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Will Chapter 938 be too high-profile?

Will Chapter 938 be too high-profile?
Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng blankly.

I originally thought that Ye Feng's acquisition of Fcaebook was impossible, but I never expected that Ye Feng would make such a request. For only 10% of the company's holdings for 80 billion US dollars, he would not interfere in the company's operations.

This is something that almost no listed company is willing to do. Generally speaking, when a listed company acquires another company, it will definitely slowly send out its own management, and then slowly penetrate the management, and eventually kick out the actual founders. center.

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng for a while, and finally let out a long breath: "If you really want to do this, I can't think of any reason for Zach to refuse."

"As long as there is no reason to refuse."

Ye Feng was afraid of long nights and many dreams. He vaguely remembered that the market value of Fcaebook was growing very fast, and he couldn't help but said to Wang Xin: "Then you call Zach again, tell him what I mean, and see what he does. explain."

Wang Xin was not in a hurry to call, but kept looking at Ye Feng without saying anything.

Ye Feng was horrified by Wang Xin's look: "Why are you staring at me? It's so scary."

"I wonder what's going on in your head."

Wang Xin couldn't help but said: "Brother, my Mr. Ye, let me not say whether Zach will agree with your investment plan. You have to know that what you want to throw out is not 10 yuan, nor 100 yuan, but 10 yuan." Billions of dollars, how can you think of investing one billion dollars and then not participating in the management of other people's companies? No matter what, you have to fight for it. Do you know Zach? Do you know his character? What if he is in the future? What should I do if the company makes irreversible mistakes in its decision-making? Seeing him leading the company like the Titanic, crashing into a glacier and then sinking in the sea?"

At the end, Wang Xin added: "You want to occupy [-]% of the company's equity. You can completely participate in the operation, did you know?"

Ye Feng agreed with what Wang Xin said.

If it were him, he would not understand it. After all, not everyone is like him and can see the development of Fcaebook more than ten years later.

Thousands of dollars are hard to buy. I knew it earlier.

Ye Feng knew it already, so he seemed a little anxious. So the problem was with Ye Feng himself, not with Wang Xin.

But what makes Ye Feng depressed is that the market value of Fcaebook will be really high in ten years, and he has no way to explain this to Wang Xin, saying don't worry, trust Zach.

This guy will be able to turn a company valued at US$5.5 million into a market value of US$5000 billion in ten years.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng had to say to Wang Xin: "I'm not afraid that if I control the company, what will the US government think of me? I also got this idea from Yahoo's investment in Alibaba. Last year, Yahoo invested in Alibaba. Don’t you have actual control?”

"The problem is that the national conditions in the United States and China are different. Alibaba has a foreign investment background. As a company with a foreign investment background, it is impossible to grow."

Wang Xin frowned. As the CEO of the company, she also knew about the investment case last year. Alibaba used 40% of the company's equity to acquire Yahoo China and received a dowry of US$10 billion, but Yahoo had no actual Control.

"I think so too."

Ye Feng interrupted Wang Xin and continued: "In addition, you also know that I have never been abroad. I don't understand the management of Fcaebook, and I don't understand the laws of foreign countries. I am now betting on the founder of Fcaebook." The person can bring me a return on investment, and at the same time leave 20% of the equity to him, so that he has the motivation to work hard. Originally, his company also needs financing, right? The conditions I gave are also the best conditions, investing 10 billion US dollars in shares. , as long as he owns 80% of the company’s shares.”

"I can't persuade you anymore, can I?" Wang Xin still felt that it was a bit risky. Lanshan Company's foundation was too weak. She was afraid that Ye Feng would walk too hastily and take too big steps, and then they would fall like dominoes. , it fell down everywhere.

"Can you trust my judgment?"

Ye Feng was helpless and anxious. This feeling of knowing the development of the world but not being able to tell others clearly was really too uncomfortable.

"Okay, I'll let you gamble once."

Wang Xin saw that Ye Feng was really insistent, so she had no choice but to agree. After all, Ye Feng was the actual boss of the company, and Wang Xin was actually quite optimistic about Fcaebook itself.Social is king.

Once you develop a user's habit, you can't live without it. It will be difficult for companies to use social media later to seize its users, because when your relatives and friends are all using this social media, it is impossible for you to use new social media. social.

Unless Fcaebook commits suicide and causes users to boycott, and another large company takes the opportunity to launch a social network to replace Fcaebook.

Seeing that Wang Xin really agreed, Ye Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Wang Xin and said, "Then our CEO, can you call me now to convey my intention to Zach?"

"Well, I'll call him and talk to him."

Wang Xin nodded and called Zuckerberg again in front of Ye Feng: "I'm sorry to disturb you so late..."

Then Wang Xin began to communicate with the other party in fluent American English.

Ye Feng actually wanted to ask Wang Xin to turn on the speakerphone and let him listen to what the two people were talking about, but except for the first sentence, which was "I'm sorry to bother you so late," he couldn't understand the rest at all.

The English he learned in school had already been completely returned to the teacher, and even if he hadn't, Ye Feng wouldn't be able to keep up with this kind of rapid English communication with Americans, and Wang Xin and Zach wouldn't be able to wait for him.

Despite this, Ye Feng still felt a little excited in his heart. With a market value of US$5000 billion and 80% of the equity, how much money would he have by 2016?
No matter what, you have to have about 4000 US dollars, right?

The world's richest man.

For Ye Feng, this is a rather dreamy thing, and even feels a bit unreal. After all, his current valuation of Lanshan Company was achieved step by step over several years.

But investing in Fcaebook is different. It feels like winning the lottery, and you have won the lottery countless times to get such a high return.

Am I being too high-profile?

If I am so rich, no terrorists will kidnap me in the future, right?
After all, if you pluck a piece of leg hair and give it to others, they can make a lot of money. It is normal for others to want to kidnap me. They have full motives. If I were a terrorist, I would choose such a rich person to do it. The target is really eye-catching.

what should I do?
But the opportunity is in front of me, I can’t refuse it, right?

Ye Feng hadn't gotten the money yet, but he had already begun to have random thoughts in his mind. He rubbed his fingers together, and his palms were covered with sweat from the nervousness of getting rich.

At this moment, Wang Xin hung up the phone and saw Ye Feng's expression was a little strange: "What are you doing?"

"No, I'm not doing anything."

Ye Feng came back from his thoughts and asked, "Did you convey to him what I just told you?"


Wang Xin nodded.

Then Ye Feng couldn't wait to ask for the result, but thinking about Wang Xin's previous remarks that he seemed too eager, in order to avoid showing off his flaws and arousing suspicion, Ye Feng stabilized his mentality of becoming the world's richest man and coughed twice: "Ahem, he What did I tell you?"

(End of this chapter)

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