Recast youth

Chapter 865 Exclusive online screening

Chapter 865 Exclusive online screening
"Help me plan a movie for the Propaganda Department."

The next day, when he arrived at the company, Ye Feng found Wang Xin who was working. He was using his power for personal gain to benefit his other company. The success or failure of a movie was ultimately inseparable from publicity.

"Movie, what movie?"

Wang Xin was a little strange.

"The movie produced by the film company I co-founded will be released during the Spring Festival at the end of this year." Ye Feng used Wang Xin's computer to log in to his email account.

"You still have a film company?"

Wang Xin was surprised. Lanshan Company was already big enough, but Ye Feng also had a film company outside. She just realized that she really couldn't see through Ye Feng.

"Yes, just messing around."

Ye Feng found the movie in his mailbox and opened it for Wang Xin to watch. He was also eager to know how Wang Xin felt about watching this movie, because Wang Xin represented one of the passers-by.

The movie begins.

The words Crazy Stone appeared on the movie screen.

Wang Xin also looked at it suspiciously.

Ye Feng didn't watch the movie. He was mainly observing Wang Xin's reaction. After hearing Wang Xin's unstoppable laughter for the first time, Ye Feng felt relieved. Sure enough, this movie can still be a hit.

The key is indeed talent.

Linking the past and linking the future, every sentence is very meaningful. It is foreshadowed first and revealed later.

"How about it?"

After Wang Xin read it, Ye Feng couldn't help but ask.

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng and said nothing.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"I'm looking at what kind of monster I know."

Wang Xin couldn't help but say that although she was abroad all year round, she would also watch domestic movies. There is no doubt that this "Crazy Stone" is a very classic.



Everywhere is used appropriately.

She couldn't help but burst into tears when she laughed just now, especially the scene on the phone beside a manhole cover and the scene at the end of the movie where the black man stealing bread and being chased by someone on a bicycle made her laugh.

"By the way, the actor who plays Boss Feng in this movie is the one who plays Li Wei as an official, right?"

Wang Xin came back to her senses and asked.

"Yes, his name is Xu Zheng." Although Wang Xin did not answer how the film was, Ye Feng also confirmed Wang Xin's approval of the film.

Sure enough, Wang Xin thought about it and commented: "This film is really good, a very good film with a black humor style."

At this point, Wang Xin looked up at Ye Feng: "But what I'm curious about is, besides Lanshan Company, this film company, what else do you hide from me?" Ye Feng replied: "There are also two real estate companies. There are two companies, one is jointly opened with others and has people operating it, and the other is currently only used for land shooting, and the company has a piece of land under its name that was shot in July."

Wang Xin asked: "Why have I never heard of you?"

"I leave everything to others, and I don't understand anything in the industry."

Ye Feng looked at Wang Xin and said, "Professional matters should be left to professionals."

"You have a big heart."

Wang Xin said with a sigh, but she was very convinced of Ye Feng in her heart. Doing well in one industry may be luck, but having been exposed to several industries in a row and making achievements, that is strength.

What a freak.

Wang Xin muttered, and then suddenly asked: "By the way, your film company is jointly owned by others, do you have any autonomy?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Feng asked in surprise.

Wang Xin said: "Isn't there a Lanshan video portal under the company's name? If you have autonomy, after the movie is released, you can sign the copyright of the movie and then screen it exclusively on the website."

"I thought of this after the movie was released." Ye Feng said, he had thought so as early as the beginning.

Wang Xin said to Ye Feng: "This is a good opportunity to launch the Lanshan Video Portal. Since this movie is shot by our own company, it must be broadcast exclusively online. Now Lanshan Payment is also promoting it. When the time comes, By jointly launching a campaign, anyone who uses Lanshan Pay to pay to watch the movie will get a total of 5 yuan to watch the movie, which can not only make a second wave of money, but also increase the reputation and registration volume of Lanshan Video and Lanshan Pay, killing three birds with one stone."

“Is it too early to collect money?”

Ye Feng was a little hesitant. He thought about posting "Crazy Stone" on the Lanshan video portal after it was offline in theaters, but he really didn't think about charging money. After all, it was only 2005, which was relatively early.

There is no such thing as charging money for movies on the website, and even now all video websites do not have a membership system. ,

"It is you people in China who are too narrow-minded, which is why the Chinese people do not pay attention to copyright."

Wang Xin said to Ye Feng angrily: "Let me tell you, as time goes by, the era of copyright charging and knowledge charging will come sooner or later. Do you know how much money Microsoft receives from patent fees every year? I will let you Chen Xiao was recruited into the company just to make you pay attention to the profits from copyright. As long as the reputation of this movie is good enough, there will definitely be people on the Internet who will try their best to watch it. If you protect the copyright, any pirated copies will be submitted directly to the Legal Department. According to the lawyer's letter, they will have no choice but to go to the Lanshan Video Portal to watch the movie.

"Think about it, how expensive are movie tickets now? With seven or eighty-one movie tickets, how many people can afford to go to a movie theater? Except for some elites in first- and second-tier cities, not many people can afford to go to a movie theater. Most people's basic salary is still seven or eight hundred. Yuan, they also have to pay rent, phone bills, and living expenses. If you ask them to spend one-tenth of their salary to go to the movies, aren’t you asking them to die? Not many people are willing to spend money to go to the movie theater, and not every city All have theaters.

"But it's different when you watch it online."

Wang Xin looked at Ye Feng and continued to analyze: "I checked the data. So far, there are 1.11 million domestic Internet users, of which 6400 million have broadband Internet access. How many potential users do we have here? 80 for a movie ticket in a cinema , is it not expensive for our website to charge them 5 yuan to watch? Isn’t it expensive?”

"The most important thing is, aren't you trying to promote Lanshan Payment? This is an excellent opportunity to kill two birds with one stone!"

Wang Xin said to Ye Feng with bright eyes.

Ye Feng also suddenly opened his mind.


Anyway, sooner or later, charging will have to be adopted, so there is no problem for him to be a pioneer a few years in advance. The key point is that what Wang Xin said is indeed right. There are indeed some people who are reluctant to spend 80 yuan to watch a movie in a cinema. And Some people want to go because there is no movie theater near where they live, but they can't.

At this time, you can pay to watch online, and there will always be people watching. Playing with dates or not, is better than nothing, right?Moreover, we can also take this opportunity to popularize Lanshan Pay customers and increase the number of user registrations of Lanshan Video Portal.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng suddenly had an idea and looked up at Wang Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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