Recast youth

Chapter 939 Absolute Control

Chapter 939 Absolute Control


Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng helplessly: "His company is developing now and needs financing. It's rare for a stupid rich man like you to come to your doorstep with money and not interfere with his management. How could he disagree?"

"Just agree, just agree."

Ye Feng nodded, and the big stone in his heart finally fell completely.

Wang Xin continued: "However, what he said may be slightly different from what you want to say. For the specific situation, he hopes to talk to you face to face. In addition, you can also drop by to visit his company."

"What do you mean there is a discrepancy with my ideas?" Ye Feng knew that this trip to the United States would definitely be indispensable. What he cared about was the word discrepancy in Wang Xin's words. He was not afraid of anything else but that the plan would not keep up with the changes.

Wang Xin sat down and looked at Ye Feng and said, "What Zach means is that you want to lower the investment amount and the shareholding, which will be more conducive to the development of his company."

Ye Feng asked with concern: "How much?"

"4 million US dollars, 40% of the shares." Wang Xin said.

Ye Feng frowned: "He has a loss on this. The original plan I proposed was to invest 10 billion U.S. dollars to account for 80% of the shares. If I reduce it by half, it would be 5 million U.S. dollars to account for 40%. Why is he willing to invest 1 million U.S. dollars less? Are you not willing to let me hold 80% of the shares?"

"Because of the absolute controlling interest."

Ye Feng is relatively young, and Wang Xin is not surprised that Ye Feng does not understand the issue of equity distribution. She explained to Ye Feng: "The meaning of absolute holding means that the capital accounts for more than 50.00% of the total capital of the limited liability company, or the shares held by it The shares account for more than 50.00% of the total share capital of a joint-stock company. From the perspective of corporate governance, shareholders with absolute controlling rights mean that the absolute controlling shareholders have greater decision-making power over the company."

“For general resolution matters, the absolute controlling shareholder can quickly decide. For resolution matters that require more than two-thirds of the total voting power of the shareholders’ meeting, the absolute controlling shareholder can more easily unite with other shareholders to vote for relevant matters. This concentrated decision-making power can Improve the company's decision-making efficiency while avoiding the failure of the company's decision-making mechanism due to the failure of the shareholders' meeting to pass effective resolutions."

"In other words, Zach is afraid that after you have absolute controlling rights, you will be overly involved in the company's management, and there will also be many disadvantages, such as affecting the interests of small shareholders."

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng and said: "If you occupy 80% of Fcaebook's equity, it will greatly reduce the share space of other shareholders. Except for you and Zach, the rest are small shareholders. At the same time, in the absolute holding mode Under this situation, other small and medium-sized shareholders actually lose their voting rights, and are unable and unwilling to supervise. In this case, large shareholders often induce opportunistic behavior. For example, the parent company with absolute control treats the listed company as a cash machine and uses connections to Trading is a self-serving act such as hollowing out listed companies.”

"Furthermore, the pursuit of private profits by major shareholders will directly reduce the value of the company, thus damaging the legitimate rights and interests of other shareholders. Simply put, major shareholders may gain more benefits for themselves at the expense of corporate interests."

"Do you understand what I said?"

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng and asked.

Ye Feng asked rhetorically: "Is it because Alibaba allows Yahoo to only hold 40% of its company's equity because of this consideration, because it is afraid that Yahoo will have absolute control?"


Wang Xin nodded: "Only by reducing your equity to less than 40% can you avoid the situation where you have absolute controlling rights. Otherwise, you told Zach not to participate in the company's management and not to influence it. , he himself would not believe you, and if it were me, I would not believe it either. Pies in the sky will not fall. Someone suddenly appears out of nowhere and offers 10 billion US dollars. The premium is only 80% of my company's. [-]% of the equity, and then said that he would not participate in the management of my company, I would only think about it from the side, whether he had other purposes."

Ye Feng was helpless: "Can't the law avoid potential risks in this area?"

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng with a half-smile but not a smile: "The law is a double-edged sword. You should know that water can carry a boat but also capsize it."

"Okay, then $4 million, accounting for 40% of the equity."

Ye Feng nodded. Although it was far from what he had imagined, he also gained a lot of useful knowledge. In addition, 40% of the equity was enough.By 2016, the market value will be US$5000 billion, and the fourth achievement will be US$4 billion. At the same time, leaving 2000% of the equity to Fcaebook will have less impact on Fcaebook's original historical process.

I remember in my previous life, it seemed that Zach himself only owned about 20% of Fcaebook's shares.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng raised his head and looked at Wang Xin: "Then prepare for tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, I will go to the United States with Fcaebook to implement this matter. By the way, I will also meet and talk with Zach."


Wang Xin nodded, and then suddenly remembered that Ye Feng had never been abroad, so she looked at him suspiciously: "By the way, do you have a passport?"


Only then did Ye Feng realize that he needed a passport and a visa to travel. He asked, "I'm going to apply for a visa now. Is it easy?"

"It's quite simple if you do it." Wang Xin said with a smile.

Ye Feng asked curiously: "Why is it easier for me to do it?"

Wang Xin said: "The reason is very simple. Because you have your own company and real estate in China, as long as the visa officer feels that your purpose of going to the United States is genuine and you will not stay in the United States, he will give you a visa. After all, the United States is In developed countries, not everyone who goes to the United States will come back. In fact, many people will try their best to stay in the United States and work illegally."

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "To put it bluntly, the United States is also a country that views people through colored glasses."

"That's pretty much what it means."

Wang Xin said habitually: "Actually, this is normal. If you have been to the border between the United States and Mexico and saw how many immigrants risk their lives every day to smuggle immigrants, you will understand."

"Well, then I'll go handle the passport and visa matters, and I'll let you know when I'm done."

Ye Feng just talked and would not intervene. Then he asked Wang Xin what preparations he had to make before going abroad. Then Wang Xin went out, while Ye Feng was thinking about wanting to go to the United States.

The first thing to do is to apply for a passport and a visa to the United States.

Second, learn English to avoid not being able to understand what others are saying when you go to the United States.

Applying for a passport and visa was not a headache for Ye Feng. What was a bigger headache was learning English, and the time was too tight. He couldn't learn it in such a short period of time. He could only barely learn some daily expressions.

After thinking about it, Ye Feng went out and planned to go to the immigration administration department to apply for a passport.

A color photo that meets the requirements.

A personal ID card.

Go to the entry-exit administration department to get the "Application Form for Chinese Citizens to Go Abroad (Border) for Private Purposes".

Ye Feng lowered his head and remembered what Wang Xin told him, but as soon as he went out, he bumped into someone. Judging from the softness of the contact surface, it was a woman with a very good figure.

(End of this chapter)

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