Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 903 A new reminder appears on the island monument, the revolver

Chapter 903 A new reminder appears on the island monument, the revolver
After getting the conclusion that reading Daozang improved his strength, Xiao Yi began to read those books more seriously.

Even lunch and dinner were settled on the desk. After reading for fifteen hours in a row, I finally read all the books and recorded them in my mind. I only need to digest them slowly in the future!
It was already eleven forty in the evening, Xiao Yi closed the last book, and said with emotion: "There are still books related to talismans, numbers, medicines, etc., which are really complete!"

After reading these books, Xiao Yi could even easily refine the Furious Pill even better than before.

"If you have a chance, go to Sun Yao to refine it again!" Xiao Yi secretly said.

After all, Xiao Yi himself doesn't need this kind of berserk pill now, the berserk pill can only be raised to SSS level, and he is now at SSS level, taking the berserk pill is not worth the candle!

But other people in the alliance still have a demand for this, so let's refine it again if you have the opportunity!
I haven't paid attention to the information on the island monument for a day, and now I can finally watch Yihui.

"Will there be a reminder on the last day of the thirteenth week?"

"There's a hairy reminder, how long has it been since!"

"Yeah, I don't know when it will be a head! By the way, I actually drove a motorcycle template today, I really stepped on shit!"

"I made a template of a steam turbine ship, which seems to be bigger and faster than the current ship. Of course, there is no way to compare with the iron-clad battleship of Yi Ranpin!"

"The ones you guys drove are all useful, but what about me, I actually drove an inexplicable glider? This thing is useless, and I'm not interested in gliding!"

"Indeed, it would be nice to have a helicopter, but a glider is really useless!"

"In fact, I don't want anything, I just want to know what our next test will be. Hurry up and finish the test, let us go back and forget it!"

"Do you really think we can go back?"

"I can't go back. Even if we can go back, we are the only ones left. Is there any need to go back?"

"Yeah, just stay here!"

Everyone felt sad for a while. There were originally 15 billion people in Xia Kingdom, but now there are only 20 people left at most.

Amidst the sighs of everyone, the time slowly passed by zero, and just when everyone thought there would be no more reminders, the island monument made a sound.

"It really surprises me that so many of you are still alive!"

"There are still two people who have reached the SSS level. It's really not easy!"

"Since someone has reached the SSS level, it's time for you to enter the battlefield of this world, I wish you good luck!"

The voice on the island tablet disappeared, but everyone froze in front of the island tablet. After a long while, everyone immediately started discussing.

"What's the situation? Did the island tablet speak just now?"

"Yeah, listen to him, shouldn't we have so many people alive?"

"The two have reached the SSS level, and they must be the two alliances that encountered prehistoric beasts, and they just matched!"

"What does it mean to enter the world battlefield? Only two entered the SSS level, and the rest of us have not yet advanced, so why were we dragged into the battlefield?"

"How did we enter the world battlefield? Couldn't we be teleported away?"

"No, I'm not ready yet, pull me later!"

Xiao Yi frowned and watched the discussion of the people on the island tablet, and then looked out.

"Tip: Alliance islands are being teleported"

"Is this going to send the entire alliance to the battlefield?" Xiao Yi's eyes widened.

At this time, the group also discovered the abnormality of their own alliance.

"Go out and take a look. Our island is shrouded in a layer of black mist!" "No, is it going to bring enemies to our island?"

"It's too scary!"

Xiao Yi immediately said: "Don't panic, everyone. Our island is being teleported. It is estimated that our entire alliance will be teleported to his so-called battlefield, so everyone must tell the teams in your alliance to be ready to fight at all times!"

"Teleport the entire alliance island? This is too big!"

"It's a big deal for us to send billions of people to this world. It seems that the peaceful life will be gone!"

"You still want to live a peaceful life? It would be nice to survive!"

"I just don't know what level of enemies we are facing this time."

"I hope the level is not too high!"

"I hope the boss can sell us more advanced weapons."

Xiao Yi replied helplessly: "I have already taken out all the advanced weapons I have now, so everyone can only work hard to survive based on the weapons we have now!"

After finishing speaking in the group, Xiao Yi immediately sent this message on his mobile phone, and everyone with a mobile phone received this message.

"What's the situation? It's been a while since they survived, and they're about to go to the battlefield again?" Du Kang complained in the group.

Jiang Yuntian is an activist, and replied directly: "I will go to strengthen the defense of the alliance now!"

"You don't have to worry too much, since it's just a test given to us by the higher authorities, there must be a way to complete it." Xiao Yi said something in the group, and then lay down on the bed and prepared to rest.

Thinking that after zero o'clock, Xiao Yi will complete the sign-in!
"Successful sign-in, reward: revolver template (SS level)*1."

"That's right, there are weapons again. It seems that the system knows that we are going to the battlefield!" Xiao Yi thought to himself, and then closed his eyes.

The next day, Xiao Yi also got up at five o'clock, went to the terrace, sat there for two hours, and then went down to start eating breakfast!

"Island Master, our current location seems to be relatively close to the Mermaid Clan!" Su Wan was studying the map on the island tablet.

Because the entire alliance has been moved, the map on the island monument has also changed.

Xiao Yi walked over and saw the New World that he could see on the map before, in a corner of the map, and they were now about [-] kilometers away from the Mermaid Clan.

The surrounding locations that have not been explored are all foggy, and no other information can be seen at all!
"This is transferring our alliance to Yuanhai!" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

The mermaid princess Aisha said that the sea they are in is Yuanhai, so it must be here!
Su Wan switched the interface to Yi Tianqun, where discussions had already started.

"Lying grass, why were we transferred to such a far place!"

"Yeah, it feels like it's more than [-] kilometers away from the previous location!"

"How big is this planet?"

"Anyway, it's super big. This is not a problem we need to care about. The question now is, where is the battlefield mentioned by the island monument? Where is the enemy?"

"My side is very calm, I haven't seen any combatants?"

"Me too!"

"Could it be that the rules of the world are wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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