Chapter 824
When a person doesn't care about his life, then he really has nothing to fear.

Commander Chen naturally knew what he said.
"Did you send someone away, Prime Minister?"

Commander Chen asked again.

"No, I, the general, begged the Prime Minister to take away my beauty."

General Wu is quite good at speaking with words.

"No matter what, you are now suspected of treason, and I can put you to death on the spot!"

Commander Chen was extremely angry.

"Of course. Then Commander Chen can command the 30 troops by himself."

General Wu closed his eyes directly as he spoke, with an expression that looked like he was about to kill someone.

What?Command an army of 30?
Commander Chen's head suddenly became as big as an ox's.

As a small commander of the Imperial Guard, he seemed to have quite a lot of power. However, when it came to actually commanding an army of 30 people in battle, he still had no experience, and he could not figure out the entire army's command system at all.

"This commander can help you hide this matter, but within a short time, the king has already made murderous intentions towards the Prime Minister. If I hadn't persuaded him from the side, the king would have killed the Prime Minister this afternoon!"

Commander Chen told the truth frankly.

"It seems that my general's guess is good. This foolish king can no longer distinguish right from wrong. I really doubt that everything I am doing now is worth it?"

General Wu looked confused.

"The Chinese Empire's army was pressing down on the country, and the ruler was indeed a little scared, causing him to be in a trance. In fact, he was quite wise."

Commander Chen quickly smoothed things over.

"Commander Chen, I am almost seventy. Even if I die, I will die well. However, you are still young, so you must leave a way out for yourself. Even if it is not for yourself, you must think more about your family! "

General Wu persuaded with earnest words.

Commander Chen's face suddenly froze, thinking that if the city was captured, he might die in the battle, and his family would definitely not be able to escape the murderous hands.

"General Wu, can you do me a favor? Send my family away?"

Commander Chen requested.

"The west gate should still be open now. You can send them away directly. No one dares to stop the commander of the Imperial Guard."

General Wu forced a smile.

"However, it is difficult for me, the commander, to come forward. If the king of the country finds out, it will be a death penalty!"

Commander Chen was still a little worried.

"You don't have to be afraid. Many officials have sent their families away. The king has no time to take care of it now. Besides, I am making final strategic arrangements. I estimate that the Chinese Empire will launch an siege tomorrow."

General Wu smiled and comforted.

"General Wu, can Xunyang City really not be defended?"

Commander Chen seemed to be holding on to a glimmer of hope.

"To tell you the truth, according to the information I have received, our broadswords, bows and arrows cannot stop the rifles of the Chinese Empire. The city's destruction is inevitable, it's just a matter of sooner or later."

General Wu told a surprising fact.

"Then how many days do you think you can hold on?"

Commander Chen asked in a deep voice.

"Three days is already the limit!"

General Wu raised three fingers.

"What? Three days? But we have 30 troops?"

Commander Chen was shocked.

"You haven't seen the power of rifles. This general learned from the soldiers who escaped from Hanzhou City and Boya City that this weapon has a long attack range, and they also have more terrifying weapons. It is said to be called grenades, which can be thrown Tens of meters away, the explosion was more powerful and more lethal. They ambushed General Zheng Guohua in Sagapo and there were zero casualties. Can you believe it?"

General Wu spoke eloquently, obviously having a deep understanding of the military power of the Chinese Empire. "What? Zero casualties? How did they do it?"

Commander Chen was stunned.

"This general estimates that the coalition forces of the Zhou Dynasty and the Yue Kingdom were ambushed, and the Chinese Empire also suffered zero casualties. You can imagine that they destroyed 30 troops, but suffered zero casualties. How terrifying that is!"

General Wu made a bold guess.

Commander Chen felt like he was breaking out in cold sweat, and his entire vest was soaked through.

"Actually, judging from the news I received, they also carried a more terrifying explosive package, which was enough to blow open our city wall. Moreover, the news from Qingwan Port showed that they also had a more powerful cannon. It is more powerful and has a longer range, and can destroy a city in an instant."

"However, it seems that this kind of cannon is too heavy to be transported, so they equipped it on the battleship. If this kind of cannon is transported, our entire Xunyang City will be buried in a sea of ​​fire."

General Wu continued to add.

"General Wu, if you knew you were outmatched and had no hope at all, would you command your soldiers to die?"

Commander Chen's face looked heavy.

"Of course I can't bear it, but I, the general, can't disobey the king's orders, right? I can't betray Zheng Guo, right?"

General Wu's loyalty to the emperor is very serious.

"General Wu, these soldiers are innocent, and they also have families. Do you have the heart to let 30 soldiers be buried with the leader of the country?"

Commander Chen asked coldly.

"What can I do if I can't bear it? I am the general of the State of Zheng. I can't order the soldiers to surrender, right? I can't surrender to the enemy and treason, right?"

General Wu seemed helpless.

"General Wu, I admire you very much for your loyalty to Zheng Guo. However, if you sacrifice the lives of so many soldiers in exchange for this honor, I don't agree with you!"

Commander Chen said in a deep voice.

"Then in Commander Chen's opinion, what should I do, General?"

General Wu asked rhetorically.

"This... this..."

Commander Chen was speechless for a moment.

The two of you looked at me and I stared at you, obviously wanting to see something different in each other's eyes.

"General Wu, the king asked the general to come over and control the general and the prime minister's family. Now I haven't even brought anyone back. How should I explain this to the king?"

Commander Chen humbly asked for advice.

"Commander Chen, aren't you going to send your family away? Why don't you go together? Anyway, Xunyang City will be in the hands of the Chinese Empire sooner or later!"

General Wu immediately encouraged him to escape.

Commander Chen thought for a while, with a hint of determination in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "What the general said is true. It's almost midnight now. I will leave with my family, and no one will stop me."

"Commander Chen, it's a good trip, but I won't send you off!"

General Wu breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

"General Wu, take care!"

Commander Chen clasped his fists and turned around.

Originally, he thought that the 30-strong army could hold out for at least a month, or even longer. Unexpectedly, General Wu said that it would last less than three days, which immediately disrupted all Commander Chen's plans.

In his opinion, the Jia family could be sent away at any time, and there was no rush. However, now that he knew that he would not be able to survive even three days, he was completely panicked.

Therefore, he did not dare to stay and immediately returned home, taking his whole family and running away overnight.

After all, he was only in his 30s, so he was incomparable to an old guy like General Wu, and General Wu had already sent his family members away, so he had nothing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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