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Chapter 935: Be optimistic about social interaction

Chapter 935: Be optimistic about social interaction
Does fcaebook have investment potential?

This Ye Feng even has more say than the company's founder Zuckerberg. This social platform that was born in a college boys' dormitory eventually became a world-class technology company with more than 20 billion active users and daily active users. Reaching 13.2 billion.

And before Ye Feng was reborn, in 2016, its market value reached US$5000 billion.

What is the concept of 5000 million US dollars?
The numbers are already astronomical.

Zuckerberg also owned 24% of fcaebook's shares, and his wealth reached an astonishing more than 500 billion U.S. dollars at the time. Therefore, it is worth it for Ye Feng to acquire this company no matter how high the price is.

As long as Ye Feng can bring the company fcaebook into his pocket, he will have astonishing wealth even if he does nothing in the future.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at Wang Xin and asked, "By the way, is Yahoo planning to acquire fcaebook?"


Yahoo's acquisition plan of fcaebook is not a secret, and Wang Xin is not surprised that Ye Feng knows about it. She said to Ye Feng: "But last month, fcaebook rejected Yahoo's acquisition plan."

What Wang Xin said happened to match the memory in Ye Feng's mind, and then asked: "Is it because Yahoo went back on its word and lowered the original acquisition price of US$10 billion to US$8 million, so fcaebook rejected Yahoo's acquisition plan?"

"That's not the reason."

Wang Xin shook his head: "It was because Yahoo's stock price fell that the acquisition price dropped to US$8 million."

"To put it bluntly, Yahoo has no money."

Ye Feng laughed, a little proudly: "I told you earlier, Yahoo is going to go downhill, I didn't lie to you, right?"

Wang Xin couldn't stand Ye Feng's pride, because after all, Yahoo was the company she had worked for before, and Wang Xin still had feelings for the parent company. She glanced at Ye Feng angrily: "Even if Yahoo is currently undervalued, fcaebook It’s not like you just buy it if you want to. Yahoo’s $8 million acquisition was rejected. How much do you have to spend? At least $10 billion, and the acquisition may not be successful.”

Ye Feng frowned: "fcaebook is now valued at US$5.5 million. I can't acquire it for US$10 billion?"

Wang Xin said: "Valuation is one thing, selling is another. For example, Lanshan Company's current valuation is around US$20 billion to US$25 billion, and if you are asked to sell it for US$25 billion, will you sell it?"

"Then I definitely won't sell it."

Ye Feng shook his head like a rattle. Although his company is currently valued at only 25 billion US dollars, the company is now on the right track. Not to mention Lanshan Company itself and Lanshan Payment Third Party Platform, let’s just talk about Lanshan. The future valuation of the video portal will not be less than US$25 billion. When it forms an ecological chain that digests each other with Jingke Pictures, the valuation will only be higher.

Wang Xin also knew that Lanshan Company's system would definitely exceed US$25 billion in the future, so she just gave Ye Feng an example. She looked at Ye Feng curiously: "Are you really going to sell everything to acquire fcaebook?"

Ye Feng nodded seriously: "Really."

"I don't know why, but I always feel that you are a bit casual in doing business. The problem of Lanshan Payment has not been solved yet, and you suddenly want to acquire the company fcaebook. Really, the acquisition price of US$10 billion is really a bit high. It's too high." It's a risk." Wang Xin shook her head helplessly. She really thought so, but what made her lose her temper was that Ye Feng did it.

In fact, when the three points of Lanshan Video, Lanshan Payment, and Jingke Pictures were connected in a line, Wang Xin particularly admired Ye Feng and felt that his structure and vision were extremely advanced.But Ye Feng's image in her heart plummeted again today. He was too hasty. She originally thought he was joking, but after asking him several times, he really wanted to acquire the company fcaebook.

Wang Xin suddenly asked Ye Feng: "Do you know anyone in the fcaebook company?"

"I don't know." Ye Feng shook his head.

Wang Xin asked again: "Do you know anything about this company?"

"It seems to be a social networking website." Ye Feng said with some uncertainty.

Wang Xin was speechless: "You haven't even left the country, have you?"


Ye Feng was a little angry!
Is it great to have been abroad?
I have never been abroad, but it does not prevent me from knowing that fcaebook will be very good in the future.

However, Ye Feng also knew what Wang Xin was thinking. After all, 10 billion US dollars was not a joke, so he had to say to Wang Xin: "Doing business is gambling. I am also betting on Yahoo's vision. If Yahoo misses I searched Google once, I can’t miss it again this time, right?”

"You're wrong. To be precise, Yahoo didn't miss Google, you know?"

Wang Xin shook her head at Ye Feng. Although this is what the outside world says now, how can things be so simple?Wang Xin said to Ye Feng: "What Sergey wanted to sell to Yahoo was just a search engine technology. Before Google, Yahoo had its own search engine. Yahoo management said that the biggest mistake was that it listened to analysts My suggestion is to outsource all search advertising business to Google, so that Google can have the opportunity to grow, do you understand?”

Ye Feng felt a little guilty. He had learned all this knowledge from the Internet in his previous life, and Wang Xin didn't know the inside story at all.

"As for what you said about betting on Yahoo management's vision."

Wang Xin snorted coldly, looked at Ye Feng and said: "Then let me tell you about Yahoo's failed acquisition case. Altavista was the earliest search engine overlord. It existed before Google appeared. It was acquired by Yahoo. Now there is no innovation. Slowly being eliminated, there was also Geocities, the third largest online virtual community in the world by traffic at the time, with an acquisition price of US$35.7 billion. Do you want to acquire it? Now I am lonely. Mr. Ye, some things cannot be taken at face value. , let me tell you, any company that can become a world-class company cannot be built with just one acquisition, you know? Just like Google you said, without the founder, Yahoo acquired it, and that’s it. Originally a name and a search technology.”

"In short, you have no reason to convince me. As the CEO of the company, I don't agree with your acquisition of fcaebook." Wang Xin said to Ye Feng. The purchase price of US$10 was enough to break Lanshan Company's muscles and bones.

Ye Feng was not angry when he saw Wang Xin getting angry. A company needs different voices, but it was imperative for Ye Feng to acquire fcaebook.

As Wang Xin said, a company cannot be successful just by acquiring it. Maybe Ye Feng acquired it for US$10 billion, and then it will fail, and it will not become a company with a market value of US$5000 billion like in its previous life. maybe.

But this is also an issue that can only be discussed after Wang Xin is convinced first.

Ye Feng said to Wang Xin: "Actually, I didn't just want to acquire this company. After all, it's only 10 billion U.S. dollars, and the money didn't come from strong winds. The reason why I wanted to acquire this company was because the outside world was generally optimistic about it. A company, and because I am also optimistic about social networking. Once fcaebook connects people all over the world and becomes an irreplaceable social tool in daily life, will you still feel that there is no future?"

(End of this chapter)

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