Chapter 198 Art is Explosion
As soon as the words fell, the black cloth covering Yokoo Ruriko's eyes was untied.

No longer in the darkness, she carefully opened her eyes and saw that she was in a small, dark room.

His hands were tied behind his back on the chair, and in front of him stood a tall, blond foreign man wearing gold-rimmed glasses.

She lowered her head and looked at the clothes she was wearing. She was not wearing any less, she was still wearing a summer school uniform, and she felt relieved.

At least the body's innocence was preserved.

"who are you?"

"Miss Yoko, we are an organization you cannot afford to offend."

Robert spoke condescendingly, then went around behind the chair, untied the rope for Yokoo Ruriko and said: "Your little boyfriend will rush here in a moment.

The moment he opened the door, I hoped that you could use sensible words to calm him down and choose to cooperate with us.

His knife can split bullets, and it is his ability to defeat a pistol within ten steps.

But it definitely can't beat this Vulcan machine gun, which can shoot [-] rounds of bullets per minute.

If you want to tear the human body apart, you don't even need a second. "

Yokoo Ruriko looked at the Vulcan machine gun on the left. The bullet chains were piled in the box, like assembly line products in a factory.

The jet-black barrels made Yokoo Ruriko understand how terrifying the destruction would be when this killing machine rotated.

The human body is probably as fragile as paper in front of a machine gun.

"I see."

Yokoo Ruriko nodded repeatedly.

She didn't know who the man in front of her was, but she knew it was best not to resist them.

"a wise decision."

Robert patted her shoulder and said with a smile on his face: "If you cooperate with us, you will get unimaginable wealth.

We have always treated talents very generously.

Don't take it personally because of the unpleasantness that happened before. It's our responsibility too. "

Now he changed his coldness from wanting to kill Yokoo Ruriko in front of Jack, and his attitude seemed gentle.

What he did was not out of tyranny in character, but out of consideration for the interests of the United States.

Yokoo Ruriko is just an ordinary person, so he is not worth winning over. Killing him directly is the safest way.

But Takashi Suunaga's toughness made Robert change his mind. A kid who was still in high school was able to kill two CIA elites with guns.

Such ruthlessness and strength have proven that Takashi Sunaga is no ordinary person.

Robert knew in his heart that there were always some extremely strong and perverted people in this world.

In the past, the ceiling for those people was to be able to kill an elephant with bare hands.

But after superpowers were discovered by the CIA, the most terrifying talent of mankind became superpowers.

The people closest to these superpowers are undoubtedly those humans who have special talents themselves.

For example, there are people in this world who can hold their breath for 24 minutes and 33 seconds.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such a record is as incredible as a fairy tale.

For ordinary people, holding it for 2 minutes is already a very impressive achievement.

Facts have proved that there is not only a gap between people in wealth and status, but also a big gap in body.

The CIA has always been keen on recruiting all kinds of special talents to work within its system.

Especially when facing Dio, a person with super powers, Robert wanted to gather as many special talents as possible to work for him.

Everything is considered from the perspective of American interests.

Allowing him to show a completely different attitude than before.

The gentle expression of the smiling face gave Yokoo Ruriko a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart, and she couldn't detect the slightest kindness.

She just felt that there was something wrong with this person's mind?

He beat her up before, but now he told her with a smile.

Treat what just happened as if it never happened.

How could it not have happened?
The pain in Yokoo Ruriko's stomach and face all proved how cruelly she had been treated.

But Yokoo Ruriko dared not speak out in anger.

She was afraid that something might happen to Takashi Sunaga.

"I see."

"A well-behaved girl is so lovable!"

Robert touched Yoko Ruriko's head and introduced with a smile: "This is our stronghold.

In Kabukicho [-]-chome, Shinjuku, it looks like an apartment with only three floors.

I have twenty men here, armed with guns.

There will be some bumps in the road for your little boyfriend along the way, but I guess that's okay, he'll get here eventually. "

Robert then turned to stroking the Vulcan machine gun next to him, grazing his fingers on the cold barrel as gently as stroking his lover's skin.

Yokoo Ruriko was surprised and said: "I promised to cooperate with you, why do I still do this?"

Robert smiled and said: “This is a trial given by God.

What we need are elites, not rubbish.

If he cannot kill those who stand in my way, then he is not qualified to join our organization.

Don't worry, I'm still very optimistic about his strength. "

Yokoo Ruriko bit her lip. She felt that her recent experience was really full of magic.

Someone suddenly appeared and killed Yusama, and a huge dark organization was involved to kidnap her from the campus.

Beat her, torture her, and now test Sunaga Takashi, directly using the lives of his subordinates to do this kind of thing.

What a cruel man.

Is this in Tokyo?

This doubt came to mind, even making Yokoo Ruriko doubt whether it was reality.But such doubts can be eliminated with just a little movement.

The pain in her body was indicating that she was not dreaming.

These are all real things.

Gao Shi, please don't let anything happen.

Yokoo Ruriko prayed in her heart, hoping that that person would be safe.

At this time, Qingze also discovered something unusual about this apartment.


Kabukicho is not big, but Aozawa just made a few choices and found an apartment that looked very challenging and interesting.

There were 22 people inside, 20 of whom were armed not only with guns, but also with machine guns that looked very ferocious in appearance. They obviously exceeded the Yakuza's proper configuration and had a strong background in the Self-Defense Forces.

There was also a girl who looked obviously beaten by them.

From the conversation Qingze heard, we can know that these guards are prepared to test a person.

Such a big battle was actually just to deal with one person.

Qingze felt a little curious about that person, and decided to take action himself and join this little trial game.

Qingze walked directly through the door. Through the ability of catalytic induction, he had already figured out the staffing situation of the entire apartment.

There are six people on the ground floor, ten people on the second floor, and five people on the third floor, plus a hostage girl.

There is no surveillance installed in the entire apartment.

There was a cabinet in the entrance hall, and there was a man lurking inside. His gun had the safety on, waiting to shoot out.

Qingze floated forward and used his transformation ability to transform himself into the muscular Cleopatra Dior, and then switched to Schrödinger's state of existence.

The tall body transformed from the void into a solid body.

The person stood quietly behind the man, casting a shadow on the cabinet. His right hand touched the man's cheek, using the ability to mark blast.

"Don't make trouble."

The man thought his companion was joking with him, so he turned around to persuade him, but quickly found that the man in front of him was strange.

Qing Ze's ability to activate Mark Blast.

Black patterns took up most of the man's body in an instant.

Qingze had the thought of explosion in his mind, and he clearly saw cracks in the pattern on the man's body.

There was a soft thud, a sound similar to that of a cheap hair dryer suddenly turned to full blast.

The flames and black smoke exploded outward from the man's body, and then turned clear at a speed visible to the naked eye. No trace of the man's presence was left on the floor or in the cabinet.

Including the man's clothes and pistol, they were all destroyed by the explosion in an instant.

For such a terrifying explosion, neither the ground nor the walls seemed to be damaged at all, showing a very subtle strength.

Qingze looked at his hand. The impact of the explosion at that moment was so wonderful, like a wonderful art.

No, art is an explosion!

He finally understood Deidara's mood. Having the ability to destroy anything would give him an artistic sense of the destroyed things.

Qingze turned around and caught a glimpse of another man hiding behind the door.


Danilo was dumbfounded.

As an agent of the CIA, Robert can be selected to participate in this trial. His strength is naturally not bad. He has dealt with the flour merchants in Mexico, experienced a hail of bullets, and completed many big tasks.

Ask yourself that you are a senior agent who has seen big scenes.

But he had never seen anything like it.

A man appeared out of thin air, touched his colleague's cheek, and then his colleague exploded, leaving nothing behind.

What kind of new explosive is this?

Danilo racked his brains and couldn't imagine that there was such a bomb in the world.

"What the hell did you do?"

He roared excitedly and immediately pulled the trigger in his hand.

Bang, the loud gunshot was heard by others as the "bell" announcing the start of the trial.

A gray filter shrouded Qingze's eyes.

The bullet seemed to be frozen, fixed in the air.

Qingze reached out and used marker blast to mark the bullet and move forward.

Right hand touching cheek of African American man.

Black lines covered the side of his face.

Mark Blast can mark two targets at the same time.

Qingze came to this conclusion and let time flow again.

With his palm still pressed against Danilo's face, he noticed the warmth on the side of his face, his pupils suddenly dilated, and he turned his head, his eyes showing a hint of pleading.

But what he got in exchange was a pair of cold eyes.

He had never thought that a person's eyes could be so cold and emit a strange aura, like honey-flavored poison.


When he shouted this, Qingze began to explode.

Danilo felt a burst of fire burst from his internal organs, and all the organs and flesh under his skin seemed to turn into gunpowder at this moment.

The whole person exploded with a bang.

The gorgeous fireworks exploded in the air with black smoke, and then quickly dispersed, turning into transparent color.

Qingze continued to move towards the next goal.

 PS: Thanks for the unreasonable tip

(End of this chapter)

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