Chapter 826 Sing and Harmony

The ambitious King of Zhou actually thought about how to expand his territory and did not care about the life or death of Zheng.

As Zhou Likun said, now and then, there was no way to deal with Lu Hao, a master-level expert, so they had to unite to defend against foreign enemies.

Now that they have invited a master-level expert from the Guangming Sect, if Lu Hao is killed, the Chinese Empire will definitely withdraw its troops, and the Zhou Dynasty can take the opportunity to pursue him and take the land of Zheng State into his pocket.

Several ministers stared blankly at Zhou Likun, and at the same time showed a sinister smile.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

All the ministers shouted in unison.


Zhou Likunle laughed and said: "Okay, dear friends, please split up immediately. I am waiting for your good news!"

"Follow the king's orders!"

All the ministers bowed in unison, accepted the order and left.


Fuyang City, the capital of the Yue Kingdom.

At this time, the palace was also brightly lit.

Wu Yangzhi, the leader of the Yue Kingdom, learned that the coalition forces had been ambushed by the Chinese Empire, and he also urgently summoned several important ministers to discuss countermeasures.

The first one to arrive was the Prime Minister Dou Ningqing. He also conspired with the Prince of Zheng Zheng Yuanpei in Renhe Town at the border of the two countries last time to intercept the Chinese Empire's mission.

The result was that Zheng Yuanpei foolishly ambushed Prince Zhou Lifeng of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and a dog-eat-dog show ensued. In the end, Prince Feng killed him in anger.

Prime Minister Dou went to the Xixia Dynasty to lobby the Xixia King, but he failed to achieve the set goal and allowed the Chinese Empire's mission to escape.

It can be said that the two countries have cooperated several times since they intervened in the civil strife of ethnic minorities in the Chinese Empire, but the situation was not very good.

However, because the national power of the two countries is very weak, they can only have some say if they unite.

Later, Prime Minister Ling Zhongxian of the State of Zheng came, and Prime Minister Dou also followed him to the Zhou Dynasty to mobilize reinforcements, and also promised to send [-] troops, which was the [-] troops led by General Su.

Unfortunately, these 20 troops and the [-] troops of the Zhou Dynasty were ambushed by Emperor Yongtai in the Jilin Mountains, and the entire army was destroyed.

The 20-strong army was nothing to the wealthy and powerful Zhou Dynasty. However, for the small Yue State, the loss of a [-]-strong army was a disaster that was simply unbearable.

Fortunately, Prime Minister Dou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that half of the soldiers chose to surrender.

Next came General Tu Zuojun and Minister of War Meng Chengbang, both of whom were relatively young, about in their 40s.

Tu Zuojun is tall, with a sturdy back and a strong waist. He is wearing a new armor. He looks very energetic, but he lacks a bit of fierce murderous aura, giving people the feeling of being strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Meng Chengbang is not tall, has a thin face, a slightly pointed chin, and looks like a sharp-mouthed monkey.

It can be seen from these two people that with such two important ministers in the Yue Kingdom, it is not far from destruction.

Behind the two men, there were several adults, all of whom looked gloomy and remained silent, obviously knowing that the coalition forces had been ambushed.

Wu Yangzhi, the leader of the Yue Kingdom, strode over and sat directly on the dragon chair. He glanced at the adults below with a dark face.

"Meet the king!"

Several adults bowed and saluted.

"Tell me, what exactly is going on? Why were you ambushed?"

Wu Yangzhi, the leader of the Yue Kingdom, asked angrily.

"As far as the general knows, this march is mainly organized by General Ji of the Zhou Dynasty. General Su was just following orders. It was not General Su's fault that he was ambushed by Emperor Yongtai, and General Su has already died. .”

General Tu Zuojun responded loudly.

His meaning was obvious. The command this time was held by General Ji of the Zhou Dynasty. Even if something happened, it should be General Ji's responsibility and had nothing to do with General Su.

Of course, General Su is not responsible, and these adults are even less responsible.

"What the general said is true. This time our two countries' coalition forces were ambushed, the entire responsibility lies with the Zhou Dynasty. They should be allowed to compensate for our losses."

Meng Chengbang, Minister of War, also quickly agreed.The two of them sang together and pushed away all the responsibilities. They were indeed old partners.

"You're right, let Dazhou compensate for our losses. Then you go to King Dazhou and ask for it! Do you dare to go?"

Wu Yangzhi shouted coldly.


Meng Chengbang was stunned and speechless.

The King of Zhou was a ruthless master. How could Meng Chengbang, a coward, seek trouble or death?

"Wei Chen feels that now is not a question of who is right or wrong, but that we should quickly think of ways to rescue our surrendered soldiers."

General Tu Zuojun quickly interrupted.

"Rescue him? To put it lightly, will Emperor Yongtai let him go easily? He might even take the opportunity to blackmail us!"

The leader of the country, Wu Yangzhi, saw it very clearly.

"Master, I think we can look at Zhou's attitude when it comes to rescuing people. Do you think they won't care about the lives of those prisoners?"

Prime Minister Dou Ningqing made further remarks.

"Well, that makes sense. Their captured soldiers must be more than ours. Let them rescue them and we'll do the trick. As long as they can get the prisoners back, we can get them back too."

Wu Yangzhi nodded slightly and expressed deep agreement.

"Master, now that our two countries' coalition forces have been defeated by the Chinese Empire, the Master of Zheng has no one to save him. Do you want to watch the destruction of Zheng?"

Prime Minister Dou Ningqing asked with a grimace.

"I know the meaning of death. However, I have given our most elite army to General Su, but we were ambushed by the enemy. Do we still want to send reinforcements?"

Wu Yangzhi responded coldly.

"Weichen thinks that what we should consider now is how to defend the Chinese Empire after the fall of Zheng State, instead of sending our soldiers to Zheng State to die!"

General Tu Zuojun said loudly.

"What General Tu said is true. You must immediately mobilize troops from all over the country to consolidate the defense line in the east, especially in the Jilin Mountain area. You must not let the Chinese Empire occupy favorable terrain..."

Wu Yangzhi knew that he could only return to defend his homeland now and could not save the dying Zheng State.

"The Lord of the Kingdom is wise! I will obey your orders!"

General Tu Zuojun responded with great joy.

"Master Prime Minister, please go to Dazhou to see what they mean. As for how to do it, you can adapt accordingly."

Wu Yangzhi explained loudly.

"The old minister obeys!"

Prime Minister Dou responded quickly.

"Mr. Meng, you immediately mobilize troops to consolidate the eastern defense line and prevent the Chinese Empire from sneak attacks on our country."

Wu Yangzhi turned to look at Meng Chengbang, Minister of War, and gave an order loudly.

"Wei Chen understands!"

Meng Chengbang took the order loudly.

"Okay, you go down, I need to think carefully, what should I do next?"

Faced with the pressure from the Chinese Empire, Wu Yangzhi, the leader of the Yue Kingdom, also had a headache.

"Wei Chen retire!"

All the adults said in unison and quietly retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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