Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 225 Morimoto’s doubts

Chapter 225 Morimoto Chiyo’s doubts

09:30 in the evening.

When this time came, Okayama Taketa sighed, turned his head and said: "Morimoto, you go back and rest."

Chiyo Morimoto sat on a chair, her thoughts returning to her mind. She raised her head and said, "Do you get off work at this time every day?"

"I won't get off work yet, but I think there is no need for you to stay here and stay up late. Dior will basically not show up after 09:30."

Okayama Taketa answered truthfully, shrugged and said, "The next step is wooden man time."

"Okayama, won't Dio show up again after 09:30?"

Chiyo Morimoto's expression remained unchanged, but she was thoughtful, 09:30...

This is the access time she set for Qingze.

"Unexpectedly, Dior is a person who knows how to maintain good health and goes to bed on time at 09:30."

She smiled pretending to be relaxed.

Okayama Taketa also smiled and said: "Who knows whether it is work or rest? We still haven't figured out the answer to this question.

Everything about him is a mystery. "

"That's right. I'll go back first. Please lower the height."

Morimoto Chiyo shrugged, becoming more and more confused.

Is it just a coincidence?
But when she thought about it carefully, Dior's activity time and Qingze's activity time were too consistent.

The last time she followed Qingze to the small park, she remembered that Qingze seemed so tired that he squatted on the ground.

Is that really tiring?

Judging from a piece of paper that was taken away from Yasuda's door, Dior has the superpower to touch an object and obtain information.

Didn't Qingze realize that she was following her behind his back?

Morimoto Chiyo had complicated thoughts rolling around in her mind, and she couldn't sort them out until she reached home.

She took out the key from her bag and opened the door. The light was on in the living room.

Warm lights illuminate the empty home.

There is a piece of white paper on the kitchen bar, pressed with a teacup.

Chiyo Morimoto stepped forward and saw the note he had left, with an additional paragraph in response.

"Got it, this is the money left over from the meal. Please check it, Your Majesty the Queen."

A saluting expression appears on the paper and money is behind the tea cup.

Chiyo Morimoto picked up the paper and stared at it for a while, with a smile on her face.

Impossible. How could Qingze, who is so cute and well-behaved, be Dior?
Although Morimoto Chiyo has always regarded the Yakuza and the consortium as rubbish.

But it was just words, and I never thought about taking action.

It's impossible for 16-year-old Qingze to do that kind of thing.

Chiyo Morimoto crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can. She slowed down and walked to Qingze's room.

After thinking about it, she opened the door carefully.

It was dark inside.

The thin quilt on the bed was raised, and Qingze slept soundly.

She is definitely overthinking.

Chiyo Morimoto closed the door gently.

Dior and Qingze cannot be the same person.

She came to this conclusion in her mind, patted her face again, and decided to take a hot bath.

It's around ten o'clock in the evening, and a hot bath of 29 degrees Celsius is just right.

She returned to the bedroom and picked up her clothes.

In fact, she knew in her heart that the best way to eliminate doubts in her mind was to conduct a test.

But Chiyo Morimoto didn't dare to test. On the one hand, she suspected that the people around her were not doing well.

She didn't want to be a suspicious woman.

On the other hand, what should we do if something is really detected?
If Qingze were Dior, could she still control the opponent as effectively as before?

Chiyo Morimoto was soaking in the bathtub, thinking about this problem in her mind.

The current situation is somewhat similar to cheating.

The man has not caught the woman, or the woman has not caught the man cheating. On the surface, both parties can still maintain a peaceful daily life.

Once it is really caught and the peace is broken, will the ending be good or bad?

Chiyo Morimoto is in a dilemma.

She is confident that she can control Qingze, but can she also control Dior?

"Ah, I don't want to think so much."

Chiyo Morimoto took some water and slapped it on her face. Maybe she thought too much and everything was just such a coincidence.

Dior is most likely another high school student, college student, or junior high school student.

As long as you are a student, it is normal to have overlapping activity trajectories.

But without a test, Qingze’s suspicion cannot be ruled out.

Chiyo Morimoto found herself at a dead end.

If she wants to rule out Qingze as a suspect, she needs a test.

Once it is detected that Dior is Zingze, how should we deal with it?
This is something that gives Chiyo Morimoto a headache.

"Why do I have to think about this alone here?"

She sighed, decided to have a good sleep and said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow."


The night was hazy.

In a daze, Chiyo Morimoto found herself standing at a crossroads.

Cool street lights illuminate the surroundings.

She saw a tall blond man standing there and subconsciously shouted: "Dior?!"

Chiyo Morimoto reached out and touched the man's shoulder. The man turned his head, and it was Qingze's face.


She was so frightened that she got up quickly and found that it was a dream.

But the picture in the dream is so real.

Morimoto Chiyo breathed lightly, took out the tissue from the bedside table, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and looked at the time again. 05:30.

Chiyo Morimoto decided not to continue sleeping, so she took off her translucent nightgown and put on light purple yoga clothes.

The tight and thin yoga clothes perfectly outline your figure, looking at yourself in the mirror.

She frowned slightly.

It is not her character to be so indecisive, and the relationship between Qingze and Dio must be tested implicitly.

She didn't want to have nightmares every day.

Chiyo Morimoto was thinking about the problem in her mind, and when she walked out of the bedroom, an idea suddenly flashed through her mind.

Jade Dragon Flag!
As long as Qingze participates in Yulong Banner, he will inevitably avoid Takashi Sukunaga.

Chiyo Morimoto remembers that he was full of confidence and said that he would win the championship this year.

Based on the results of the game, she can guess the relationship between Qingze and Dio.

Although it is still a long time before the Jade Dragon Flag, it does not matter, Morimoto Chiyo is very patient.

During this waiting period, she will take the result that Qingze is Dior, think about whether she needs to expose the other party after confirmation, and how to get along with each other, and establish three correct views.

From now on, she can no longer casually complain about the consortium and the Yakuza who are not human beings. She must show respect for life.

In Ruoyulongqi's match, Qingze failed.

Then treat her thinking during this period as a spare time pastime.

Anyway, as long as she didn't tell him, Qingze wouldn't know that she was secretly imagining him as Dio.

Such a solution made Morimoto Chiyo feel refreshed. Although it was not the fastest solution to the problem, it was the most comfortable way for Morimoto Chiyo.

Procrastination may not solve the problem, but it can definitely prevent yourself from being troubled by the problem for the time being.

Chiyo Morimoto started preparing breakfast today.

Fry two steaks, pair them with two pieces of lettuce, apply tomato sauce, and sandwich them with buns to make a simple burger.

Then make two cups of coffee, add sugar and milk, and the exquisite breakfast appears on the kitchen bar.

After doing this, Chiyo Morimoto began to practice yoga, preparing to show his soft body to Qingze and give him a little morning shock.

After a while, Qingze's bedroom door opened.

He saw Chiyo Morimoto practicing yoga in the living room and said hello: "Good morning, Chiyo."


Chiyo Morimoto replied with a nasal voice, and on the surface everything seemed to be normal.

She's not the kind of person who likes to express her thoughts openly.

No matter what is on her mind, she can cover it up with appropriate expressions.


After breakfast, Qingze picked up his schoolbag and went out, walked slowly for a while, and then started running again.

The sky in the morning was gray, as if it was going to rain.

There was no wind either.

Even when running, you can feel the dull feeling.

These are signs that God is holding back a heavy rain.

Qingze doesn't like rain. When it rains, everything becomes wet, which is very annoying. Only poets or people who don't need to go to school or work on rainy days are qualified to experience rain. hapiness.

In his mind, going to school in the rain is not a good experience.

"Qingze, don't run so fast!"

As he approached the school gate, familiar shouts floated into his ears again.

Kyouichiro Furuzawa stands at the school gate like a door god. He fully fulfills his duties as a disciplinary committee member and roars loudly at any student who violates school rules.

Qingze bypassed the students in front of him and turned onto the school road.

He was not the kind of person who was willing to follow rules, so he ran around the school a few times.

Qingze finished his warm-up and returned to the kendo club. He greeted the familiar second- and third-year club members and also responded to the greetings from the first-year students.

But he didn't find it troublesome.

Qingze put on the protective gear for practicing kendo and started daily practice.

As he continued to practice, he was the only one left in the club's activity room.

Qiuyue Caiyu checked the time and did not stay outside any longer.

She opened the door gently, stepped in silently, and slowly squatted down against the wall.

Qiuyue Caiyu held the thermos cup in her palms, folded her chest between her arms, and watched Qingze practice quietly.

Waiting for Qingze to finish his kendo practice like this is an obligation that only a girlfriend can fulfill for her.

When Qingze reached the end of his practice, he stopped waving the bamboo sword. He took a few breaths, turned his head and said, "Colorful, good morning."

"Good morning, Qingze~"

Qiuyue Caiyu answered with a smile, and a hint of worry appeared on her face: "Today's sky looks very gloomy.

It's so bad that I even forgot to bring an umbrella. Even though my sister reminded me before going out, I still forgot. "

She hinted wildly.

Qingze pretended not to understand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I didn't bring it either."


Qiuyue Caiyu was confused.

Qingze smiled and said: "I lied to you, I brought an umbrella.

If it really rains, I will take you home. "


Qiuyue Caiyu nodded repeatedly. This was what she was waiting for. On a rainy day, the couple held an umbrella together. What a beautiful and romantic scene!
Just thinking about it made Akizuki Iroha excited.

It will definitely rain after school today!

After school, the sun is shining brightly.

Qiuyue Caiyu had no expression on her face, raised her head, and shouted: "God, thief!"

Boom, Saeko Takahashi tapped her head and said with a smile: "Okay, don't scold God casually. If the prince doesn't send it, let the kids send the princess home and take a stroll in the mall."

"it is good."

Qiuyue Caiyu nodded and decided to go shopping to relieve the disappointment in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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