Recast youth

Chapter 866 The pressure is huge

Chapter 866 The pressure is huge
"You can do it, but the price has to be changed."

"How much?"

"Three dollars."

Ye Feng raised a finger: "Since you said it, in order to promote Lanshan Payment, we might as well make some profits. It is the money picked up, which can be regarded as additional income."

"This is a movie we made with our own money. How can we say it's money we picked up?"

Wang Xin shook her head and disagreed with this statement: "I think you should familiarize yourself with foreign copyright laws. Copyright protection is to protect the basic interests of the producer. In the United States, ordinary netizens are also obliged to do so themselves when searching for music, movies and other resources online. Identify whether the source is legal. If you download illegal resources, you may face fines and other penalties. They rarely upload legally downloaded music to public platforms because if they are discovered, they will face fines of tens of thousands of dollars. The same is true in other countries. .”

"I know that foreign copyright systems are relatively complete, but sometimes we have to consider national conditions. Open the website and take a look. How many pirated movie websites and song websites are there on Baidu? Aren't all mp3 and mp4 downloads pirated? Some habits are not A habit can be formed in a day or two, and it takes a certain amount of time and process.”

Ye Feng said: "Besides, we haven't done this before. Originally, it was only logically shared by theaters. Now that there is an additional online income, we can temporarily treat it as picking up. Thinking like this will make you feel much happier. In addition, you have to think of something , the Internet is free, and we suddenly charge, what will those people who are unwilling to pay think? They will think that we are evil, and even scold us for losing money. If we only charge 1 yuan, they will not If you scold us for some reason, you might even praise us as a conscientious company. Let me tell you, for a website that relies on traffic to make money, online public opinion and reputation are very important."

“The most important thing is, aren’t we trying to promote Lanshan Payment?”

Ye Feng smiled at Wang Xin and said, "If you think about Lanshan Pay more, think of it as us spending money on advertising. Moreover, we didn't spend any money ourselves, so we still made money, right?"

"Layout is layout, these are two different things. There is something wrong with your previous statement." Wang Xin agreed with Ye Feng's approach, but still did not agree with his statement.

"Yes, yes, there is something wrong with my statement."

Ye Feng nodded and smiled apologetically: "Now, Mr. Wang, how should we promote this movie?"

Wang Xin said: "Promotion is okay, but how should we negotiate cooperation with your film company? Even though they are both your company, the procedures that need to be done still need to be done."

Ye Feng thought about this and asked for advice: "What do you think we should do?"

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng and said: "Lanshan Company will pay for the online promotion for them for free, and the online broadcast copyright of the movie is exclusively authorized to us."


Ye Feng helped Hou Yao and the others respond.

"There are two more things to do."

Wang Xin thought for a while and then said: "The first thing is that the technology of Lanshan Video Portal must be upgraded to solve the problem of online payment. The second thing is that the channels between Lanshan Payment and banks must be quickly opened."

"Well, I'll talk to He Chongxin and Li Ping about this."

Ye Feng nodded.

Since you want to make the situation bigger, these things must be done. However, the technical upgrade of Lanshan Video Portal is not a big problem. If it is not possible, you can also recharge with your phone number and recharge card, but if you do this, Lanshan There is no way to implement mountain payment.

Therefore, the top priority now is to bypass UnionPay and open up the channel between Lanshan Payment and the bank, so that the bank can be used as a channel to complete the connection transaction between Lanshan Payment and Lanshan Video Portal.

"Now you first find someone to formulate a marketing plan for the movie "Crazy Stone", and I will talk to them."

Ye Feng spoke to Wang Xin and then left the office. He did not go to He Chongxin immediately. Instead, he called Hou Yao and told him on the phone that Lanshan Company was helping them promote the movie online. , and then exchange for exclusive copyright authorization.

No matter what, Jingke Pictures is not Ye Feng's company alone. Hou Yao, Zhou Yihang, and Ning Hao also have shares. Ye Feng must discuss anything with them.The result of the call was effortless.

Not to mention the broadcast copyright of online new media, Hou Yao directly replied, if you tell me this, you are not slapping us in the face. We will pay for the publicity ourselves.

Ye Feng had no choice but to say to Hou Yao, the three of us will definitely not be so different from each other. We are all our own people. Isn't there also Ning Hao among us? We have to consider other people's interests. That's it. Don't make me bother. .

When Hou Yao saw that Ye Feng was dead, he had no choice but to let him go. He smiled on the phone and said, OK, anyway, now your boss Ye is very wealthy.

Then hung up the phone.

At this moment, Ye Feng thought of the time when he opened a studio with Ge Zhang and asked him to promote w5173. In the eyes of others, he didn't seem to make much profit, but in the later period, he suddenly started to make money in a blowout.

At this time, Ye Feng felt as lonely and cold as a master.


How many people can understand his layout and how far his career will flourish in the future?

Of course, Ye Feng is not too arrogant. In the final analysis, he is just standing on the shoulders of giants today. Without the prophets of more than ten years, he would not be able to climb to the heights he is today.

While people are not self-effacing, they still have to be self-aware. At this moment, Ye Feng's self-awareness can be understood as a little bit more modest.

Then Ye Feng arrived at He Chongxin's office.

"Mr. Ye."

He Chongxin stood up when he saw Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded and told He Chongxin about the current path of the website and the direction to be updated. He Chongxin wrote it down one by one. For him, Ye Feng's request was very simple.

But for Li Ping, the task given by Ye Feng was more difficult.

And it is still a relatively small problem. Currently, the only one that wants to bypass it is UnionPay. The bank is in crisis, but the sense of crisis is not very big. And in the next step, Lanshan Payment wants to bypass the bank's online banking as well. It may be a collective rebound of banks.

Even a series of measures against Lanshan Payment may follow.

Li Ping's office.

Li Ping felt tremendous pressure for the first time since she joined Lanshan Company, as if a big mountain was pressing on her shoulders.

In half a year, she had to promote cooperation with banks, and so far, she did not have any banking relationships.

Everything is crossing the river by feeling the stones.

The future is also uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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