Chapter 77 Western Priests
On the shore, Qiu Luan, who was following Zhu Houcong, heard the incantation recited by Peng Tianli.

He was startled.

"Your Majesty...this..."

"It's just a trick played by country spirits to trick foolish women and husbands into defrauding them of their support——"

A flash of light flashed in Zhu Houcong's eyes, and he naturally knew that the determination attached to Peng Tianli could not be Taizu or Emperor Taizong.

It’s also unlikely to be Wuzong——

As for where Wu Zong's soul ended up, Zhu Houcong, who watched the Ministry of Rites bury Wu Zong with his own eyes, had some vague guesses.

The cold corpse lying in the capital was already an empty shell.

Perhaps, after the failure of the sacrifice to heaven, Emperor Zhengde's death would have been inevitable even if those things in the palace had not caused chaos.

After these elves and mountain monsters become spirits, in order to deceive mortals into paying tribute, they often deceive these mortal disciples, claiming to be immortals who have come to the world, or famous ministers and generals, saints and sages famous in history, and cheat them of food and drink.

"Angel! Come and help me conquer the demon!"×2
At this time, Peng Tianli and Ye Jiuliu saw Qiu Luan and his party arriving, and shouted at the same time.

In just a few minutes, the two of them fought for their lives, and their heads were already bloody.

Ye Jiuliu's shirt was torn, revealing bloody marks that looked like bites from wild beasts.

Although there was no blood on Peng Tianli's body in front of him, several thumb-sized holes were clearly exposed. No blood flowed out. Qiu Luan could even vaguely see the beating of internal organs in his abdomen.

"Stop it all!"

Zhu Houcong scolded.

"State the situation one by one. Who is the Taiping demon? The court will make its own decision!"

When I saw it, it was the young man who just killed the dragon in anger on the Yongding River and burned the mountains and Zhuhai.

The two of them immediately did not dare to make a mistake.

Even the so-called Aunt Bai who was summoned was startled. Before Peng Tianyi could get rid of the possessed state, she slipped into the ground and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The two quickly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to the angel, and stated that they had endured the humiliation for the imperial court and sneaked into the Taiping demons to steal information. They had gone through many hardships. Now that they could see the angel, they were able to break free from the demon cave and reborn. See the light of day again.

Seeing the two people kneeling on the ground crying and talking about all the difficulties, Zhu Houcong's face remained calm.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, Lord Angel must make the decision for us!"

"Both of you are Ming Zhongliang who has your heart set on the imperial court and sneaked into the Taiping Demons to steal information?"

Ye Jiuliu and Peng Tianli nodded quickly.

Zhu Houcong made an expression of sudden realization.

"So? This is a misunderstanding?"

Zhu Houcong asked with a smile.

Hearing this question from the Ming court envoy, Ye Jiuliu and Peng Tianli looked at each other.

A consensus was reached in an instant!
He quickly knelt on the ground and shouted for the angel's judgment.

Seeing this performance, Qiu Luan behind Zhu Houcong was speechless for a while.

"Both of you are loyal to the country!"

Zhu Houchong helped the two of them up, sighing as if he really believed their lies.

"But now that the demons of Taiping are unjust, the court has one more thing to trouble you two."

"The imperial court has its destiny! Please ask the angels to give you orders!"

The two responded immediately, with a hint of joy on their faces.

You are not afraid that the court will let you work, but you are afraid that the court will not use you.

By accepting the mission of being the envoy of the Ming court today, I and the family behind me have been half cleared.

"On this day! Saints and heroes! Benevolent and virtuous for the world! I know that the army and people of Datong are being held hostage by demons! Unless it is forced, I am unwilling to raise weapons and cause massacres... Please two of you return to the demons of Taiping to persuade the army and people of Datong to be harmonious. The loyal men and the royal guards sent by the imperial court to capture the bandit leader cooperated internally and externally, waiting for orders! Capture the bandit leader in one fell swoop! An unparalleled feat!"

"Your father is so compassionate! If the soldiers of Datong knew your father's worries, how could they not cry bitterly, wake up and capture the leader of the thieves! In order to repay your father's grace, I dare not obey my order!" The two of them suddenly made a mockery. Eyes filled with tears.

Knowing that the imperial court asked them to return to Datong to send ultimatums to the world's wealthy families, they began to take a final stand.

So, what choice will these powerful people in the world make?
Riding on the horse sent by Peng Tianli for transportation, Zhu Houcong listened to Qiu Luan's doubts and smiled calmly.

"The most powerful people in the world? They are just a bunch of wallflowers!"

"After today, the Taiping demon will decide on the matter!"


In front of Hengshan Formation.

In the Datong military camp, green smoke billows.

The military camp is located on Mount Heng, surrounded by woods and streams, surrounded by mountains, and the mountains are as green as black.

At this time, in the military camp, Taiping followers were donating porridge and rice to the hungry and skinny soldiers around them, and distributing the money and silk they had captured from the treasuries of prefectures and counties along the way.

Along the way, corrupt officials were publicly stripped and twitched by the Taiping cultists who led Datong soldiers and civilians, and their homes were ransacked and their families exterminated.

Copied the money and used it as military pay.

"If this trip fails! The days of the Ming Dynasty are not over yet! Let the soldiers take their money and flee! With money, whether they fall into banditry or flee outside the Great Wall, they will never have to follow me and die in vain! "

At the top of Hengshan Mountain, Li Luyao looked down at the smiling Datong soldiers and civilians who had taken the money, grain, and rice, and said calmly to the two Taiping followers wearing white robes beside them.

What is surprising is that these two Taiping Taoists, a man and a woman, both have deep noses and high eyes, and are not from the East.

The female congregant had a pair of bright wine-red eyes, and her words had a strong accent.

"The Ming Dynasty is innocent! The days are over! It should have perished decades ago! Now the leader distributes grain and rice from the holy treasury to appease the soldiers and civilians, and confiscates the land of corrupt officials and distributes it to the poor believers. "Fields are cultivated by all the people in the world." The common people welcome them and use them to attack us. How can the Ming Dynasty resist? The leader must not worry too much, and quickly gather his best soldiers to march eastward and regain our country in Litang!"

Li Luyao remained silent and just shook her head gently.

Dividing the land among the people certainly made the people happy and eager to join the religion.

But the world cannot be won by relying on people's hearts alone.

Those powerful people in the world who have worshiped evil spirits all over the world would be so angry if they knew that the ultimate goal of Taipingdao is to return the land of the world to the people of the world.

I am afraid that the evil demon spirits will be released immediately, the soldiers will be gathered together, and the Taiping Religion will be destroyed.

When war breaks out again, can Taiping Dao defeat so many powerful people from all over the world who are angry at being deprived of their land?

Besides, what would happen even if these powerful people in the world were wiped out?

The evil spirits restrained by these powerful people performing sacrifices day and night are out of control, and there is no one to control them locally. When the time comes, the people are brutally slaughtered. Even if the court sends troops to collect them one by one, how long will it take to collect so many evil spirits and monsters in the world?
These powerful people in the world are indeed rampant in the local area, sacrificing their flesh and blood to the gods of darkness.

But on the other hand, it is also the guarantee that the Han region can maintain relative stability compared to the barbarian lands in all directions.

At least the people in the pass, no matter how miserable they are, can still barely survive.

"We will only seize the land from corrupt officials. We will strictly control the members of the aristocratic families who have surrendered to us and not infringe... How long can the rice in the holy treasury last?"

"I can still last ten days."

After hearing what Li Luyao said, the female cultist replied.

Li Luyao nodded and then moved her gaze to the middle-aged man wearing a white robe.

"Father John, I don't know when the food, grass and weapons promised by the Holy See to be shipped from Tianzhu will arrive!"

Sensing Li Luyao's gaze, Father John touched the little head of the pretty boy next to him. Seeing this, a flash of disgust flashed in the female congregant's eyes, but because Li Luyao was here, she didn't say anything more.

said the priest named John.

"The ship has landed in Shandong. You know, in order to transport these things to the Ming Dynasty, we gave the sharks a lot of benefits along the way - but it was all worth it, as long as those few who ran all the way from Spain to the Ming Dynasty The head of the heretic has been confirmed, followed by three large ships of supplies and weapons, all of which will be delivered to the leader as a symbol of our church’s friendship.”

"I wonder what grave crime that mortal man named Magellan committed, and that the Vatican was willing to cross thousands of mountains and rivers to hunt him down?"

Li Luyao couldn't help but feel curious.

(End of this chapter)

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