Recast youth

Chapter 936 Rejection

Chapter 936 Rejection
"I admit that the social sector is very promising, but the price of US$10 billion is really a bit high."

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng: "Actually, in general, the plate you are laying out now is big enough. There is no need to take this risk. You can plan slowly. Moreover, the domestic market is big enough. If you want to make social software, 14 With a population of [-] million, that’s enough for us. In other words, Yahoo is so big that it can afford to lose, but we can’t afford to lose. Do you understand?”

“It doesn’t necessarily mean losing money.”

Ye Feng said: "Now Fcaebook has 900 million users, which can increase Facebook's return by 3000 million US dollars every year. This company is currently a profitable company, and with the increase of Fcaebook users, its monetization ability will only become stronger and stronger. , I think the acquisition of Fcaebook for US$10 billion is a very good deal. Even if it does nothing now, it can increase its revenue by US$3 million in ten years, right?”

"You have to factor in monetary inflation."

Wang Xin shook his head: "And it can increase US$3000 million per year now, but that doesn't mean it can increase revenue by that much in the future. What if a new social networking site replaces it? My Mr. Ye, your US$10 billion is Isn’t it wasted? The market value is not constant. The cash in your hand is the hard currency. You are gambling entirely based on your enthusiasm. "

Ye Feng can't beat Wang Xin. In terms of basics, he is still much worse than Wang Xin, but there is one thing about him that Wang Xin cannot compare to.

That is, Ye Feng has been a prophet for ten years.

Without the prophet of these ten years, Ye Feng would never have gambled on the future with US$10 billion, but before he was reborn, he saw the market value of Fcaebook rising to nearly US$5000 billion.

It is no longer a piece of fat that can be used to describe it.

How could Ye Feng give up the acquisition plan now?Ye Feng looked at Wang Xin: "Since you said it, I was gambling, but did you realize it? I'm very lucky. I won almost everything I did, right?"

Wang Xin asked: "Can you ensure that you keep winning?"

Ye Feng looked into Wang Xin's eyes: "In ten years, I can keep winning."

Wang Xin was touched by Ye Feng's eyes. She saw an extremely confident look in Ye Feng's eyes. Looking back, Ye Feng first registered a film company last year.

Then bet on new directors to make movies.

Then to the movie box office, it broke the box office record of domestic movies.

Finally, the method of connecting the offline and online aspects of the movie "Crazy Stone" and promoting Lanshan Payment was a stroke of genius.

Thinking of this, Wang Xin couldn't help but be shaken. It has to be said that Ye Feng at this moment has the tyrannical charm of a founder. As a founder, the first thing to do is to be firm in the face of various voices. Make your own decision, and then overcome all difficulties and lead the company forward!
This is what Wang Xin wants most. When she was the vice president of Yahoo, she was really tired of dealing with all kinds of infighting among the management. Almost all the middle managers were busy doing PPT, and no one could calm down. to make products.

So after Wang Xin was invited by Ye Feng, she investigated the prospects of Ye Feng Company. Without giving it much thought, she returned to China and accepted the position of CEO of Lanshan Company.

"I admit, I'm a little convinced by the confidence in your eyes."

Wang Xin sighed and said: "But I still want to advise you. At the beginning, Yahoo spread its product line too wide and stretched its front too long, involving videos, social networks, games, etc., which led to its collapse. Ignoring the most important search engine business, it gave its opponents the opportunity to rise. Lanshan Company is now doing a very complex business, including c2c vertical business websites, games, videos, and movies. You are involved in these, and you are even involved in finance. First hand, Lanshan Payment’s later approach is to risk control and credit reporting. In fact, to be a company, you don’t have to do everything, but you have to be professional. As long as we do a good job in our professional field, we will definitely succeed. "

"Aren't you here?"

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Leave it to professionals to do the professional work. I will be responsible for establishing the project and you will be responsible for the management. If there are irreconcilable conflicts, I will be responsible for resolving them."

"Are you really determined to acquire Fcaebook?" Wang Xin understood what Ye Feng meant and looked at Ye Feng and asked one last time.

Ye Feng nodded and said, "OK."

"Okay. Okay." Wang Xin nodded.

Seeing that Wang Xin was finally talked to, Ye Feng felt relieved: "But I don't have a channel to contact Fcaebook's management. You mentioned Yahoo's vice president before, and I need you to help me contact him. You should have someone you know."

"Well, I know a Fcaebook management person."

Wang Xin nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and asked: "Actually, I personally do not agree with your acquisition plan, because Fcaebook is already equivalent to half of Lanshan Company's valuation. If you acquire it, it will not It must be digestible, but do you know why I agreed?"


Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Because Lanshan Company does not have such complicated management."

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng and said, "For a company, whether a founder can create a consistent sense of mission is more important than you think."

Ye Feng smiled and said: "In your heart, can I?"

"You can do that for now."

"That is, if anyone disagrees, I will give him a lesson and let him know what it means to respect the boss."

Seeing that Wang Xin agreed to his acquisition plan, Ye Feng felt a little happy. Now is the best time to acquire Fcaebook. In a few years, Ye Feng may not be able to acquire Fcaebook if he wants to.

The most important thing is that Facebook founder Zuckerberg may not be willing to sell.

Wang Xin chatted with Ye Feng for a while, then called a friend abroad, and soon got the phone number of Fcaebook founder Zuckerberg, and it happened to be evening in the United States.

So Wang Xin got in touch with Zach easily and introduced herself.

Wang Xin's English was fluent, and it didn't feel like most Chinese people's Chinese English. Ye Feng's English was not good and he didn't understand it very well, so he whispered to Wang Xin from the side: "Tell him, I want to acquire His company’s ideas.”

"One billion U.S. dollars, look what he said." Ye Feng emphasized this number, thinking that Yahoo rejected the acquisition price of 10 million U.S. dollars, and he added 8 million U.S. dollars. The future world's richest man should have agreed, right?

But what she didn't expect was that after Wang Xin conveyed Ye Feng's thoughts to Zach, she said "Please wait a moment" and then turned back to Ye Feng and said, "Zach said he has no intention of selling the company."

How could it not be sold?
Ye Feng immediately became anxious, feeling like a cooked duck flew away. He understood what Wang Xin said and asked Zach to wait a moment, and then immediately asked Wang Xin: "Why doesn't he want to sell the company? Is it because he doesn't want to sell the company for 10 billion US dollars?" Is this acquisition price low?”

Wang Xin felt the urgency in Ye Feng's tone and felt it was not appropriate for Zach to hear Ye Feng's eager tone. Then she ignored Ye Feng, communicated with Zach in English for a while, and then hung up the phone.

"What did he say?"

Ye Feng was a little anxious. It was imperative to acquire Fcaebook. Now that they were unwilling to sell it, he had to be anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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