Chapter 904 With a revolver, encircling Charlie

"The rules of the world are wrong? You really think too much, everyone is wrong, and it can't be wrong!"

"That's right, there is no mistake in such a powerful world rule. It can only be said that we have just teleported here, and we are still in the invincible golden body. We don't know when this golden body will disappear, and we will face the enemy's attack." attack!"

"So I'm panicking! What should I do? I'm not in the mood to do anything now."

"Then you just wait to die!"

"If you haven't seen the enemy yet, you're so nervous, you don't need the enemy to do anything!"

"Calm down, since it is a test, there must be a way out, don't panic, just develop step by step!"

Xiao Yi shook his head, then walked to the dining table and started to eat breakfast.

After a while, Jiang Yuntian rushed over and asked, "Island Master, we originally planned to encircle and suppress Charlie today, are we going now?"

Xiao Yi nodded, and replied: "For the time being, there is no war here, go there first, human elite soldiers can arrange 100 people, and all werewolves and elves will go there."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and immediately went to the barracks to recruit people.

"By the way, you are waiting for me in the barracks!" Xiao Yi said.

"it is good!"

After Xiao Yi finished his breakfast, he immediately teleported to the barracks, and used the island tablet there to make a revolver.

"Revolver (SS level): uses mercury flash cap copper-jacketed bullets, the revolver has a capacity of six rounds"

Luckily, there are thunderbolt flash cap templates and copper jacket bullet templates in the previous sign-in, and now we need to combine these two!

Xiao Yi immediately produced 150 revolvers, and then started to manufacture [-] rounds of bullets!

After making it, Xiao Yi took a revolver and fifty rounds of ammunition to the training ground.

"Everyone, today we are going to encircle and suppress the vampire Charlie, are you ready?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Always be prepared!" Everyone responded in unison.

Xiao Yi came over and asked, "Have you assembled yet?"

Jiang Yuntian nodded, Xiao Yi took out the revolver, and said, "Each human elite soldier has one, with sixty bullets!"

Seeing the revolver that Xiao Yi took out, Jiang Yuntian immediately snatched it over, and said, "Island Master, when did you get such a good weapon again!"

"Look at how promising you are, go to the arsenal to get it by yourself, and we'll set off immediately after getting it!" Xiao Yi scolded with a smile.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian saluted and rushed towards the armory with the human soldiers.

Zhan Xue also followed, and they still need to temporarily guide these soldiers to use revolvers.

Sarah saw a new weapon pinned to Xiao Yi's waist, so she stepped forward and asked, "What kind of gun is this?"

"This is called a revolver, and it can fire six times in a row with the pill installed!" Xiao Yi said while shooting the pistol at a distant target.

Clap clap clap clap!

Seeing six shots in a row, Sarah was extremely surprised. The weapon they learned before is characterized by firing one shot and one bullet, but this thing can fire six shots in a row!
"When you come back this time, let Brother Jiang and the others teach you how to use this weapon!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Okay!" Sarah didn't refuse to study this time.

Because in their eyes, the weapons of these outsiders really emerge in endlessly, and they are becoming more and more convenient and powerful!

If he still insists on going his own way, the elves will soon be eliminated by the alliance guards. This is not what Sarah wants to see!

Soon Jiang Yuntian and the others rushed back, everyone was very excited.

"Has it been installed at Shikong?" Xiao Yi asked. "It has been prepared for a long time. Ever since you said we were going to encircle and suppress Charlie, Shi Kong has already gone to the New World to build a teleportation array!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Okay, let's go right away!" Xiao Yi said with a big wave of his hand.

Because no one knows the meaning of the battlefield mentioned by the island monument on Yuanhai's side, they need a quick battle!

Xiao Yi and the others came to the new continent through the teleportation array. At this time, the new continent was more submerged by sea water, and its area became smaller and smaller.

But no matter how small it is, it's still bigger than Xiao Yi's island!

Fortunately, he signed in and got the troop carrier. Jiang Yuntian had already built twenty or thirty vehicles, and he sent them all over this time.

Everyone got into the troop carrier, separated from each other by a certain distance, and then began to search the island.

While everyone was searching for Charlie, Charlie also got the information that the island was relocated. After thinking for a while, he asked his team to continue searching for the treasure chest, and he sent it back first.

Since the island monuments all indicate that it is a battlefield, it must be unusual, and it is better to go back and have a look to feel at ease!
Xiao Yi and the others soon encountered an exploration team!Fighting broke out immediately between the two sides.

But Xiao Yi didn't even move, and the elves on the side immediately chased after him.

Those humans simply cannot be the opponents of the elves.

Although they had needle-fired rifles in their hands, the elves had already studied these firearms and knew their shortcomings. With the help of the cover of the bushes, the elves quickly approached them.

Just as they were about to fire a second shot, a feathered arrow hit them in the arm.


They all screamed, and the rifles in their hands fell to the ground!

Xiao Yi had already reminded them not to kill first, they needed to catch a few tongues!

There is a survivor in this exploration team, who has been embraced by Charlie and turned into a vampire.

Xiao Yi looked at him and asked, "Where's Charlie?"

"Hmph, the Duke will come to find you!" the man said coldly.

"Don't be so troublesome, I'll go find him and tell me where he is now?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Hmph, His Excellency just received the news and went back, otherwise you are all dead!" The man smiled cruelly.

"Going back?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Jiang Yuntian on the side said: "I should have received the reminder message on the island tablet, so I hurried back!"

Xiao Yi nodded: "See if they have a return stone on them."


A soldier stepped forward and began to search the man, and sure enough, he found a return stone.

Sarah immediately stepped forward and said, "Let me pass!"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied: "Although you have a high level, it's still too dangerous to go to their territory. Not to mention anything else, you can be dealt with with a needle-fired rifle!"

Sarah frowned slightly: "Are you just letting Charlie go like this?"

"Let it go? No, we can wait here and arrest all his people, just wait for him to come over!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Ask them about their teleportation point, and then we can go directly to their teleportation point Wait for him!"

"Yes!" Will and his grandma answered, and then immediately pulled those people aside.

(End of this chapter)

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