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Chapter 934: Acquiring Ideas

Chapter 934: Acquiring Ideas
Wang Baolin's arrest in Lanshan Company was not a secret. It not only frightened the people inside Lanshan Company, but also made outside companies feel a little afraid of Lanshan Company.

The reputation of Lanshan Legal Department and Chen Xiao spread like wildfire.

Only then did everyone notice what kind of ruthless character came to Lanshan Company, a doctor of law, a visiting scholar at Stanford University, the deputy director of the Internet Copyright Industry Research Base of the Shanghai Copyright Bureau, and the president of the Shanghai Copyright Association.

Each of these names is so resounding.

For a time, people who originally planned to plagiarize games from Lanshan Company all dismissed those who had legal disputes with Lanshan Company. Then after careful investigation, they discovered that Lanshan Legal Department had filed 2005 lawsuits in the second half of 16, one of which ended. They actually won all seven of their lawsuits, and some good people compared the Lanshan Legal Department with the rumored "Nintendo's strongest legal department" and discussed which of the two legal departments was stronger.

Regardless of the outcome, this illustrates the current tyranny of the Lanshan Legal Department.

in the office.

Ye Feng smiled and said to Chen Xiao: "Have you heard the rumors on the Internet? Everyone is comparing the Lanshan Legal Department and the Nintendo Legal Department, asking which of the two legal departments is better."

"The comparison is meaningless."

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "Winning or losing the lawsuit mainly depends on who comes first. The one who comes first will have a greater chance of winning. If we infringe on Nintendo's copyright, we will lose the lawsuit. If they infringe on our company's copyright, they will lose."

Speaking of this, Chen Xiao smiled and said: "Actually, lawsuits are fought one by one. Professional people do professional things. To others, we may be more powerful, but in fact, to us, it is just The division of labor is different in our own jobs. Now if we are asked to do game development, we still can’t do it.”

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Well, that's true. Everyone has their own expertise in their own fields."


Chen Xiao remembered something and said to Ye Feng: "Wang Baolin's case will be sentenced at the end of this month or early next month. He should not be able to escape the five-year sentence."

"Ignore him, what needs to be done has been done. Let the court decide the verdict." Ye Feng shook his head. Wang Baolin's incident corresponded to the saying "You can still live if you do evil by God, but you can't live if you do it yourself."

Who can you blame for committing suicide?
Therefore, even if Wang Baolin was sentenced to five years, Ye Feng would not feel anything. He would have to bear the corresponding consequences for what he had done.

Chen Xiao smiled: "I thought you would argue with him."

Ye Feng said casually: "He is not worthy of me arguing with him. When he poached three people from me during his tenure, I didn't take it seriously. After all, he has contributed to the company. They are gone. He's still there, but this time he went a little too far, plagiarizing the company's games, and stepping on us to get a higher position. This violates the professional ethics of being a human being, and this kind of person must be punished."

"It's not unusual to want to stand out."

Chen Xiao has seen a lot of this kind of people. For the sake of profit, they can do anything to gain attention. He thought for a while and looked at Ye Feng: "Then the other three people, don't you want to pursue them? I want to pursue them." If so, Li Chenglie, Wang Fei and Zang Guocheng can also be punished with a prison term of more than one year."

"Forget it, just kill a chicken to scare the monkeys."

Ye Feng shook his head and gave up this plan.

After Chen Xiao went out, Ye Feng began to think deeply. During this time, he had been thinking about one thing, that is, how to quickly strengthen himself, and he wanted to strengthen himself.

There is only one chance.

Before the global financial crisis in 2008, invest abroad.

Ye Feng has no other purpose.

After all, money is just a number. He just wants to see what high position he can reach with these ten years of prophethood. As for Chen Yiming, he is not in a hurry now.Ye Feng knew that one day he would have the ability to make Chen Yiming take the initiative to kneel in front of him. If he didn't kneel, he would force him to kneel, so he didn't feel anything if he made Chen Yiming sick in a short period of time.

Vigor and pattern, these two words are not just words.

But made it!

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's eyes flashed and he called Wang Xin: "Wang Xin, come to my office now."

2 minutes later, Wang Xin opened the door and came in.

"whats the matter?"

Wang Xin sat in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng raised his head and asked, "Do you know the company fcaebook?"

"I know, what's wrong?" Wang Xin glanced at Ye Feng curiously. The company fcaebook is a social network service website in the United States. She was a little confused about what Ye Feng was asking a foreign social network website to do.

"I want to buy this company."

Ye Feng looked at Wang Xin with his hands crossed and said.

Acquiring fcaebook, a social networking company, was something he had envisioned early on. The reason why he did not acquire it from the beginning was because Ye Feng did not want to interfere with the development trajectory of fcaebook in his previous life.

Waiting until this time is the right time to acquire or buy shares.

It’s just that the price is a bit high.

Not only Ye Feng felt that the cost was high, but Wang Xin also felt that the cost was high. She originally thought that Ye Feng was only interested in fcaebook, so she also wanted to develop a similar company.

But she didn't expect that what Ye Feng said was acquisition. Wang Xin couldn't help but look at Ye Feng and said: "Mr. Ye, are you kidding me? Do you know what the current market value of fcaebook is? It's valued at 5 billion, and you can’t get it back at this price.”

Ye Feng didn't think it was a bit expensive, but felt it was very cheap. In his previous life, he vaguely remembered this time point. It seemed that Yahoo wanted to acquire fcaebook for US$10 billion. During the final negotiation, it temporarily lowered the acquisition price to US$8 million, and then was When fcaebook refused, it finally became one of the famous jokes in the history of Yahoo's decline.

The previous story was about the founders of Google, Larry and Sergey, who invented a search algorithm. He found Yahoo and hoped to sell it to Yahoo for $50, but Yahoo refused, and finally Google turned around.

Ye Feng came back to his senses and asked strangely: "Why is the market value of fcaebook only US$5 million? I remember it seems to be more than US$7 million."

Wang Xin is the vice president of Yahoo headquarters on Wall Street. Although she is now back in China, she is still paying close attention to some events of large foreign companies. Because Lanshan Company is still developing, she can find lessons from some large foreign companies. .

So she happened to know about the four financing items of the company fcaebook.

Seeing that Ye Feng was really interested in fcaebook, Wang Xin told the reason for the decrease in fcaebook’s market value: “Because fcaebook conducted its third round of financing a few days ago, and raised investments from Greylock Partners, Meritech Capital Partners and Founders Fund. of US$2750 million, thus causing fcaebook’s market value to drop to approximately US$5.5 million.”

Ye Feng's English is not very good, and Wang Xin's fluent English almost confused him, but he understood one thing, that is, fcaebook's current market value is only US$5.5 million.

This further strengthened Ye Feng’s confidence in acquiring fcaebook.

(End of this chapter)

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