Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 825 New hatred and old hatred

Chapter 825 New hatred and old hatred
Haojing was the capital of the Zhou Dynasty.

Located on the Hao River, this city is one of the largest metropolises in the entire Western Region, with a permanent population of more than 200 million. It is also the economic and political center of the entire Zhou Dynasty.

At this moment, the palace was also brightly lit, like daylight.

Zhou Likun, the famous king of the Western Regions, was sitting on the dragon chair, looking at the dozen or so important court officials below with a dark face.

The Prime Minister Yuan Minglang, the elder of the Great Wednesday Dynasty and the leader of the hundred officials, was about the same age as Ling Zhongxian, but he was a scheming old fox.

General Wang Jie is a brave warrior who is famous in the Western Regions. He is known as the Four Gods of War in the Western Regions. He has never lost a battle in his life.

Tang Jue, Minister of War, was well versed in the art of war, good at strategy, versatile in both civil and military affairs, and was also a resourceful and pillar of talent.

"Tell me, what is going on? Why did the 30-strong army fall into an ambush from the Chinese Empire?"

Zhou Likun asked coldly.

"Your Majesty, the detailed situation is that Emperor Yongtai of the Chinese Empire led the Second Corps of the Central Army to attack thousands of miles and set up an ambush in the Jilin Mountains in advance. General Ji and General Su accidentally fell into the enemy's ambush, resulting in the destruction of the entire 30-strong army!"

Tang Jue, Minister of War, stood up and reported loudly.

"A total of 30 troops! Just like that, he was ambushed by the enemy. Didn't General Ji know how to send scouts? Didn't he think that the enemy would ambush him?"

Zhou Likun was furious and slapped the handguard of the dragon chair.

"Your Majesty, calm down! General Ji has always marched cautiously, but the Lord of Zheng urged him three times in one day, so he had to speed up his march, so that he neglected to take precautions and was taken advantage of by Emperor Yongtai!"

Prime Minister Yuan Minglang stood up and explained loudly.

"Zheng Yuanjie, this idiot, wouldn't have sent anyone to rescue him if he had known this king! What a piece of mud that can't be used to stick to the wall!"

Zhou Likun cursed angrily.

"Your Majesty, in fact, the 30-strong army was not completely destroyed, but half of the soldiers chose to surrender and became prisoners of the Chinese Empire."

General Wang Jie interjected.

"What? Half of the prisoners? Will our Zhou warriors also surrender? Aren't they afraid of being confiscated and exterminated by me?"

Zhou Likun's expression changed drastically, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the situation at that time is that if we don't surrender, we will definitely be annihilated. I think it's not a big mistake to preserve our strength. It's just that we have to find a way to rescue these prisoners as soon as possible."

Prime Minister Yuan Minglang made further remarks.

"Rescue them? I also want to rescue the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but the devil Emperor Yongtai will definitely try to blackmail us."

Zhou Likun's body aches when he thinks about it.

Back then, Lu Hao also extorted a huge amount of war compensation from the Sui Empire. Now that he has captured so many Dazhou soldiers, he will definitely blackmail them without mercy.

Several ministers obviously knew this, but it was impossible not to exchange more than [-] soldiers. Even if they were severely punished by Emperor Yongtai, they would probably have to endure it.

"Your Majesty, money is an external possession. Besides, we also robbed a lot of things from Shu this time, which can be used to exchange for the soldiers."

General Wang Jie said loudly.

Although the Zhou Dynasty robbed a lot of things from Shu this time?However, it was not worth much money at all, and the losses were heavy. Even Zhou Lifeng was slapped to death by Lu Hao.

Zhou Lifeng's death dealt a heavy blow to the Zhou Dynasty and curbed their expansion ambitions.

Every time he thought of this incident, Zhou Likun's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys ached. He really hated Lu Hao and wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

Therefore, he sent people to the Guangming Cult, hoping to invite stronger master-level experts to kill Lu Hao here.

"General Wang Jie, the things you robbed can't be sold for much money. This time, money from the treasury is probably going to be used. What I want to say is to send someone to talk to Emperor Yongtai first to see his attitude." Prime Minister Yuan Minglang Jin Yan said.

"Wei Chen agrees with the prime minister's intention and wants to test Emperor Yongtai's tone first. However, we, Da Zhou, must avenge this!"

Tang Jue, Minister of the Ministry of War, echoed with a dark face.

"Prince Feng was killed by Emperor Yongtai. I haven't taken revenge yet. This time I killed so many of our warriors. With old and new grudges, I must kill Emperor Yongtai!"

Zhou Likun's face was as cold as frost, and his murderous aura was overflowing.

"It's a pity that Emperor Yongtai is a master-level expert. Otherwise, this general would kill him personally!"

General Wang Jie said loudly, somewhat self-aware.

"We in the Great Zhou Dynasty have never had a master-level expert. This is also our shortcoming. Emperor Yongtai killed the guardian priest in Jindu City. We and the Guangming Cult have a common enemy, Lu Hao. If we can use this matter to defeat the Guangming God, It would be even more perfect if he could teach us how to pull our chariot."

"As long as Lu Hao dies, the soldiers of the Chinese Empire will definitely be scared and flee. At that time, we, the Great Zhou Dynasty, can take the opportunity to march eastward and incorporate the Kingdom of Shu, Jin and Zheng into the territory of our Great Zhou Dynasty, even if the Yue Kingdom is destroyed It’s not impossible!”

Prime Minister Yuan Mingliang is indeed an ambitious old fox, and even the Yue Kingdom wants to destroy it.

"What the Prime Minister said is true. The masters of the Guangming Cult will arrive soon, and I will leave all the reception work to you."

Zhou Likun said with great joy.

"Veteran must live up to his mission!"

Yuan Minglang responded loudly.

"As for rescuing those prisoners, leave it to General Wang Jie. You send someone to explore Lu Hao's story, and drag Emperor Yongtai with you. When the masters of the Guangming Cult arrive, it will be the time for Lu Hao's death!"

Zhou Likun didn't want to use money to save people, but still placed his hope on the experts of the Guangming Cult.

After all, once Lu Hao is killed, the Chinese Empire's army will definitely retreat, and if they let him go at that time, they might not even need a penny.

"The last will obey!"

General Wang Jie clasped his fists and accepted the order.

"My dear friends, how long do you think Zheng Guo can last?"

Zhou Likun suddenly asked loudly.

"Zheng Guo now has an army of 30, and it has the solid Xunyang City as its support. Although the rifles of the Chinese Empire are very powerful, as long as they prepare more shields for defense, they can hold on for at least three months, right?"

General Wang Jie thought for a while and spoke first.

After all, he is the general, and he has the most say in marching and fighting.

"In this way, as long as Lu Hao is killed, the siege of Xunyang City can be solved, and the Zheng Kingdom will not be destroyed?"

Zhou Likun said thoughtfully.

"Does your Majesty want the Kingdom of Zheng to perish?"

Yuan Minglang showed a meaningful and sly smile.

"At this moment, if the Guangming Cult can really kill Lu Hao, we can not only get the land of Shu and Jin, but also the land of Zheng. We can also take the opportunity to send troops to capture it."

Zhou Likun responded with a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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