Tokyo: My Super Powers are updated every week

Chapter 197 Qingze starts searching for lucky viewers

Chapter 197 Qingze starts searching for lucky viewers

In the courtyard of the Knife Forging House.

The sun gradually became hotter, making the weeds in the yard look a little listless.

There are cicadas chirping in the trees.

It's annoying.

Takashi Sunaga had never found waiting to be such a torturous thing.

In the past, while he was waiting, he could easily get through it by just thinking about kendo-related things in his mind.

Now, Takashi Suunaga can no longer calm down and study the way of kendo. He is just worried about whether someone will come over?
If your guess is wrong, you should go to the Public Security Class No. [-] next.

But if the police department can't find Ruriko, where should we look next?
Tokyo is so big, and without specific clues, it would be difficult for him to find the whereabouts of Ruriko alone.

It is even impossible to deny whether Ruriko simply wanted to meet netizens and get kidnapped, as the teacher said.

Sunaga Takashi lowered his eyes and realized that he really didn't understand Ruriko at all.

The sigh was fleeting, and he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if a lion had noticed that its territory was being invaded by a similar species before it saw other species of the same species.

The air felt different.

Takashi Sunaga understood that he was not wrong.

As expected, Ruriko was taken away by the other party just because she searched for the word "Hasama".

Why did you do this?

Takashi Sunaga doesn't care why.

He just wanted to catch the other party and ask about Ruriko's whereabouts. He had fantasized about killing him many times in the past.

For the first time to become a reality, he felt no excitement or nervousness at all.

It's just very calm, like a lake in a primeval forest, without any ripples.

Takashi Sunaga stood up and looked at the two men in black walking from the front, his eyes like looking at dead people.


Ding dong dong.

The crisp end of get out of class bell rang, the four morning classes had passed, and the teacher left the classroom.

Loud sounds replaced silence for a moment.

Phoenix Academy Meiji took out a lunch box from the drawer, stood up and walked towards Nomura Manami and Yoshikawa Sayuri.

Qingze raised his hand to wake up the sleeping Tetsuji Hojo and said, "get out of class is over."

"Until noon?"

Hojo Tetsuji muttered, sat up slowly, and stretched on the spot. The simple movements restored his energy, and he turned around and said, "I'm counting on you today.

When you came up, you brought me some bread and coke. "

"no problem."

Qingze agreed immediately, stood up and walked outside the teaching building.

When passing by the vending machine at the bottom, he didn't stop to buy it. Instead, he put on outdoor shoes and walked to the club building.

I'll buy coke and bread when I get back. If I buy them now, I have to take them to the guzheng department, which is too troublesome.

He walked to the guzheng club in the club building and stood outside the window.

Yanagi Machi Natsuka did not continue to turn her back to him this time. It seemed that she had stepped out of the shadow of that time, but she was not so open-minded yet. Her pursed lips looked like a dignified and elegant aristocratic lady, showing a little shyness and introversion. .

She doesn't look like the kind of girl who would explore with Shinoko Hojo whether her navel smells good at all.

"Aozawa-senpai, you are here. This is today's lunch. You said you like to eat eel, so I specially made kabayaki eel. I hope you like it."

Hojo Shinoko trotted over and served the lunch with both hands. There was a thin layer of sweat on her fair cheeks. The club's fan obviously couldn't blow away the summer heat.

"Kabayaki grilled eel, really exciting."

Qingze took the rich lunch and greeted Yanagimachi Natsuka with a smile: "Then I'll take my leave. You guys can take your time and play."


Hojo Shinoko waved her hand and turned towards her friend.

Seeing Qingze leave, Yanagimachi Natsuka relaxed and exhaled suddenly, holding her hands back on the ground, "Huh, Shinoko, you make bento for Qingze-senpai every day, just to thank him for your brother. Comics guide?”


Hojo Shinoko nodded, a strange look flashed in her eyes, and she didn't know why her friend suddenly asked this question.

Natsuka Yanamachi looked up at the ceiling and murmured: "Senior Aozawa, doesn't he look handsome?
I feel very good, and I don’t have the perverted personality you mentioned at all. "

"Being a pervert doesn't mean he's bad, he just has some habits that are different from normal boys."

Hojo Shinoko explained truthfully.

When she said Qingze was a pervert, she never meant to be discriminatory or disdainful, she just simply called someone with a special hobby.

Shinoko Hojo believes that everyone has their own interests and hobbies, and as long as they don't affect others, it doesn't matter.

For example, she is not against same-sex feelings, but she is against those same-sex people showing off in the street.

In her eyes, that kind of person affects the normal lives of others.

A person can be free, but he cannot put his own freedom above the freedom of others.

It is a public place outside, and everyone needs to work together to maintain a normal worldview.

"Then it should be okay if I pursue Senior Qingze?"

Natsuka Yanamachi crossed her legs and asked with a smile.

Hojo Shinoko was very surprised and said: "Of course, Natsuka, you already know Senior Qingzawa. It's your business to pursue him. You don't need to ask my opinion."


Natsuka Yanamachi muttered, this reaction was different from what she imagined, she should be panicked.

She sighed: "I really can't imagine you falling in love." "Me too."

Hojo Shinoko answered seriously.

She has heard a lot about love topics and read some books, but she still can't understand what love is.

She had never felt that heart-pounding feeling before, probably because the person she liked hadn't appeared yet.

Hojo Shinoko thought to herself and looked out the window again.

The cicada is perched on the tree, and its chirping sound is like a beautiful melody. I don’t know how Aozawa-senpai feels about the bento.

It would be nice if I could be satisfied in return for his treat yesterday.


Qingze was very satisfied with today’s lunch.

The kabayaki eel cooked by Shinoko Hojo is obviously more delicious than that in the cafeteria. This may be due to the cooking skills or the fresher ingredients.

In addition, in addition to kabayaki eel, Hojo Shinoko also comes with a piece of fried pork cutlet.

Broccoli and two slices of lettuce also add some green flavor to the bento.

It tastes better than the previous bento boxes.

Sure enough, he is the kind of boy who loves eating meat.

A bento with a lot of meat is a delicious bento.

After Aozawa finished eating, he briefly gave some comments to Hojo Tetsuji's comics, and then left the rooftop on the pretext of taking a nap.

When he arrived at a remote area of ​​the school, he followed his usual practice of placing his hands on a tree to survey the surroundings.

Looking at the picture in his mind, he made sure that there was no one around him.

He used Schrödinger's cat, whose body gradually becomes translucent.

The next second, the green trees in front of him disappeared and were replaced by tall buildings and intertwined streets.

This is Shinjuku.

He stood in the air, looking down at the flow of people below, and then at the building that looked a bit cold in the sun.

"Let me see who is the lucky audience today."

He muttered, slowly drifting to the side of the building, and touched the surface with his right hand.

The glass used on the surface of the building is the same glass.

He uses the ability of catalytic induction.

In an instant, scenes after scenes flooded into his mind.

Within a radius of one kilometer, the glass of every building becomes his eyes and ears, allowing him to monitor and peek at the scenery inside and outside.

The complicated pictures and sounds did not affect his mentality. He watched them like a god and quickly confirmed that there was no one he was looking for here.

Qingze raised his hand and headed to the next place.

Speaking of Shinjuku, I still have to go to Kabukicho to find someone to kill.


It was pitch black all around.

The girl could feel something covering her eyes, preventing her from opening them.

She didn't know what was going on or why she was here.

The remaining memory of last night in her mind was saying goodbye to Takashi Suunaga. When she was about to return to the girls' dormitory, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind and covered her mouth.

There was a certain aura on the cloth on her palm, which caused her to fall into coma immediately. When she woke up again, she could no longer see anything.

Her hands were also tied to something that looked like a chair. Yokoo Ruriko didn't know if she had taken off her clothes. She just felt that her body was very cold, and it didn't feel like she was staying in summer at all.

In this state, some people came up and asked her why she knew Hazama's name.

She answered truthfully, but she was beaten mercilessly by the other party and told that she was lying if he continued to ask questions.

Yokoo Ruriko was beaten to tears.

But instead of getting sympathy for her tears, she got arrogant laughter from the other party, and then another beating.

She was beaten so many times that her brain became confused. Sometimes her ears would become deaf for a while, and she could not hear clearly what questions they asked.

Who is Dior?Who are they?Why do you know about her search for Hazama?

A series of doubts flashed through Yoko Ruriko's mind. She couldn't figure it out and didn't understand why she was involved in such a thing.

If there was one thing she insisted on not mentioning during such an interrogation, it was the name of Takashi Suunaga.

She didn't want Takashi Sunaga to end up like her.

These people are obviously not easy to get along with.

Yokoo Ruriko took a deep breath. The severe pain made her want to cry, but the laughter she heard earlier always echoed in her mind, making her hold back her tears and unwilling to let them out.

She didn't want the guys who hit her to continue to laugh.

This was the only thing she could do to fight back.

Creaking, I could vaguely hear the sound of the door opening, and someone's footsteps were approaching.

Yokoo Ruriko felt panicked, was she going to beat her again?

No, Takashi, come and save me!
"It really surprises me. Are all young people today so good?"

A gentle voice rang in Yokoo Ruriko's ears, and the man held up her chin with one hand and continued: "Your little boyfriend really has some strength and killed the people we sent.

Killing gun-wielding elites with a knife, it seems he is the kind of person with rare talents.

You also become valuable.

Yokoo Ruriko. "

(End of this chapter)

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