Recast youth

Chapter 941 Disadvantages, Advantages

Chapter 941 Disadvantages, Advantages

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he walked out.

Gao Xuan stood in the office and stared at the closed door for a long time, what Ye Feng had just said to her echoing in her mind.

After a while.

Gao Xuan couldn't help but smile happily from deep in her heart, not because she was happy because Ye Feng spoke to her, but because she had already determined that her image in Ye Feng's heart was extremely unbearable.

No sense of shame.


Gao Xuan had imagined in her mind, after all, what kind of good person would a woman who agreed to plot another person's rape for money be?Even I think this woman is a particularly unbearable person, right?


Gao Xuan always thought that she was a very unbearable person, so she put down all her dignity and shame, took off her clothes, and said emphatically in front of Ye Feng, "When she gets what she wants, she will I picked up the clothes I took off and put them on, but now I don’t want to give in.”

Do you really want no dignity at all?

Not really.

But this is the only trace of dignity deep in her heart. People who say they don't care about dignity or money often care about these two things in their hearts, but they just deny it with their tough words.

The same goes for Gao Xuan.

Who doesn't want dignity?

Even if she is as humble as an ant or as young as a young lady, deep down in her heart, she still has a dignity that she wants to retain. Gao Xuan smiled happily, happy that Ye Feng finally recognized her efforts and gave her a chance. Say this to her too.

After all, Ye always recognized his efforts.

At this moment, Gao Xuan felt that the humiliation, humility, and walking on thin ice that she had endured for the past two months were all worth it. At least it had changed Ye Feng's view of herself.

But the next moment, Gao Xuan smiled and burst into tears.

Then he squatted on the ground and cried silently.

God knows what kind of suffering she has endured in her heart in the past two months, and how many times she has thought about giving up at night.

Fortunately, everything persisted.

After crying for about a minute, Gao Xuan stood up again, took out the exquisite small mirror she carried with her from her pocket, touched up her makeup, patted her face, and smiled hard in the mirror until her smile became natural and natural. There was no trace of crying just now, so he walked out.

As soon as I went out, I met CEO Wang Xin who was returning to his office from the tea room.

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

Gao Xuan greeted.

Wang Xin glanced at Gao Xuan in surprise: "Why did you come out of Mr. Ye's office?"

"I accidentally touched Mr. Ye just now, and my nose started to bleed. Mr. Ye asked me to go to the office to stop the bleeding." Gao Xuan smiled sheepishly and explained.

"Well, he can be a little reckless sometimes."

Wang Xin noticed a few blood stains on Gao Xuan's collar, and suddenly asked, "The mock negotiations have been conducted many times, and they have been confirmed by the bank negotiators. When do you plan to leave?"

"I plan to go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange with Wang Xinyue first."

Gao Xuan expressed her thoughts to Wang Xin: "I have asked people in the industry. Now banks and Alipay only have limited gateway cooperation. We go directly to the headquarters of major banks to talk to them and get them to agree." Shan Pay is directly bound to the bank card, bypassing the online banking page to complete the payment. The success rate of negotiation is very low, so I want to go with Wang Xinyue first to see if we can open up the relationship network of the Communications Head Office."

At this point, Gao Xuan paused and said: "I have also thought about it. Leaders of state-owned enterprises are generally unwilling to set a precedent. They will only soften their attitude after others speak first and there is a precedent. As long as they If we can open up cooperation with one bank, it will be easy to negotiate with the remaining banks. Wang Xinyue happens to be a person in the banking system. She is with me and can give me some reference opinions."

"Okay, you and Wang Xinyue go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange first."

Wang Xin knew that Gao Xuan was in sales, and sales and negotiation had some aspects in common. They also had to convince others to choose their products, and what Gao Xuan said made sense.Isn’t the leader with the prefix Guo what Gao Xuan said he is?

Difficult to do.

Even if the leader holds a knife to their necks, it will be difficult for them to make changes efficiently.

After thinking about it, Wang Xin said to Gao Xuan: "After arriving in Shanghai, if you need anything, such as activity funds, you can call me to apply, and I will ask the finance department to grant you special funds. In addition, you can send Xu Bin Take them with you, two women, always bring a man with you, so if anything happens, you can have someone to take care of you."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Gao Xuan was mentally prepared to pay for it herself, so how could she get less money by going to Shanghai to establish connections?Treating guests to a meal, meeting to talk about things, which do not require money?

"There's no need to thank you. I'm all doing things for the company."

Wang Xin said calmly: "Let's work hard together."

"Well, I know."

Gao Xuan nodded, and then seeing Wang Xin going back to the office, she quickly said, "By the way, Mr. Wang, do you have time after get off work tonight?"

"What's wrong?" Wang Xin looked back at Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan said: "It's like this. In the past two months, you and Mr. Li have taken good care of me. I would like to invite you to have a meal together to express my gratitude."

"Let's talk about it tonight."

Wang Xin said something and then returned to the office. She had many things on hand now, not only the company's affairs, but also waiting for Ye Feng to get her passport and go to the United States to meet with the founder of Fcaebook to discuss buying shares.

She had to make preparations for the communication in this process.

Gao Xuan came to Li Ping's office in a happy mood. Seeing that Li Ping was not busy, she said that she was going to treat guests to dinner in the evening: "Mr. Li, do you have time tonight? I would like to invite you to talk to Wang There is always Wang Xinyue and the others to have a meal together."

Li Ping asked with a smile: "Why do you think of treating us to dinner?"

"There is no other reason. You have all taken good care of me in the past two months. I want to thank you." Gao Xuan said.

Li Ping thought for a moment and asked, "Have you told Mr. Wang about eating?"

"I said so."

Gao Xuan changed her words and said with a smile: "Mr. Wang said she will go too if you go."

"Okay, after get off work."

Li Ping saw that the company CEO had agreed to Gao Xuan, so she agreed with a smile.

"Well, then Mr. Li, I'm going to work first."

Gao Xuan was in a happy mood, and then went to talk to Wang Xinyue and others about the meal. The company CEO and the CEO of Lanshan Payment both decided to sit down, and Wang Xinyue naturally agreed.



Gao Xuan and others chose a restaurant with a better environment to eat. After the meal, Gao Xuan invited Wang Xin, Li Ping and others to sing at the KTV. One night, Gao Xuan was in a very good mood, and at the same time she was thinking about her relationship with The starting point for Wang Xinyue's arrival in Shanghai was that the headquarters of Bank of Communications was on Yincheng Middle Road in Shanghai. A bank head office was equivalent to a deputy ministerial level unit. This was a very difficult challenge for Gao Xuan.

The first thing to do is to straighten out the power structure within the Bank of Communications head office.

This is not a simple matter.

The only advantage is that Lanshan Company has given her a very high starting point, and the company's reputation can give her a little bit of a say.

Gao Xuan smiled and looked at the singing people, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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