Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 865 Yang Jun is going to deal with his brother-in-law

Chapter 865 Yang Jun is going to deal with his brother-in-law
The next day, Yang Yu took Dai Yuhe back home.

However, the moment he saw Yang Jun, he was extremely jealous, like enemies meeting each other.

Look at her partner Dai Yuhe. He has panda eyes and a pig head. There is not a single good thing about him.

What do you want to do if you don't come home for three days after your wedding?
If you don’t fight Yang Jun, who else can you fight?
It’s just that Yang Jun doesn’t understand the rules. Could it be that you don’t understand the rules either, so you still want to ask Yang Jun to pick you up?

Yang Yu is his sister, so naturally he can't do anything, so he just vented his anger on Dai Yuhe to see if you, Yang Laosi, feel sorry for her.


Looking at Yang Jun lying on the wicker chair at the door, Yang Laosi snorted coldly and went home angrily.

Dai Yuhe smiled awkwardly.

He didn't dare to show Yang Jun's face.

"Brother, are you busy?"

Dai Yuhe quickly took out a cigarette and handed it over.

"You are blind, how can you tell that I am busy?"

He fishes all day long. Do you think he is busy?
Yang Jun slowly opened his eyes and made an exaggerated expression on his face.

"Oh, no wonder you're blind."

Dai Yuhe was beaten so violently by Ding Erzhu yesterday that his two panda eyes were almost in a straight line and could not be opened.

Isn't he blind? Otherwise, he wouldn't have opened his eyes and told lies that he was busy.

"Hey, brother, I'm blind. You, sir, don't have the same knowledge as me." Dai Yuhe said with a smile.

Even though he was Yang Jun's brother-in-law, they didn't even dare to fart in front of him. They were not as comfortable as Yang Anguosun Zhaocai.

"Oh, what happened to you? Did you accidentally fall?"

Yang Jun shouted exaggeratedly, and then kept stroking his face that was as swollen as a pig's head.

Dai Yuhe stepped back, protecting his injured face and grinning.

He cursed in his heart: "How did I become like this? Don't you have any idea?"

You can just find someone to beat me up, but why are you looking for that idiot Ding Erzhu?

"Yes, yes, I accidentally fell down yesterday."

Dai Yuhe spoke conscientiously.

Does he dare to say that Yang Jun was beaten?
As long as he dares to say a word, if nothing happens, he will still get a beating today.

"Oh, tell me, you, such a big man, why are you so careless?"

Yang Jun pretended to feel distressed, caressing and comforting him, and then whispered: "You won't be wrestling again tonight, will you?"

Dai Yuhe looked at him with a resentful look.

I cursed in my heart: "Can't I ask you if I will be wrestling tonight?"

Although he thought so in his heart, he did not dare to say it with his mouth.

"Brother, I'm careful, I will never wrestle again."

When speaking, he emphasized the word "be careful" in a louder voice, which meant to tell Yang Jun that I have become sensible recently and you don't have to hit me anymore.

"Oh, that's fine, that's fine."

Yang Jun finished speaking with a smile, and then his face sank: "Get the hell out of here."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Dai Yuhe didn't dare to waste a moment and ran home.

If he dared to wander in front of Yang Jun, he might accidentally fall down again.

Yang Jun has three brothers-in-law, and only Yang Liu's husband Wang Tao has not been poisoned by him. Look at Liu Zhi. Ever since he taught him a lesson for doing things in the name of Yang Jun, he has become honest. In the past ten years, he has been playing the role of Yang Jun. She is the beauty of a good husband. She is completely obedient to Yang Mei, obeying everything and not daring to disobey.

As for Dai Yuhe, after this education, I am afraid he will be as obedient as Liu Zhi.

But third brother-in-law Wang Tao...

Yang Jun became extremely angry when he thought of his third brother-in-law.

Since the opening of the policy, their family has been completely free. Their business has spread all over the world, and their living conditions have improved. However, there are also problems with his relationship with Yang Liu. For twelve months a year, He stayed in Hong Kong City for at least eleven months without coming back. Yang Liu was bored living alone at home, so he moved to Jiuyuan with his three children.

Although Yang Liu was chatting and laughing every day, Yang Jun had no choice but to think that she was suffering in her heart.

She was vaguely aware that Wang Tao had another woman in Hong Kong City, but she did not dare to tell her family about the pain in her heart, so he could only bear it silently.

"Luo Xiaojun."

Yang Jun roared.

The two guards behind him looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

One of them bravely said: "Big leader, if you want to see Captain Luo, I can call you."

"Go and call."


The guard responded and immediately ran away.

After a while, Luo Xiaojun ran over panting.

"Uncle, are you looking for me?"

Yang Jun waved his hand and told the two guards to stay away from him.

After they pushed away a little, Yang Jun waved and asked Luo Xiaojun to come closer and talk.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaojun came up to Yang Jun, knelt down on one knee, and put his ear close to his.

"What is Wang Tao doing recently?"

Yang Jun has been paying attention to his entire brother-in-law. Over in Hong Kong City, he has been letting Uncle Wang and Shan Ji watch his every move.

Pheasant and Uncle Wang were his younger brothers in Hong Kong City eight years ago. Without the care of their gang over the years, Huang Yani's company would not have been able to take care of it so smoothly.

Luo Xiaojun saw Yang Jun's unhappy face and knew that he was going to take action against his brother-in-law.

Over the years, he has been collecting various information about Wang Tao, including his company's and his personal information.

"Wang Tao spends most of his time busy with company matters, and the rest of the time... he spends time with his wife and children in Hong Kong City."

After Luo Xiaojun finished speaking, he quickly apologized: "Uncle Master, I didn't do my job well, please punish me."

Yang Jun waved his hand: "This matter has nothing to do with you."

Then he continued: "How are we prepared for our work here?"

Luo Xiaojun: "We are all ready, just waiting for your order from Uncle Master."

When Yang Jun heard this, his eyes flickered for a while.

It took a long while before I made up my mind.

"Tell our people to do it."

Luo Xiaojun was shocked when he heard this.

Yang Jun finally took action against his brother-in-law.


"Uncle Master, if there's nothing else, I'll go get ready."

Yang Jun waved his hand.

Luo Xiaojun left, and he went to prepare.

Yang Jun could not tolerate Wang Tao betraying his sister.

My sister gave birth to children for your old Wang family, worked hard to raise the children, and took care of your parents. She is not your nanny, so why should she bear this crime.

You, Wang Tao, are raising a woman in Hong Kong City. Do you think I don’t know?
You can hide it from Yang Liu, but you can't hide it from me. Since you dare to betray your sister, don't blame me, Yang Jun, for being cruel to you.

Although Yang Jun raised so many women outside, his brother-in-law could not.

This is a double standard, I can do it but you can’t.

The reason for double standards is determined by strength.

If your strength is not as good as mine, then you have to accept my double standards. Do you want to reason with me?Then your strength must surpass mine.

Now that Wang Chuanting has retreated to the second line, Yang Jun is not afraid of him at all. Besides, what is Yang Jun's status now? No one dares to say anything to touch Wang Chuanting.

Since you can't educate your own son well, let me educate you.

Wang Tao's company has developed rapidly and is difficult to deal with. In the past few years, Yang Jun has been secretly planning it, just to wait for this opportunity. I believe that after this attack, the Wang family will be eaten up to the bone.

Yang Jun stretched, stood up, and walked slowly home with his hands behind his back.

The fourth brother-in-law is here. As a host, you have to entertain him no matter what.

"I'm coming."

As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Yang Laosi whispering something in Wang Yuying's ear.

Seeing Yang Jun, Yang Laosi turned his head and looked indifferent.

Yang Jun didn't look sideways and pretended not to see.

He came to the sofa and sat down, lit a cigarette, and sat there quietly.


Yang Laosi kept coughing and winked at Wang Yuying with his little eyes.

"Mom, my brother is here."

Yang Yu whispered softly.

Yang Jun felt funny when he heard this.

This girl immediately complained again, blaming him for beating her man and hoping Wang Yuying would avenge him.

Only Wang Yuying can control Yang Jun in this family.

Wang Yuying suddenly pushed Yang Yu aside and said solemnly,

"Gong, what kind of fire is Gong?"

"Do you think I'm an old fool?"

"You are no longer a member of our old Yang family, why should I educate my son for you, an outsider?"


Wang Yuying's series of machine gun-like words stunned Yang Yu.

What I said just now was that I was going to teach him a few words when Boss Yang came. Why did his style of painting change in the blink of an eye?

"Mom, you are partial. It's obviously Boss Yang's fault. Why should you blame me?"

Yang Yu pointed at Dai Yuhe with an aggrieved look on his face and said, "Look, what boss Yang did to your son-in-law?"

Wang Yuying said solemnly: "I saw it. What evidence do you have to prove that it was your brother who beat him?"

"Do you need any evidence? It was that stupid guard of his who beat him up." Yang Yu said in astonishment.

"Then it can only be said that it was Shazhu who hit me, not your brother."


Yang Yu looked at her with a resentful look: "You are too partial."

The facts are in front of you, and you still have to argue with strong arguments. It's simply too biased.

The two had just gotten married and were inseparable. How could she not feel distressed when her man was beaten like that?

"I'm biased?"

Wang Yuying suddenly laughed.

"Fourth girl, ask yourself, if it weren't for your brother, would you be where you are today?"

"If it weren't for your brother, none of your brothers and sisters would be able to live in a big villa and drive a luxury car today. Are you so rich?"

"Without your brother, how would the Yang family be where it is today?"

At this point, there was a pause.

"Don't blame me for being partial to your brother. If you were as capable as your brother and could shine on the lintel of my old Yang family, my mother would also favor you."

"There is no fairness in this world. Even if we are from the same mother, there will still be someone who is very capable. You are also a cadre. I don't need to tell you the importance of your brother."

Yang Yu is now the director of the steel rolling mill. A person who has reached her level is no longer a simple-minded young man. She naturally knows the importance of Yang Jun. Without Yang Jun, their family, including her, Yang Laosi, would not be able to do anything at all. It is impossible to live like this today.

"Mom, I just want to complain to you, why are you still online?"

Yang Laosi winked and said: "I haven't come back for three days, just say it. Why did he beat Yuhe like this?"

Yang Laosi also understood the truth, but she felt aggrieved.When she returned home in three days, the Yang family had to pick her up. If her mother's family didn't come to pick her up, how could she have the nerve to come back by herself? Besides, she could just find someone to notify her, so why beat Dai Yuhe like this.

"Your brother is so busy, how can he remember so many trivial things, and you guys, can't you go home by yourself?" Wang Yuying said.

She also knew that she was partial, but she had no choice. Between her daughter and her son, she could only choose her son.

"He has been busy fishing all day long. What is he busy with?" Yang Laosi cried.

"Haha, do you think your brother is fishing?"

Wang Yuying said with a smile: "It seems that your brother is very idle, but actually... he is not busy. It seems that he is fishing, but in fact... he is still fishing."

"Mom, you are too partial, wuwu!"

Yang Laosi was really sad.

She finally saw that Wang Yuying was partial to Yang Jun. Even if she ignored him, she could still find three points.

Listen, what is leisure is actually not busy, what is fishing is actually still fishing.

Going around and around, you think you are a philosopher.

Yang Jun said nothing and sat there quietly.

It's not that Wang Yuying is biased towards him, but that Yang Jun has already beaten Dai Yuhe. She can't educate her son, can she?

She simply made mistakes and set rules for her son-in-law to let him know who has the final say in this family.

Families, like work units, are not all about family ties. There are also many struggles and prejudices. They are also relatives, and there are distances. Although the palms and backs of the hands are made of flesh, the ten fingers are also long and short, and we cannot treat them equally.

Parents are the same as leaders. Whoever is useful to the family and has made a great contribution will be favored.

Wang Yuying and Yang Yu were quarreling, but Dai Yuhe was sitting on pins and needles.

"Mom, it's all my fault, it's my fault."

"Actually, Yang Yu made a mistake. My injury was not caused by my brother, but by me accidentally falling while walking. I can't blame others."

Wang Yuying and Yang Laosi were startled when they heard this. They looked at the pig-headed Dai Yuhe and their mouths opened in shock.

What kind of operation is this? The plot is reversing too quickly.


Wang Yuying coughed dryly and hurriedly walked down the steps.

"So that's it, you kid, be careful next time."

"Yes, Mom, I will never do it again."

Yang Yu rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He yelled at Dai Yuhe: "Dai, I think you deserve to be beaten to death."

Dai Yuhe could only smile bitterly when he heard this.

What can he do if he doesn't say that?
We can't watch you mother and daughter continue to quarrel.

What's more, there was someone sitting next to him who he couldn't afford to offend. He had to bow his head under the eaves.

After this beating, he could only suffer the loss of being dumb.

"Yes, yes, I will be more careful next time I walk." Dai Yuhe said with a smile.


Yang Laosi rolled his eyes in anger.

"I can beat you to death, but I will never support you again."

When Dai Yuhe heard this, he muttered in his heart: "You didn't support me this time either."

But he dared not say it.

When things got here, Yang Jun saw that it was almost done, so he said,

"Okay, everything is cleared up, so let's do it."

He turned back to Dai Yuhe and said, "Next time, explain things clearly. If you are ambiguous and ruin the relationship between our brothers and sisters, be careful and I won't spare you."

"Yes, brother, I will definitely pay attention next time."

When Yang Jun heard this, there was a smile on his lips.

Presumably after passing this incident, Dai Yuhe would never dare to complain to Yang Laosi next time.


When Yang Laosi came back, he naturally had to treat him well.

Yang Jun asked Wei Jing to put in all the effort to prepare a table of delicious dishes.

The family ate happily, and no one mentioned the beating of Dai Yuhe.

The meal took over an hour to finish.

After sending Yang Laosi away, Yang Jun said to Wang Yuying,

"Mom, go to your room, I have something to tell you."

Wang Yuying was stunned for a moment, and then sighed.


The couple came to Wang Yuying's bedroom, and Yang Jun closed the door with his backhand.

"Mom, I want to take action against Wang Tao."

Before she could finish speaking, the tea cup in Wang Yuying's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Wang Yuying had no time to pick up the tea cup that fell on the ground, but sat down on the bed.

She didn't speak for a long time and pondered for a long time.

"Okay, Mom supports you."

Wang Yuying has long been dissatisfied with Wang Tao, her son-in-law. She has seen her daughter's situation in her eyes and kept it in her heart. Although Yang Liu is a rich lady with a good appearance, she is actually suffering in her heart. For so many years, she has been raised by herself as if she was a widow. She has three children, taking care of the younger one and the older one, like a nanny.

Although Wang Yuying was worried about Yang Jun's plan to attack the Wang family, seeing that Yang Jun had already made up his mind, she could only support it.

"Mom, this Wang Tao is nothing. He is in Hong Kong City..."

Yang Jun reported Wang Tao's every move in Hong Kong City over the years to Wang Yuying. When Wang Yuying heard that Wang Tao had raised a woman outside and the children were five or six years old, she was so angry that she cursed her.

Although Yang Jun also raised women outside, he didn't feel any guilt when talking about Wang Tao.

"Jun'er, are you sure? After all, Liu'er's father-in-law..." Wang Yuying looked at him with a worried look.

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled and said, "Mom, don't worry, my son never fights an unprepared battle."

So, Yang Jun told him what he had been secretly preparing for over the years.

At the same time, I analyzed the pros and cons with her.

Wang Yuying listened and nodded frequently.

As long as Yang Jun is not acting on a whim.

You must know that it is not easy to move the Wang family. If you don't do it right, Yang Jun may be involved. But after hearing that Yang Jun had made preparations a few years ago, Wang Yuying felt relieved.

After all, the Wang family has a lot of energy, so she has to worry about her son.

"Jun'er, I don't object if you want to move the Wang family, but have you considered for Liu'er whether she is willing?" Wang Yuying said.

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

"Mom, don't you understand Liu'er? That girl wants to save face and suffer. She would rather suffer herself than let the child lose his father."

"Then what do you mean...not to tell her?" Wang Yuying asked tentatively.

"No, tell her."

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said, "However, it can't be me who tells him, it must be you."

There is a difference. Yang Jun and Wang Yuying have different identities. No matter how powerful and capable Yang Jun is, he is just an elder brother, not a father. But Wang Yuying is different. She is the mother and the backbone of the Yang family. She is the one who makes Yang Liu She believes that a character will not harm her, so she must speak out about this matter.

Wang Yuying was stunned for a moment, and then she understood after thinking about it.

Then, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll find an opportunity to let her know in the next two days."

"Mom, we need to hurry up on this matter. I'm already taking action here."

"I know." Wang Yuying let out a long sigh.


Yang Jun's attack on the Wang family was not to engage in an economic war, nor was it to play some conspiracy. If he wanted to take action, he would do it in an upright manner.

The Wang family has a lot of energy. After so many years of operation, it is not something that can be done if it can be moved. Therefore, Yang Jun has been secretly making preparations for the past two years. Now the time is finally ripe and it is time to take action.

Before taking action, he had already carefully considered the pros and cons. Either he would not move, or he would move thoroughly.

He first deceived Wang Tao back from Hong Kong City on the grounds that his child was sick. Once he entered the country, he immediately had someone control him.

Then, it’s official matters.

"Uncle, things went wrong."

Luo Xiaojun hurried over to report.

Yang Jun was taking a nap on the wicker chair. Hearing this, he opened his eyes instantly.

"what happened?"

We have been carefully preparing for several years. It should be foolproof, but unexpectedly it went wrong.

Luo Xiaojun said: "The people who went to Hong Kong City neglected to guard and let Wang Tao escape."

After saying that, he lowered his head and said: "Uncle, I am not doing my job well, please punish me."

When Yang Jun heard this, he was silent for a long time.

"Penalties will be imposed, but not now."

"How is the situation now?"

Luo Xiaojun: "Don't worry, uncle, our people are already guarding the port city. As soon as he goes back, he will be caught."

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

"Let the people in Hong Kong City do their best to search for his whereabouts, and let Shan Ji and Uncle Wang help find him."

"I have informed them."

Yang Jun pondered for a moment and said: "We can't be idle here in Sijiu City. We have people guarding his home, his parents' home, and even... our community. If my guess is right, he will definitely come back. .”

Yang Jun had a headache. The sophisticated plan was supposed to be foolproof, but he didn't expect that the people below did not do the job well and frightened the snake.

However, he was not worried. Wang Tao had nowhere else to go. He had no other choice but to come back obediently.

"Recently, I sent more people to follow Yang Liu and the three children. If my guess is correct, he will definitely come back to find them."

"Yes, uncle."

Yang Jun waved his hand and asked him to go down.

After Luo Xiaojun left, Yang Jun sat alone on a wicker chair and smoked a cigarette.

He was thinking about the consequences of this matter and playing out many consequences in his mind.


There were footsteps.

Yang Jun knew who it was without looking back.

"elder brother."

Yang Liu yelled, and then sat down on the small bench next to Yang Jun.


Yang Jun hummed, then lit a cigarette and started smoking.

"Do you know everything?"

Hearing this, Yang Liu nodded.

"Then what do you think?"

After all, Wang Tao is his husband. If Yang Jun wants to attack the Wang family, she cannot avoid this hurdle.

Yang Liu did not answer him in a hurry, but looked at the clouds in the distance.

After a long time, he said: "Brother, I hate him."

"I don't object to you touching him, but can you keep him alive? After all, he is the father of three children."

(End of this chapter)

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