Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 864 Lack of reverence for life

Chapter 864 Lack of reverence for life

In the afternoon of the next day, Yang Dong changed his prison, it was a new home.

The new home has three floors, and every window is equipped with anti-theft windows.

This kind of anti-theft window is not the aluminum alloy hollow steel pipe of later generations, but a thumb-thick steel bar. Unless you use a hacksaw, you can't get out.

Even the door to the living room has been replaced with pure copper and cannot be opened even with a hand grenade.

In order to provide Yang Dong with a safe and reliable new home, the Yang Anbang brothers put a lot of thought into it. The doors and windows in the house should be replaced, and the holes in the house should be blocked, so that not a single mouse can escape.

"You two evil beasts, disobedient and unfilial sons, you two scoundrels..."

Yang Dong scolded Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang all day long, sometimes even using Yang Jun's name.

"I'm sorry to all the ancestors of the old Yang family for raising such an unfilial son..."

No matter how much Yang Dong cursed, no one paid him any attention.

Yang Jun had greeted him in advance, and he would be rude to anyone who dared to talk to Yang Dong.

Everyone knew Yang Dong's nature, and everyone turned a deaf ear to his howling.

If you think about it from another person's perspective, who wouldn't be worried if such a bastard like me is in the stall?

"Unfilial son, disobedient and unfilial beast..."

Second uncle Yang Dong's voice was hoarse after being beaten and scolded all day, and no one paid any attention to him.

It wasn't until dark that the sound finally died down.

He is tired.

"Finally quiet."

Yang Jun said.

After dinner, he and his family sat on the sofa in the living room and chatted.

"Hey, do you think I will be locked up like my second uncle one day?" Wang Yuying said quietly.


Yang Jun was drinking tea. Hearing this, a mouthful of tea sprayed everywhere.

He quickly put down the tea cup.

"Mom, please don't take your seat."

"Your son doesn't want to be a rebellious and unfilial beast. Besides, you are not such a person either. Do you think I am right?"

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes: "That's not necessarily the case."

Yang Jun didn't dare to ask whether he was necessarily a rebellious and unfilial beast, or whether she was necessarily that kind of person.

No matter what the outcome was, it was not what he wanted.

"Mom, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can get angry at your son, but I beg you, can you not say that?"

Yang Jun knew that Wang Yuying would not get angry for no reason, and he must have done something wrong to make her angry, otherwise she would not be so angry.

"Okay, that's what you said."

Wang Yuying's face turned solemn and she said, "Let me ask you, how many days has it been? Why hasn't your fourth sister come back?"

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, shouldn't you ask Yang Laosi about this?"

Yang Laosi is an adult now. He has no control over whether she can return to her parents' home.

In fact, he has been wondering for the past two days. Logically speaking, a married girl should return home within three days. This is already the fifth day, and Yang Laosi has not returned home yet.

Even if you live in a community, you still have to go back when it's time to return.

"Of course I have to ask, but if you, the eldest brother, don't pick her up, how can she have the nerve to come back?" Wang Yuying said.

"Do you want your mother-in-law to pick you up when you return home?" Yang Jun wondered.

"What do you think?" Wang Yuying rolled her eyes.

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this.

He couldn't figure out whether it was true, so he turned back to look at Yi Qiushui.

Seeing this, Yi Qiushui quickly said: "Mom is right, have you forgotten that Uncle Guo and Tianming came to pick him up in person?"

Yang Jun was confused when he heard this.

To be honest, he didn't even remember such a thing happening.

I remember that at that time, it seemed that he and Yi Qiushui went back to their parents' home by themselves.

Hey, he couldn't remember the specific situation at that time after so many years.

However, since Yi Qiushui said so, it must be the case.

Of course, the responsibility for Yang Laosi's failure to return due to his fault must not be placed on himself.

So, he blinked and his eyes surrendered to his son who was watching TV.

Recently, a martial arts drama was being shown. This little guy has been following the drama at this time every day, and he was watching it with gusto.

"Hey, why don't you pick up your fourth aunt?" Yang Jun asked.

Yang Chengdao was watching TV and was enjoying it, but he didn't expect that the adults' anger would involve him.

The little guy blinked his eyes a few times, but he didn't squeeze out tears.

"Dad, I'm still a kid."

I am a child, can you adults involve me in your affairs?

Besides, I’m just a soy sauce person. For such a big thing as getting married, is it his turn to take charge?

When Wang Yuying saw this, she raised her hand and hit Yang Jun.

"You are so old, but you still behave like a child."

When Yang Jun heard this, he laughed.

"Mom, I've been so busy lately that I forgot about this."

"Busy, busy, are you busy fishing?"

Wang Yuying raised her hand and hit him again, and said with a sullen face: "I know how to fish every day, just don't go to work, don't care about family affairs, and... I haven't seen you catch any fish while fishing, all day long Just lie down there and start taking care of yourself at a young age?"

When Yang Jun heard this, his head turned black.

In Wang Yuying's mouth, he is the playboy who has no knowledge and skills and only knows how to walk the eagle and walk the dog all day long.

It's enough to say that he doesn't care about family matters. How can we say that he doesn't go to work?
"Mom, you don't understand. Things at work are not as simple as you think. It's not that you only work when you stay at work all day long. In fact, the people who really stay at work are the incompetent people..."

"All right, all right, I can't beat you."

Wang Yuying interrupted him and said, "I don't care about work matters, but you don't care about family matters either. Do you really think you are the uncle?"

"Mom, shouldn't your daughter-in-law take care of family affairs?"

Yang Jun saw that Wang Yuying was being unreasonable again, so he could only direct his firepower at Yi Qiushui.

In other families, the male takes the lead and the female takes the lead. Yi Qiushui is better than Yang Jun. She is the boss and doesn't ask anything.


Yi Qiushui stretched and yawned twice.

"Mom, I'm sleepy. Let's go back to bed first. You two can chat."

After saying that, he winked at Sun Zhaodi, and the two women left as if they were running away.

"Hey, you bitch..."

Looking at Yi Qiushui's back, Yang Jun wanted to cry but had no tears.

Isn’t it agreed that we should share blessings and share hardships? Why do we fly away when there are difficulties?


Yang Jun yawned twice and stretched.

I know how to do this. Before he could open his mouth, Wang Yuying shouted in a deep voice: "Sit down, I have something else to tell you."


Yang Jun said 'hmm' and sat down dejectedly.

"Let me ask you, you haven't seen Xiaoliu for so long, what did you do to her?"

Seeing that something was wrong, the son quickly turned off the TV and left them as if running away.

At this moment, only Yang Jun and Wang Yuying were left in the living room.

Yang Jun saw that there was no one around, so he didn't hide it from Wang Yuying.

"Mom, Xiaoliu is locked up by me."

Wang Yuying heard this and thought for a while with a stern face.

"Why are you locking her up?"

Wang Yuying did not make a fuss as usual, but looked calm.

She knew that Yang Jun had always been stable and would not imprison Xiao Liu for no reason. There was naturally a compelling reason why he did that.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and decided to truthfully tell Wang Yuying the truth.

If he were to say who he could trust the most in the world, it would probably be Wang Yuying.

No mother in this world would betray her son, and sometimes she would even risk her life to protect him.

"Mom, it's like this..."

So, Yang Jun told the story about Peng Sanwan's disappearance and Xiao Liu's investigation into him.

After Wang Yuying heard this, her face turned pale.

"Over the years, I have actually raised a white-eyed wolf."

"Even if it is a dog, it should be well-raised. This kind of white-eyed wolf that is not well-bred, according to my opinion, it is best for him to end up like that surnamed Peng."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly when he heard this.

He knew that Wang Yuying was talking angrily.

She was not the kind of heartless person, she was just angry when she heard that Xiaoliu betrayed her son.

Sure enough, a long while passed.

Wang Yuying calmed down.

"Jun'er, you did the right thing."

"It doesn't matter whether Xiao Liu is a white-eyed wolf or not, but our old Yang family is worthy of him, and locking her up for the rest of his life is worthy of her."

Yang Jun sighed: "Mom, you are right. If it weren't for the fact that I had raised her for so many years, I wouldn't have just locked her up."

Wang Yuying is not a good man and a woman of faith. If she had not been ruthless in the war years, she would not be alive today. When she hears someone threatening her son, she does not care about the right and wrong and directly stands by her son's side.

In this world, whoever wants to destroy the wealth of the old Yang family must be her enemy, even if this is his goddaughter.

"Mom, as long as you know this, don't talk about it everywhere. Qiu Shui doesn't know about it either."

"Do you need to say this?" Wang Yuying rolled her eyes.

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled bitterly.

"Oh, by the way, Mom, pay attention to Xiao Wu. You should be more careful when speaking, especially don't let anything slip in front of Xiao Wu."

"I know, Mom is not a fool."

Wang Yuying said: "Xiaowu and Xiaoliu grew up together after all. It is inevitable that he will have some complaints against you. Don't worry, I will pay attention to Xiaowu's every word and deed."

"Hey, thank you mom."

Only in front of Wang Yuying could Yang Jun take off his disguise and guard, and he could say whatever he wanted.

Because parents are the most trustworthy people in the world.


The next day, my second uncle Yang Dong scolded me again.

However, this time the scolding was not as severe as yesterday, and his voice became hoarse.


On the third day, I occasionally heard a few curses, and then the sound of pots being smashed and bowls being smashed.


On the fourth day, I occasionally heard sighing sounds.


On the fifth day, there was no movement.

On the sixth day, there was still no movement at all.


More than ten days passed, and the second uncle did nothing except eating and drinking.He was completely caught this time. No matter how much trouble he made, no one paid any attention to him even if he shouted at the top of his lungs. It seemed that those two...three bastards really wanted to put him under house arrest until death.


This morning, Yang Jun was fishing and heard a report from the guard that there was an old lady at the door looking for Yang Dong.

"Then did she say anything about her relationship with Yang Dong?" Yang Jun asked.

The guard thought for a moment and said, "I told you, she is Yang Dong's wife."

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

Recently, I have been busy with my second uncle's affairs and forgot about his wife.

He had told himself before that he must deal with this matter, but he didn't expect that he had been so busy in the past two days... and so idle that he forgot about it.

"Tell her that Yang Dong hasn't come back."

Yang Jun muttered: "I'm still looking for my second uncle to ask her to hand him over."

"By the way, is your Captain Luo back?"

"I came back last night," the guard replied.

"Tell him to come and see me."

"Yes, big leader."

After a while, Luo Xiaojun came over.

"Uncle Master, I was just about to come to you to report my work, and you came to me."

Luo Xiaojun smiled and lit a cigarette for him, then sat on the small bench next to him.

"If you open your mouth, believe it or not, I'll kick you to death?"

"Hey, I can't hide anything from you, uncle."

Luo Xiaojun smiled and said: "I came back at three o'clock yesterday morning. I was terribly sleepy and overslept."

"How are things going?"

Some time ago, Luo Xiaojun was sent to Nanfeng to handle a private matter.

"Everything went smoothly and the other party agreed to cooperate."

"Well, that's good." Yang Jun nodded.

Luo Xiaojun is very good, he is his capable assistant, and there is nothing he can't do if he is given the task.

"By the way, you go do something else."

"Master, tell me."

Luo Xiaojun put his ear closer.

"Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau..."

After Luo Xiaojun listened, he nodded and said, "I understand, uncle, I'll do it right away."

I said, "Well, hurry up and try to get it done today."


Luo Xiaojun said: "Uncle, if there is nothing else, I will go first."

"Go." Yang Jun waved his hand.

After Luo Xiaojun left, he vaguely heard a quarrel coming from outside the door.

Yang Jun didn't care. He closed his eyes and continued to lie down.

In the evening, Yang Jun was eating, and Yang Anguo came in with a dark face.

Without saying anything, he squatted in front of Yang Jun and smoked.

Yang Jun slapped him with an unlucky look and rolled his eyes.

"What's wrong? Second uncle is dead?"

Yang Anguo snorted coldly: "If he dies, we will feel at ease."

"What's wrong?" Yang Jun asked again.

Yang Anguo took a puff of cigarette and said in front of Yang Jun's family,
"Today, that old lady went to my unit to make trouble."

"Which old..."

Yang Jun said in surprise: "Your stepmother went to your work unit to make trouble?"

"She is not my stepmother." Yang Anguo shouted.

Yang Jun kicked him and clasped his ears with his little finger.

"No, no, why are you so loud?"

Yang Anguo rolled his eyes and looked at him with a resentful look.

"The old lady took her five children to my work today to make a fuss, and the fuss became known to everyone. I won't be able to see anyone in the future."

"What are they making trouble for?" Yang Jun asked.

"What else can we make trouble for? It's not just about money."

Yang Anguo said: "My dad is her cash cow. As long as she finds my dad, she has found her cash cow. Although they didn't mention money, they always meant money in their words."

If that old lady didn't want to do something, who would remarry at such an old age? Besides, Yang Dong is still a bastard.

Hearing this, Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Have you admitted the relationship between my second uncle and her?"

"I admit shit."

Just as Yang Jun was about to move his feet, he immediately stepped aside.

"I didn't admit anything, and I didn't go out to see her. I just had them chased away."

"Anyway, I'm totally embarrassed."

When Yang Jun heard this, he sneered coldly: "If you take care of more things, how can you lose the face to see others?" '

Yang Jun put down his bowl and chopsticks, lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"It's okay if you didn't admit it. If they start making trouble later, you'll send them to the police station immediately."


Yang Anguo screamed in surprise, and then whispered: "Brother, you still think the matter is not big enough?"

Yang Jun glared at him coldly and said angrily: "What do you think?"

However, seeing Yang Anguo's confused look, Yang Jun continued,
"They are no longer husband and wife. If they continue to make trouble, there will be no defensible reason. At that time, they can only do business."

"Brother, that's not right. I have seen the old man's marriage certificate. At that time, the old man asked me for a red envelope."

"That's fake."

Seeing that Yang Anguo still looked puzzled, Yang Jun simply got straight to the point.

"Today, I have had their marriage records destroyed. The Civil Affairs Bureau has no marriage records at all."

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, the whole family looked at him in surprise.


"Brother, can you do this?" Yang Anguo asked in surprise.

Whether it is a marriage or a divorce, both spouses must be present.

This is good, Yang Jun just greets her, no one needs to be present, and the marriage relationship between the two is resolved.

However, the current marriage process is not that complicated. There is no nationwide network system at all. Even if you are bigamous, you may not be able to find out. For Yang Jun, destroying the record is just a matter of a word or even a look from him. , the people below have all done it for him.

"Do you believe that I let you and Xiangxiu become divorced?" Yang Jun said angrily.

He is such a senior cadre, but he still looks like he has never seen the world.

Not to mention Yang Jun, even with Yang Anguo's current status, it is not impossible to accomplish this, but he has the power but will not take advantage of it.

When Yang Anguo heard this, he was so frightened that he waved his hands repeatedly.

"Brother, that's not necessary. I believe you are."

Seeing this, Yang Jun asked, "Do you know how to do the rest?"

Without the marriage certificate, the old lady has no reason to make trouble anymore. If she makes trouble again, he will be charged with disrupting official business and slandering cadres, and finally she may be charged with forging a marriage certificate.

Hearing this, Yang Anguo's eyes flashed with an eager expression.


"As long as she makes trouble again tomorrow, I'll beat her up first and then send her to the police station for punishment."

Today, Yang Anguo was holding back his breath after being blocked in the door of his work unit for a whole day. Today, he heard that Yang Jun had someone cancel their marriage records, and he suddenly felt okay again.

As long as you dare to make trouble again tomorrow, you will be left with nothing to eat.

Before Yang Jun could speak, he heard Wang Yuying say: "Anguo, there is no need to beat people. Just send them to the police station for punishment. After all, the old lady is old. If she is beaten, she will have to pay for medical expenses."

"I'll pay for her grandma's legs..."

Seeing Wang Yuying's expression change, Yang Anguo said quickly: "Hey, listen to Auntie, if you don't want to fight, I won't fight."

Others don't understand Yang Anguo, but Yang Jun does.

Despite what he said, he probably already hated the old lady and her family in his heart.

If nothing unexpected happened, even if the old lady didn't go to his workplace to cause trouble, he would still find an opportunity to fix them.

"Oh, right."

Yang Jun interrupted: "Notify your brother and ask him to pay attention tomorrow. I guess the old lady will go back to his work tomorrow to make trouble."

I went to Yang Anguo's work unit to make trouble today. If nothing else happened, the old lady would definitely take her five children to Yang Anbang's work unit to make trouble tomorrow.

After making trouble with Yang Anguo, how could he let Yang Anbang go?

"Grandma, does she dare?"

When Yang Anguo heard this, he was like lighting up a firecracker and exploded instantly.

"As long as she dares to come tomorrow, I will make her walk around without food."

Yang Anguo said bitterly: "Isn't she relying on her old age to find a free job forever? Okay, I will help her and find a free job for her."

Yang Anguo's status is now different from before. He dare not say that he stomps his feet and shakes three times the whole time, but he can still talk easily. If he really wants to start the old lady's family, I am afraid no one can stop him.

"Okay, you can get out."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said: "Stay away from me with your stinky face, don't let me see it."

I come to him whenever I encounter difficulties. I don’t know how he became a department-level cadre.

Hey, I am so sad.

"Brother, thank you."

Yang Anguo smiled and said to Wang Yuying and Yi Qiushui: "Aunt, sister-in-law, you guys have dinner, I'll go back first."

After saying that, before Wang Yuying could react, she patted her butt and left.

After he left, Wang Yuying stood up, grabbed Yang Jun's collar, and beat him hard several times.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Yang Jun said, holding his head.


Wang Yuying glared at him: "You are getting more and more courageous now, and you even dare to cancel your marriage record."

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled bitterly and said, "What can I do? My son also wants to solve this problem as soon as possible."

"I'm here to eliminate hidden dangers for our old Yang family. Just talk about yourself and don't praise me. Why are you beating me?"

"Still praising you?"

Wang Yuying punched his shoulder a few more times, but she didn't use much force.

"You can still be patient. It's not that I approve of the marriage between your second uncle and the old lady. Mom beats you because you are getting bolder and bolder. You have nothing to fear in your heart. Sooner or later you will do something extraordinary. thing."

In fact, Wang Yuying was angry with Yang Jun last night.

Tell me about you, you make someone disappear at every turn, and then you put someone under house arrest until death, and now you are erasing marriage records without leaving a trace. If this continues, what else are you afraid of doing?
"Mom, my son was once a soldier, and he was a man with blood on his hands. Do you think I still have that awe in my heart?" Yang Jun said with a bitter smile.

He has been on the battlefield and has had hundreds of enemy lives on his hands. Do you expect him to have much reverence for life after having blood on his hands?
Wang Yuying was startled when she heard this.

He thought for a moment, then punched him on the shoulder again.

"I don't care what you do outside, but you must ensure the safety of this home and your family. Can you do it?"

Wang Yuying figured it out, Yang Jun was no longer the obedient son he used to be. His hands were stained with blood, and it wasn't the blood of a single person. How could you expect such a person to have reverence for life.

However, she did not expect Yang Jun to correct herself. She only hoped that he could protect the safety of this home and her family, and she was content.

Yang Jun said solemnly: "Mom, I promise you, as long as I am here, no one can hurt you."

After saying that, he glanced at Yi Qiushui, his mother and son, and Sun Zhaodi.

"Including you, too."

(End of this chapter)

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