Recast youth

Chapter 940 Ye Feng’s confession

Chapter 940 Ye Feng’s confession
A pain shot up from my nose.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I, I really didn't mean it."

When Gao Xuan saw it was Ye Feng, she endured the pain and humbly apologized to Ye Feng. Then Gao Xuan felt a dampness in her nose, and then blood started to flow.

Just now her nose hit Ye Feng's chin.

"Let's stop the bleeding first."

Ye Feng said coldly, and then passed by Gao Xuan without paying attention to Gao Xuan. Anyway, it was just a nosebleed and it would not kill anyone.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

Gao Xuan quickly said gratefully.

Hearing this, Ye Feng stopped and turned around to look at Gao Xuan, who had been cautious and cautious in the company for the past two months and was walking on thin ice. He turned around and looked at Gao Xuan, who was walking on thin ice and frowned: "Do you need to stay with me like this? In fact, as long as you save some money, your money will be enough for you to eat and drink in the future. Isn't it better than staying here with me?"

Gao Xuan lowered her head and said nothing, covering her bleeding nose, as if she was trembling in submission when she saw a natural enemy.

Seeing Gao Xuan like this, Ye Feng felt the need to say a few words to her.

"You come in for me."

Ye Feng pulled Gao Xuan into the office with a cold face.

Gao Xuan stood there.

"Close the door."

Ye Feng threw the tissue on the desk to Gao Xuan. Gao Xuan closed the door first, then used the tissue to stop the bleeding, and stood one and a half meters away from the desk, lowering her head.

He didn't even dare to look at Ye Feng.

Gao Xuan knew that the man in front of her was actually a cold-hearted man, who had been waiting for him to make a mistake so that he could drive him out of the company, so that he would not think of what he had done before.

But if Gao Xuan just left like this, she would not be willing to do so, not even to death. When the footsteps approached, Gao Xuan subconsciously tensed her body.

Ye Feng also noticed Gao Xuan's physical changes and couldn't figure out whether she was really afraid of him or whether she was acting with him, because in Ye Feng's eyes, women like Gao Xuan were good at acting.

Generally speaking, people who are willing to spend a lot of energy will work hard to package themselves and hide themselves.

What's more, this woman doesn't even care about her integrity for money?

Ye Feng looked at Gao Xuan with deep eyes, lit a cigarette, and suddenly smiled: "Do you know what I am thinking about now?"

"I don't know." Gao Xuan responded in a low voice.

Ye Feng said: "It's okay, just take a guess."

"You want to drive me away." Gao Xuan said with a heavy breath.

"You guessed it right."

Ye Feng nodded and said calmly: "Actually, I have always disliked people like you. Yes, although you have done things for me, it has no conflict with my dislike of you, and I also spent money. So the relationship between us has been broken, can you understand this?"

"Understood." Gao Xuan nodded.

"As long as you know."

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and looked at Gao Xuan, who wanted to stay. It was Gao Xuan who used his obedience in exchange for his sympathy, allowing him to keep her.

In fact, it's not sympathy.

Mainly because I thought of Wang Hao's words counting with him in the car, a chance to try.

So Ye Feng gave Gao Xuan a chance to try.After thinking about it, Ye Feng said to Gao Xuan: "To tell you the truth, if I were you, I wouldn't stay. Let's not talk about whether you can complete the tasks assigned to you by the company. In fact, you can use the money you saved before. You can use the money to buy a house in full, then use the house as a mortgage loan, and then make a down payment to buy a house. If it works well, it won’t be a problem to make millions. Isn’t it much better than staying here with me?”


Gao Xuan shook her head.

Ye Feng flicked the cigarette ashes and asked casually: "What's the difference?"

"Mr. Ye, I think what you get depends on what you pay."

Gao Xuan raised her head, looked directly at Ye Feng for the first time, and then said slowly: "If I only did a task worth 100 yuan, and I get 100 yuan, it's nothing and understandable, but now I don't Same thing, what I did in Shanghai, you know, I became a woman who was raped, which is something a woman will never forget in her life."

Ye Feng sneered: "Don't forget, you took the money."

"Yes, I know I took the money! So I don't blame you or others, I only blame myself!"

When Gao Xuan said this, she paused and smiled self-deprecatingly: "No, I don't blame myself either. In the final analysis, I decided to do this after careful consideration, but it's different for me. I do it for money. I’ve betrayed myself once, and I’ve been naked in front of you.”

Ye Feng wanted to speak.

Gao Xuan spoke first, staring into Ye Feng's eyes and said: "I also know that it was of my own free will, but, in other words, my dignity, shame, and everything are gone, so you look down on me and think that I am Someone who can sell his soul for money."

"But have you thought about it?"

Gao Xuan asked Ye Feng: "Once I give in, I won't even have the chance to regain my dignity in front of you. I can sell my body, I can also sell my soul. I've already sold it, right?"

At this point, Gao Xuan's voice dropped slightly: "But I don't want to be like this forever. I hope that one day, I will be successful. Even if I was miserable in the first half of my life, when others evaluate me, they will think that my success is Earned by hard work and sweat, not by body and dignity.”

Ye Feng stared at Gao Xuan for a while, and then said, "What you say is nice, but how did you get these opportunities? You know better than me."

"I admit, I don't deny that I was begging you for the opportunity, so I will not give up this opportunity." Gao Xuan looked at Ye Feng and said.

Ye Feng smiled: "Are you trying to use retreat to advance with me?"

"Whether it's a way of retreating or not, if I want to stay, I must first promote the cooperation between Lanshan Payment and the bank headquarters. Otherwise, you won't let me stay, right? You also said that it's my personal responsibility." Face is nothing, I can't embarrass the company. No matter what I do, I can't go to one bank after another to convince the bank president, right?" Gao Xuan asked in return.

Ye Feng asked back: "Do you think you can succeed?"

"I want to try it."

Gao Xuan said the same words she once said in front of Wang Xin.

"Well, I hope you can do it."

After speaking, Ye Feng walked outside, and when he reached the door, he stopped and turned to look at Gao Xuan: "By the way, I have to tell you something clearly. Lanshan Company is different from other companies in terms of employment. The same, it doesn’t care who you are or what you have done, as long as you can prove yourself, you can stay in this company.”

Gao Xuan was startled, never expecting that Ye Feng, who had a cold nature, would say these words to her.

Ye Feng added: "Also, I don't want to keep you by my side. It's not that I hate you or anything. I won't hate a person for no reason, but I don't want that man to show up on TV after he comes out of prison." Or I see you standing with me on the Internet. Anyone with any brains can figure out why you called the police in the first place. Although I don’t take him seriously, I don’t want to have another person who hates me to the core. Do you understand? This is why I don’t want to keep you with me.”

"Then what made me keep you by my side?"

"Is it you who took off your clothes in front of me and put down your pride to beg for mercy?"

"That's not the reason."

"Gao Xuan, one thing you feel is right. I'm not that bad, but I'm not that easy to soften either."

Ye Feng looked at Gao Xuan: "I am just willing to give a person who desperately wants to work hard and prove herself a chance to try, instead of not giving her a chance to prove herself. I hope you can remember this. "

(End of this chapter)

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