My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 76 Mingting is just a broken house

Chapter 76 Mingting is just a broken house
I saw the sun hanging upside down on the Yongding River!Heaven and earth are overturned!

It's just like what Sima Guang said: "Once the river stopped flowing, thousands of households were without smoke. The wells and springs in the city also dried up. Everyone thought it was a place without rain, and they didn't know when there would be water."

The water of the Yongding River in front of him was instantly evaporated by the giant sun that fell into the river.

The river stopped flowing for a while, and the river that continued to flow from west to east seemed to have entered a bottomless pit.

Turned into bursts of white mist.

And on the dry river bed, the evil dragon that had occupied this place for thousands of years and devoured countless humans and animals was being trampled under the feet of a young man.

The dragon's body, which was over a hundred meters long and had been reassembled with gold threads by Taiping Road, was nailed to the bottom of the river by twelve light spears.

With every flash of the light spear, there was a burst of meaty aroma.

The evil dragon kept twitching and wailing on the ground.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I know the plans of those Taiping Dao monsters! They want to wake up the Huode Xingjun in the capital in advance! Make the stars disorder! I also know many secrets of the sleeping gods! I can also be yours Mount!"

The evil dragon was almost frightened when he saw the scene of burning mountains and boiling seas in front of him!

He also saw that Zhu Houcong's right hand was shining with golden light, and he seemed to have no intention of stopping, and he begged bitterly.

"Killing me will do no good! I understand the rules! Killing me will only give the wild gods outside the pass an opportunity to take advantage of. Those wild gods are all lunatics. They only know how to eat people and drink blood. They don't understand what the imperial court is. ! Let alone accept the imperial canonization! Kill me! There is no one to guard the border for you! By then, the four counties in the North will be eaten by these wild gods who come from the north without leaving any trace!"

This evil dragon has been entrenched here for thousands of years, and has received canonization and imperial edicts from countless dynasties.

And don’t the rulers of the imperial courts of past dynasties know that this evil dragon, which has been repeated countless times in history, is only a favor to the court, but in fact it is disgusting and has not changed?
But in the end, they chose to turn a blind eye to the evil dragon in the Yongding River.

Even Zhu Di only cut the evil dragon into three pieces and sealed it at the bottom of the Yongding River.


Because in the north... those dark and cold places where humans and animals are extinct, there are still more wandering around who have long been reduced to monsters. They have completely lost their minds and only know the existence of evil gods who drink blood from their hair.

They only have animal-like instincts left, so they will not easily invade the territory of evil spirits who are more powerful than themselves.

But, what if one day, the evil spirit that originally guarded the northern border of the Central Plains Dynasty disappeared?
The terrifying and strange things hidden in the darkness of the north will roll over the Great Wall like a wave and pour into the rich south, full of wealth and blood.

God knows how many, the oldest of which existed before the planet was even born.

In the north, human living conditions are so harsh.

So that whenever a hero rises, he leads the people who lead the bow to temporarily repel the evil demons that smell human scent and come from all directions like hyenas looking for food, allowing the people of the grassland to get a brief respite. .

Their eyes will move uncontrollably to the south, that civilized land!A fertile land blessed by destiny!

All foresighted British masters know that the chains made of flesh and blood sacrifices imposed on the bow-drawing people by those terrible evil gods have not been completely broken.

They were repulsed, but this did not mean that the grassland people would rest easy from now on.

They just hide in the darkness, licking their wounds, waiting for these pitiful short-lived species in front of them to fall into the sad cycle of separation and reunification again, waiting for the opportunity to enslave the people who lead the bow again.

Whenever they think of this, their eyes will involuntarily look to the south, the north that is richer, safer, and more suitable for human habitation.


It has never been the exclusive preserve of those who work in the fields.

The people who lead the bow can also lead the troops southward to compete with the southerners for the beautiful destiny they once had that was unfortunately lost by Emperor Yuan Shun!
Immediately, Anda Khan looked at his great father, known as the "second Genghis Khan". After Genghis Khan, the second Dayan Khan to unify the Mongolian grassland, he still missed the rich and beautiful land before his death. .

From the beginning of Kublai Khan to the end of Emperor Shun of Yuan Dynasty, it was only a hundred years of prosperity.

Most of those who have experienced it have been turned into ashes, and their souls have returned to the eternal heaven.

What is left to the successors of the Golden Family is endless reverie.

The beauty accidentally lost from the fingers is so unacceptable that it even makes people hysterical and even crazy when thinking about it.

We could have accepted the darkness if we had never seen the light.

On the ninth day of October, autumn is high and horses are fat.

The new Great Khan of Mongolia looked at the Han Dynasty in the distance from the barren hills outside the Great Wall.

He made up his mind.

Wait until next year, when he will completely destroy the last tribe on the grassland that does not obey him, the Chichibe!
He will follow his father's legacy and personally lead hundreds of thousands of bow-wielding people to once again hunt with the Ming Emperor at the foot of Yingzhou City.

Let's see if the Ming court is still qualified to occupy this destiny that the barbarian princes from all over the world always long for.Zhu Houcong's only answer was the spear forged by flames in his hand.

"The sun is shining brightly!"

The light in his hands grew stronger and stronger, and the evil dragon at his feet kept begging for mercy.

"Turn on the golden light!"

The golden-red flames condensed into substance, and the evil dragon felt the fatal threat above its head, and its body could not stop trembling.

The voice begging for mercy became more and more sad, but Zhu Houcong was indifferent to the evil beast's begging for mercy.

“Through the sky and the earth!”

A beam of golden light completely broke away the heavy fog on the Yongding River.

The clouds have dissipated!The old sun has dimmed in the sky, and the new sun has risen.

The evil dragon knew that Zhu Houcong was determined to kill, and his words of begging for mercy turned into a vicious curse.

Struggling desperately to stay alive.

"Unknown shot!"

With a beam of golden light that seems to reopen the world, it seems that all the suffering in the world will end with this beam of light that reaches the sky and the earth.

Golden red flames engulfed the heaven and earth.

It was the rainy season at this time, but the Yongding River, which used to be turbulent, was only a dry river bed.

On both sides of the bank are vegetation reduced to ashes and rocks melted, making it look like an apocalyptic scene.

Ye Jiuliu's eyes widened as he watched the young man pull out the red spear stuck in the soil.

He waved his hand to summon the north wind, completely blowing away the ashes left by the evil dragon.

The evil dragon, whose power could be called a god or demon, had occupied this river for more than a thousand years since the pre-Qin era, was just gone?

Moreover, it seems that the people from the Ming Court have not tried their best.

There was not even a wrinkle in his clothes all over his body.

You must know that Taiping Taoist, who is known as the No. 1 Taoist sect in the world, persuaded this old dragon to stop the Ming court team here as a bargaining chip to lift the seal and make him the eternal water god.

If they fight in one place, the outcome between Taoist Master Taiping and this evil dragon will still be close to [-] or [-].

There's no way he could be as understated as this man.

In the world - the Ming Dynasty - since Hongwu and Yongle, when did such a person with the ability to kill gods and demons appear again!
Perhaps, the sudden death of the Blood Empress of Western Hunan was not an accident...but...

Ye Jiuliu couldn't help but look at the god-like figure in front of him again.

Suddenly, Ye Jiuliu thought that he was still on the way to the capital, imagining that after entering the capital, he would be promoted to an official position, establish a new dynasty, and bet on the world's power of the Taiping demons.

Unfortunately, it seems that I am still on this boat that is about to capsize.

Fortunately, it's not too late to jump ship.

Ye Jiuliu quietly turned his attention to Peng Tianli beside him, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous.

Bro!Although I am very embarrassed!But anyway, I’ll lend you my head!Let me show my loyalty to the Ming Emperor.

He quietly reached into the pocket on his waist and caught two straw dolls in his hands.

But before he could take action!
Peng Tianli beside him shook his folding fan, causing the Five Sacred Mountains to vibrate.

Peng Tianli attacked Ye Jiuliu and shouted righteously:
"I, Peng Tianli, have been under the orders of the Patriarch of the Peng family! I have been lurking in the Taiping Demon for many days! In order to thoroughly investigate you group of rebellious officials and traitors who incited the army and the people to rebel, I am here to support the imperial envoys who comfort the army and the people! Now the time has come! Ye Thief shall die!" I, Peng Tianli, am at odds with the Taiping demons."

When the blow missed, Peng Tianli bit his tongue with a cruel heart, obviously trying his best to show his loyalty in front of the Ming court envoy.

"Aunt Bai! Get on top of me and kill the Taiping demon!"

As he spoke, he rolled his eyes and his whole body started to tremble.

"First, please ask the sage Zhu Taizu, secondly, please ask Taizong to come to me. Thirdly, please ask Wu Zong to quell the cholera, and the ancestors will appear to sweep away the evil atmosphere. The left hand is a mirror for the Eight Diagrams, and the right hand is a whip to punish evil! God, God, and Mother Earth will help me, and I will kill the demons and protect the good people. !”

(End of this chapter)

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