Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 226 The new super power is called Mirror Flowers and Water Moon

Chapter 226 The new super power is called Mirror Flowers and Water Moon

Time flies.


There had just been a light drizzle in the morning, and by noon, the weather in Tokyo turned sunny and sunny again.

The bright sunshine made the sky extremely blue. Looking at the sky at this moment, there was no sign of rain. Only looking at the asphalt road on the ground, the wet rainwater proved that it had rained just now.

"It's so hot."

Qingze tugged at his collar. It was the most annoying rainy season again.

The weather in Tokyo during this period changes faster than a woman's face.

He groaned inwardly, walked to the maid cafe, and opened the door.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang loudly, and the maid at the door bowed: "Welcome to the maid cafe, master."

After saying this standard phrase, the welcoming maid recognized Qingze's appearance, pursed her lips and smiled: "Master, do you want number three?"


Aozawa nodded. Last Saturday, because Akizuki Iroha joined in midway, he didn't let Arakawa Reina treat him.

He invited Caiyu to eat that meal.

Today's visit is an opportunity to treat Arakawa Rena.

"Pear, your master is here again."

The reception maid turned and shouted, her brows full of curiosity.

She didn't forget that last time this handsome boy had a very beautiful hot girl girlfriend sitting next to him.

It is said that Li Zi has a crush on this person?
Does he have any thoughts of cheating?

Obviously a bit, I have visited the maid cafe many times, and it is obviously because of the pear.

The complicated relationship between the three made the reception maid curious.

Rena Arakawa knew in her heart that they were misunderstanding something, but she couldn't explain it.

It's useless to explain.

The more you explain this, the more troublesome it becomes.

She simply pretended that she didn't know anything, trotted forward and said with a sweet smile: "Master, please come with me."

"it is good."

Qingze nodded and walked to the window seat.

The old seats are still empty.

Qingze sat down, picked up the menu, glanced at it and said, "Monitor, what do you want me to eat today?"

"Qingze-kun, I suggest you."

"Monitor, although we are classmates, in this store, I should be the guest. You'd better add the host when you speak."

Qingzawa interrupted Rena Arakawa and said with a serious face: "This is the professional quality that a maid should have."

Arakawa Rena was slightly stunned, her face turned slightly red and she said, "Master, I recommend this pumpkin cake and baked pudding, they are very delicious."

"Okay, just these two, and a latte."

Qingze looked at the picture of the menu. The pumpkin cake was quite large, and with the baked pudding, it was still not enough. "Another egg tart and a donut."

"Okay, please wait a moment, Master."

Reina Arakawa bowed, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Qingze took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and clicked on the short video on YouTube.

The case of Sato's assassination is no longer a hot topic.

The number of people paying attention has dropped significantly, and no bloggers predicted where Durant would escape.

In just a few days, the traffic password has changed, and more explosive news has emerged.

Gossip news such as a well-known idol being revealed to have a secret boyfriend or a male star cheating on his wife has dominated YouTube and Douyin.

If you don't search specifically now, you won't be able to get relevant videos pushed. It's obvious that someone is deliberately suppressing the traffic of this incident and diverting public attention.

Qingze entered the Metropolitan Police Department and press conference.

If he remembered correctly, the Metropolitan Police Department will hold another press conference today to respond to Durant, who has not been found for several days.


After citing a series of factors that could not be found, such as why the prisoners were too cunning, Tokyo lacked surveillance, and there were too many residents, the police chief said with a sad face: "Our Metropolitan Police Department will overcome all these difficulties as soon as possible.

It failed to give a satisfactory answer to the victims’ families, to Representative Sato, and to the public’s concerns about safety.

Red bean puree Smith Marseille! "

This time, more people bowed than last time, a total of nine people, showing the sincerity of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Needless to say, the bowing movements are neat and uniform.

Arakawa Rena came forward with the dessert and saw the screen of his mobile phone. She asked curiously: "Aozawa, ah, no, Master, do you also pay attention to these things?"

"Of course I'm a little worried when something like this happens in peaceful Tokyo."

Qingze replied with a smile.

Arakawa Rena nodded repeatedly, as if she had found a soulmate, and the hand holding the coffee began to tremble, "Tokyo is really dangerous now."

Qingze looked at Reina Arakawa's trembling hands and remembered that this person was very good at delusions in her mind, and quickly said: "Actually, it's not that dangerous.

After all, there are tens of millions of people in Tokyo. The probability of you encountering something like that is very small. Just don't work too late. "

"That's what I say, everything is unexpected."

After placing the coffee and desserts on the table, Rena Arakawa did not leave, but chose to sit opposite.

There are not many customers now, so she can decide whether to chat with her colleagues or sit here and chat with Qingze.

"Summer is a very dangerous season."

A trace of worry shrouded Reina Arakawa's brows, "Because the weather is too hot, my clothes will inevitably become cooler, making it easier for people to talk to me and being targeted by bad guys.

Even a passing van might rush out and a few big men might take people away.

Very scary, right? "

Qingze wanted to say that the probability of that kind of thing happening was very small, but seeing the fearful expression on her face, he smiled and said: "In that case, let me be the squad leader's guardian knight.

When you are in danger, remember to send me a message.

I will rush to your side as soon as possible. "

"Hey, no, no need."

Arakawa Rena waved her hands quickly and sighed inwardly.

In her opinion, she was serious about telling Qingze her worries, but this man's expression was completely joking.If you are in danger and send him a message, can you show up at any time?
Come on, she's not a three-year-old.

Arakawa Reina sighed in her heart again.

To most people, her worries were nonsense.

She also knew that her thoughts might not come true, but she couldn't control the fear in her heart.

A vicious criminal is roaming Tokyo.

The Metropolitan Police Department dispatched [-] police officers and searched for several days without finding Durant's whereabouts, which is enough to illustrate Durant's cunning.

An ordinary person like her would have absolutely no ability to resist when meeting Durant, and then something bad would happen.

After doing this and that, she was threatened that her whole family would be killed if she dared tell others.

Arakawa Reina shrank her shoulders, as if she could feel a rope restraining her body.

Qingze found the expression on her face ugly and comforted: "You don't have to be afraid. You can tell from Durant's actions that he is a person with a sense of justice and will never attack you."

Arakawa Rena's eyes widened and she said: "Sense of justice?

You didn't see how miserable the families of the deceased were crying. He was a cold-blooded executioner. "

"Squad leader, justice does not mean rejecting bloodshed and struggle, but requires walking on the right path."

Qingze took a sip of coffee and said patiently: "Squad leader, do you know what is enshrined in that shrine?"

"Soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country and the Emperor."

"Japan in World War II was not a good thing."

Qingze began to tell her about that period of flesh and blood history.

The more Rena Arakawa listened, the more surprised she became: "Aozawa-kun, you know a lot."

Qingze said modestly: "Just look up the history online, and don't look at the popular history experts.

Those guys are all history professors who are good at magic modification.

In addition, you must not write the correct answer in the exam, as you will not get points. "

Arakawa Rena smiled and said: "Aozawa-kun, thank you for your explanation. I feel much more at ease."

She patted her chest.

For the past few days, she had been afraid of Durant, who was on the run. After listening to Qingze's explanation, she found that things were different from what she had imagined.

Durant is not such a vicious criminal.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter. Who asked the monitor to treat me to such a delicious pumpkin cake?"

Qingze smiled, took a fork of the cake and put it in his mouth, chewing it carefully while thinking about what to fry later.

But this kind of thinking will soon be overwritten by tomorrow.

tomorrow is Monday.

The ability to mark blasts will be weakened and new superpowers will be added.

Every time like this, Qingze feels excited about drawing a lottery.


The next day.

exactly six in the morning.

The alarm clock on the bedside table rang on time.

Qingze reached out and swiped the surface of his phone to stop the alarm clock.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened them.

Superpower: Mirror Flowers and Water Moon.

Qingze was slightly stunned at first, and his first reaction was the Zanpakutō in the Shinigami that controls the five senses.

Is this ability to control the five senses?

He was thinking in his mind and did not use Mirror Flowers and Water Moon immediately.

Find time later or at noon to test what kind of abilities Jing Hua Shui Yue has.

Qingze stood up and took out two iron balls from his schoolbag.

This is a ball bought to test Mark's blasting ability.

He held it with both hands and activated his ability to mark the explosion. Black chrysanthemum patterns appeared on the surface of the iron ball on the right. He tried to mark the iron ball on the left again, but failed.

A weakened Mark Blast cannot mark multiple targets, only one target.

After Qingze confirmed this, the thought of explosion flashed in his mind.

The black chrysanthemum pattern on the surface of the iron ball on the right appeared cracked. The next second, fireworks shot out from the inside and traces of black smoke floated up.

The iron ball quickly fell into pieces, and then even the ashes were blown away.

Judging from the power of the iron ball explosion, it seems that it is only weakened and cannot mark multiple targets.

Specifically, you still need to find people and buildings to try.

The size of the iron ball is limited.

Qingze thought about that, got up and changed into a school uniform, walked outside the door and shouted: "Good morning, Chiyo."


Morimoto Chiyo replied, staring at Qingze.

"Is there something on my face?"

"Suddenly I feel that you are particularly handsome today."

Chiyo Morimoto replied with a smile, thinking in her heart.

According to the speculation of the task force, if Qingze is really Dior, he is likely to gain new superpowers today.

"Since you say so, let you taste what I taste like when I'm so handsome."

"It's my imagination. Go brush your teeth and wash your face quickly. There's eye mucus in the corners of your eyes."

Chiyo Morimoto looked disgusted.

"Handsome guys don't have eyesores."

Qingze retorted with a smile and walked towards the bathroom.

Morimoto Chiyo's eyes narrowed slightly, Qingze looked particularly happy today.

Was she the one who suspected someone of stealing the axe?
(End of this chapter)

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