Chapter 196
Knife Forging House.

A slanted signboard is very worn.

It seems to highlight the status of knives in this era.

After the Meiji Restoration, the status of the samurai sword in Japan began to plummet. It was gradually reduced from a murder weapon used in fighting to a decorative flower stand, worn by some big shots or military officers to symbolize high status.

Nowadays, the katana cannot even be supported by the only flower stand.

Takashi Sunaga stepped into this courtyard overgrown with weeds.

In the corridor of the mansion full of Japanese style, an old man sat with rickets, his long white hair was messy, and his lifeless eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Takashi Suunaga, and he said in surprise: "You finally came to me. "

Takashi Sunaga looked at the old man in front of him.

Hazama was not the first person to persuade him to use a real sword.

Ever since he showed his talent in swordsmanship, the old man in front of him had tried to get him to wield a real sword, and even prepared to give him a sword.

However, he refused.

Now in order to save Ruriko, he must have a good knife to fight against those people.

"Where's the knife?"

"Haha, the knife you are looking forward to is already calling you, go get it!"

The old man laughed maniacally, his eyes like vultures seeing carrion, showing greedy obsession, "Whether you become a sword master like Nobutsuna Kamiizumi or a human slayer like Hazama, it's your choice!


The sun was falling in the courtyard, the wind was blowing the weeds, and the white-haired old man's tone was full of a crazy scene that could scare away ordinary people.

Takashi Suunaga's expression did not change at all. He did not answer the crazy old man's words, but just walked towards the house.

Opening the sliding door behind the old man, one can easily tell that the environment inside is not very tidy.

Except for the places I frequently walk, thick dust accumulates in many places, and there are even old spider webs in the corners.

People can hear the creaking sound when walking on the floor.

It was the first time he entered the house, but like someone who had been here for a long time, he naturally found the room where the knife was hidden.

The old man only saw such naturalness from Ha Sama many years ago. No, not even Ha Sama had such a natural posture.

Thinking of the person who is still active in modern times.

The old man's mood was full of joy. He liked knives, no matter how powerful people said about guns.

He still likes knives, obsessed with the arc of the knife, obsessed with the feel of the knife tearing flesh and blood.

Just thinking about it turned him on.

Therefore, he likes to find those talented kendo players and give them famous swords that match their status.

"There are famous swords from the old era and samurai swords from the new era in this room. You can only choose one."

The old man stood behind and said with a smile: "Which one do you choose?"

Takashi Sunaga scanned the room.

Unlike the outside, the room where the knives were placed looked particularly clean, with not a trace of dust on the floor or walls.

Dozens of katana swords were placed on the knife rack, waiting for his selection.

From among these knives, Takashi Suenaga reached out and grabbed a samurai sword with a black scabbard and blood-red veins on the handle based on his feeling.

"I want this one."

"The name of the sword is Akakura. It is made from the most cutting-edge modern steel and technology. Even famous swords appear fragile in front of it. It can be said to be the strongest blade collected here."

When the old man read this, his expression was full of drug-taking excitement. He was obviously very happy that Takashi Suunaga could choose this one.

"Can Akakura split bullets?"

Takashi Sunaga drew out his sword. There were blood-red patterns on the purple-black blade, extending from the handle to the tip.

The shining blade reflects the person's face like a mirror.

The sword is a good sword, but Takashi Sunaga only cares about whether Akakura can cut off bullets.

“With current technology, even a regular samurai sword can split bullets.

However, the most difficult thing about splitting bullets is how to catch them. Even if you can catch them, I don’t recommend you split them.

With that kind of reaction speed, avoiding the bullet is undoubtedly the smarter decision. "

When the old man said this, his eyes showed excitement and he said: "Do you want to give it a try?"

"Well, I wonder if it's true that a knife can't beat a gun."

Takashi Sunaga nodded lightly.

"Haha! Takashi, you are indeed the best swordsman in contemporary Japan. If you can, please do that test here with me!"

"You may be in danger."

"It doesn't matter, I am willing to see that scene, even if it means death!"

The old man was smiling. Rather than fearing death, he longed to see the moment when the knife defeated the gun.

In this era, the only person who can do this is the young man in front of him.

Not even Hazama could fulfill this wish.

He wanted to see the miracle with his own eyes.

Seeing that the old man was willing to be involved in danger, Takashi Sunaga was not pretentious. He took out his mobile phone and started searching for the name of Hazama.

If no one comes to look for him after an hour, then he will consider kidnapping people from the police station, and then find out where the Public Security Section [-] is located and ask them about Ruriko.


Shinjuku, Central Building, the residence of special intelligence investigators.

Robert stepped forward and knocked on Jack's office door and whispered: "Minister, there is new news."

"Please come in."

Jack replied and put away the information submitted by Yuzuki Suzuko. This person was directly responsible for him.

Reporting any news to him as soon as possible is the first step in taking back power.He didn't want Robert to find out about related matters.

Robert opened the door, observed his movements, and felt a little disdain in his heart, but said nothing.

When working in the CIA, the people above and the people below are two different worlds.

For the agents who are working below, the person appointed as the leader only needs to sit there and pay them.

It is best not to interfere in other matters.

Because the work of the CIA involves some dangerous tasks, no one wants an incompetent guy to direct their actions.

They only trust the elite.

Robert is the best of the best.

Therefore, he has more power than Jack in this department, but he rarely shows such a tough stance. He still treats people respectfully and cannot find any faults, giving Jack face in public and controlling this department in private.

“Minister, according to our interrogation, Yokoo Ruriko learned about Hazama’s affairs because Junichi Obayashi from the Public Security Section [-] came to inquire.

She herself didn't know anything about Dior. "


Jack sighed, not expecting to get any information from Yokoo Ruriko, and waved his hand: "Then let her go back."

Robert did not obey the order and retreat as usual. He pushed the frame with his right hand and said: "She didn't know Dior's name before, but when we interrogated her, she already knew Dior's existence.

If possible, I think it would be more appropriate to let her disappear. This is the best female high school student in Japan who disappeared. "

"What nonsense are you talking about? She has nothing to do with this case. Naturally, let her go and don't create any complications."

The look on Jack's face was one of surprise.

Even if the other party knows Dior's name, so what?
As long as you don't learn something specific, it doesn't matter.

He couldn't imagine that Robert would wipe out a living life for such a thing.

That's still a girl.

Robert smiled and said warmly: "Minister, this is the safest way to prevent the KGB people from discovering anything along our tracks."

"As I said, it's a human life, there's no need to do this."

"Minister Jack, with her family background, disappears without causing any trouble."

Robert paused and reminded: "Are you still not comfortable with the power you have now?

With your current power, killing Yokoo Ruriko is no different than stepping on an ant.

To keep Dior's secrets, a little sacrifice doesn't matter. "

Jack felt a chill in his heart.

He had known that the CIA was not a good person.

But such a disregard for human life was beyond his imagination.

In his opinion, it was okay to be cruel to the mission target, but he would kill an innocent person without hesitation just for a little bit, which could even be said to be purely a personal figment.

"I object!"

Jack stared and shouted: "Let me go immediately!"

"Sorry, such an order may cause the risk of intelligence leakage, and I cannot execute it."

Robert still insisted on his own ideas.

As he said before.

It is not difficult to eliminate Yokoo Ruriko.

Since it can be done so easily, why leave a hidden danger to the enemy?

A wise man should avoid all troubles.

Jack stood up immediately, glaring angrily, but the words of reprimand had not yet been uttered.

There was a thumping sound outside the door.

He couldn't help but said angrily: "What's the matter?"

"Minister Jack, we just discovered that someone was searching for Hazama's name. According to the intelligence, that person is a student of Kamiya High School and his name is Takashi Suunaga."

When Jack heard this, he immediately said: "Look, trouble is coming now. Let's put the person back quickly."

"This isn't a problem, it's a clue."

The smile on Robert's face did not weaken, he pushed the frame of the mirror and said: "Ruriko Yokoo never told us from the beginning to the end that anyone else knew about this matter.

She is probably hiding something, and we need to catch the boy for questioning. "

"I think you're a little paranoid."

“Capturing Dio is a slim hope, and it is necessary to investigate anything that is suspicious.

Minister Jack, you won’t object, right? "

Robert's inquiry made Jack feel angry.

But he also knew that this person was right.

Even if the trouble comes to Chief John, I am afraid that the other party will agree to Robert's request and even give him a scolding.

The reason is simple. In the eyes of the CIA, he is a high school student with no background.

Even if he kills the wrong person, there is no problem, but he cannot let it go.

"Catch him alive for me."

Jack could only give this order.

"of course."

Robert smiled.

He is not a cruel and murderous person. Everything is done to find Dio and is just business.

(End of this chapter)

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