Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 227 The ability to hypnotize the world

Chapter 227 The ability to hypnotize the world

The morning sky is blue, with some white clouds of different shapes floating in the sky.

The air was crisp and the humidity on the ground proved that it had rained not long ago.

Qingze ran the last lap around the school and stopped in front of a small forest.

There is rain on the tips of the grass but it has not dried.

He looked around, walked forward, squatted down, and used his catalytic sensing ability to observe the surrounding area to confirm that there were no other students.

Qingze's right hand touched the ground and immediately activated Mirror Flowers and Water Moon.

In an instant, he felt that something was rapidly spreading in all directions centered on his hand, like invisible ripples starting to ripple on the ground.

Circles outward.

In his perception, it grew farther and farther, and finally formed a huge circle surrounding Japan.

It was at this time that a topographic map appeared in his mind, and he understood how to use Mirror Flowers and Water Moon, not to hypnotize people's five senses, but to directly hypnotize the world.

For example, the teaching building of Guanghui High School.

Qingze can hypnotize the world and make it think that the toilet inside the teaching building contains the entrance to the alien space.

Under such hypnosis, the world will think that there really is such an entrance to the alien space inside the teaching building, and then create an entrance to the alien space.

Anyone who enters the toilet inside the teaching building will enter an alien space and encounter alien creatures inside.

By imagining places that don't exist and simulating things that don't exist, he deceives the world, and then lets the "illusions" produced by the world deceive the world.

This is what Kyoka Suigetsu is capable of, and its scope covers Japan.

In other words, Qingze only needs one thought to directly change Japan into a country of demons.

But Qingze would not do that.

He decided to hypnotize some places into entrances to dangerous worlds and recreate scenes from comics or movies that did not exist in this world.

Since this was the first time he used this ability to hypnotize the world, Qingze decided to choose a place where it didn't matter who died.

Prison cells for felons.

He searched the area in his mind, quickly located a prison, and began to hypnotize the real space where the prison cells were located.


Shinjuku, Central Building, the headquarters of the Special Intelligence Investigation Department.

A series of sophisticated instruments are placed in the large office. Through these instruments, the department's agents monitor the think tank and capture various phone calls mentioning supernatural topics, or chat records related to websites.

In addition, there is a large-range radar.

The purpose of this radar is to capture Dio's traces. Although it has never been used, Jack still clicked the radar here just for peace of mind.

What if the radar can detect abnormal fluctuations when Dior approaches this building?

Today, the radar that had been silent suddenly produced strange fluctuations, and a huge circle kept flashing at a certain coordinate.

"Minister Jack, there is an abnormality in the monitoring radar!"

Jack received the news and ran out of the office quickly, shouting: "Is Dio here?"

"No, this place is the Black Nest Prison!"

"Black Nest Prison?"

Jack frowned slightly, obviously not knowing much about that prison.

An agent nearby who knew this prison explained: "Black Nest Prison is a place where serious criminals are held, and the people inside are all evildoers.

Drug trafficking, human smuggling, murder, and rape are all inhabited by people serving sentences of more than 20 years, as well as life sentences, and prisoners sentenced to death and awaiting execution. "

"Hurry up and call and ask what's going on there!"

Jack looked at the beeping red dot on the radar.

Such reminders usually involve some kind of offensive weapon, such as an approaching missile.

But can a prison have missiles?
And it kept flashing in place, not moving at all.

This is also very strange.

Jack frowned slightly.

"Minister Jack, the phone can't be reached, it's out of area."

"Are you kidding me? It's in Tokyo, not some deep mountain forest."

Jack became increasingly convinced that something was going on there.

In Jack's eyes, all abnormal things are related to Dio, and said: "Hurry up and notify the people in the task force and ask them to send someone over to take a look!"

"it is good."

The members present had no objections to this proposal.

Although they are all the best of the best, not everyone likes Robert to go on adventures and find out things on his own.

They prefer to sit back and reap the fruits of other people's labor like Jack.

It must be said that it is very difficult for a leader to make a team full of enthusiasm.

But if a leader wants to make his team lazy, the change can definitely happen within a day.

Since Jack truly took control of the Special Intelligence Investigation Department, the internal atmosphere has been completely different from that of Robert's era.

They prefer fishing leaders like Jack.


Black Nest Prison.

This is a prison that is unknown to the world and has no reputation, but the criminals detained there are serious criminals from all over the country.

Among them are some prisoners who cannot be known to the outside world.

Akuma is one of the prisoners.

No one knows his real name, they only know that he calls himself Akuma from Street Fighter, and even dyed his hair bloody like Akuma.I am also a crazy martial artist who regards the law as air. I once served as the black glove of a powerful man, and I am looking for greater stimulation from challenges.

He massacred the whole family of a Hokkaido congressman and dismembered that family in a very brutal way, which angered the powerful local people.

They sent a large number of people to hunt down Akuma. After ten days and ten nights of fierce fighting, the exhausted Akuma was arrested by the police in the mountains.

Because of his terrifying combat power, the superiors considered that it might be useful in the future, so Akuma was not killed, but was sentenced to life imprisonment and imprisoned in the Black Nest Prison.

This level is five years.

In the Black Nest Prison, Akuma does not need to do any labor. All limbs, including the waist, are covered with thick shackles.

Chains thicker than arms connected the shackles to the metal ground to ensure that Akuma couldn't escape from here.

Akuma did not give up hope. He used these shackles as weight-bearing training and insisted on exercising every day to hone his martial arts.

His goal is to develop his strength enough to break free from this shackles before the age of 45.

Then, he will leave this prison and continue to challenge this country, in order to break through to a higher level of martial arts.

"1301, 1302."

Akuma exercised as usual, but suddenly an inexplicable sense of crisis arose in his heart.

He stopped exercising and frowned slightly.

This is inside the Black Nest Prison. Who can pose a threat to him?

He was confused, and something suddenly happened to the touch of his hand. It was no longer a hard metal ground, but turned into soft soil.

"what's the situation?"

Akuma's rough, beast-like face showed a trace of confusion. He lowered his head and found that the shackles and chains on his body were still there, but the prison cell was gone.

The surrounding area turned into a thatched house, like a commoner's residence in the Edo period.

Akuma picked up the dirt on the ground with his right hand and was very sure that it was not fake.

He brought it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. He smelled a hint of earth, and it didn't seem like he had been injected with some illusory medicine.

Or is this a new type of hallucinogenic gas invented by the government?
Today's technology shouldn't be so outrageous.

A trace of doubt flashed in Akuma's eyes.

The desired answer obviously cannot be found inside the house.

He stood up, dragged the chain to the door, and raised his hand to open the door.

The gloomy sky came into view, and below was a barren land. On the dead trees with withered leaves, dried corpses were hung there with ropes around their necks.

The scene was extremely desolate.

Just one glance can tell you what kind of world this is.

Akuma was stunned for a moment, then joy burst out from his heart.

He likes this kind of wild land without any civilization, where he can fight to his heart's content.

Nothing is more exciting than a legitimate fight.

"What a wonderful world."

Akuma's tone was full of joy.


There was a scream from the right.

Akuma turned his head and his pupils suddenly expanded. What kind of monster is this? !
Tens of meters away on the right, in front of the same thatched house, a monster taller than the house, at least four or five meters tall, stood there.

There are large and curved buffalo horns on the top of the head, and the face is like an angry lion. The body is covered with jet black hair, but it cannot hide the strong muscles. Behind it is a pair of huge membrane wings similar to bats.


It only takes one swipe of its claws, and the human body will be torn into pieces like pieces of paper, and blood and internal organs will be scattered all over the floor.

The person who screamed was right next to the deceased, and his large intestine splashed directly onto his face. The touch of warm blood made him scream in fear, and he was torn to pieces by the monster.


“Hell, we’re in hell!!”

Akuma looked at the panicked people, a flash of disdain flashed in his eyes, but he did not choose to take action.

When the situation is unclear, it is unwise to rashly fight against that kind of monster.

He needs to see the situation clearly, or let others consume the power of the lion and the bull monster first.

Akuma also has the power to easily tear the human body apart, but he knows very well that that is not the limit of the Gypon.

Akuma must observe more.

The biggest difference between humans and beasts is that humans know how to use techniques and props.

He needs to target the gracon's weak points and attack.

Akuma thought to himself and ran away like the other prisoners.

However, he found that the people here were all prisoners, and he did not see the prison guards.

Could it be the same as what the person just said, that this is the hell where evil people will definitely go?

Interesting, let’s make him the King of Hell!
Akuma felt excited.

As he was running, a thin old man quickly approached and shouted: "Hey, Akuma, the situation is not good now, should we join forces?"

Akuma looked down and saw that the old man was as thin as a monkey, with white beard and hair. His eyes were not as turbid as the old man's, but full of sharpness.

"I won't team up with anyone!"

Akuma responded coldly.

The thin old man didn't force himself and quickly ran away from him to find another partner.

(End of this chapter)

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