Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 863 Give Uncle 2 eternal pension

Chapter 863: Eternal pension for the second uncle

Yang Chengliu's ending today was something she brought upon herself.

Yang Jun had been extremely kind to her, not only raising her up, but also giving her everything, but how did she repay him in the end?
For a man who is not worthy of love, turning around and betraying his adoptive father, what is the difference between this and taking Yang Jun's job and smashing his pot?
Yang Jun finally relented and didn't treat him harshly in the end. If it had been someone else, he would have made her disappear without a trace, but he couldn't do that. He had more than one goddaughter and godson. If other children knew that Yang Jun had dealt with Yang Chengliu, what would they think?
Of course, Yang Jun is not the kind who cares about face and dignity. At worst, he is on the same page with everyone. The reason why he let Yang Chengliu go is not just to show others. In fact, he can't get over the hurdle in his own heart.

Although they are goddaughters, they have raised her for nearly ten years. No matter what, they still have that kind of family affection for each other.

However, Yang Jun is not the Virgin. He can't smile when others treat him like this, right?

Yang Chengliu just let her stay there for the rest of her life.

On this day, Yang Jun continued to lie flat.

I could hear noise coming from the gate of the community in the distance.

He waved to the guard behind him, motioning for him to come over and take a look.

There are always security guards around him. Even in the community, there are security guards following him at the door of his house.

After a while, the guard came back.

"Report to the boss, it was your second uncle who caused trouble at the door again."

Yang Jun frowned when he heard this.

Since his second uncle Yang Dong moved out, Yang Jun asked the guards not to let him enter and exit the community at will.

However, his second uncle's situation has always been under his control.

When I first moved out, I lived a close relationship with the old lady for a few days, but the good times didn't last long. After the second uncle's savings were spent, the old lady stopped giving him a good look and often kicked him out to ask questions. Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang asked for money.

This old lady has five children. When she first got together with her second uncle, she was interested in his family property and the background of his two sons. Who knew that the second uncle and his two sons would get into such trouble, and they would suddenly lose their source of income.

Nowadays, the word divorce is on our lips every day.

No, the second uncle Yang Dong came to ask for money again.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said, "Go and bring me the person."

"Yes, big leader."

The guard saluted and went out.

After a while, the second uncle came over.

"Haha, Jun'er, you must feel sorry for your second uncle."

Yang Dong came over with a smile and his hands behind his back, and sat down on the small bench next to Yang Jun.

"It's not like those two bastards who refused to see me alive or dead and had to raise them like shit."

As soon as they met, the second uncle was machine-gun fired.

When Yang Jun heard this, his head turned black.

Don’t you have any idea why your two sons treat you like this?
Isn't it your own fault that caused today's consequences?

However, Yang Dong is an elder and his second uncle, so Yang Jun should not be too rude in front of him.

So, he sat upright from the wicker chair.

"Second uncle, don't blame Anguo and the others. I ordered the guards not to let you in."


Yang Dong was stunned when he heard this and said: "Jun'er, my second uncle didn't do anything to apologize to you, right? Why did you treat me like this?"

Yang Jun sneered coldly: "Second uncle, do you dare to say that you have never done anything sorry to me?"

"You've been making trouble all day long, and you've embarrassed yourself enough that you're not mine?"


Yang Dong blushed when he heard this.

Not to mention, he just realized this and made such a fuss.

Yang Jun, Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang are all people with status and status, so they are naturally afraid of making things worse. He has already noticed this and made trouble.

As long as they are afraid of making things worse, they will just spend money to avoid disaster.

This trick has been tried and tested.

Seeing this, Yang Jun continued: "Second uncle, you are not young anymore. Can you stop making trouble? How can Anguo Anbang and I behave like this when you keep making trouble all day long?"

Yang Dong choked: "I don't want to make a fuss, but I don't have enough money to spend. If I ask them for it, they won't give it to me."

"Hey, the two brothers give you 50 yuan for living expenses every month. Isn't that enough?"

"Second uncle, that's 100 yuan for living expenses. Look at the people working in the factories outside. They work so hard and work overtime that they can't make so much. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

Yang Dong: "I know a lot, but if I don't have enough money, there's nothing I can do about it. Your second aunt..."


Yang Jun stopped him from talking and said with a stern face: "Second uncle, my second aunt has left. Don't make excuses about the dead. If you still miss the love between husband and wife, don't let her go without peace of mind. "

The second aunt Yang Dong wanted to talk about was naturally not Qin Xiuzhi, but his current wife.

Yang Jun definitely didn't recognize this second aunt.

He has nothing to do, so he would accept an old lady he has never met as his second aunt?Doesn't he think there's not much of a mountain on his head?
"Jun'er, that's right. If she isn't your second aunt, what is she? You are the existing second uncle, and then the second aunt. Why did you reverse the order?"

His meaning is very obvious, that is, the second aunt can be different people, but the second uncle can only be him. As for who to call the second aunt, it depends on who his wife is.

"Haha, second uncle, aren't you right?"

Yang Jun teased: "After all, my grandfather picked you up. Whether I accept you as my second uncle or not is still a matter of debate."

After saying that, Yang Jun looked at him with a smile on his face.

When Yang Dong heard this, he immediately jumped up.

"Jun'er, it's not over yet, why are you still talking about this?"

He is a descendant of the old Yang family, he was not picked up at all. It was just a joke that day, and he did it after he said it. Unexpectedly, Yang Jun would make the same old talk again today.

"Second uncle, it's not that I'm just poking holes in your heart, but that's the truth."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "My grandfather told me before he died. He passed the dry tobacco pot to me, which is a good proof."

Yang Jun also knew it was a joke, but he had to hit him frequently, otherwise he would always jump around.


Yang Dong was so angry that he couldn't speak.

He has lived for more than half his life, and has been buried up to his neck in dirt, and his younger generation even suspects that he is not his biological child.

It's really unbearable.

However, there was nothing he could do against Yang Jun.

Who asked grandpa Yang Wenhou to pass on the dry tobacco pot that he had smoked for 60 years to Yang Jun? Even if it hadn't happened, Yang Jun would have done it.

"Okay, okay, my second uncle can't talk to you."

Yang Dong was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke.

"I'm an old man anyway, and I don't have a few more days to live. It doesn't matter whether he is biological or not, as long as you don't feel embarrassed, then we will continue to make trouble."

Yang Dong just calculated that Yang Jun and the others did not dare to make the matter a big deal, so they simply acted rogue.

"Oh, why is the second uncle making such a fuss?" Yang Jun asked.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Dong laughed twice, and then said quietly: "If they don't give me alimony, I'm going to go to their workplace to make trouble. What will they do?"

When Yang Jun heard this, his face twitched.

This move is ruthless enough.

If the second uncle really did this, I'm afraid Yang Anguo and his two brothers would have known how to pay the alimony just to settle the matter.

However, they have to pay 50 yuan for living expenses every month, which is already a lot. If they pay more, it will be a bottomless pit.

Moreover, once you do this, will you be completely blackmailed by him in the future?
"Second uncle, they are your sons. Do you really plan to destroy them?"

"Hmph! They don't make it easy for me, and I don't make it easy for them."

When Yang Jun heard this, he sighed.

He felt a little sorry for the Yang Anbang brothers now. It was really unlucky to have such a bastard father.

"Second uncle, if you don't care about Anguo's face, do you also care about mine?"

When Yang Dong heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up.

He knew it would be like this. If the two bastards didn't get money, they would have to find a way from other places.

How big of a cadre were Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang? They could afford to disgrace them, but Yang Jun couldn't afford to disgrace them.

Yang Jun is now a big leader, and he must be cautious in every move he makes. If there is any scandal in his family, wouldn't it be a smear on his face?
Wool cannot always be gathered on one sheep...two sheep, and they must be raised from time to time.

The wool on Yang Jun's body is thick and plentiful, so who would he be if he didn't pluck it?
"Second uncle, why don't you go directly to my unit to make trouble?"

"Hey, Jun'er, what are you talking about? You are not my son. Why should I let you take care of me in old age?"

Yang Dong pretended to be the great doctor Ling Ran.

At least I said that, but my heart was filled with joy.

Seeing Yang Jun's tone, he knew that this strategy was about to succeed.

It seems that Yang Jun is also afraid of making things worse.

I saw that this is a barefoot person who is not afraid of wearing shoes.

As long as you are thick-skinned enough, others will be embarrassed.

When Yang Jun heard this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Second uncle, do you really want to do this?"

Yang Jun didn't say what he wanted, but Yang Dong understood.

The more Yang Jun said this, the more he felt that it was going to happen.

At this moment, he must add fire.

"Jun'er, don't worry. My second uncle will never embarrass you. At worst, we will publish a statement in the newspaper and sever the relationship between uncle and nephew, so that it will not affect you."

Making a statement in the newspaper is just a means. If Yang Jun really dares to make a statement in the newspaper and sever the relationship between uncle and nephew, the impact will be even greater.

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

This second uncle had never been so smart before, but he didn't expect that all his cleverness would be used to act rogue.

This move is not cruel. If he dares to do it, his reputation will be completely ruined.

Think about it, a dignified leader has severed ties with his own uncle. Do you want to continue with him based on his reputation?

Yang Jun gave Yang Dong a thumbs up.

"Second uncle, you are cruel enough."

Yang Dong grinned when he saw this.

Thinking that the goal has been achieved, the next step is for Yang Jun to give him money.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jun lay down directly on the wicker chair.

"Second uncle, from now on, don't go anywhere else, just stay in Jiuyuan for your retirement."

When Yang Dong heard this, his mouth reached behind his ears.

Yang Jun really compromised and was actually willing to support him in his old age.

"Hey, Jun'er, we are all part of the same family. I feel so embarrassed to have you take care of me in your old age..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Jun waved his hand.

The two guards behind him immediately arrived.

"Please ask my second uncle to go to my old house for retirement. No one is allowed to let him out without my order from now on."

"Yes, big leader."

When Yang Dong heard this, his expression changed.

It turns out that the purpose is not to provide him with old age care, but to put him under house arrest.

Ah, how can this be possible?

He still has plenty of time for romance.

He still wants to gallop forward.

He also wanted to... "Jun'er, you are also an unfilial thing..."

Before he finished speaking, a guard covered his mouth, then grabbed him with his arm and took him away.


Yang Dong scratched, scratched and bit him, which made the two guards very embarrassed.

After all, he had been doing farm work all his life, and he was quite strong. The two guards almost failed to hold him down.

Those two guards were just trying to avoid the enemy, they didn't dare to make a fatal move.

If it weren't for the big leader's second uncle, they would have knocked people unconscious.

After they left, Yang Jun shook his head and lay down on the wicker chair.

It's really disturbing to have such a well-off elder in the family.

No matter how hard you try to persuade him, you have to force him to make this move.

If Yang Dong had listened to his advice, Yang Jun would not treat an elder like this.

Fortunately, when this community was first built, the original old house was not demolished, and it was now used to provide for the retirement of my second uncle Yang Dong.

After a while, the two guards came back.

"Is everything settled?"

Yang Jun lay on the wicker chair and said with his eyes closed.

"Big boss, everything has been arranged."

The guard had a bitter look on his face, and there were teeth marks on his hand.

"Mr. Yang has been making a fuss and smashing things."

Yang Jun frowned when he heard this.

You know, his old house is full of expensive furniture, which is of antique level. If his second uncle harmed it like this, it would probably be a big loss.

However, Yang Jun thought about it and felt that it was better to leave him alone for the time being.

It doesn't matter if he loses a little, he is never short of money.

As long as the second uncle can be honest.

However, for such a big matter, he must explain it to the brothers Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang.

"I would like to inform you that brothers Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang will come to my house tonight."

"Yes, big leader."

"It's okay, go down and take care of the wound." Yang Jun waved his hand.

After they left, Yang Jun sighed.

People always act like monsters.

It's a good life, but there must be some trouble?
Second uncle Yang Dong has been cultivating the land all his life. Unexpectedly, the loess was buried up to his neck and he still had to continue plowing the land.

You said you should just farm the land. Can't you choose a piece of fertile land? You have to find a saline-alkali gravel land. Can you grow crops?

There is also the so-called second aunt. Yang Jun feels that it is not a problem if this continues. It is time to take some time to solve it.

After dinner in the evening, brothers Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang came, and their wives came with them.

The guard had already told them the matter, and they felt it was time to discuss it carefully.

Yang Jun said hello to them and then went back to the restaurant to eat.

After finishing his meal, Yang Jun came to the living room with a cigarette in his mouth.

In addition to Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang, the other four people participating in the meeting today were Wang Yuying.

After Yang Jun sat down, he blew out a puff of smoke.

"Have you all heard what happened?"

"Brother, we all know it." Yang Anguo said.

"I'm sorry, brother, for causing you trouble." Yang Anbang said.

Ma Xiangxiu and Zhao Hongmei also sighed.

It's such a shame to have such an old man on the stall.

The second child is not ashamed, and the daughter-in-law is shameless.

Yang Jun waved his hand and sighed: "Let's talk about it, what should we do?"

There was a sigh.

Especially Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang, as sons, it's hard for them to comment.

They dare not speak for fear of being known as unfilial.

"Brother, we all listen to you." Yang Anguo said.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"You are your father, not mine. You are all good at pretending to be deaf and mute. Could it be that I am the bad guy?"

"Brother, that's not what I meant." Yang Anguo muttered in a low voice, "I think it's a good idea for you to handle it this way."

His voice became softer and quieter, like a mosquito or a fly. I'm afraid only he could hear it clearly.

"Speak louder, why do you sound like a girl?" Yang Jun said loudly.

In fact, he has heard it, but some words can only be said through his mouth. As a nephew, it is not easy for him to comment. If he doesn't handle it well, he may still complain.

Yang Anguo was stunned for a moment after being yelled at, and sat there silently.

On the other hand, Yang Anbang said: "Brother, I also think it's good for my dad to take care of himself in... his old house. As long as he doesn't go out and act like a monster, I have no problem with it."

After saying that, his face turned red and he quickly lowered his head.

These are treasonous words. If outsiders hear it, they will definitely get stabbed in the back.

However, here are all our own people, no outsiders.

Regarding Yang Anbang's words, everyone had to think that they were not treacherous, but they all spoke to their hearts.

They had already suffered enough with such a careless old man in the stall, and they wished they could lock him up until he died, so that he would not cause any trouble to the family.

"An Guo, what do you mean?" Yang Jun asked.

Yang Anbang has already expressed his stance, and you, Yang Anguo, must also express your stance.

Only if their biological son expresses his stance can his entire nephew get away with it.

Seeing that his brother had already expressed his stance, Yang Anguo also said loudly: "I agree too."

He didn't say he agreed to anything, he just said he agreed.

Who knows whether he agreed to do what Yang Anbang said, or something else.

In short, he did not say death, but left himself a way out.

He thought it was a good idea, but Yang Jun disagreed.

Kicked directly.

"Be clear, what do you agree to?"

Yang Anguo covered the place where he was kicked, and the muscles on his face wrinkled up in pain.

"I agree to lock up our father."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Bad temper."

Hearing this, Yang Anguo laughed twice.

Yang Jun saw through this little trick and felt a little embarrassed.

"How about you two?"

Yang Jun said to Ma Xiangxiu and Zhao Hongmei.

"We also agree." The two said in unison.

"Huh?" Yang Jun's expression changed.

"Oh, we are also willing to take care of our dad, and we are willing to support him for the rest of his life." The two of them were startled and quickly changed their words.

They are smarter than Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang. As daughters-in-law, there are things that their sons can say but they cannot, so they added a sentence later, saying they are willing to support Yang Dong in his old age.

Look, I have the face, and I have the inner content.

It not only solved the problem of the second uncle's trouble, but also made people blameless in their filial piety.

"Look at your wife, look at you two cowards." Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

Yang Anbang and Yang Anguo blushed when they heard this.

"Okay, since everyone agrees..."


Wang Yuying interrupted Yang Jun.

"I don't agree with one thing."

Wang Yuying said: "I have no objection to locking up the second child, but it cannot be locked up in our old house."

"After all, it's you who are old. What's the matter with being locked up in our house? If you didn't know better, you would have thought that Jun'er was abusing his second uncle."

Older gingers are more spicy.

Wang Yuying has lived for such a long time and has considered all aspects very carefully.

What she said makes sense. If Yang Dong had been locked up in her old house, outsiders wouldn't know how to poke Yang Jun's spine and scold him.

Seeing that they were silent, Wang Yuying continued,
"It's not like your family doesn't have a house. You can just free up one for your dad to live in. Normally, you should give him food, drink, and support him how he wants, so that people outside don't I will feel that you are treating the elderly lightly."

Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang listened and nodded.

If Wang Yuying hadn't reminded him, he would have almost ignored it.

"Auntie, you are right, our dad can't live in the old house."

Yang Anguo said: "There are still a few empty houses. I will pack one out tomorrow and let our dad live in it."

At the beginning, when Yang Jun divided the villas, he divided them according to the number of their children. Now that the children have not grown up and live with their parents, those houses are still empty, and they can just pick one out.

"The house has been renovated. I can buy a bed and put it in tomorrow." Ma Xiangxiu said.

"Just let people connect the water and electricity tomorrow." Yang Anbang said.

At this time, Zhao Hongmei reminded in a low voice: "The most important thing is to install anti-theft windows and change the door locks to be opened from the outside."




A series of violent coughs came.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Zhao Hongmei with admiration.

Fortunately, Zhao Hongmei reminded him, otherwise Yang Dong would not be able to be imprisoned.

Yang Jun and Wang Yuying had straight faces and turned their heads to one side, pretending not to hear.

This is their family's business and they can't comment on it.

"Okay, just do as you said."

As the eldest son, Yang Anbang must make decisions on some matters.

He looked at Yang Anguo and then said: "Second brother, I'm responsible for purchasing furniture. I'll leave it to you to take care of the security windows at home..."

Hearing this, Yang Anguo rolled his eyes.

"Brother, how can you spend money on buying furniture? It's better for me to do it and leave the security windows to you."

Installing security windows is not a good thing. I always feel like an unfilial son who locked me in with my own hands.

"Okay, this is your family matter. You can discuss the specific division of labor when you go back."

Yang Jun waved his hand: "Get out, everyone, get out."

Yang Jun didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing. He originally thought it was dishonorable for software elders. If he discussed this matter again in front of him, I'm afraid he would be disgusted to death.

(End of this chapter)

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