Chapter 75 Cycles
"Brother Peng, wait until the dragon eats all the royal guards of the Ming Dynasty! When you enter the capital in the future, you have to give me a nice word in front of the Taiping Heavenly Master!"

On the west bank of the Yongding River, a young man in brocade robes picked up a copper pot and poured wine for the scholar in front of him, who had a pale face and a faint look of death between his brows, and said in a flattering tone.

"Brother Ye is overly praised! With Brother Ye's family's skill of looking for mountains and looking for energy, when Taiping Dao Master restores the Li family, isn't this position of Qintian Supervisor specially designed for Brother Ye's family! There is no such thing in He Chou's family What about official work?"

So the two of them complimented each other again.

The scholar's name was Peng Tianli, a native of Changzhou, Suzhou. His family had been officials for generations in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, and more than ten people were awarded Jinshi alone.

In the Qing Dynasty a hundred years later, the Changzhou Peng family set a new record with [-] Jinshi scholars in the Ming and Qing dynasties. It can be said that they were a wealthy family.

And the young man from the Ye family who was drinking with him was naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

Although not as famous as the Peng family in history, the Yueshui Ye family's strength as eight Jinshi scholars in the Ming and Qing dynasties cannot be underestimated.

"Speaking of it, although it is a bit untimely, Brother Peng! Is the leader of the Taiping Dao Association, the Yongding River Demonic Dragon, really so amazing! Is he actually capable of overturning the world?"

As Ye Jiuliu spoke, he looked a little hesitant, looking at the fire that flashed through the white mist just now, his expression serious.

"You don't understand this, Brother Ye."

Peng Tianli shook the folding fan in his hand, pointed at the Yongding River and smiled.

"Do you know the origins of this Taiping leader and the demonic dragon in the water?"

"Appreciate further details."

The Ye family has been in the south for a long time and is close to the sea. Most of the sacrifices are made to various monsters and ghosts on the sea, so naturally they don't know what is going on in the north.

"Li Luyao, the contemporary Taiping Taoist Celestial Master, is said to have fallen to the west on the night before he was born, day and night. When he was born, purple energy came from the east, and the whole room was filled with red light, which matched the Greedy Wolf star in the sky. The man destined to bring trouble to the world!"

"Later, not only did I learn the Li family's secret method, but I also took the initiative to recognize the owner of the Qin Wangjian left by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and then followed the Taiping Taoist practice! At the age of 16, his physical skills were already unparalleled in the world, and he was praised by the previous Taiping Taoist master for a thousand years. Come to Dao Sect No. 1, even if the Yellow Turban General of the late Han Dynasty was resurrected, it would only be this time!"

Seeing Peng Tianli shaking his head while speaking, Ye Jiuliu interjected.

"How does it compare to contemporary Little Celestial Masters?"

"How can it be compared! Taiping Taoist Master Li Luyao was born with auspiciousness, and the previous Heavenly Master had just dismissed troops in western Hunan, and his successor was just a junior who rose to power relying on blood relations! Even if the Heavenly Master Taoist school has no hope for that young man to rise to the throne, There are many voices of dissatisfaction, how can they be compared with Taiping Taoist Master!"

"Don't talk about this generation of Celestial Masters, even the previous generation, even the Celestial Masters of the previous generation have come. Do you understand the value of being the number one genius in the Taoist sect for thousands of years, who can be compared with Zhang Jiao, the Three Dukes General in the late Han Dynasty!"

Peng Tianli replied.

"And as for this dragon, it's even more incredible!"

"Since the Warring States Period, there have been records of evil dragons here liking to eat babies. At that time, King Yan Zhao built a golden platform and used cattle and sheep fruits to recruit wise men. He had to give a portion to the evil dragon of Wuding River to taste, otherwise this The evil dragon will cause the Wuding River to overflow and swallow up humans and animals."

"During the Han and Tang Dynasties, the world was unified. Although the evil dragon had restrained himself and no longer dared to eat people at will, it still happened from time to time to block roads and rob, and extort cattle and sheep for sacrifice. I heard that Zhang Qian went out to the fortress and thought about this. The river will also offer forty sheepskins as tolls.”

"And when the dynasty declines and the world is divided, this evil dragon will take advantage of the owner of the artifact to go on a killing spree and devour humans and animals."

"This evil dragon has been entrenched here for such a long time! Has no one made the determination to eradicate it for thousands of years?"

Hearing the details of the dragon in the river, Ye Jiuliu couldn't help but frown, and then asked questions.

Peng Tianli smiled and shook his head when he heard this. "First of all, this evil dragon is very powerful. There are really only a few people in the world who can control it."

"Secondly, this evil dragon is not like most powerful ones, but it is cruel and barbaric. It only knows how to eat people and drink blood. It is extremely good at playing both sides. Whenever the world is unified, it kills the local officials of the old dynasty. Take the initiative to surrender, but when the new dynasty was first established, it was mostly busy with conquests from all directions, showing off its military power to the barbarians from all over the world, in order to frighten the evil spirits outside the Great Wall. Foreign enemies and internal strife were endless, and the evil dragons surrendered on their own initiative, so there was no time to allocate more manpower. To deal with such evil spirits, most of them are to issue decrees and canonization, order local officials to sacrifice cattle and sheep regularly, and order them to protect the environment and the people, and not to invade the people."

Peng Tianli said that this was the case for many dynasty cycles. Although when it was strong, it could wipe out the sneaky things in the country that were unwilling to obey the court, but the evil spirits in the wild lands outside the pass were also beyond the reach.

When the situation is stable, the evil spirits and evil spirits who have been summoned to peace in the territory can still enjoy the official sacrifices honestly.

But once the dynasty is in turmoil, or even shows signs of fatigue, these evil spirits will immediately show their fangs, collude with local wealthy families, separate one side, and restart the cannibal feast!

"The people of the world are so hard and difficult. Even if the world is unified, the days of peace will only be a few decades in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Jin Dynasty did not have the rebellion of the Eight Kings in the 30th year of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Tang Dynasty had the disaster of Tianbao. The Song Dynasty had the shame of Jingkang. The house was burned to the ground, the children became slaves, the father and brother died in military disasters... The cycle of reincarnation is endless, and when will the suffering of the common people be relieved!"

Ye Jiuliu sighed, and Peng Tianli on the side was also silent.

Even if they are the children of famous families and rich families, if the world is in chaos and demons arise, how many of them can be sure that they will be able to escape unscathed?

"When Taizu Hongwu founded the country, only 50 years later, there was the disaster of the earthen fortress. The country's elite soldiers and generals were wiped out in one day. Now they can't even deal with the small Japanese pirates in the southeast. The building has already collapsed. Now But I can barely hold on..."

Peng Tianli sighed.

Ye Jiuliu on the side nodded, obviously feeling the same way.

Both of their families are in the south, and now the imperial court cannot even collect taxes from Jiangnan. In front of Tumu Fortress, during the Zhengtong years, the country could still collect 5000 million taels of money and food from the south every year, but now, the annual taxes are only 800 taels. Ten thousand taels.

After a hundred years of development since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the prosperity of Jiangnan today is not comparable to that of a few decades ago.

It's just that the Ming Dynasty was declining and it was no longer able to steal food from the world's wealthy families. It also had to allocate interests to win over those powerful nobles who were still willing to serve the Ming Dynasty. Naturally, the tax collection was getting smaller and smaller year by year.

"The farce in the Ming's time to end——"

Peng Tianli looked at the river that was still shrouded in clouds and mist in front of him, and seemed to have seen the tragic situation of a few unlucky Jin Yiwei being swallowed by the evil dragon.

"I just hope that this dynasty change will not turn into the centuries-old wars in the late Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties. A strong man will emerge to quickly end the chaos and re-establish order."

"Yes, if a strong man emerges from nowhere——"

Before Ye Jiuliu finished speaking, there was an earth-shattering explosion from the direction of the Yongding River behind him!

Immediately, waves of heat and steaming mist sprayed in all directions.

Ye Jiuliu was staggered by the blow. He looked up and saw Peng Tianli, who was also blown by the sudden fierce hot wind and was sitting on the ground. At this moment, he was sitting on the ground blankly, with his eyes straight and staring. He was facing the direction of Yongding River in front of him, his mouth wide open.

The evil dragon suddenly caused a storm for some unknown reason. The rumors from the outside world were true. Peng Tianli was indeed a man with great ambitions and little talent. He had no determination and was so unbearable when he encountered an accident.

Seeing Peng Tianli's performance at this time, Ye Jiuliu cursed in his heart, he wanted to see what tricks the dragon had played to scare Peng Tianli like this.

He turned his head, and the next moment, his legs softened, and he worshiped heaven and earth faster than Peng Tianli behind him.

Grass!Who the hell said Ming Ting was in decline!stand out!Today I must give you a good reward for your little cleverness!Let you personally experience what it means to be at the end of a dynasty. Saint Meng said that this is also the greatest number in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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