Recast youth

Chapter 979 How about you lend me one point?

Chapter 979 How about you lend me some?
Ye Feng had never heard of funds in his previous life. He often heard about fund managers on the Internet. For example, a fund manager managed two funds, but he didn't know much about what a fund meant.

"What does mutual fund mean? Is it any different from funds managed by domestic fund managers?"

Ye Feng looked at Chen Huang and asked, wanting to take this opportunity to learn more. It's not a bad thing to know more about everything. In his previous life, he didn't have the conditions and couldn't contact him, so he didn't need to know anything.

In this life, since Ye Feng has come into contact with this level, he must understand it.

"How can I tell you this?"

Chen Huang felt a little headache when Ye Feng asked this question.

Ye Feng asked in surprise: "It's very complicated?"

"That's more or less what it means. It's not difficult for those who are members, but it's difficult for those who don't know it. Because you haven't been exposed to funds before, it's a bit troublesome to explain."

Chen Huang said to Ye Feng: "Here I will talk about fund managers first. To put it simply, fund managers are investment funds that hand over money to fund companies for investment, and the people who manage this part of the assets are called fund managers."

“But funds are a little more complicated.”

Chen Huang thought for a while and said: "Funds can be divided into broad and narrow senses. Broadly speaking, funds refer to a certain amount of funds established for a certain purpose, such as trust investment funds, provident funds, insurance funds, and retirement funds. , funds of various foundations. What people usually call funds mainly refers to securities investment funds. Funds in the existing securities market, including closed-end funds and open-end funds, have the characteristics of income-generating functions and value-added potential. From an accounting perspective, funds are a narrow concept, meaning funds with specific purposes and uses, because investors from governments and public institutions do not require return on investment or recovery of investments, but require the funds to be disbursed in accordance with legal provisions or the wishes of the investors. Used for designated purposes, thereby forming a fund.”

Having said this, Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng and smiled: "I am only talking in general terms. There are many detailed classifications below. Do you want to continue listening?"

"Never mind."

Ye Feng shook his head. Sure enough, after listening to Chen Huang's words, he felt a little bit spoon-fed.

Chen Huang laughed and said, "I thought a business wizard like you would understand it after hearing it once."

Ye Feng said angrily: "I have to listen to it once and I will understand. Why else would I go to Dongcheng University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University and Nanjing University? Isn't it delicious?"

"That's no use."

Chen Huang said: "A higher education institution only shortens the distance on your road to success. You are already sitting at the final point of success. For you, academic qualifications are of little use except for showing off. .”

Ye Feng snorted: "If that 985 student hears what you said, you will be beaten when you go out."

Chen Huang clicked his tongue and looked at Ye Feng: "I can't tell you are so bad. You deserve to be punished for this. Fortunately, I explained a lot to you just now. Is this a typical good intention without reward?"

"You can say it."

Ye Feng smiled and then said: "By the way, what about mutual funds? You talked a lot just now, but it seems you didn't even mention mutual funds. Please tell me what mutual funds mean."

"You can understand it differently. Didn't I just say that there is another way of saying mutual funds, called mutual funds."

Chen Huang said to Ye Feng: "The literal meaning is mutual benefit. In this case, it will be much easier for you to understand."

Ye Feng thought of what Chen Huang said before and asked with a flash of inspiration: "Is it possible that several investors pool their balances together and then jointly hire a fund manager to invest, so that the risks and profits are equally shared."


Chen Huang snapped his fingers, and then added: "With money, we can jointly hire a professional investment manager from a fund company, and use their professional knowledge to diversify investments into various investment categories, so that this small amount can be Investments can also enjoy low risks and higher return opportunities on a reciprocal basis.”

"Rich people really know how to play."

Ye Feng sighed and said: "No wonder everyone says that the richer the richer, the poorer the poorer they are." "Who are you scolding? Aren't you one of the rich yourself?" Chen Huang said with a smile.

Ye Feng pretended to sigh: "Oh, I'm just worried about people's livelihood. I can't help it, I'm so kind at heart."

Chen Huang joked: "Then donate your money. Countless people will definitely worship you. You are the most charitable person in the world."

Ye Feng said angrily: "I'm just talking, how can you take it seriously?"

"Actually, if you donate money, you may not be able to please some people."

Chen Huang shook his head at Ye Feng, and then said with a smile: "Then maybe I thought you had done something bad, so you acted to spread your wealth."

"What are you talking about so lively?"

At this time, Wen Yueqi walked into the office and said with a smile.

"Miss Qi."

Li Liang was looking around, and when he saw Wen Yueqi coming in, he called out quickly. Wen Yueqi nodded to him, and then sat opposite Ye Feng and Chen Huang.

Chen Huang said with a smile: "Our Mr. Ye passed by your conference room just now and heard the words "mutual fund", and then asked me to give him the meaning of "mutual fund".

Wen Yueqi looked at Ye Feng and asked with a smile: "Why, are you interested in funds? I can introduce you to several long-term funds with good returns and let you get involved."

"No money."

Ye Feng spread his hands.

Wen Yueqi smiled and said: "For such a big investment in fcaebook, the Wall Street Economic News even published the news of your and Zach's handshake. Why don't you just cry poverty with me here?"

Chen Huang added insult to injury and said: "What he is best at is pretending to be poor. When this guy walks on the road, you can never tell that he is a billionaire, so he is unwilling to give in every time and brings Feng Zheng out to follow him. Posture.”

"Really, Brother Zheng?" Chen Huang turned to look at Feng Zheng. He really admired Feng Zheng. It has been almost two months since he came out. No matter where Feng Zheng is, he never seems to be lonely.

Sometimes when he sees an ant nest, he can squat there and play for a whole day.

Feng Zheng smiled when he mentioned him but said nothing.

Chen Huang sighed, what a boring person, but it is indeed more practical to have such a person around you. If he had a better background and a higher platform, he might be a ruthless person who eats people without spitting out their bones.

Chen Huang glanced at the majestic Feng Zheng and thought to himself that he already knew everything about what happened in the private room in heaven and earth. If he could poach people from Ye Feng, Chen Huang was even willing to spend 100 million annual salary. The price to poach him.

Wen Yueqi doesn't have much contact with Feng Zheng, and her inner evaluation is that she doesn't talk much, but is a hard person to get along with, so if Feng Zheng doesn't contact her, she won't contact Feng Zheng, because they are destined to be on two different paths. , there will be no contact.

Ye Feng ignored Chen Huang's request, but said helplessly: "I really have no money, as you can see, all the money has been invested in fcaebook, and the foundation of domestic companies has almost been wiped out."

"How about you lend me some?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng suddenly looked at Chen Huang: "Don't you always say that you are helping my father-in-law manage money? Is it okay to borrow 10 billion or 20 billion? Then my father-in-law will ask you where the money went. Just tell me your name."

(End of this chapter)

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