Recast youth

Chapter 980 Loan Certificate

Chapter 980 Loan Certificate
Chen Huang almost choked on Ye Feng's words.

What does borrowing 10 billion mean? 20 billion is no problem, right?It's like borrowing 10 yuan or 20 yuan.

"Mr. Ye, I find that you are becoming more and more shameless now."

Chen Huang rolled his eyes at Ye Feng angrily: "Well, you call your father-in-law now. As long as he agrees, give me a call and I will lend you the money without saying a word, let alone 20 billion. I can also get you 30 billion."

"That's fine."

Ye Feng was a little embarrassed. Now he asked him to call Kong Zhong just to scold him.

At this time, Li Liang sat over, looked at Ye Feng and said, "Brother Feng, if you want money, I'll tell my dad and I should be able to get one or two billion for you."

"If you go away, when will you become a stupid rich man?"

Chen Huang said something to Li Liang angrily, but he also knew that Li Liang meant what he said. The reason is very simple. If you are successful, you don't need money. Others are begging to give you money.

If you go bankrupt and want to borrow money, it will be difficult for you to go to heaven.

Of course, this is human nature. When people go to higher places, water flows to lower places. If you are going bankrupt and you are still begging for money to be given to you, that is a mental problem.

Chen Huang took a pen and turned it between his fingers, and said to Li Liang: "You are underestimating your brother Feng's strength. If he wants money, he can raise 10 billion US dollars in a month." Come here, don't listen to him pretending to be poor."

"Oh, so it is."

Li Liang scratched his head in embarrassment, thinking that this was true. Ye Feng could invest 4 million U.S. dollars in the United States to invest in fcaebook, and [-] or [-] million dollars would probably not catch his eye.

However, Ye Feng still smiled at Li Liang and said, "Okay, I'll let you know when I'm short of money in the future."

Ye Feng's thought was very simple. No matter what, even if Li Liang had little social experience and could not see that he and Chen Huang were joking, at least Li Liang had this intention.

As for the rest, there is no need to delve into it.

There is no point in dissecting human nature, and if the water is clear, there will be no fish.

Li Liang was overjoyed when he heard what Ye Feng said, and said quickly: "That's absolutely no problem, as long as you say hello, Brother Feng."

"Okay, I'll make a note of that."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded, then looked at Wen Yueqi: "Sister Qi, are you mainly doing mutual funds in New York now?"

"Not at all."

Wen Yueqi said: "In addition to funds, it is also involved in some businesses such as stocks and futures. During this time, I am thinking about getting involved in the insurance industry. This profit can be benefited in the long term."

"I don't know much about stocks, funds, and futures."

Ye Feng shook his head.

Wen Yueqi said with a smile: "It's normal to not understand things at the beginning. It takes time to get in touch with them. Especially those involving financial businesses require a professional team to spend a lot of time analyzing trends."

Ye Feng nodded: "Well, money is not that easy to make."

Chen Huang interfaced: "The main thing is to have the first time information source. Whether it is in China or on Wall Street, the first time inside information is always the most important. On Wall Street, you can even get it in 10 minutes or 10 minutes." There is a time difference, so we have to clear the position in the last minute.”

"That's pretty much what it means." Wen Yueqi nodded and agreed with Chen Huang's statement.

Ye Feng knew that these required a large team and a lot of energy to analyze the trading model. In fact, he also had the idea to go in and study it, but there was a shortcut in front of him, so there was no need to take such a stupid path.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at Wen Yueqi and said, "By the way, how are housing prices here in the United States? Have they been rising?"

"What? Want to buy a house?"

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng.

"Not at all."

Ye Feng shook his head: "In the past two months in California, I have looked up some information, and then I want to verify it with you so that I can draw conclusions easily."

Wen Yueqi took a deep look at Ye Feng, and then said: "The United States is a country of immigrants, with many immigrants. Housing prices have been rising in the past few years, but starting this year, except for the center of New York, some surrounding areas have a little A downward trend.”

Ye Feng nodded, and then continued to ask: "What about the house loan? Is it inconvenient for the lender?"

"It's quite convenient." Wen Yueqi replied. At this time, she had realized that Ye Feng must have some intentions in asking these questions, because with Ye Feng's financial resources, there was no need to take out a loan to buy a house.

So Ye Feng asked and Wen Yueqi answered.

Li Liang couldn't understand what Ye Feng meant by asking these questions, so he kept listening.

The same is true for Chen Huang. To him, Ye Feng is a monster in the business world, with an amazingly sensitive sense of touch. Looking back on the process of building his business empire from scratch, he has hardly made any detours.

Wen Yueqi's answer verified the information recognition in Ye Feng's memory. At this time, he did not ask any more questions, but asked back: "Is it the current credit standard for home purchases in the United States? Now there is no need to pay a down payment, and no need to pay income. Proof, regardless of the qualifications of the mortgage unit?”


Wen Yueqi nodded again.

Ye Feng asked again: "In that case, the bank is not afraid that the person who borrows the loan is not qualified, and then buys a house and cannot repay the loan? After all, the relaxation of the credit policy for house purchase is not for one person, but for everyone, and this Housing prices here are so high right now, and I feel like the wages of ordinary people are still not enough to cover the high housing loans, and generally people who have just immigrated here don’t have much money either.”

"You are wrong."

Wen Yueqi shook her head: "For example, if you want to buy a house and get a loan from a bank, the bank will package your loan into mortgage-backed securities and put these securities into the secondary market for circulation, allowing Fannie Mae to circulate in the secondary market. By reselling these securities, the bank sells these securities to recover the funds, and then continues to use the money for home loans. In fact, these risks are borne by the retail investors who subscribed for these securities, and have little to do with the bank. The bank uses one dollar for multiple purposes. "

"In addition, you may not know what Fannie Mae is. There are two institutions in the United States, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These two institutions basically bear more than 70% of the housing loans in the United States. Their business models have two aspects. , on the one hand, they purchase mortgage loans from original lending institutions such as banks, promising to pay principal and interest to the bank when the borrower defaults. In this way, they provide mortgage loan funding flows to the original lending institutions, thus encouraging banks’ mortgage business. .”

“On the other hand, as I have said before, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac package the mortgage loans purchased from banks into mortgage-backed securities and sell them to domestic and foreign investors to raise funds at lower interest rates, thereby earning Interest rate differentials, that is to say, the two companies use this transmission mechanism to channel funds from Wall Street to the hands of ordinary people."

At this point, Wen Yueqi paused and said: "If you have been in China for a long time, you may not know much about the nature of these two institutions. They are actually U.S. government-funded enterprises and are inextricably linked to the federal government. The boards of directors of both LeMay and Freddie Mac are composed of 18 directors, five of whom are appointed by the President of the United States."

"In addition, to ensure the capital liquidity of the two companies, the U.S. Treasury Department has the right to purchase securities of no more than $22.5 billion from the two companies, and both companies are exempt from national and local taxes."

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng: "To put it simply, banks and mortgage loans are institutions that make profits without taking risks, and with the support of the federal government, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have become two entities in the past few decades. Big Mac, once these two institutions that account for more than 70% of the housing loans in the United States have problems, think about it, what problems will occur?"

Finally, Wen Yueqi shook her head and said affirmatively to Ye Feng: "Once there is a problem with the second house, the entire domestic and global financial markets will be in chaos, so the U.S. government will never allow them to have problems, so your worries are unnecessary."

(End of this chapter)

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