy shackles indicated their heavy weight.

Akuma, who might be able to carry that weight, looked particularly vulnerable in front of monsters.


The lion-bull monster stared at the group of people in the task force. It roared loudly, flapped its wings, and wanted to fly down.

(End of this chapter)

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