Recast youth

Chapter 981

Chapter 981
Wen Yueqi said very confidently.

Behind the two giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is the federal government, which is responsible for more than 70% of domestic housing loans. Once there is a problem with these two companies, it is inevitable that the government will come to help.

With the government taking care of everything, how could something happen?
In other words, even if the government is unwilling to take action, it has to take action, because if it does not take action, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it is not just two institutions that have problems.

But all lending institutions will be in crisis.

Wen Yueqi thought of this and said to Ye Feng: "Ye Feng, I know you have a keen sense of business, but after all, you haven't been to the United States very often. The market conditions in the United States are also different from those in China. I don't need to tell you that a slight difference can make a huge difference. You understand too."

"Although I don't think my sense of business is very sensitive, I don't agree with what you said either."

Ye Feng smiled and shook his head.

Wen Yueqi didn't like Ye Feng's confident smile. She was more serious. She looked at Ye Feng and asked, "What do you say if you don't agree? My meeting is over now. I'm not busy for the time being. Let me listen to your opinion."

"No, why are you two still fighting?"

Chen Huang looked at the two people fighting like cocks and was speechless. He accidentally strangled them.

"It's okay. I don't understand the truth. It'll be fine once you understand it."

Ye Feng smiled. It was not that he wanted to argue with Wen Yueqi, but that he had to make Wen Yueqi understand this argument before he could proceed to the next step. Ye Feng looked at the frowning Wen Yueqi and smiled: "Sister Qi, we are actually here. Discussing the direction of one thing is nothing more than different opinions.”

Wen Yueqi glanced at Ye Feng angrily: "Are you still afraid that I will be angry? It's okay, you say what you say, as long as what you say makes sense, I will never be angry, and I can apologize to you, but if what you say doesn't make sense, I will still be a little angry because you have just arrived in New York and you definitely don’t understand the national conditions here as much as I do.”

Ye Feng smiled bitterly: "Does this mean that I have to speak clearly and have you approve it?"

"That's about it." Wen Yueqi leaned back in her chair.

"Okay, Ryoko and I should go out and smoke a cigarette to avoid accidental injuries."

Chen Huang was too lazy to listen to the argument between these two people, so he put down his pen and stood up. Li Liang immediately took the opportunity to follow behind. Brother Feng and Sister Qi were now filled with murderous intent. They were not helping anyone. Otherwise, they would be trying to please each other. .

Li Liang is not stupid either.

In the office, Feng Zheng is the only one who remains motionless, because he has little to do with him. He goes in one ear and out the other. Whatever you say, it doesn't matter even if you make a move. Feng Zheng doesn't think Wen Yueqi is Ye Feng's opponent.

Seeing Chen Huang and Li Liang going out, Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng: "Mr. Ye, everyone is out now, tell me your unique ideas. If it were someone else's words, I wouldn't listen to them, but your thinking mode, I I’d like to hear it.”

"Well, let me tell you."

Ye Feng also leaned back in his chair and put a certain distance away from the table. He picked up the pen dropped by Chen Huang and turned it between his fingers. He looked at Wen Yueqi and said, "Sister Qi, actually you think Fannie is right now?" Nothing will happen to Mei and Freddie, just because they have the support of the government, right?" "Yes." Wen Yueqi nodded.

Ye Feng further asked: "In other words, if something happens to them, do you think the US government will definitely come out to rescue the market and take over?"

"Is there any difference between this sentence and the previous sentence?" Wen Yueqi frowned.

"There are still subtle differences. It is true that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have the shadow of the US government behind them, but these two institutions are not the only ones that have ties to the US government."

At this point, Ye Feng stopped spinning the pen in his hand, leaned forward, and looked at Wen Yueqi with a hint of pressure: "What if, even if the United States comes to rescue the city, it can't save it?"

"No way??"

Wen Yueqi was frightened by Ye Feng's words. What agency is the US government?One of the most powerful and richest institutions in the world can come out to rescue the market, but can it fail?

Wen Yueqi didn't want to believe it, and she couldn't believe it. She shook her head absentmindedly: "The situation you mentioned is almost impossible."

"You also said it's almost, not inevitable."

Ye Feng said: "How much does the two-bedroom apartment cost? How much does the U.S. government cost? I asked you before. You said it is easy to buy a house here and it is easy to get a loan. As far as I know, when I was in China, buying a house required For people with bad credit reports, real estate agents will try their best to get you a loan. The credit system in the United States is perfect. Wall Street is full of financial institutions and loan institutions. They are even better than people in banks. There are loopholes, and there is no need to exploit loopholes. Everyone wants to buy a house, but not everyone has the ability to buy a house, let alone the ability to continue to repay the mortgage."

Having said this, Ye Feng paused and continued: "How many people in the United States have taken out loans to buy houses, and how many of them have subprime loan ratings? Can they afford it? If there is an economic problem, can they?" What they hope is that house prices will continue to rise. If house prices rise, they can still make a profit on the sale of their house. If they do not rise, their houses will not be sold and their loans will not be repaid. In fact, this is a vicious cycle. The housing loan market is just crazy at the end, just like a large-scale outbreak of loan abandonment in the housing loan market, which caused the decline of housing prices and the collapse of the entire financial system. Can the U.S. government still save it? Or will they take over all subprime mortgages? The U.S. government The government is not so kind and pays for the market and the poor, right?"

Wen Yueqi was speechless.

Just imagining what Ye Feng said, she felt suffocated, because once the subprime mortgage crisis that Ye Feng mentioned occurs, it will not affect second-hand mortgages at all, but the entire American financial institutions and secondary markets, and even the world. The secondary market faces investors from all over the world.

At that time, even if the United States wanted to cover up the situation, it would not be able to do so.

Thinking of this, Wen Yueqi calmed down: "Do you think the situation you mentioned will happen?"

The subprime mortgage crisis is inevitable!Ye Feng said something in his heart, but he couldn't be so sure in front of Wen Yueqi. Ye Feng shook his head and said to Wen Yueqi: "I'm not sure either, but when I heard you say that house prices have been rising, then the mortgage loan If the qualification review is not strict, I feel that the situation I envisioned will most likely occur, because this does not start from now, but has started for decades, and has been formed bit by bit. The collapse of a financial building is often not It collapsed all at once, but small cracks appeared from the bottom first, and then collapsed all at once.”

"You have a really good business sense."

Wen Yueqi suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said something.

(End of this chapter)

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