Recast youth

Chapter 937 True Thoughts

Chapter 937 True Thoughts
"Mr. Ye, it seems you are serious."

Wang Xin turned around and looked at Ye Feng, whose tone was obviously anxious.

Ye Feng was a little speechless: "Am I doing this just for fun? I really have this idea. The future of this company is very good."

Wang Xin nodded: "Then tell me what you think."

"Google initially sold search technology. If Yahoo acquired it, it would probably be the end. There still had to be a founder before there would be Google."

Ye Feng said to Wang Xin: "And Zach, he doesn't want to work for others, which is not a problem. My plan is that I can invest 10 billion US dollars in shares, but also let Zach be the actual executor of the company, and then I will 80% of the company's shares, leaving the remaining 20% ​​to Zach, so that he doesn't count as working for me, and he has more goals in doing things. If I were him, if the company didn't have shares, I wouldn't have the motivation to work hard. of."

"So your plan is to invest in shares?" Wang Xin vaguely understood what Ye Feng meant.

"I don't know much about the specific operation method. If it can be acquired, it's okay to give Zach an additional 20% equity."

Ye Feng really doesn't know much about acquisitions and mergers and acquisitions. After all, in his previous life, his position was not particularly high. When it comes to playing games, he doesn't give in to anyone.

But in terms of business, Ye Feng is really a bit blind, and he doesn't think he is the genius mentioned by the media, because he knows that if it were someone like Ma Yun who has been a prophet for more than ten years, he would only be able to do better things. He is better.

Of course, Ye Feng also has his cleverness. He makes full use of the chicken soup in Ma Yun's previous life video. If you don't understand it, you can leave it to someone who knows. Therefore, Ye Feng's idea of ​​investing in Fcaebook is somewhat similar to the way Yahoo invested in Alibaba. Taking stock does not involve participating in the actual operations of the company. The only difference is that Yahoo is passive and has no way to participate.

Ye Feng took the initiative not to participate in the operation of Fcaebook.

To put it bluntly, Ye Feng just wants to use Fcaebook, an old hen that can lay golden eggs, to lay a few eggs, and then hatch out a large group of chicks. In exchange for 10 billion US dollars, Fcaebook will have a market value of 5000 billion US dollars in ten years. Eighty percent, is it worth it?
Ye Feng felt it was very worthwhile.You know, 5000% of the 4000 billion US dollars is still [-] billion US dollars. Even if the company's shares may fall a little later, Ye Feng doesn't mind. He can choose to give up some of his shares at a node he knows.

The actual controller of Fcaebook remains unchanged. If it is still Zach, then this company is still an American company, so Ye Feng's investment will not be targeted.

This is where Ye Feng is smart. He can see the future clearly, and he doesn’t have such big ambitions or wants to intervene. The reason why he doesn’t invest in Alibaba, which has the same effect in China, is because Ye Feng can’t see through the domestic market and has no intention of interfering with him. In general, the water in the domestic capital market is still a bit deep. He is a little afraid to go into this muddy water, and Ye Feng also has some unknown selfish motives.

That is to invest in Fcaebook, and the money gained from the appreciation can be said to be the money in his own pocket. No matter what uncontrollable things happen to domestic companies in the future, he will not be left with nothing.

What is the most rare thing for people?You just have to take a long-term view and be open-minded. The present is yours, but the future may not be yours.

Now Ye Feng can pat his chest and tell anyone that he sees things further than anyone else. As for the many people in the country who couldn't see clearly in his previous life, it doesn't matter. He can choose not to come in.

As for foreign countries, he is not afraid to litigate with anyone as long as it complies with international laws.

As for more ideas, if he can make this money, why not?Pretend to be noble, experience life, step by step?It's really not necessary. Ye Feng is more willing to reach the sky in one step.

These thoughts flashed through Ye Feng's mind, and he looked at Wang Xin with calm eyes: "How about it, Zach rejected Yahoo's US$10 billion acquisition plan, I invest US$10 billion, as long as I own 80% of his company's shares, The boss of the company asked him to do it, and I will not participate in the actual operation of the company, so I will give him full space to develop. Isn’t this request too much?"

(End of this chapter)

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